Rahdo Runs Through►►► The White Castle

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hey everybody today on radar runs through we're taking a look at the White Castle but before I get going please turn your subtitles on to the Klingon channel so they want to make rules Goose you'll know what they are and if you've done that well then welcome to 18th century Japan we are at the Great White Castle which is where the daimyo holds sway over the region there the local Governor Lord type uh and it's our job as members of nearby influential families to get our family members into the castle as courtiers over onto the grounds as gardeners or over into the training grounds as soldiers all to score sweet sweet points I'm going to show you how it works today in a Solo run through which means it's me the yellow player up against the blue player known only as my rival now they can pretty much do everything a human player would do they just make their choices based on a deck of cards so you're getting a good sense of what it feels like to play a multiplayer game of this as well but anyway I am the first player and my starting situation is because as I ended up with these starting cards I've got this special bonus power I can do and I started with four food two iron right here four food two iron three coins and two seals of the daimyo that I can basically call in favors mostly I can use these to turn them into coins or into extra resources but I spend them for other things as well alrighty on the first player what am I gonna do well I've got it all summed up right here on this handy dandy playwright the first thing you do is you pick a one of the three dice bridges over there and take the leftmost or the right most die right that's going to be the die you do work replacement with then you place the die wherever you want to go on the main board and you either make money or lose money depending on where it goes then you potentially get to do a what's it called a Lantern action under some circumstances and finally you do the action that you came to do so let's go I look at these three um and the thing is for each one of these Bridges I can't take anything that's in the middle I can take the rightmost die or the leftmost die and you may notice these dice are always arrayed um from lowest to highest two three five one six six one one two they were all rolled all laid out there and if I take the rightmost die like if I take this uh Lig chunky five and I put it on an action I make money equal to the difference between the space that's there and my die so if I put this over here I'll make a buck if I put this over here I'll make two bucks if I cover a three with a five that represents me spending a lot more influence and making some money along the way now on the flip side I could take the leftmost eye the lower die but then I potentially have to pay money if I sent this to here because I come with not enough influence I'd have to pay one of my coins to do the action so why would I ever choose the lower value die because if you take the lower value die you also get to do a lantern bonus action in my Lantern bonus action at this point is make food but over the course of the game this can get upgraded and become more and more powerful so the leftmost eye becomes more powerful as the game goes on so I gotta pick one of these three dice or one of these three dice now in the early game my um my Lantern power is just get some food it's not that great I mean depending on my starting it could have been hey I'll get some food and some money in which case maybe I'd want to lower die but I think right now I want to take the higher value Dice and the bigger the number the better so I'm probably gonna go with this white five or this black six because I'll make Mo Money um but which one do I take well that becomes my second thing to consider because it's part of setup there are all these little die color markers all laid out all over the board and they represent what color actions can be done if I want to take this black six I could put it here here here or here but I couldn't put it here because there's no black colored actions to do but if I put it here I get to do this action and I make three bucks I make three bucks and I get to do this action I put it here I make three bucks and I get to do that action and if you're noticing you may have spotted because of random setup a white 5 won't make me as much money but if I put it over here I get to do two actions instead of one action with the Black die so I think I like that let's go for this let's come here and because I sent a five to a three spot that means I made two bucks two coins and now because it was a white die I get to do both of these actions and what are they they are get another seal from the governor the dime you and take one of the three basic resources then spend a seal from the daimyo and um deploy one of my family members as a courtier to the castle so that's a nice little onesie twosy I take a seal I get any of these resources I could go from four to five food two to three um iron or zero to one mother of pearl now all three of these resources have a function the more food I have the more of my family members I can deploy to be gardeners where there's all kinds of cool powers and bonuses uh the iron is spent for sending them out here to become soldiers where uh there's there's good bonuses too but nowhere near as good as the gardeners and the mother of pearl is what I need to get my people through the front door of the castle to get access to all kinds of bonuses inside so I'm going to