Raid Shadow Legends: Valla Build, Guide & Masteries (Amazon Prime Free Epic)

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[Music] hey guys what's going on is Asher coming at you today in rain shadow legends today we're going to talk about valla who is the third and final free epic champion for Amazon Prime users so she will be released in a couple weeks I decided it was time to go ahead and max the route player the last few days really everywhere trying her with a different a bunch of different team compositions trying her with different gear artifacts on masteries and then you know sharing what I found with her with you guys so as you guys can see as I mentioned she's a third we just got recently got whisper and then previous to that we had ultimate Gaelic and now avala is the next actually the next one to be dropping is epic skill tomes times three with some greater potions so these rewards are actually really legit Amazon Prime so if you know I mean if you have Amazon Prime great hopefully we've already claimed those champions those rewards if you know anybody with Amazon Prime try to try to get the hook up because these are rewards are really legit today we're gonna be talking about valla who is a spirit affinity barbarian epic champion and really kind of a cool kid she is hard to kill a lot of sustainability on vallah I'm gonna talk about her strengths and her weaknesses let's go ahead and take a look quickly at her base stats here not in the clan ash in the index under uh barbarians so and I'm gonna give you like my full honest review on her I want her to be good so bad because she's free to play friendly you know for Amazon Prime users at least uh but I'm gonna share what I found with her so the look the aesthetic of her is great you know playing him just such a good job seldom do you look at any champion and think oh just just really bad artwork it's always just on the money and she is no exception and you look at her base stats here defense 1409 speed 99 are the two things you want to kind of take away here HP is decent two is sixteen k almost 17 defense is high but it's not you know god tier same thing with speed it's kind of on the average upper upper end of average she's a defense based champion meaning all of her damage does scale based on defense as well the reviews early out the gate here are actually really high for valla I am NOT gonna rank her that high that the early players who have been playing her I will give my reviews towards the middle of this video though so let's go ahead and take a tour kit take a look at her kit real quickly here talk about what makes Bala voila I'm just gonna say ramp and get here again that I don't think she's as good as whisper or ultimate Gaelic the other two you know Amazon Prime champions but that's not to say that she is not useful and she's not worth upgrading we're gonna talk about you know why I feel that way as this video goes on but her skills to take a look real quick here piercing blade her a1 text one enemy two x increases the inflicted damage by 15% if the target is under a shield buff well ironically her a2 removes shields and so a2 crushed the wall literally crushes the wall of shield so this makes her a kind of a niche champion in my in my opinion you can bring it into the arena if there's a shield set if there's like a miscreant monster a really strong shield AoE a champion on the opponent's team she will remove all shield buffs from all enemies then attacks all enemies and then has a 30% chance can be booked up to 40% chance of placing a 60% decreased defense debuff on all enemies for two turns now you can book this down to three turns too so it's actually a really solid ability it does a significant amount of damage it's not like Oh P damage but it does a lot of damage like it is a it's based on defense damage on an AoE so I can get you know with 30 40k crits inside campaign for example or even inside the arena using this second ability so it's definitely her big-money ability this is you know along with fortified core what makes her unique the problem is is that I always want a little bit more and I don't think I'm being too greedy you guys can let me know what you think in the comments below but I was really hoping for this 30% chance to be booked up to 40% chance I was really hoping this chance to be a little bit more consistent on the AoE decrease defense it's so low at 40% chance when booked that she's not a consistent d buffer that you can bring into dungeons you know end tier endgame dungeons or clan boss in my opinion at least on the three turn cooldown for the 30 percent or 40 percent decreased defense just not consistent enough let's look at her a3 though and but again it does a lot of damage too so that's the trade off a3 is fortified core fortified core can be booked down to a 3 turn cool-down places a shield buff on this champion for 3 turns equal to 20% of their max HP so she's kind of unique where you want to build her defense for the damage in the sustainability but you also want to build her with a little bit of HP so she has a better shield on herself also places a 60% increase defense buff on this champion for 3 turns and Phyllis's champions turn meter by 50% so on face value it's an awesome ability ability it is an awesome ability this ability given that it's a 2 turns well 3 turn on the shield and a 3 turn on the increased defend excuse me she's basically always going to have these up again making her really difficult to kill right so the shield is gonna be there until someone removes it or somebody you know Batum it chomps through it and the degrees defense same deal so because of the defense build with her damage scaling that way and because of the shields and because of the increased defense she's she's really really robust right she is difficult to kill she stays alive oftentimes the longest in your entire group so