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oh rainbow bugs oh geez today the rainbow friends are bugs and they must work together and survive in a world that's giant with everything trying to squish them will they survive the night hey there guys be blue and welcome to the rainbow friends world of insects this world has bugs beyond your imagination there's so many creepy quilties we got grasshoppers ladybugs centipede you name it we've got it let's go see the other rainbow bugs I think red was around here somewhere he's back at our little home our humble abode red hey how's it going hi rainbow bug blue how's it going you guys too hey there cockroach purple are you a cockroacher what are you I don't know what I am blue and then red it's like a horned beetle he's really funny oh yeah the strongest bug in the bug Kingdom trust me believe me but I can't be strong if I don't have food I'm so angry breakfast hey there orange up where's the food uh what's going on I thought we had some milkshakes fries something we we ran out of honey I need you to go to the fry box the McDonald's box find me some fries the McDonald's box always has some food green you gonna come with us wow I'm in the bath right now do you want to happen it's nice and warm I think I am all on hopping in the bath with you it looks pretty dirty uh yeah I'm come on guys stick with me McDonald's Fox always comes through oh it's your mother creepy crawlies you got some grasshoppers hey guys now there are white bugs I have tiny legs oh sorry about that yeah we're almost there just uh bang it right through here uh but yes as I was saying there are some bugs that are bad bad bugs evil bugs but we don't go near them right guys we steer clear of them clear of the stinger and rear oh magical Happy Meal box the happy meal boxes bless those two there go get some fries we're gonna get a chicken nugget like a baby okay we'll see what we can get come on cheeseburgers that would be nice [Music] to fry bits not even a ketchup packet not even a ketchup packet okay oh hello I'm freaking out that was there all these we can find other food I mean maybe we could go uh have some salt and pepper okay let's go ask red okay just stick together guys red always find a way we're gonna get some food We're not gonna start we're gonna be mad though right yeah we can't have salt red red hey oh my rainbow bugs are back thank God tell me you got some hash browns it's a ketchup I'm so excited uh red so yeah the magical McDonald's box the Happy Meal yeah yeah what do we do what do we do what do we do oh no I'm having McDonald's with straws I don't want to eat mustard anymore but I guess I have to really press the mustard for you rainbow bugs no we can make it work I promise salt and pepper we can go back to the Salt and Pepper what are you trying to do is there mustard [Music] oh God oh God [Music] that was nasty are you okay luckily you don't have a spine salt and pepper wait we can have salt pepper right is that a good meal wait I know what we can do rainbow bugs what I've heard a rumor long far into this grasslands there lies are behind wait wait the bees are bad news if it's gonna Stinger you run yep but trust me I've been I've been saving up my poop balls all you gotta do is roll it up a little bit a little bit bigger a little bit bigger and then we could smash the bees with it no we're not going to mortgage to maybe we're going as nicely right guys try the poop bro yeah we must Brave the Wilds of the giant world into the Beehive uh what's that what's that up there oh it's a moth hey do you have any food we're hungry we're dying particles come on guys let's go check the River's Edge maybe two something over there there's a big uh bot fly oh there's my crown that's a it's a big crowd I'm gonna whip in here guys you guys I couldn't live in the other house I'm gonna wave in this crap should we just become cannibals inside eating other bugs no that's gross bugs are nasty ew hey rival spider Clan they're getting closer and closer the mother of all spiders she kicked me out she said no longer can blue ever be inside the spider cave I can't go back okay hey hey how's it going come here Austin oh okay what do you call orange what is it but red might be right knife although I think I see it over this way come on stick with me rainbow bugs oh I see you too off in the distance they don't white guys guys remember the last time we saw the bees they got very angry and somebody got stung that's why he's all puffed up Oh I thought I saw a human come out that house oh Jesus that is your big house hey we got some ants are these your friends no I hate them I am a fire ant blue oh you're a fire Angel okay I ran this Feist these Scorpios aren't you Pirates that's right that's right I don't have stingers but I can buy okay we are almost approaching oh there they are the bees oh God okay I'll get i'll get over there I'm preparing the poop oh yeah I see something they've got French fries up there McDonald's okay I think we should send in purple because cockroaches are indestructible harder than steel it's okay we're going to Armor Road okay just be careful there you go I'm far right behind you I'm grabbing pulling aggro maybe the pieces are starting to swarm oh they're kids anyways there's a barnacles careful [Music] [Music] [Music] we couldn't pick up all the fries there was too much weight to it could we go to the ant farm do you think they'll accept you back I don't know man they're really mad at me after what happened with the queen what did you do to the queen yeah all right he went behind the Kings Bay let's go in there with him yeah Puerto Rico the rainbow insects okay guys let me do all the Talking when we get there okay to answer are they good people are they angry that that was funny because he's a fire ant there's one problem we're not gonna fit in a handheld guys wait you'll wear some food is the ants they always find the food oh there's a lot of creepy crawlies in here Peppa yeah we can go and eat some of that red but we don't need to go see the eggs no it's glass container we're bugs we can't break in the glass remember what