take one of them because I'm at two I'm just going to pump up one more iron because that puts me at three and that crosses a threshold if I'm sending out my family members become soldiers one iron gets me into the weakest space three iron gets me into the next best base five gets me into the best space where I get two actions instead of one so hey the if I'm gonna make some soldiers I mean getting one more up at least lets me cross this threshold to get into the better spot there if I'm going to send some soldiers out in the future I'm not gonna do it right now because I'm going to continue now it says spend one of my seals and deploy a family member to the castle alrighty so that means I take one of these these are my potential courtiers I put them at the front door and as it says here I gotta spend two coins to get in the front door and hey it just so happens I made two coins off of that die easy come easy go but that means I got to send somebody to the castle for free now on future turns if I ever activate a castle I have the option to send more family members or instead have my existing family members start working their way up to the upper echelons of society ultimately to be the by the the governor's right side um but to move up I need mother of pearl I have no mother of pearl I went and got iron instead that might be in a bit of silly thing but we'll live with it alrighty that was my turn um remember I took a die I either made or lost money or by the way if this had been a three and I'd put it here as you might imagine I neither make nor lose money but instead I made some money and because I did not use the lower value die I did not get to do my Lantern bonus but then I did the actions were available to me that's my turn now it's my buddy's turn the Rival they draw their card they look here and they say grab that die if it's available and they want the um cheaper orange oh by the way I should have said after I took this this should have slid over becoming the new high value Die For What okay which is not very high it is now their turn they say grab the low value orange done and then this slides over for future turns and put it on this space right here boom now my rival effectively has infinite money because if I did this with I use a crappy one to come here I'd have to pay four coins to do this but they like I said effectively have infinite money to make up the shortcomings and um the thing is wherever they send their die they never do what it says on the board if I had sent this here after spending four coins I could deploy another family member uh to or in the castle or I could have deployed a gardener over here but they never they just block spaces on the board preventing me from getting to them their other card that I revealed says what they're gonna do and this says hey grab one of my um potential Gardener family members and by the way these meeples are so cool um anyway and put it on the lowest uh cost uh Garden space which is there's a one a two a four four a two and a five this is the cheapest one they're gonna go there so they have just made an investment if they were a human player they would have had to pay food to get in they've got points coming at the end of the game uh if they were a human player they'd get to activate this bonus but they don't bother with any of that stuff they just do what it says here instead of this bonus that they should get they're going to get this bonus send a gardener out and then move up one space on the passage of Time Track and get two points so that's it for them so the the left card tells them hey what space am I going to block the right card says what ax am I going to do because they don't actually do the actions on the board okay very easy very fast and then at the end of their turn they take the card put it at the bottom of the deck and they just keep cycling through their deck okay I am up again it is my second turn and now things have gotten interesting because my opponent has invested in this Gardener they got to do that action immediately um although in the case since they're an automated player they instead did whatever the card said gardeners activate immediately when they're deployed and then they also activate again at the end of the round getting to do more stuff that's why they're so powerful they get to do a thing when they deploy and then at the end of every round and this game lasts for three rounds by the way um and by the way this is a very very cool round tracker that I figured I should show you because you can't really see it in the shadow up there but anyway so they're gonna get to get more out of this gardener if at the end of the round there are any dice left on this bridge and so that becomes an interesting thing once you see people have started putting gardeners out you kind of want to use those dice up to empty those bridges out so they don't get bonus stuff so I think uh for my next turn I'm going to go ahead and grab that big juicy six which means another six slides over and I've got to go out someplace and wherever I go I'm gonna make a little bit of money well almost there's one place I would go where I won't make any money because I could come over here which says Hey activate um you make no money because it's a six get whatever the bonus is which right now would be one iron but the more gardeners I deploy the more iron and other things I get these become more powerful as we send our family members out plus do this action which is the trained family members to become soldiers so I could send this six over here not make her lose any money make