Raiding a Woodland Mansion! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Lets Play) [Part 59]

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hello everyone my name is Pixar IFS and welcome back to the Minecraft Survival Guide I hope you guys are having a great day welcome back welcome back today we are going to be going on a bit of an adventure and for that I will need to make a few preparations first of all I need to make myself a couple of compasses and yes I still don't have much iron in here because I haven't transferred over from the iron farm but I do have a little bit and for that I'm gonna be making myself two compasses I think two will probably do in fact I think two is kind of overkill we only really need one I've also got myself a bunch of paper because we are going to hop into the villager breeder which may be a mistake considering the amount of villages we have in here but I think it's probably gonna be the right thing to do to grab ourselves a new cartographer friend previously I visited cartographers over at the village that we discovered first cover over in that direction but I think I think maybe unless there's a cartographer down here is that cartographer is he a librarian these are the questions we need to answer right let's pop down here and see what we have you sir you are a cartographer and you've got a pretty good paper trade okay fantastic because today my friends we are finally going to do what people in the comment have been asking me to do for a little while and we are going to visit a woodland mansion now that is going to take a little bit of doing for a start in fact I'm not gonna trade the compass to him yet gonna trade a bit more of that paper away there we go let's hope that unlocks the next tier of trades yep certainly does or what have we got empty maps okay well I'll continue trading paper to him because we want to unlock basically the last set of trades this guy has if you remember the woodland mansion map is one of the things that you can get from a cartographer later on in the trading cycle along with the ocean explorer map which is the one that will get you a basically a ticket to an ocean monument this guy why are you not refreshing it there we go I was wondering why he wasn't refreshing the trades these two this is what we need we need the ocean Explorer map and we need a woodland Explorer map and thankfully the woodland Explorer map is only for 18 emeralds which is really quite cheap relatively speaking it's not the lowest you can get it for but it's it's a decent amount so let me hop back up here and grab myself a few more emeralds from the storage system and we can buy one of those off of him and see where it takes us okay friend here we go have yourself some emeralds and a compass give me that Explorer map fantastic stuff so when we take a look at that it's going to tell us where exactly a woodland mansion exists in this world and they can always be found in the dark oak forest biome so you might even have stumbled across one already while you've been exploring your world and maybe not known what it is so the woodland Explorer map is a great way of finding one if you haven't already explored that far out and in Java edition the woodland mansions tend to actually spawn quite far away I think this is a little bit different on bedrock because of the limited size of worlds on some of the older versions of the game some like the Xbox 360 and the ps4 versions of the game I think because they didn't have infinite worlds they spawned the mansions a little bit closer and some people have world seeds where the woodland mansions will actually spawn right close to where you spawn so chances are you folks might have found one already already however I have not and the best way for me to do that is to get one of these maps and to fly I guess that's north east so that's going to be in this sort of direction okay I'm in the bottom right hand corner of the map and my marker is very small which indicates to me that this one is probably quite far away hence why I have stocked up on fireworks hence why we have done a little bit of trading and why I'm bringing a few things with me like torches and so forth will probably bring I don't know maybe about a stack or two of dirt as well just so we can use that for scaffolding purposes because we will need to do a little bit of that whilst we're running around this mansion my tools are all healed up my tools are all mended and I think that's pretty much everything I'll keep bringing this paper with me just in case because if we run out of rockets we might need to kill some creepers that kind of thing I might also if I've got my silk touch pickaxe on me bring the ender chest with me because that will be kind of useful for storing stuff in if we need to on the way back one more thing I'm really glad that I just looked at my inventory and remembered is a shield I will definitely need a shield for this because there are some enemies inside a woodland mansion that can hit you pretty hard so yeah let's bring some dark oak logs with us we would no doubt be able to find some wood on the way but it's always nice to prepare this stuff before we leave there we go one shield will turn these into sticks so we can make some more torches if we need to perfect okay so we've got a shield in our inventory I'm actually going to keep the map in at my offhand right now just so we can use that to find our way as we fly out in this direction this could