Rain Bird 32SA vs Orbit Voyager II vs Orbit H20-6 Sprinkler Showdown

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what's up YouTube so I've always wanted to have a in-ground sprinkler system but the cost of an in-ground sprinkler system can be anywhere from 3,000 to 6,000 dollars depending on how large your yard is my yard is about 7,500 square feet total the backyard itself is 5,000 square feet so that equates to about probably about 3 grand on the low side for an in-ground sprinkler system professionally installed what I have decided to do instead of dragging hoses around and moving them around is kind of install my own kind of above-ground a little bit where my shrubs are in my landscaping is what I'm gonna do is install kind of a my own hose system with some poly line or PVC I think one go with PVC but at least install that myself because I can dig my own trench there without kind of killing my grass or getting machine for that so I'm going to show you kind of few things that I've already started investigating on so this is kind of what part one of probably a 10 part style video but I'm going to show you kind of some investigation that I've done with some sprinklers for the in-ground sprinkler system so basically what I have picked out so far are three different types of sprinklers that are going to stay in place I don't need to move them around they'll be there at all times just like an in-ground sprinkler system so first of all they all have their little spikes so that way they will stick in the ground they will stick above the ground in places that I can't get to to dig the hole but where I'm actually going to be able to dig in my landscaping area I will be able to remove the spike and actually use it in ground and will be hidden away but first on the left you have the Rain Bird 32 sa Rain Bird does come with a kit or they do sell a kit of six of those with a water spigot timer for I think it's a hundred and thirty two dollars I'll put a flush on the screen or link it below it's a premade kit I'm gonna go ahead and do without that and just make my own because I do have other sprinklers than these these are all kind of rotary style sprinklers meaning that they're going to be moving back and forth in the middle you have the Voyager 2 from orbit that is a three and a half inch three and a half inch it takes a three and half inch fitting versus with a 32 sa Rain Bird takes a half inch now Rain Bird does make a 42 sa with a half or a three quarter inch Inlet as well but the difference between these two are the Lorraine trained bird three two sa goes to about 32 feet max distance and the Voyager goes about 52 and I'm gonna say 52 is probably really really cutting it close because I don't think your bill to link more than one or two up and get that much distance and then on the right you have your it's an orbit I believe it's h2o six style head it does come with the spike but this one's nice I like this one one thing is you can't put this in the ground but it does come with different functions where you can go you can have a small small fan all the way up to medium and large you can even do a flat fan of spray Merkel Spain ricky'll fan and then a shower and then you can move this top function right here so I can move with my hand one hand not can't anyway you can move this so you can choose your distance as far as how far you want throw it our nice thing is it does have the adjustment down here just like your regular impact sprinkler - how far left and how far right it goes that's really nice so if you're gonna go above ground I'd really highly recommend these a lot of people complain about these because they do fail I have not had this one fell yet but what's nice about it being above ground is you don't have to worry about digging it up if you want to replace it so anyway so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna show you a video of each three of each one of these kind of using it in my yard for now so that you can see the spray differences alright so as you can see my yard is kind of a a square it's about five thousand square feet total but on both sides on near the house you have this little area right here that you might be able to get with the rotary style but you're most likely going to waste a lot of water in the Rock area the landscaping area don't worry about the weeds extra those green weeds that's grass growing up I need to get rid of that and some of that Swedes don't judge me but anyway so as you can see here I have to figure out how to water all this land I say land only about 5,000 square feet so my thought process is what I want to do is set up a few rotary style sprinkler heads along here on the landscaping area so I would probably have a head probably head in the middle here and a head at the very end over there and then another head we're here all on one I guess your call so I own have it all in one zone and that way they'll probably shoot I want to say there's the 32 essays from Rain Bird say 3 2 feet max and with one hooked up it definitely does 3 2 feet max but I will see how it does with with 2 or 3 in line probably closer to 20 25 anyway so I'll probably have it spray all the way to basically a 180 spray I have thought about I do have these as well these are kind of a fix Rain Bird spray it goes about 15 feet max you can adjust it too too short as 8 and they're 180-degree style so what they'll do is it'll spray just kind of a constant spray 180 degrees so I probably use that right here in this area and then on the other side I have the similar area it probably won't reach the fence area I'd be pretty close I might try to get one over there by the fence and hook it to the fence over there too as well and that kind of goes along the line if I might I thought about Runnings PVC underneath the grass here I'm not really worried about digging up right here and then on the fence line above ground and kind of getting another rotary down one over here one down there as well to get kind of more of this part of the yard and same thing over there I'll get the same as well so I might have only a little area right here in the middle in the backside that I need to hit with my sprinkler system and in that case I can run a hose out there with an actual sprinkler and get that if I need to or I could run PVC underneath ground and just have one little incision in my grass for now but kind of like what I said this is kind of a DIY style set up that I'm trying to do here I don't want to spend too much money on it because at the end of the day I want to make sure that it when I do decide to do professional install and spend a fortune doing this so all right so let's go ahead and let me hook these sprinklers off individually and show you the spray so you can kind of see for yourself I realize you can Google each one on YouTube and see them yourself but let's go ahead and on one video you can see them alright here we go here is the 32 si from rainberge let it empty it there the line you hear the dogs barking we have a lot of dogs your neighborhood sorry I apologize