an iron and train a soldier now I could also instead come over here and I would make a buck because I'm sending a six to a five and I could either send another family member to the castle or move my existing family member up the ranks or I could send somebody out to the fields um but and so if I come here I'll make a buck and send somebody to field if I come here I'll make an iron and send somebody to the training Fields now that's if I want to go up there I can go up there because hey I'd get to the second level and I'm kind of tempted to do that because say I do this I make some more iron I send somebody up there I come up here the bonus I'll get for sending them up here is send another one of my family members to The Garden so I'd be getting two I mean we're trying to get our family members deployed as fast as we can and this game is all about creating cool combos like that so do our first of all I'm definitely taking this because I want to either I want to empty this bridge out before the round is over so that my opponent won't get any boner bonuses or I want to get my own gardeners out here uh in one or both spots so that I would get bonuses at the end of the round instead so that's another way I could look at it as well um either in which case then I hope the bridge doesn't empty out hmm but another thing academic out is what else can I do with this black tie again I could come over here to deploy some soldiers or come over here to deploy a soldier or I could come there or there or there to do actions as well and over here I'll make an extra three bucks and I will make another Buck plus visit the well uh which is uh something you can always do your nobody has ever frozen out the well this space is blocked for the rest of the round uh any number of players can come to the well I could come over here make two bucks and send a gardener one of my family members to The Gardener or I could come over here make three bucks and then get two mother of pearl two mother of pearl is what I need to have this person move up to the upper echelons of society and as soon as I start doing that I upgrade my Lantern ability so that if I take low value dice I get more bonuses they're all good options oh my gosh what am I gonna do with this big old five hmm I think I'm gonna go with this one I'm gonna go with this one um which again would let me send uh spending two coins to send somebody else to the castle front gate or send spend iron to come up here I'm gonna spend three iron and train my first Soldier which means I have now upgraded this spot this spot gives me two mother of pearl where it used to give me one if I send a white guy over here so anyway I'm going to send over here to train great they're worth um points at the end of the game equal to the number of family members I've got inside the castle so uh my Soldier family members and my courtier family members I mean the courtyards are in there talk about how great our our contribution to the military is etc etc but in the meantime I did this and now I get to activate this which is send my first family member to any of the six spots on the garden and I've got four food to spend to do this oh this would be so cool if I came here and spent all four food my reward is I could then spend three coins which I have to do another Castle action which means I could say Hey you start working your way up but I would need to Mother Pearl and I don't have it oh if I had to mother of pearl I could trigger a big old super action activating all three um you know forms of life in and around the castle but I can't do that one or I can but I just won't get to take advantage of that benefit right now so where am I going to go instead I can't afford this this needs five food so this is two food and hey it just gives me two seals oh wait oh wait I have seals remember two seals can convert ah if I had four seals I could convert them into two mother pearls so I could do that big but I do not have enough seals if I came here I'd have two more seals which means then I have a lot of flexibility for money or resources or what have you um but here's the deal folks I need to be thinking about wherever I go what action am I going to get right now and what um what uh I can't think of the word what bridge do I think is not going to be empty by the end of the round so I'll get to do the action again uh now of course if I were playing against human players I could look to see what they've done I could see where they've invested and maybe make guesses I could see the value of dice and the value of actions and say chances are all those white dice are going to go away or all those orange I mean chances are somebody is going to grab these orange dice to do this double orange action which means I should assume that the orange bridge is less likely to be to still have dice at the end of the round so I could do a double Gardener action right I can kind of take a guess at what the my opponent's gonna do is because I can see this die which would say hey grab an orange die they're not going to use this one when their turn comes around they're going to flip this over and do something else so that's one less chance for them to take orange dice so with that in mind I could take an educated guess that it's less likely that these things are going to um oh my gosh are going to be done so if I come over here it would again cost me four food all my food which would then let me spend three coins to send another um a person to the training grounds that's interesting that would be for food instead if I come over here it cost me two food