potentially be quite a long journey so don't be surprised if I cut away during this and come back when we've got a little bit closer to the mansion because I haven't really scouted this location out I don't know where this is going to be so chances are we will have a bit of a long journey ahead of us here one great way of flying long distance is to get basically as high up as you can find an angle where you're kind of facing like at a subtle downward angle so that you don't start to lose momentum in the air and then just kind of point yourself and fly and if you've got a map telling you which way to go then that's usually pretty effective but all of the kind of dipping down and raising yourself up to gain a little bit of height gain a little bit of speed tends to slow you down a little bit if you're just kind of Coast like this it saves on fireworks a great deal and in the process of this we are going to be loading a lot of chunks of the world in this kind of diagonal line heading out here so we're probably going to be getting into new terrain relatively quickly and there might be some stuff to spot along the way but chances are we're not gonna find anything that we haven't already found until we get to this woodland mansion oh the map marker just started moving folks and it's getting towards nighttime which means yeah it's it's been a little while we've been flying for maybe about four or five minutes right now but the map marker is increasing in size which means we are getting close to our location potentially we could find it generating somewhere near here and there's a woodland hope there's a dark oak forest kind of on our right-hand side but that's not the one we're looking for we're creeping up the edge of the map here though so chances are we will run into this dark oak forest relatively soon it's gonna be on the other side of this ocean perhaps I'm already more than 5,000 blocks away from my spawn point and a yep looks like we might be coming across it now and I really didn't want to do this at night but I guess we will have no other choice if that's where the mansion is it's probably going to be loading in over here any second now there it is emerging out of the fog and this is a pretty big dungeon and it is effectively a dungeon this is a generated structure that will turn up in your world in much the same way that a jungle temple or a desert temple will these are significantly larger than either of those though it's probably even bigger than the ocean Monument and it contains a series of procedurally generated rooms inside there are some inhabitants and this is where we get into some fun stuff with illa jizz oh and it's raining of course a perfect opportunity to go into this old creepy house in the woods and seek some shelter not to mention the fact that there are creepers nearby hello I'm gonna kill you for the Gunpowder no no I'm not apparently I'm gonna just have you explode in my face instead thank goodness for protection armor huh right so yeah we've used up a decent chunk of our fireworks we'd better come in here and take shelter but the residents are not gonna be too happy about that and we are here to meet the residents themselves these are going to be some of the trickiest and hardest hating mobs that we encounter in the overworld they are called images and they are kind of like the villagers grumpier cousins in a way you will start to hear them as you walk around the mansion they make a grumpy village noise most of the time and I'm gonna start lighting up this area because as you can tell from that spider being around here the woodland mansions are not super well lit by default the torches are quite high off the ground and you'll find that hostile mobs tend to spawn in here quite frequently so there's a chance that we will encounter a fair few skeletons and spiders and creepers and that kind of thing there's also all there's a hidden room this doesn't happen very often this is just kind of a quirk of the woodland mansion generation and in here you will find the occasional bit of loot the occasional sort of efficiency axe they've obviously been farming trees in here but for some reason this tree is made of dark oak wood where it looks like it's generated like a normal oak tree it's a bit of a fun Easter egg kind of thing there and there is a Vindicator these guys are he's not spotted me yet thankfully these guys look a relatively harmless they looked like the kind of villagers that you could trade with but once you get into attack range of them they will bring out an iron axe and they will come after you now yep there he goes a hole they're also very very fast and I'm gonna climb up onto a pillar here so we can examine this guy a little bit better because these guys are actually kind of worth saving they do a whole lot of damage to you though believe me if you kill one of these things well done because they will attack you very very viciously now if I stand over here and I try and place some blocks around him like so we've actually caught this guy now he won't actually be able to go anywhere and that's a good thing for us I'll probably kill few others around the mansion just so you can see kind of what the deal is here but these Vindicator czar actually kind of worth saving because there are whoa okay no I have made a mistake there I was trying to block him in a little bit more I failed all right let's hop up into this corner oh okay all right fella calm down you let me see if I can get away from