that's really great tons of sustainability on your valla the the downside is is that I almost want again maybe I'm being too greedy you guys can let me know but I almost want kind of an allied protect she doesn't lend much in the way of support to the entire party it's all about her right and fills the chip champions turn meter by 50% it's nice but again being greedy wouldn't it be so cool if it was just grants and extra turn you know kind of like one of those abilities that you've seen you know with many other champions inside the game again maybe that's making her too close to a legendary tier champion but these are just what I look at when I look at her I'm like okay but she's not doing anything to help the rest of my team she's helping herself you know she's great at helping herself she's great for niche situations when you want to remove your opponent's shield on the a2 and she puts out a decent amount of damage but other than that her kit to me seems in her passive is is not bad either decreases the damage received by this champion by 15% while under the so again just making her more difficult to get rid of in the aura has a resist in the arena by 45 so you guys can see that player him when they made her they're thinking about okay this champion is just one of the champions that's so difficult to kill your opponent in the arena is probably gonna be focusing on her last right in the meantime she has that AoE attack that puts out good damage she's difficult to kill she can be annoying so you can see that she can be used inside the arena for that reason okay so I don't hate her by any stretch I sounds like I'm being super negative I also want to give like my honest opinion I wish there was that one more element you know she has a higher chance of getting the d3 decreased defense or like miscreated monster for example she's doing an AoE shield to your teammates or an ally protect you know so that's kind of what I feel is maybe missing from her kit but again maybe I'm being too greedy so masteries went down the offense and the defense tree shout-out to you me love I apologize forgot the net I forgot the pronunciation on the website but I will include a link to it in the description below that's where you can get like the most accurate in terms of my opinion mastery suggestions for every champion in the game again I'll link that website for you guys in the description so I went down I think it's important to get that counter-attack on her so having the retribution and a tree on defense and then going with the war master you know decent chance for that to proc to on the offense tree so you know pretty standard in terms of her masteries artifacts you obviously want to build her with a lot of defense my total stats on her right now truthfully the speed is a little bit low at 151 would like that between like 160 and 200 where I try to target for all of my kind of utility type champions crit rate and 87 percent obviously trying to get that to 100 grit damage 144 debuff accuracy 186 just for the increased decreased defense debuff that she has and then defense super-high you're aiming for like 4,000 oh so I have overkill in the defense I could probably trade some of that off for HP for hit points attack does nothing for your valla so don't put any attack gear you should not be targeting attack on any of your sub roles on any of your sets attack literally just doesn't do anything so don't target attack on her at all so again to be critical here a little bit more speed crit rate a little bit higher defense a little bit lower doesn't have to be that high uh as long as it's over 4,000 I would almost want to trade off for some more HP to give better shields on her but she's a unique champion again and that she has utility from both the HP and the defense so what I have on her right now is just you know some basic gear crit rate trying to get that higher accuracy set as well accuracy again it's only a 40% chance win book to get that decrease defense so you know maybe you could argue that it's not even worth focusing too hard on the accuracy set on her so speed crit rate crit damage you know pretty much standard stuff coming in defense percentage is gonna be my top priority more speed whenever I can get it I think I actually do have let's see HP defense on the shield I do have defense boots on her right now but again probably should be speed boots you know wanted a little bit faster than she is but extra defense is the reason right a broken set to from avenging which is a pretty crappy set I the defense is why is she hit so hard and the defensive boots is why her defense is so dang high on the stats right so then defense on the chest again I could go with HP on one of these two gears so that's let me know what you guys think and then crit rate on the gauntlets pretty standard stuff right I went with accuracy on the banner went with crit damage on the amulet and on the ring as long as I'm getting a defense on the the sub rolls there I'm happy with it uh this is kind of a crappy ring uncommon but it's not it's not awful but it's you know it's not ideal and I need to put glyphs on her so I could definitely kind of like min/max her as well but there she goes that's my Bala now let's go ahead and try her out in various spate of spots in the game starting with B arena alright so hey this first team actually looks really difficult it also looks like something that we can possibly do I want to take ghost porn out because what I want to do is have only single attackers I don't want a bunch of AoE here because I want to start out by sleeping them with Khaimah wise it's a good matchup well a we have affinity matchup here three force champions which are really difficult to deal with but we have the spirit affinities so we can hopefully show off valla also the shield from Miss Korean monster is going to help us out as well because we can remove