and this lets me activate one of my bonus Powers which right now is send somebody to the training ground okay so that's interesting yeah so I can get this for two food or four food I think I like that better let's go for the cheap one let's come over here that is going to cost me two food and I right now get to do um oh wait I'm sorry this is not this power uh it's one of these Powers it's basically if you look a little bit more closely at it you can see it's hey spend your two food get some points at the end of the game and activate any white action in the castle which means we need to look a bit more closely not at my board but at the castle so right now I could activate that that that that that that that that that or that right ha which is not what I was thinking we were going to activate Okay I was thinking I was going to get somebody else in the castle but uh it's not this car to get to activate it's one of those actions now here's the deal I could come over here and get to mother of pearl which means this person could start working their way up so that's reasonable let's do that let's say hey I spent two foods to send a gardener out to activate this which gets me to a mother of pearl which I'll be able to use for my um working my way up the castle walls okay and now my hope is I personally am incentivized not to take either of those orange dice so that there's a better chance that I will have orange dice on this at the end of the turn okay so I am done at the end of the round and my buddy says Hey I want to take the rightmost White die boom I want to put it in this space oh they can't it's occupied all right well instead then that means they skip that and they try to go for another card and they say well hey can I put it right here and yes they can yes they can but they shouldn't oh folks here's the Goof I have made I'm gonna make this a couple of times in the run through which is why you should always turn on those Klingon subtitles because Paulo keeps me on the straight and narrow and he points these things out when the um automated player draws a card first they look to see if they can get the die that it says on the card and if they can they try to put the die where the card says now if they can't place it because it's already occupied like what just happened instead of them just drawing more cards until they find something they can do they'll just put the die on the well because the well is never blocked and that's what they should have done now they should not have drawn a second card they should have just gone to the well I got that wrong I'm going to get that wrong in the future they will draw multiple cards when the card says hey grab the leftmost orange die and there isn't one that's when they'll say oh well all right then I'll draw another card until I find a die that I can grab but they will never draw additional cards if they get blocked from a space because they can always go to the well just like human players can because of this I'm making things a little bit harder for myself because I'm making them draw multiple cards when they shouldn't which means they're taking extra actions so bear that mine folks because of this dumb little reversal goof in my head I am making things a bit tougher because the ads getting to do a few more actions than they otherwise should but um that's why you turn on those Klingon subtitles because Paulo will point it out when I go wrong and make it right okay let's get back to it folks now me I would not be able to put a white die here I could only put an orange or a black they get to break the rules so they get to put this here they would normally have to pay a coin but they don't have to um but they instead now get to do all of these things all right so they are going to send a soldier up to the best spot in town and move up to on the passage of time and get one point and then they're gonna send one of their people to the gates like I did and they are gonna move them they get to move immediately so this is the only one they've got they're going to move to one space again they don't spend resources they've got infinite uh influence and whatnot so the interesting thing is I get to pick which room they move into and I think I would rather than move into this room it's worth three points to them at the end of the game wherever's running them but whenever a courtier moves into a room you get to claim the card of that room which becomes a new Lantern bonus although my buddy doesn't bother with that they're just going to clear that out it's gone and that makes a new card come out in its place and the reason I did that is because I'm thinking my last turn is going to be to grab that black six and um I was not particularly excited about the old thing of hey get a coin and uh what's it I wanted to see if I could change it to something else although honestly I like that reward even less which is move up on the passage of time okay so that was their turn these cards go to the bottom of their deck all right and now it is my last turn I will definitely take this black and then I'm hoping that the card that is revealed says they'll take a black dye as well which means they will have emptied out the bridge and won't get their own benefit but in the meantime I got the big juicy six where is it gonna go all right well again if I put it over here I'll get two iron and I will get to train somebody with that two iron um which isn't bad but and I can't come here but really I could come here or here to make three bucks so I'm gonna pick one of those two spots and this will let me move up one space