him or maybe we should try and block him in here instead if I can build a little barrier around him like that yep there we go oh and he's he's he's gone he's wandering off somewhere yep there we go all right we'll block him in here instead as long as we've got some blocks that are very obviously kind of surrounding him like this it won't be a problem and he won't be able to get out a fun thing about Vindicator 'he's compared to the other hostile mobs in the world is that these guys will not de-spawn they generate once when the woodland mansion generates and that they do not de-spawn if you go away they will always remain here the problem with that is that they don't have an actual spawning pattern so they don't respawn if you leave the woodland mansion and come back or if you're exploring around the place like once you've generated at the amount of images that appear in a woodland mansion that is it you don't get any more than that so it's a good idea to just kind of keep them around this will the mansion also has a nice little smithy where we've got a couple of pockets of lava here thankfully it's surrounded by andesite and it's kind of outside of the range of fire spread even though I've got fire spread turned off on this world now that would start to burn the entire mansion down if it wasn't well protected so that's probably a good thing when it comes to the construction of this place there are a bunch of very unique rooms in these mansions some of which will have loot above the doors in these chests up here it's fantastic I will grab the Golden Apple they've got a diamond hoe in here as well so maybe we can have another go err getting that achievement that was bugged out before a little bit of rotten flesh in a bucket we're going to leave those in here for now and continue exploring but you'll find a number of indicators in each of these mansions and that's not the only elegy you'll find we haven't stumbled across them yet I'm gonna try and take out some of the other uh-hum unnecessary residents of this place you know now we've actually picked up a nametag from that chest and there's an anvil in here I could almost show you the easter egg that takes place with these of indicators I'm not gonna do it actually now but I will kind of explain how it works so if you use an anvil to you rename this nametag and you name him Johnny Joh and NY it like so and if you apply this name tag to a vindicator he will not just become hostile to you he'll become hostile to everything including passive mobs including hostile mobs of indicators will go around attacking absolutely everything in sight if they are named tagged Johnny and you can actually use that for a few other things you can use it to farm animals for example like if you have a cow farm that kind of drips cows into a certain holding area where one of these guys is he'll kill the cows for you automatically and it's an automatic way of being able to harvest beef and that way it's possible to kind of automate farms and stuff like that in future if you protect one of these guys and bring him back to your you know your base wherever you happen to have a cow farm or or any other kind of farm like that set up obviously that's going to be most effective against passive mobs though because if he attacks hostile mobs the hostile mobs are gonna want to attack him back and even though of indicators hit very hard there's a chance they could take damage and eventually die so we're gonna save a couple of these Vindicator x' because there's a chance that in future we'll be able to use them for other stuff in this series anyway moving on we're also here to find a few other guys named Lee or not these baby zombies we do not want these baby zombies here hi fellas hello some of these wool statues will appear in some of the rooms and it used to be kind of speculated that these would have something in the middle of them but I'm pretty sure they don't unless that's been changed recently a lot of these will just be kind of wool statues that don't really have serve any kind of purpose this one seems to be holding some kind of magic wand or maybe a gold shovel I don't know speaking of things holding shovels we got a zombie walking in here there's another Vindicator waiting to be trapped let's see if we can get him in this corner good work alright let's pop these behind him put one on top of there you can still place dirt blocks above carpet like that and that will trap him very easily so the carpets being around is actually a significant advantage when you're dealing with these guys but that is Vindicator number two traps I might actually see if I can craft some shears and take down some of these wall sculptures because that would actually make a kind of interesting source of wool and it would save me harvesting a bunch more wool from the Sheep that I've got back at my base and as I mentioned before the layout of these mansions is a randomized and procedurally generated which means you'll probably never encounter same place twice this is kind of a mass storage room that never really has anything in the chest it can check them all you want but I don't think there will be anything in there I usually just check them in case there's something in there in case mo yang has updated things and changed the way these mansions generate but yeah there's nothing much in there at all and these used to be double chests as well but since 1.13 has allowed you to place individual chests side by side they