RAGDOLL SIMULATOR 2017! (Whiplash - Crash Valley)

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g'day g'day fellas welcome to whiplash this is a ragdoll game it's kind of kind of similar to goat simulator but you're a rag doll now morning up is very stupid it's a potato game it's very early access brand-new you can do this boy yeah yeah the ragdoll knows karate it's Jackie Chan doll Jackie Chan rag doll yeah it's very chaotic if you just you can just punt people and you can also like taps mikito if you just want to with them if you just want to with them yeah boy I'm gonna take you behind the building and take it behind the building and do stuff to you I'm gonna do gymnastics to you oh now my hand is definitely up your ass he ain't letting go of that box though that's a true professional he's doing his job well what happened to him Bernie Bucky go well if I can go all areas yeah as you can see there's lots of jumps and tubes and uh is a seedy apparently there's rocket boots how do I use rocket boots how do I use rocket boots oh the rocket boots are going what's happening oh my god it's bit undramatic where are the flames where the flames oh my god okay stop them stop them now we're in town what that chicks trying to box I'll give you something to box what's yeah I like how absolutely no one reacted they clearly hated that woman just going for a wander through town Oh having a lovely date are we wouldn't it be shame if someone kicked you ruined it I'm sorry dude you ain't getting nothing tonight I'm a block a ragdoll Oh what's this there's like a movie studio there's a TV studio hey mom I'm on camera I'm on camera drop kick kick the woman punter wait am I actually on camera right now say cheese there's a dead body with me Jays yeah remember that time I killed a chick now I have the memory there's so much weird going on if you look it if you look at the NPCs how much weird sheets going on that guy's head-butting a building hey mate let me help sure no worries what's going on in here it's gone what the fuck's going on in here there's all sorts of hats it's chicks jumping there you go I helped you Jap love no worries I reckon I could get this chick into the into the hole Kirby I didn't work oh I could buy a hat oh I need 3,500 points to buy the poop well I have a mission now let's get 3,500 points to buy the poop okay I get points by just like wreck and deluding myself Oh kick that guy's nuts and I got no points oh I can use a car I can use a car or I could push the car where I could well where I can kick the car ha ha yeah get rag doll let's kick the car over properly and use it back good you gotta love early access games don't they this is absolutely I want to drive this car could you just flip over your dick head there we go ok let's see what drove the cars Lloyd ok apparently I have a twin coz there's two there's wait in the car okay well I'm gonna hit him obviously is there any other choice of course I've got to run him down alright here we go I'm driving finally do some wicked donuts and run this down run him down apparently I can't go back running down can't do it ok that sucks dick but what if I run down some innocent people hey guys they're holding bananas the police officers with bananas this guy holding ago I Bernard a point all right dead rag doll here savored a bush okay maybe I killed the victim but whatever right no one's here is the witness you guys didn't say is a is a boy cars cars a cars a get out of it oh ok so I've been traveling around desires ragtop getting up pointing sin what if I discovered Oh Mike this liquor this is like a ragdoll shredding facility there's a blender this is like a stunt place sir all right this is our washing machine there's a blender there's some aircraft propellers over what all right I'm coming getting the points for the shithead yeah what I can't go launched it's gonna torment land in the fan lair get back in that fan boy I want to see you get shredded you soft there we well I'm not getting shredded by I'm getting launched and I am getting points ready whoa Josh where's Josh get points where's Josh where's Josh that's not even a word ladies Fame whore shush what is wrong with you were you having a stroke no I'll get points that's what I'm doing how do I get in the blender there's a blender there what's this okay oh this teleported me to the top of this building and this lets me jump in the blender yay celebrate good times whoa man am i stuck in his fence I need more points there we go back you make me smoothi-- whip me up whip me up yeah yeah holy look at the points I'm gonna be shithead dream come true my mama always called me a shithead poor mum you were right you'll walk bill right weren't your woman may have hurt my feelings when you said it but you're a genius I like out the best way just rent over an army dude I like how the best way to travel with this plate just throw yourself in the rag doll and just like bouts along the street belts it belts it or such a good time bouncy bouncy shoes all in a line oh here we go here we go hat store hats star live your dream laser beam get the out of the way woman get out of the way I need a ball my hat you done or item boy and yeah boy the poop how do I equip the poop oh ok so apparently I have to pick it up now Alma shithead what a dream what a great day look at this literally look at these chips yeah well and apparently I could fight this gives me farty this hat gives me magic farting pals I just want you to appreciate what that means ready ready I'm going on the moon I'm going on the moon magic firing powers hacks come on you shithead fly fly oh this game this game's definitely potato definitely early access but loving it but but this ragdolls literally become lays baby in real life I'm a shithead in a follow up my mom would be so proud okay now that I'm a shithead officially confirmed I want to go back to this stunt park actually I'm thinking if we go to this oh we can get a hundred K points boom I could buy all the hats now we can travel at speed a lot oh okay wicked wicked I appreciate that travel at speed or wide holy this makes getting places easier go rack on well I crashed it's people now I'm in a pond hey guys would you look at that it's two cars bombing each other what a love story story there's a cupcake though finally got to collect cupcakes yeah I got to this guy's gone fishing hey mate congratulations he called a shithead I'm a big one where's your kick him what was that and what are you your fat Elvis and I'm stuck in caravan oh now I'm free again I'm free all right couple of questions but if fact it fat Elvis come from next question how far can fight over seflie what job well kick him in his Caravan this is how Elvis died got kicked by I didn't do none of this run run run run get out of here get out of here oh wow this is hillbilly town the shithead rag-dolled fit in what's this oh that's an unfair for it that's an unfair for it whoa okay okay got him on the way down hey guys can I join in the foil actually I noticed something here though there's a guy's squat Norman on the dunny hey mate we're both hey hey kick to the face so what you get for poop with your clothes on respect the poo let's go into this play area now that I have super speed ready I won't get hit girl through here oh I did not totally did all right let's see what super speed can do in this park game let's see what's this it's like a tube the tube press easy for rocket Taylor don't mind if I do three two one boys all right doesn't expected what I expect but I say a dead dolphin up there so I'm gonna go over the keys at that head--oh get up there how do I get up to the dead dolphin asking the important questions run yeah all right I reckon I could hit it from here hit the dead dolphin from here oh I got so close for going for the ball I wasn't even trying it's a pair of the head praise be it guided me to victory I wasn't even trying for that error attempt to hit that dolphin hit that dolphin head boy right did I eat the dolphin you shouldn't do that Peters gonna have a field day if I go full speed jump but oh look at me get compelled by fast run yeah to tell my butt's okay I was supposed to be in a stunt park but forget about right now forget about it Oh Oh God oh these guys are still having the date and that chicks float and it has a nice booty Wow looks like a closed painted on have you ever considered dating a shithead bush that's what you get for saying no well there's so much I didn't explore there's like heels and I was having so much fun just run in the buildings so maybe you fellas want a second episode belt the body like button if you do it I ain't gonna tell you what to do there's a guy jumping on the wall doing backflips pretty dope you're all a bunch of bloody legends and as always Cheers [Music] you
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 1,615,883
Rating: 4.9255943 out of 5
Keywords: ragdoll simulator 2017, ragdoll, simulator, 2017, whiplash crash valley, whiplash, crash, valley, whiplash gameplay, whiplash crash valley gameplay, funny, funny moments, gameplay, gaming, games, video games, comedy, commentary, walkthrough, guide, lets play, car crash, physics, car accident, lazarbeam
Id: GLwwPVdEHgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2016
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