I'm not crazy about that I'm gonna move up here and get to mother of pearl boom boom so now I've got four mother of pearl which means remember when I activate the castle action I can spend two mother of pearl to move up one level or I can spend five and move up two and get to the higher echelons that much faster so I'm just and remember I can turn these into a mother of pearl whenever I want I can turn two to one so if I do a cast selection in the future I'm going to skip the bottom row and make it to the upper echelon that much faster but that's going to come a little bit later so I got lots of cash money I'm pretty happy with that and I've got uh people working in the gardens and at the castle and over there my buddy does their last action and they say hey I want the middle orange oh there isn't a middle orange all right try again I want the left white yep they took it alrighty so they took it they want to put it here which is occupied so then we gotta draw another one alrighty and that's occupied so they gotta draw another one alrighty and so they finally found one that wasn't occupied right there all right and again they don't have to pay the difference like I do they don't do this instead when they have multiple cards like this because they had to dig through their deck to find out what they were trying to do they only do the actions of the two rightmost cards so they're gonna do both of these you saw how I in a single turn were able to get multiple things on the board they get to do it too just like a human player so they're sending out a level three Soldier and they are getting to bump one of their people higher into the castle so there's this one and so again they're going to take one of those cards away which one do I want to stay around I think I'd rather stay this one around to be able to get more so we'll have this one go away so they've bumped up into this area that goes away a new card comes out again if it were me moving up there I would take this and it would be an upgrade for my Lantern action which I haven't even done yet uh because I've just been taking high value dice so far anyway so they moved up that was their first thing they wanted to do and then they're going to send another family member to the front gate and they're going to move forward two more steps and they're gonna get one coin this is the one resource they care about because coins are points at the end of the game so they can collect coins as things go alrighty so that's what they did and so they had a nice uh double turn and um that's it folks you know around is over when there are only three dice left and so we have made it to the end of the first round each time doing this stuff and on the back of this by the way is a summary of how you deploy the gardeners and um how you deploy the uh uh the the soldiers and the the courtiers but anyway we're now at the end of round one and it's time to clean things up they have gone further on the passage of time I haven't moved on at all they've moved quite a bit so they're going to become the first player in round two these cool little uh crane meeples that we use to keep track of that okay then we come over to the gardens and every Gardener gets to activate again if they're uh one's full so this didn't get emptied out I get to do this guy again which says hey once again activate any white action on the board and as you saw some light actions have now changed I could do this one which is get another seal Plus activate my Lantern bonus which still isn't great because I haven't upgraded it at all um or move up on the passenger Time Track get to iron get an iron and a food um get two more mother of pearl you know what I'm just gonna get two more mother of pearl because right out of the gate I'm going to want to get this person screaming up to the top with Mother yeah okay we'll do that we'll do that we'll do that okay so that's what my Gardener and my Gardener at the end of the second round if this isn't empty we'll get to do this again so uh you can't constantly get to keep reactivating um you know the sooner you get a gardener out the better now my buddy gets payday as well but remember they don't ever do what's on the board they just have a standard thing when they came here they did whatever the card said at the end of the round for every Gardener they get to activate they get points equal to the current round so they just made one more point if we'd been at the end of the game they would have made more because remember playing over three rounds I should also say by the way if they had earned enough money they would be converting that money into points but they did not earn enough in the first round so they're just going to carry this cash over and at the end of the second round they might start buying victory points with it and the last thing as you might imagine is all these dice come back and they get re-rolled and we set up the bridges for round two okay alrighty three four five on the orange bridge which scares me again if I were playing as a human player I would hope oh there's nothing but low value dice over here so nobody wants to grab them so that my Gardener has a better shot at being activated and let's see oops I didn't roll that one whoop all right one one five and uh the whites are two four six and again if we were playing at a higher player count there'd be more there could be up to three dice in the middle of the board if you're playing full player game okay oh oh also the ai's deck gets shuffled up don't want to forget that okay we're ready to move on to round two and I used to be first