seem to have separated out like that you'll find a lot of the rooms don't have a great deal of exciting stuff in you've got wood rooms like this kind of flower shrine there's nothing like underneath the floorboards or anything like that it's all pretty standard stuff there's another Vindicator waiting over here I think I will kill this guy this time just to give you an example of quite how hard they hit yeah there we go that guy really took on my shield and the fun thing about axes versus shields is that when you're attacked with an axe and you're blocking with a shield it can actually stun your shield and you won't be able to raise it again so if you come in here with a shield it's gotta be kind of necessary to block some of the damage occasionally but make sure you are prepared to fight because you will have to fight before long this little section here has a couple of doors wired up with redstone that you can kind of automatically open and close with this lever there's nothing much stored in here it's meant to kind of be a prison sort of area of the wood of the mansion now there is a kind of hidden staircase headed up here and I wonder what could be at the end of this there might be a chest or something like that it's an MC escher style maze going on here I wonder where this is going to lead I've not encountered many woodland mansions with these there we go we've got another diamond hoe a record music disc they're a bit more gunpowder which I'll definitely take so I can turn it back into fireworks let's take the record with us we haven't actually got many music discs in this series so it'll be fun to have that let's collect all of this string together as things like beetroot seeds melon seeds of wheat and that kind of stuff we can leave all of that in here I think I'll probably drop the spider eyes in here as well because I have so many spider eyes at my spawner now but yeah occasionally you will find these little kind of staircase and mazes thrown in there and there's not really much of a maze to it you just kind of follow the path around but it is quite rare to find one of those in the last few woodland mansions I've raided haven't had one so that's that's actually pretty fun before I head on upstairs I'm gonna take out one of these shelter boxes where I'm pretty sure I have some space we've got some in the ender pearl thing and I'm going to put in some of the more valuable stuff I found here like the emeralds that I actually had from trading I'm gonna keep this Golden Apple on me just in case we need it and I guess we can keep the rest of this none of us is particularly valuable stuff I don't mind too much if I lose any of that give or take the tools and stuff obviously but we I mean with stuff that we can throw out of our inventory if we need to create a little bit more space now coming up here to the second floor this is where we will start to find the Evo cos the second type of elegy and one of the reasons that we are here because Evo cos have some very special drops and unlike the indicators there isn't really a reason to trap the Evo cos they don't serve much of a purpose they can't be kind of be named tagged and kind of used in mob farms like that it is possible to create farms with them as some people have made like iron farms that use of ochres to kill the iron golems as they spawn but that's not necessarily what you have to do is just something people have done in the past just to prove that it's possible and so yeah we're not going to worry too much about saving the Evo cos we're going to kill all of them and we should usually find two or three of them up here on this floor I think we'll probably run into three total and much like the vindicate as you can find them by the very annoyed sounding noises they're making yes there is a giant statue of a cat in this room don't ask me why there we go we heard an Avoca murmuring and it should be in one of these rooms around here they're usually in some of the larger rooms this one has a kind of fighting ring in the middle of it which oh this zombie is coming down to fight us fair enough the new challenger emerges into the ring with me my friend let us dance you and I know apparently he's not interested alright I'll take care of you outside of the ring then here we go I win by default I think let's head up here and see if there's a chest up here because I think occasionally you'll find loot chests on these little balconies yes there's one fantastic let's quickly check that we're not going to get ambushed another goal on Apple fantastic and even more gunpowder we're going to be well set up for our trip home now let's see moving on around the corner we haven't spotted any of okis yet but we've got a creeper here that we can take care of let's see if one of them is here in the library we will know very quickly if he is it looks like we've just got another couple of creepers to contend with whoa that guy that guy got the drop on me a little bit that guy really exploded well I guess now we have a quick way of getting between floors but now we've left a nice hole in the floor let's see if there's anything else to be found in this library room I don't think we've got an Avoca in here nope looks like there's just a couple of dark spaces behind the bookshelves that we can continue to light up next room yet another library and once again these would be a really great source of books in much the same way that libraries in strongholds are oh hello it's a spider just