RADWIMPS - 愛にできることはまだあるかい [Official Music Video]
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Views: 98,737,998
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Keywords: RAD, WIMPS, RADWIMPS, 野田洋次郎, 武田祐介, 桑原彰, 森瑞希, 刄田綴色, 愛に, 愛にできることはまだあるかい, 天気の子, Weathering With You, 新海誠
Id: EQ94zflNqn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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There's a playlist for the movie ost as well and I might've just spoiled myself from just reading the titles
RADWIMPS honestly just takes Shinkai's movies to the next level...
Can't wait for the UK release!
This song is absolutely beautiful. Radwimps never disappoints with the ost tbh. I'm so excited to watch the movie!
Like a lot of people I discovered RADWIMPS with Kimi No Na Wa. They're a great Japanese rock band, which have made a lot of good music outside of Shinkai's movies. If you liked the soundtrack of Kimi No Na Was, I would recommend you their album Human Bloom, where are featured the 4 main tracks from the movie, plus plenty of other great tracks, my favorite being I Novel and Human Shaped Constellation
The full OST album is now out on Spotify:
Weathering with You OST
Man I really wish we got a simultaneous global release :(
I've been living under a rock and, despite watching all of the trailers that have come out for the movie, I had no idea until today that Radwimps was doing the OST for the movie.
Pound for pound, I feel that the vocal songs for Tenki no Ko are weaker than those in Your Name.
This theme sounds like a generic midtempo Radwimps song. As a lead single it doesn't compare to the punch that Zen Zen Zense had.
Judging by Great Escape's structure, it'll likely be used as an insert song like Dream Lantern. It's easily the catchiest of the vocal songs, but with 1/3 of it being instrumental, I can't help but feel like the song ends too early.
We'll Be Alright is this movie's Sparkle equivalent (midtempo building up into orchestral climax), but with a much shorter build-up resulting in a less satisfying payoff.
Toko Miura's voice is amazing and she makes Celebration my favorite song from the OST.
That being said, I expect that I'll change my mind a bit once I've watched the movie and can emotionally tie parts of the movie to the songs.
Grand escape is also on youtube!