but I let that go so my buddy's first now and they say hey take the most valuable White die and put it over here boom that is blocked and they actually make a coin because they uh they don't spend coins to go but they can make coins doing this and then they say hey send a soldier out to just a measly level one Battlefield and um upgrade my existing guy up to two steps there's only all right oh right so this one could only go one that one could go two and if I recall corrector they always move their lowest so they're going to move this one up two steps uh and it's my choice if they're going to come here or here which again is just going to eliminate a card um let's see let's have them come over here because I'm just not excited about that card either and I'd like to see a better one if I'm going to be using my Gardener I've just said hey that Gardener can now give me three resources at the end of the round so I'm pretty happy with that so they moved up twice that was it for them all right good for them they've almost made it up to the top tier and I'm still down here at the bottom but that's about to change folks now remember in a perfect world I want to empty out I want all three of my turns to be to take the three black dice so there are none here so that they will not make well a human player would get more resources they would get points so am I going to do that because the problem with taking a black dye is I'm not taking a white or an orange oh by the way this should have slid over which gives me double actions in those spots but I also need to be thinking about hey um taking this five it only cost me one coin to come here to get two iron as an example and then train somebody else which means I could get somebody up here which would start moving me up this track so that I could maybe take first player back all right so there's definitely some possibilities plus if you go far enough on this track I mean if you make it all the way to the end that's 15 points by the end of the game and the sad thing is all the really powerful dice are on orange but I don't want those ones to go away so yeah I will go ahead and take this um and where am I gonna go well again I can pay one coin to come here get two and then train another Soldier but remember I really want to get this person moving up because I've got all this mother of pearl let's get to the point where I can't store anymore so can a black dye get me moving up the track over here it says yes so if I come over here that gives me two coins I'm rolling in the dough alrighty and I get to do no I'm it's this this black size action is that hold on a second that's that's just moving up the track that's not what I wanted the or I was looking the orange action would let me do that if I come over here though this will work yes I can read no I can't again because the action is a tied to a white die this just gives me some resources and if I come over here gives me some more mother of pearl ERG but okay I could come over here make only one coin and then this lets me send a gardener out right let's investigate that if I were to as I got enough uh I've got uh I've got two food okay but I've got three if I need it and with two or three food let me do a castle action no I need four food if I had four food then I could uh activate this and with because I've got more than enough money to do the castle actions to start climbing ah so hold on a second hold on a second hold on a second well then folks maybe even though there's that big beautiful black uh five there it might be time to go the other way and take this one right now this is painful uh if I take this one first of all I will get the reward of another food right then if I come here this is this hurts a lot I have to spend three coins to make up the difference a one on a four but now I get to do this which is hire a gardener which would be my last three coins or no my I'm sorry my my uh three not my three coins no I need four food there's three food oh let's not forget I um right my three Food Plus these did I get my food for that oh yeah yeah that's the point I got the food off of this right so that gave me the four food to send you over here so I can then spend the three coins to do a castle action I found a way to make it happen and that is either spend two coins which I don't have to get somebody else or spend five one two three four five mother of pearl to skip the first level and go to the second level which is gonna give me either this card or this card and what that means is I'm gonna take these cards it's gonna come down here and it changes what the actions do now in Orange die let's move up or a black or a white eye lets me do more gardeners and this is going to come down here and make lanterns more powerful so I've got to decide which of these two cards which powers do I want to give myself access to uh plus later on I'm getting even more stuff making points whenever I activate things so do I want this one that uh you know uh will give me extra resources when I do actions here yeah I think I'm gonna take that one which means I came up here join in my buddy and that means a new card comes out and reprograms the castle once more now my Lantern action is more powerful and these actions are more powerful hey use an orange to get to food and then deploy soldiers or use a Black die to get three iron and three more things or two mother of pearl and three more things so that was my upgrade I did it I I broke I'm broke to do it and I'm also I've also got a problem now I don't want this bridge to empty out what am I thinking because