it with the a2 so Black Knight has buffs he has continuous healing decreased defense buffs on Dupree says well the increase attack and of course all the allied protectiveness in the the shields in continuous heal on miscreated so again a very difficult team direct star you want to take out first see if we can prevent some of the HP burn I feel like this team is gonna be alright it's really gonna be close depends of how fast they are and what their resists is right so we're gonna start it by sleeping them the reason we're putting them all this sleep is because we're we have single damage target errs there's no AoE that's going to wake them up right now can I focus on direct start first not sure if we can kill him here and I don't think we're gonna be able to so he actually doesn't die which is unfortunate and now it's kind of an awkward situation because I'm gonna let them all sleep and I'm not gonna a OE even on the three cuz I want to remove their I want to move all these buffs so I need cerise to go again and she's stunned so really not good here we're gonna remove all the shields and we're gonna do a little bit of damage with volibear not bad can we get another turn in we take down direct star uh I believe it was a provoke there okay we lose Kai Mar and now we're gonna go ahead and just self shield here let's recoup okay now we can remove all these buffs bye-bye that's why we waited I probably could have handled that in a different order bullets try takedown let's try two she has a defense uh okay that's a one shot bye-bye damn priest now let's handle Black Knight and then we can wait for Miss created last ooh okay that hurt so all I have for an option is the a one she's she's almost always gonna be the last person standing look at how strong she is in terms of Pacific and still that unkillable we can't so now we can remove all the shield there is okay sweet there's no shield there but doesn't matter does a lot of damage I didn't see how much that did but you guys can see and this was a tough team I'm gonna go on auto from here on out but this is a tough team but I felt like we handled it well and as you can see Bala is standing that seseri spell is so difficult to kill even with a negative a Finny match up here against miscreant monster she's not gonna die you know like she's just really really solid in terms of her just you know just her sustainability you know she's really tough to wipe out of the arena this is gonna go slow here gonna be maybe a two-minute okay there we go she finishes him off and you saw it on the a - she actually put out some decent damage let's do one more arena battle cuz actually I think that she's I think that like arena is gonna be one of her best spots let's go against this team here we have a martyr to deal with we have a torment to deal with we have a razzin to deal with so it's definitely an apothecary so it's gonna definitely gonna be I feel like we need let's go with the same team here because we need Sri Sri to remove all of these buffs from martyr and apothecary as well so let's see how we do see if we go first we do so again we're gonna start the same way with a sleep on everybody none of them resist and then let's take let's start out by taking out apothecary so he'll definitely die boom alright so one down now the reason I like this team together the reason that sleep is not a great ability it's no stun right because damage breaks it but I run a team like this with valla we can definitely afford to see how like cerise doesn't do any damage so it's not a big deal so we have sleep still on two of them let's just go let's just do it let's break it all with crush the wall so 20k or so give or take high defense on a lot of these uh these champions so she's definitely not a Nucor but given that she's so hard to kill she's a solid nuclear you know I'm saying like does that makes any sense do not a nuclear but seeing how she's hard to kill she's Nucor okay so now we've won this one as well just gonna be a bit take out razzin and then we'll go in Auto for torment I feel like I'm always going on although at the end of these battle the arena ballasts for torment right so we're gonna go ahead and show her off in the campaign maybe you can see her abilities a little bit better so we'll show her on nightmare at the end game and just see how she does I have to be honest though tried her out in a bunch of dungeon she's not bad an arena right a surgeon with a team like that you know what I put her with a bunch of AoE Nucor she's not gonna really you know I don't feel like that's what suits are I feel like you put her with single heavy single target hitters a team that's really difficult to kill you rely on a resist you can put her in that lead spot with that aura wid the resist if you want to and actually think that she is viable maybe not end in game right now in this meta but I feel like she is viable you know really far in an arena she's a really solid arena piece ah let's see dungeons I campaign rather dungeons I'm not as impressed honestly again because she doesn't really help the rest of her team that much so let's go here let's just go all the way to stage 6 let's just run or like this and we're gonna put it on an auto here and just see how she does or not on auto excuse me so just gonna start with a shield so she's already on the shield that will already trigger her passive right the resolute defense where she's taking 15% less damage because she's under miscreated shield now I'm actually gonna hold off and own a shield to see so they're you know 25k or so the way I have her built right now doesn't have crazy crit damage and a twit rate is actually pretty high so not too bad right you can see that again she's not gonna die either we're gonna go on auto from here on out she's probably gonna go ahead and fortified core 50% terming or fill so she's going pretty fast even though she