that for that as you can see it sprays a pretty consistent spray it does get pretty far out there and this one if I hooked it down where it is right now I'm definitely gonna hook up with the other head if I put it in the middle maybe overlap it only problem is I'll probably have to move this to the right a little bit because as you can see here coming up I will be spending money watering my neighbor's yard and at the end of the day I am pretty neighborly but maybe he doesn't want me to water his lawn neither alright this is the orbit 2 or I'm sorry the Voyager 2 orbit it is more along the lines of a professional-grade gear drive I wanted to show you the difference between how big as compared to the three - si from rain barely I don't see the difference on camera but it is I'd say almost double the size of the rain Berg now the rain bird tweets USA is a little bit thicker and bigger in this but that's in today this thing is pretty beefy I probably say this thing if I had to guess will last a lot longer when you're 3 to s a rain Birds that's my guess but they all kind of adjustments on top and then this one has the justice on top as well the one thing about this one the Voyager 2 is it has they give you probably I think it's eight or so nozzles to put inside of it and those go all they decide how the flow is going to go how far the distance is that gonna give you all these 52 like you can go between 35 and 50 - or you can go anywhere from I think it goes always short is 20 20 feet to 32 feet if you wanted to but anyway so you just pick out the right nozzle and right spray you want as far as the spray pattern goes up I've tried a few out on this one and I think this and the Rain Bird do a pretty good job you can kind of see in the wind this is why you don't water or particularly want to water during the day or after the mid-morning because of the rent or the rain but the wind it'll knock everything off course and you'll be wasting the little water it's not as efficient but anyway so we kind of see this as it goes so this is a lot larger and this one is also the 3/4 Inlet alright and I did forget to mention what I think should be mentioned if you have more than one pointer to set up on one hose reel or line you're probably better off distance and water pressure wise with the smaller ones put comments on the sort of comment in the comment if you think I'm wrong on that I might your own I don't know we need your two cents about that so anyway here's the orbit h2o six drive I think it's called six drive a lot people like these two and cast the same spray the most part you can't adjust that like I said on the actual head itself it automatically comes with the spike so you don't to buy that these are sixteen sixteen bucks and I forgot to mention the Voyager 2 or about 1099 and then those are about nine bucks they're the 32 essays so they're similar in price the orbit get those at Home Depot don't get them on Amazon they're more expensive on Amazon but the orbit on Home Depot is sixty Noble I think sixteen bucks I'm pretty sure you can get them at Menards - or Lowe's but as you can see pretty similar spray I do believe that these spray for these two are a little bit better but all people do like these and kind of like I mentioned before you do have the adjustment on these movies around so you can actually quickly adjust where the head's gonna go left and right versus these are more of us set it and forget type situation I will say that this one does not shoot as far it's pretty close the does not shoot as far as a 3-2 si that I have so let that go for a little bit and then you can adjust the distance by the very top of this where it kind of disrupts the flow so I can shorten the distance even more but anyway so as I shown you kind of my thought process of what I want to do I probably go with the 32 essays if not maybe the 42 essays from rainberge I do like orbit I like the Voyager it's just it just looks like a - too big of a setup for myself right now and kind of going off of the spit gets on it's on the house now your question might be how are you in a time these how are you gonna run a controller for these well orbit makes a controller orbit and there's quite a few others I think it's called be high if also has one they make their own controllers that actually screw in on the spicket itself and you literally program everything on there on the on the box itself literally for this setup I will probably have three maybe four may I'm not sure yet on what sprinklers use but we'll get to that in the next video even more but I'll probably have one of those orbit style controllers with two or three outlets on it and so I'll have one or two or two or three maybe four heads going at once and then one those are done I'll have the other heads go and the one those are done if I have any more to go I'll do those but the main purpose is really to save money save money instead of spending three grand on an inground special sprinkler system for right now I expect to pay probably to cover most of my backyard for the most part I expect to pay max maybe 100 200 dollars probably closer to the $200 range I do want to do my front yard to publish to concentrate on my front yard that's probably end up what I'll be doing because most people see my front yard not my backyard for the most part so I will show you that in the next video that where my thought process is on that but I really wanted to show you kind of a starter of what I thought about I'm gonna do here as well as the sprinkler heads that I've already bought and tested out kind of get an idea of what I wanted to do so if you have any thoughts on this any ideas than hey Reid why don't you just get a in-ground sprinkler system I know I know if I had three grand it's been right this second I probably would but I can tell you right now that probably two or three years down the road I have other things in the house projects wise night images house projects that I really want spend my money on for the three grand so right at this point in time it's just not something I'm gonna be doing anyway so like I said put putting any comments that you have in the comment section give me a thumbs up go ahead be sure to subscribe to follow along if you're interested and I'll have more videos of other things other than sprinkler systems on my channel as well so until next time I will see you later
Channel: DIY Reid
Views: 347,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: orbit sprinkler, Orbit Sprinkler, Voyager II, rain bird 32sa, Rain Bird, Rain bird, rain bird, rainbird irrigation system, rain bird sprinkler system, orbit h2o-6 gear drive sprinkler, Rain Bird Sprinkler, 32sa, Orbit sprinkler system, orbit gear drive sprinkler, best sprinkler heads, diy above ground sprinkler, above ground sprinkler diy, diy sprinkler system, irrigation system diy, garden hose sprinkler, lawn care, Best sprinklers for lawn, above ground sprinkler system
Id: _z2jxNoPRew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 28 2018
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