I'm here now too oh I didn't even think about that okay so now I want the I want the White Bridge to empty out not the orange not the black because I want both of these and by the end of the round I've got to have three bucks on hand Plus either more mother of pearl or more money to take advantage of this so I've only got a little bit more time to get cash on hand so that this um will be able to activate again which means that's going to change what I do all right but anyway my buddy says I'm taking the right no what are you doing we both are invested in this and they took this and they want to put it over here they make two bucks for that so now they're gonna buy some points for themselves at the end of the round because I think they've made enough and they don't do this instead they say hey put somebody else at the at the front gate and then move somebody up once it's gonna be this one and um which of these am I emptying out and again this is all about creating different opportunities I don't think I'm as crazy about this one so let's have them empty this one out and put a new one out over there all right so big Iron big uh Lantern so that was it for them so they had a smaller turn that time and it is my turn right so I have two more turns two more turns to ensure that although remember this thing is going to activate if this isn't empty this will activate this could give me um what do I need I need money this could give me two of the coins I need to activate this one because I can activate these uh you know that one and then that one so I've so I already know I'm going to activate this which is going to give me two of the three coins so I only need no but I need yes so I only need one more coin and I need one more mother of pearl so that when I get that coin this will jump up here and I'll get first dibs on the bonuses of the daimyo plus being up here at the end of the game is worth 10 points so I need one coin and one mother of pearl right how am I gonna do that well and remember I want I do not want to empty these Bridges out oh my gosh this is about to empty out so that will make me very sad I'm certainly not going to take that I'm gonna hope they don't take it so I'm gonna take this and I haven't done this yet folks but I'm gonna visit the well because right out the gate any number of you never frozen out of the well that's why the infinity sign there's a one three that means I just made three coins so it's always nice to visit the well with anything other than a one you'll always make a little bit of cash but then you get whatever these are and this was chosen randomly as part of setup this is one food and one mother of pearl so by doing that action I have set myself up so that provided both of these Bridges still have stuff on them at the end of the round I'll get to use both of those gardeners okay I mean the well is I mean the well is Luke oh and let's not forget one seal of the daimio as well which is another coin if I need it or half of a resource or often you need it to trigger other actions of various places too all right so that was it for my second action and my buddy says hi I'd like the most valuable orange okay and I would like to put it here which they don't make any money off of that and then they say hey I want to deploy a gardener into the cheapest place possible they're already in that one so now they could do this one and this one are both two food and the tiebreaker for that is I choose the same way I choose how they move up here I think I'll have a move down here because I'm planning on eliminating the White Bridge if I move them up here then they're going to get another benefit so they're coming down here right and they do not get that instead they just get what it says here which is five coins yowza boom they're gonna be buying a lot of points at the end of the second round oh my goodness so that was it for them and now it's my last turn and too bad so sad they will not get to take advantage of that but and because I'm taking the low value die I get I first I have to pay where if I have to pay where it goes then I get the payday remember the order is take the die place it and either make or lose money then get your Lantern bonus and then do the action now I have money so I'm set where is this going to go what do I want to do if I come over here I get a double action I think that makes sense let's come over here and I gotta pay one coin to get through the front door but now because I took the low value die I get another food and I start catching my way back up on the turn order track and now I get to do both of these things which is two iron and I get my Lantern bonus again another food and another step up the track I'm starting to turn it around okay so that was that and now my buddy says hey my last option is I want nope that die doesn't exist okay try again um oh that die the one that doesn't exist okay try again oh they take that die and can they put this here nope that's blocked so they try again and they say hey can I put it there yes they can all right and they don't make her lose money and so they're going to do the two right most things um and they are put a soldier uh in the best space and move up two more steps and get one more Point alrighty and then they are gonna put a gardener in the next cheapest place no they made it over with me anyway and move up one step which means move their lowest one uh let's go on ahead actually I think I value that one less now so they'll take that one a new one comes out all right so for them they don't care about the car they just moved from being worth