happened what happened yeah it was pretty bad that's how uh he got all puffy there's a lot of weird bugs around look at them they're purple and red these are beetles they're kind of like a cockroach right Beetle these are your friends your cousins ah they're the weaklings I don't listen to them okay guys okay now remember don't disturb the workers they'll get mad workers workers got it I'll kill them all this is a big ant hill answer the coolest they all work together oh whoa there they are oh oh don't disturb him go over here uh hey there dad Bob now I'm just gonna go down and talk to the queen real quick Gekko blue some of these guys have Burgers man I I think I might kill them what do you mean they have burgers [Music] dude they must have found great uh oh no no no no no no no we gotta go we got a rainbow press dude you may have just killed the whole hive for the dog food in their line where oh you did okay I got a bit of share yeah I'm hungry I'm hungry come on the dog's gone the dog's gone over here yeah this is where I used to live despite it nevermind that's just a pot you're scaring me you're scaring me right sorry where were the ants going guys I I this is not a good place to be right now oh it doesn't look fine I think it's your family the queen is a black widow she can kill you in one poison I can't I can't find spiders I can't fight I'm scared I'm a spider well you're you're cute blue guys the queen just I've eaten I believe greed is dead okay that's awesome to the left okay here we go at the risky blue I think we're gonna have to go into unexplored territory like the human's house we can't go in there you know what they do to bugs get down spider beetle get to the flower I'm gonna hi hi you can't be out in the open are you sure I thought the number one rule don't go inside the human's house yeah I don't know about that red I think that's kind of insane to go in there they squish they kill and you know what they do to spiders they set the house on fire I heard the stories nonsense it's fine we can go in there all right my friends we got a problem how are we gonna get into the front door we can't reach the handle wait we gotta go under yeah we could go under the door oh true we're bugs come on this way hey uh green did that by the way it wasn't us we don't do spiders got you oh no no no I was just talking to Carl me and your dad go way back yeah I don't know about that whoa be careful guys humans squish bugs we gotta be very careful maybe they're not home whoa do you guys fit in the cracks are you too fat I can't I'm not small enough oh I can't huh just a little bit though there's a chair that might be a table there might be a plate of cookies wait do they have a fridge or something maybe the kid dropped something over by the toys let's do that yeah that's great again maybe we gotta crumble you or something hop up here stick together rainbow bugs baby dropped a gummy or a cookie or do you think we could pick up a gummy red a gummy bear I mean it's probably Supply us with food for a day we need something more you can't look like a lion to you mosquitoes [Applause] a lion would be so much bigger come on it's a toy blue eyes I teach you vampire bugs I hate them the only thing worse than them is ticks guys yeah push him back yeah you get out of here the rainbow bugs always succeed because we can't find any food the humans could be back at any moment the giant human and he's gonna squish us we need to get out of here red all right it's all right we got time now is that a time you can do six pack there okay go go go okay I'm right behind you there red oh Jesus all the way up I'm climbing guys hi there you good purple yeah I'm good okay around yeah rainbow bugs this is our bed now see you later Stuart Little it's all right rat skin okay is there any midnight crumbly snacks that somebody was eating maybe cheers I see it what is it I see it take a look on the windowsill it's a nice fresh pie [Music] she down here luckily he doesn't have a spine oh yeah he could never he can Squish and then he comes back to normal hey red uh how'd you get across that's pretty far I yeah I can almost fly it's like falling gracefully blue I'll try to use my crap oh that's a good idea you choose the wall hey Queen okay yeah we're fine spider blue dude all right rainbow bugs come on meet up over here this way this way we go go go you guys are so I'm green you'll be fast when you're a butterfly so hi it smells so good I guess I can read my eyes are big enough it says today I'm gonna go to Home Depot and rent a [Music] all right green oh you're a beautiful butterfly I wouldn't say beautiful but he's something wait this is good hey come back you gotta fly us to the pie he's gone come hurry up I will bring it back home we'll food for days but red what are we gonna do about the lawnmower we solved the food problem but we're gonna be fine as soon as we get this pie we can hightail it out of here we leave there's plenty of spots we could hide it this is gonna be so good look at that up there oh that's so fast I hereby declare this part when you won awesome boys they're so tiny but they don't even hurt you were gonna take all the food from us we are literally starving bugs out here yeah you will regret the day you did this let's go boys wait stop eating it sucks up that's mine too is the Joey that was the Best Buy I'm stuffed and you take a nap oh my gosh purple's missing green is a weird butterfly orange portrayed us and riches ate all the food what will happen to the rainbow bugs
Channel: Crazy Crafters
Views: 899,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bug, bugs, rainbow friends, spider, beetle, ant, ant farm, rainbow friends ant farm, rainbow friend bugs, rainbow bugs, minecraft, minecraft rainbow friends, bug terrarium, bugs life, rainbow friends bugs life, life as a bug, minecraft bugs, bee, spiders, roblox rainbow friends, craftee, ssundee, aphmau, princesshana, crazy crafters, bug rainbow friends, blue, green, orange, color, colorful monsters
Id: DOryyda7RXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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