doesn't have high speed 150 what it wasn't was it 150 155 even though she doesn't have super high speed she's still going fast because that three turn fortitude or whatever it is the a3 is is boosting or turn meter every single time so every three turns fortified core is gonna give her that that speed boost that she desperately needs because I don't have high enough speed you can see this team is gonna be really solid here I mean it's not species on a speed farmer like she's not an AoE attack her she's not a speed farmer but still one minute on basically the endgame here the end to end game Stage six in in nightmare not too bad right and you can see that she's not putting on a crazy amount of damage basically the same as miscreant monster only she's shielding herself and not the whole team so again I think she's best I think most of you guys are gonna be using her an arena those people who want to build her up clan boss again the defense down isn't consistent enough to run her in my opinion you know past brutal I wouldn't run her a nightmare ultra nightmare just my opinion if you guys disagree or you can think of a comp that really suits her because if she's not d buffing the clan boss then what is she doing she's not putting out crazy damage you know is she just there for sustainability and that's it I'm not sure if that's enough but you know feel free to tell me if you think I'm wrong that high defense does help though so I think that she's probably a mid tier clan boss option ah let's go ahead and show her in dungeon again it's not gonna be too impressive it's gonna be slow right and that's the theme here is that I'm gonna run her you know with this comp here it's gonna be like a three or four-minute run because again she's not you know she's not bringing a ton to the table in terms of versity overall team versatility here not putting out a ton of damage or a to use solid but again in end level dungeons she's not it's not solid enough that she's doing a ton of damage you know and this is actually a bad you know I'm gonna get out of here this is a bad affinity matchup I believe right isn't dragon let's see yeah let's just I mean like I said just take me am i word that that would be a it would be a slow run anyway probably a three or four-minute run let's just go her on dragons 19 because that's actually a good you know a neutral affinity matchup otherwise she's gonna be hitting for you know for 5 to 10k and it's not gonna be impressive at all let's at least give her a chance right so here we go hitting a little bit harder here already up the gate first wave let's see if we can take this first way down actually oh I keep forgetting it's not dragons 20 I'm like hey we're on a good pace right now but it's dragons 19 right now but again ice golem I think that she's actually a little bit better than dragons just because of the affinity matchup and yeah I just think that you know the waves are a little bit harder than ice golem as well and she can stay alive longer so you know maybe I'm kind of grasping at straws here but I think that she's possibly a little bit better in high school and then dragons I just think there's other champions in a comp like this who can just do a little bit more for the overall team than valla at the same time she's not bad you know so almost at the dragon here 50 five seconds or so if it was dragons 20 you making pretty good time here is not so I don't knows what do you think am I missing something about I'll probably just be using her floor I don't know loved Ibiza curve too much maybe maybe I'll try out the matchups were against teams with Miss Korea monster or any champions that have you know a bunch of shield abilities other than that I'll probably just run somebody you know with a little bit more of a versatile kit you know kind of like a sub in certain situations and then I'll be using her in fashion Crips of course every single time I could potentially I don't think she even needs lifestyle geared she's so difficult to kill anyway especially if you have one support champion by her side but again guys will kill the dragon eventually here she's hitting four you know she hits she it's definitely hard you know not ope she got stun they're not Opie but definitely she hits hard you know so takedown is down she's no Royal Guard but yeah yeah guys let me know in the comments below what do you think of this champion congratulations let me know if you have Amazon Prime if you're looking forward to getting her if you plan if you have Amazon Prime you will be getting her do you plan on actually building her up maxing her out upgrading her six starring her and all that good stuff or are you gonna pass on her and also let me know if you like either whisper or Alta metallic worse than her like let me know what how you rank those three champions in the comments below there we go to 18 not too bad her damage was 400 K again right I mean hi Mars out damaging her Miss Korean monster she double well like one-third more than the Miss created monster not too bad not too great anyway guys hope you enjoyed this a guide on the ballad many more guys coming your way on various champions in Rachele legends if you like them go ahead and toss me a subscription guys it really means a lot and as always thank you for watching take care guys
Channel: ASH: RAID Shadow Legends
Views: 58,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raid shadow legends, raid shadow legends best epic champion, best, valla, valla guide, valla masteries, valla review, valla build, raid valla guide, raid valla build, raid valla review, raid shadow legneds valla masteries, raid shadow legends valla build, raid shadow legends valla review, valla amazing prime, free champions, amazon prime, raid shadow legends amazong prime
Id: Hz56XWSagv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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