chillin up here by the window if you need books and you don't feel like finding another stronghold this is a good place to go obviously here it takes a good deal of finding itself but yeah the extra bookshelves will not go amiss why do these creepers like hanging around in libraries so much there's really not that much here for them to read the only letter in their dictionary is s I can't understand it but I have now been around the entire perimeter of this mansion and I don't see any a focus here on the second floor which means they must all be upstairs on the third floor and again that's quite rare I've not seen that happen particularly often let's take care of the creeper behind the stairs don't want any more nasty surprises when we come back down and up here if the subtitles at least are to be believed we are guaranteed to find some of ochres yes there they are see that guy on the right-hand side whose coat looks slightly different that right there is an Avoca and they are best taken out at range before they spot you if possible but I'm gonna get up close and personal with this one just to show you what he does now when he starts to target you he's gonna raise his hands and he's gonna start trying to cast a spell and the spell will summon things and it's going to be very very dangerous for all of us got a couple of indicators hanging out in this room to the left as well I'm gonna try and get their attention first so I can trap both of them here we go let's get up onto another pillar here oh that was close they almost came for me then let's see if we can trap them both in here looks like we can get one of them maybe oh they're definitely teaming up aren't they all right we've got one of them that's you taken care of now you come around here perfect are they're so easy to bait into these little corners I don't know if we'll need this many of indicators in total but it's probably worth saving them nonetheless there we go that guy's fully trapped in now and now we can oh we can deal with his friend who has just popped out of here I did not realize there were three of them in that room and even though I'm wearing like almost a full set of diamond armor these guys still hit really really hard once again I'm going to take a second here to dumpster into my enderchest let's take out the Shilka box and throw in the emeralds alright I think that will do now let's take on this Avoca the Evo cos huh he's gone round the corner let's see if we can oh and there's no Volker in here as well oh gosh I didn't spot him right well now we have to deal with vexes which are a very very dangerous mob they are hostile they are flying they have little swords they will do a ton of damage and they can phase through blocks which is a pretty much unique trait for these creatures nothing else in the game does that and so they become very very difficult to handle they are probably best attacked at range with a bow because if they get up close they will attack you pretty hard but yeah you need to be a very very quick at taking care of them after a while they will eventually just die like if once they've been summoned they have a very limited lifespan but it's usually best to take them out as quickly as possible there's another one flying around protecting that Avoca Evo cos also have a close-range attack where they will summon spikes in the floor he's kind of like alligator mouths will pop out of blocks and attack you but the vexes are kind of the worst thing about this whole process and i need to get away because of one or two more hits from them you'll probably take care of me pretty quickly so in order to avoid the vexes it's usually a great idea to take care of the Avoca with a bow from a distance like so and he will drop something that is going to be very precious to us there come the vexes at last yeah you need to be very very accurate with a bow to take care of these guys if they are glowing red it means that they're targeting you so if you see them doing that probably best to switch to your sword and take them out as quickly as possible these guys haven't spotted me quite yet so we can probably bull's-eye them all with a bow nice I'm shooting well today I like it and this is what we have come here for this is the prize that we wanted from these of ochres in the first place this is a totem of undying probably one of the rarest items in all of Minecraft and these are rare for a reason because if you hold one in your hand whether it's your offhand or your main hand and you die the totem will save you from death it won't save you from drowning in lava for example if you're underneath a hay lava lake and then the totem saves you from taking that last heart of damage but you're still under the lava lake you are still going to take some more damage and but the totems of undying will save you from say like if you fall off a cliff it will save you from that last a bit of full damage and make sure that you stay alive the totem of undying will be consumed when you do that though so they are very valuable items and they are very easily lost now that I've been able to introduce all of these Evoque --is to you I'm probably going to start taking them out at a distance because it is a lot easier than dealing with them up close I've got two totems Vaughn dying now and those are definitely going straight in the ender chest as soon as I can be confident that there are no more vex is coming after me nope I think that's probably going to be fine so let's throw