Ragnarok Landverse - 3 Ways To Earn Money

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there are three ways to play and earn on Ragnarok land verse place this form allow players to trade items which they have acquired in game a player can mint items and sell them on the platform to other players the buy and sell cycle creates the economy for item trading which will be converted to usdc nfts have become essential to game fee projects thanks to their ability to act as in-game items with multiple uses blockchain-based games use nfts to represent complete ownership so that players can actually own in-game assets these nfts may have aesthetic or game features when the player owns the nft completely it allows the player to trade and trade the things they want at this point maxion sees the problems that cause the need for the marketplace including cheating scamming and fraud from Trading between players this is a common problem that can occur in every game and the need to spread or distribute the value between games in the ecosystem when a player does not use any item in a game it can be freely exchanged for other items in that game or in other games by using ion tokens for trading second is mining system players can extract a special ore to obtain adamantine fragments which can be turned into adamantine atom tokens and traded for ION tokens and converted into usdc however the process of mining consumes stamina points from the player's account which are limited daily mining system is a main system for generate income players will mine minerals from this system to get adamantine fragment then refined to adamantine token in game and meant to adamantine token blockchain then swap to stable coin for earn real money earn adamantine fragment from mining on mining Maps emission rates will be configured by or node count what you need to know before mining mining map is a free PK map every dig use one stamina player need to use pickaxe before mining what adamantine fragment can do adamantine fragment can refine to adamantine for mint to token rate 4000 adamantine fragment 1 adamantine adamantine fragment can refine to adamantine blessing for using system in game rate 250 adamantine fragment 1 adamantine blessing mining pickaxe player need to equip mining pickaxe before mining can buy it at mining shop mining shop location pay and field 10 115376 and Hoogle field 06207-369 or rate and reward adamantine fragment extremely hard exotic mineral legendary ore 24 adamantine fragment per dig rare ore 10 adamantine fragment per dig basic ore 5 adamantine fragment per dig that's how the mining works and the third one is land nft investor players who do not wish to actively participate in the game can still invest in land nfts which can provide them with passive income on the 1st and 16th of every month when renters pay to rent the property with adamantine tokens the income can be earned by converting the adamantine tokens into ion tokens to be converted into usdc what is land nft it is a system that is part of the nft designed for investors and players who want to invest in digital assets and let them know there are many ways to earn in this project how to buy land nft land nft selling as a wave when investors are interested in buy land nft they will get random land nft ticket example the server has released a seven-day land nft sale by releasing the following map the maps are mock underscore filled06 PRT underscore field 08 pay underscore field 04 gef underscore field 03 investors interested in buying land investors must purchase a randomland nft ticket on the website with a token at the end of the wave ticket sales period all investors must wait two days in order to use the land nft random ticket at the land nft random menu on the website after the investor has waited two days there will be a random land nft menu on the website investors will be able to use a random ticket to own a random land nft and the resulting land will be randomly selected for the maps released in this wave what you get when owning land nft 1. land nft will stay with the buyer permanently until there is a buy sell change hand 2. if redeem land nft into the game a house can be built for players to rent 3. players in the game rent a house using vibranium the landlord sets the price 4. buy a house get a bed in the rental house there will have a bed that can sleep and get more stamina per day 5. investors can purchase NPC nfts to customize houses on their own land 6. when someone rents a house vibranium token is sent to the landowner's wallet on the 1st and 16th of every month which can then be exchanged for stable coins and sold for real money what you get when renting a house that landowners open for rent players can use the bed to sleep for additional stamina per day players can use additional NPC nft purchased by landowners additional NPC nfts that landowners can purchase 1. NPC tools dealer they will sell items to make life easier such as colored gemstones traps arrows all-colored boosters and more 2. NPC coffra with a function teleport can only go to major cities open storage 3 NPC service buff food buff HP and SP region buff that's the three ways to earn on Ragnarok land verse hope you enjoy the video and gathered some information that's it for this video and please hit the Subscribe button and notification Bell thank you
Channel: Salty Rak
Views: 23,106
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Keywords: play to earn, crypto games earn money, nft, ragnarok landverse, 3 ways to earn money on ragnarok landverse, how to earn money, how to earn money on landverse, how to earn money on ragnarok landverse, 3 ways to earn money, 3 ways to earn money on ragnarok landverse nft, ragnarok landverse how to earn money, nft games play to earn, ragnarok landverse gameplay, ragnarok landverse nft, how to earn on ragnarok landverse, ragnarok, landverse, how to earn money on ragnarok
Id: eXw5z5sVTOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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