three points to six points that particular person so that was a big turn for them all right and folks we have finished the second round why are there not three dice on the board whoa one two three four five six seven folks I miscounted somewhere oh I just had them take a fourth turn they don't get to take a fourth turn what are we talking about let's undo all of that business they move back down to wherever the heck they were this uh car doesn't come out instead they keep the one that was there and what was the other thing they said they did oh shoot I already hid them away oh yeah they um didn't put the third Gardener out because there were three dice they shouldn't have taken another one so they didn't do that they did not move up they did not get five coins or no I'm sorry they did not get another level five Soldier and two more steps on this and another point they didn't do either of those things because I went too far folks watch what the Klingon subtitles turned on Paulo always catches me when I do dumb Goofs like that right they did not take a fourth turn instead we ended when there were only which one was it it was when there were three dice on the board okay so let's resolve it now I am up here I get to activate any white action and it needs to be an action that makes me money and it's this one right so it's two more coins and the payday here which is up again and I'm starting to catch up so that's what this one does and then this one says Hey activate him to spend three coins to do a castle action and my castle actually be spending two coins to get another person on the ground floor or instead two mother of pearl to make it to the top spot ten points for this and because I'm the first one here well first of all getting up here gives me this bonus again so I need to start um you know training some more gardeners and I get to move up again and I can claim this this or this to mother of pearl two points or activate any white action again right um right which one do I want there's a lot of white actions out there two iron two money yo I'm out of cash so I'm just gonna do this to activate this to give me two cash again and activate this again which gets me boom I caught up hooray for me so those comboed very nicely together I pulled it off somehow now they get to come here and they just get two points because they're in the second level and I did not get rid of the last black one but that's because I want to activate this myself yowza wow and now remember um they the last time they didn't have enough money but this time they do because they're first in turn order oh wait are they first in turn order no I turned it around if they were still first in turn order uh they would get uh basically what is it um three for one points but because they're second they get five for one so they basically had nine so they spend five and just get one more Point otherwise they would have made more points I'm back to first player because I made it up to the top thanks to this upgrade that I used quite a bit um right so that was pretty cool they're gonna reshuffle their deck they got their two points for activating that Gardener and again moving into the third and final round folks you can see how much happens in this game even though it's so fast so we roll all the dice we find out what the bridges look like boom boom boom oh where's the other black guy there it is alrighty boom boom boom and boom boom boom starting to become the Black Eyed Peas over here alrighty all right and we reshuffled that so we are ready and I am first player going into the third and final round I've made it to the top I haven't gotten anybody else here I've got so much food well here's the deal if I have one more food that's two points at the end of the game but I would rather spend this food and get uh more gardeners out so I could take advantage because um you know the more food you paid to get in the more points you get currently I have it into game seven plus three ten points for these two this is 10 points for making it to the top and this is one point times the number of people I have in the castle so that one's only one point I also haven't made it over here to where I get three points I'm still in the no points for that and um and so on so I've got a lot to consider there's some very big heavy delicious dice but now lower dice are nicer because hey well here's interesting if I take a lower die and move up again uh that'll be three points but to cross this line I have to give up a seal I do have a seal I also am primarily invested in just only using white dice because if we run out of orange or black I miss out on that very nice combo you just saw me pull off last time so do I take the one and uh move up here and get three points uh because I need to speak about points now more than resources or do I take the six make a bunch more cash that I'll be able to spend and use elsewhere folks I'm not quite sure but I think I'm going to stop right there because that should give you a pretty good idea of the overall flow of the White Castle now if you'd like to hear some final thoughts you can hit that I in the top right corner screen or follow the show notes in five four three two one
Channel: Rahdo
Views: 8,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board games, boardgames, radho, baord game, baordgames, rahdo, baord games, baordgame, boardgame, board game, game, rhado, session
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 15sec (2775 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2023
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