the emeralds and the totems in there and these are really valuable items it's not like you tend to use them all that much but it's always nice to have them around and they make for quite interesting treasure they might have more use in a PvP kind of context to be holding a totem of undying when somebody else is attacking you or something like that would probably be a good idea but in the meantime it's just kind of cool to have them it's cool to know that if we wanted to defy death at some point in our Minecraft series then we could and it definitely seems like all of the images have congregated up here because there are so many of them up here at the top of the house I can just see like Vindicator Zanda focus everywhere I turn and there's a creeper in here apparently you will take care of him it's surprising because they're usually creepers are scared of cats but yep note there's an Avoca down there as well okay and kind of back up a little bit from him we will try and see if we can trap a couple more of those Vindicator x' though because having an extra bunch of those around will be kind of nice hey fellas come get me oh ah and there's a creeper there as well oh gosh I am tempting fate today apparently here we go that's right you guys come over here you stay away thank you and let's see if we can block these guys in using the same strategy we did before come on over here this way there we go yes okay he's trapped now that what about his friend come around here you yeah I can see you has he not seen me he's he's fixated on this wall apparently let's break down the wall and see if he comes over yeah there we go all right let's trap you next to your friend one more vindicate around the corner here and there was definitely an Avoca over here by the cat statue so let's see if we can lure this guy out without attracting his friend at all had to give them a safety punch they're not came back a little bit ouch-ouch not good it's not good run away okay now is the time to fly down this staircase hoho okay I think we're in the clear I think I need to eat something see I'm down to like half my health already if you don't come in here with a diamond chestplate on you are very very open to attack here we go let's bring you down to here I usually trap them up against these walls if I can because it makes it really obvious to see where they are exactly just jump to hit me they can't normally do that alright you seem pretty keen on staying there so there you go buddy you're locked in and much as it would be kind of great to nametag one of these guys Johnny considering the day I am having I kind of don't want to risk it because they go swinging for everything now where is that last of ocher I know he's in here somewhere I can hear him muttering yep there he is he's on top of the cats well we need to have a pitched battle on top of this cat let's see if we can get the drop on him like so ha got him in the head yes there we go now die get him up close fantastic well now the vexes are the only thing we have left to take care of thankfully they don't have too much health so usually a swim with a sword or a hit with a bow should take care of them but oh there's so many of them and they hit so hard oh I think we've taken care of those guys and we got ourselves a third totem of undying so we can proudly display those somewhere in the base at this point it is nice to have them these awesome rare items are always a pleasure to collect now I wonder if there are gonna be any ill adjust after the absolute onslaught of them we've just had it looks like we are coming to the end of the mansion here this is the top floor it's the smallest of the three floors so you usually won't find that many of them and I think the noises that you can hear in the background is just the ones that we've already trapped in the hallway so I think that is that for the most part they've got a little meeting room up here as well so many of the rooms of the woodland mansion are interesting and unique so it's kind of fun to explore these anyway and some people even like to completely take out all of the rooms inside here you're left with a massive vast open but ultimately sheltered space that you can turn into a base and fit all kinds of like automatic farms and stuff in I've seen plenty of examples of people doing that and it always seems like a good time so if you know we're with the mansion is it's not been set on fire already and you feel like you can clear out the inhabitants then by all means make one of these places your base but there we go we've made it to the exit and I think that is gonna be it for this episode of the Minecraft Survival Guide thank you so much for watching don't forget to leave a like on the episode if you enjoyed it subscribe if you want to see more and I'll see you guys soon take care bye for now [Music]
Channel: Pixlriffs
Views: 3,240,440
Rating: 4.8165641 out of 5
Keywords: Pixlriffs, Minecraft, Let's, Play, Survival, gameplay, PC, SSP, Tutorial, Minecraft 1.13 Survival, Minecraft Survival Guide, Minecraft Survival Let's Play, Minecraft 1.13 Let's Play, Survival Single Player, Minecraft survival series, Minecraft survival tips, Getting Started, How to Survive in Minecraft, Java Edition, 1.13.2, Woodland Mansion, Bedrock, Bedrock Edition, How To Find Woodland Mansion, Illager, Vindicator, Evoker, Vex, Totem of Undying
Id: KXkFN4fwAI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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