Racism in UK is NOT WHAT YOU EXPECT | Is the UK Racist?

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so when I moved to the UK two years ago I really didn't know what to expect I had heard of racism being very prevalent in some countries and not so much in others and the UK fell under the second category but did that mean there was no racism in the UK well of course not but I decided to be optimistic because I had traveled to a number of countries in Europe and Asia and never experienced any racism to my face so with that in mind I decided to move to the UK and two years later I think I'm ready to share my opinion on how racism works in the UK whether there is racism especially because I've traveled to other parts of the UK and not just London because it works differently and the intention of this video is to give you a clear picture because I really love the UK so it's not that I intend to paint it in a bad way or I intend to gloss over what's happening but the point is to paint a realistic picture and call a spade a spade so that you have a very honest idea of how it is in the UK and understand how racism works and to know what to expect so that you can make an informed decision about whether you want to move to the UK or not if you're new to my channel my name is ashika and on this channel we talk about moving to the UK so let me start by saying that I live in maidenhead and maidenhead is about 20-25 minutes away from London so most of the people who do live in maidenhead work in either London or Redding or Slough or Windsor or brackner and because it is so close to London a lot of people who stay in maidenhead are not originally from the UK they're expats are immigrants or people from all over the world the ratio in maidenhead isn't very high so there are people from outside the UK but not too many now it's important that I mentioned this because the kind of racism that you experience in the UK honestly depends or even if you experience racism depends on which part of the UK you are in and it's not the same throughout the country and maybe because there are so many people from outside the UK in maidenhead I never experienced any racism in maidenhead but that's made in head for you if you move away from the big cities and the larger towns and you go closer towards the remote towns or Villages of the UK you'll see fewer people of color and that's where things start to change now I happen to visit Dartmouth a few days ago and Dartmouth is based out of Devon Devon is a coastal County in the UK far away from all the big cities and Dartmouth is in Dev in a small little town which is a tourist step and I was queuing up to get ice cream at what looked like a very popular joint and I was next in line and I obviously started to order but before I could even open my mouth to order the lady at the counter just looked at the cup the family behind me which was a father and daughter and who happened to be white and started to ask them what they wanted so because the UK follows the Cure system I cleared my throat very gently and started to order because it was obviously my turn because I was next in line and she very abruptly cut me off and said no I will take that order first because they already ordered a coffee and I was a little surprised because for the entire duration that I was standing in the line which is about five or ten minutes they weren't in the line before me and I think they were also a little taken aback um considering how she spoke because I looked at their faces and they looked a little surprised shocked and that's the point I'm trying to make that sometimes racism isn't about what you say it can be about how you say it because I wonder if she would have reacted the same way had I been white you see racism is not really black and white and that's where the problem is and actor Daniel Kalua put it very well when he said that racism is not seen in England but it's felt and it's very oppressive so it doesn't always have to be somebody calling you racial slurs or calling you names or telling you to go back where you came from racism can also be in the undertones of what people are saying versus what they're actually saying to you and that's when I started to put a few things together in my head I've always noticed that when I walk into these small gorgeous independent shops very often the person sitting at the counter takes a look at me and doesn't say anything and I'm fine with that but immediately after me comes in a white person and I've always noticed that they treat them they start this friendly banter with them and in the beginning I thought it was one-off instance and then I started realizing that it was a pattern of instances and that couldn't be a coincidence so I don't know if they don't talk to me because of the color of my skin and they assume that I can't afford to buy something or if they just assume that I don't know English or I don't know but they just choose enough to speak and that's why I completely agree that racism is not always about what is said but how you are made to feel as well while I have not been called names outrightly to my face other people I know have not been as lucky so at a little village which is close to maidenhead a couple of Indian guys went over for meals and a drink and at a nearby table were seated a bunch of white men who kept passing comments throughout their mail talking about the color of their skin and saying that they should go back where they came from and in this very under the table remark manner now you might wonder how London is because London has a massive expat Community a massive immigrant community so basically people from all over the world right so what is the scenario there I happen to ask an old colleague who I met in London if he had experienced any racism and he told me that he had experienced in multiple instances of racism in one case he was told by an old lady at a grocery shop that he should just go back to where he came from in another instance he was called a particular racial slur which I'd rather not repeat while he was just grabbing a bite at a restaurant I asked my husband's friend if she had experienced any racism while she was in the UK and very surprisingly the story she narrated was very similar so while she was grabbing a cup of coffee and walking down the road in London somebody walked up to her and told her to go back to her own beeping country so like you can see it's a pattern let me give you another instance so there's an app called Next Door in the UK which basically connects you to people who stay close by and you can discuss if you want to know something if something's happening in the area or something like that and one of the persons on the app had mentioned that something was stolen from their house by a passerby and if you read the comments section there were comments by some people saying did you happen to catch any particular accent there was another government which very outrightly said do you think the Eastern European there was no indication of that but that being said let me be really honest a lot of the people I had met in the UK have been extremely warm extremely kind very friendly very helpful so it's not that everyone's bad it's just that there are a few bad piece here and there according to the research done it says that more than a third of people from ethnic and religious minority groups in Britain have experienced some form of racist assault and it takes different forms there's physical verbal or damage to property and they've experienced it while they're at educational institutions at work and while looking for housing the home office reported 109 843 racially motivated hate crimes in 2021-2022 and 43 of these hate crimes reported to stop hate UK were racially motivated and there was a 19 increase in racially motivated hate crimes reporter to the home office according to the CNN more than two in five black brown and minority ethnic workers in the UK say they faced racism on the job racist incidents included overhearing racist jokes being subjected to stereotyping or comments about appearance receiving racist remarks or outright bullying and harassment another place you can experience racism is online because people can say whatever they wanted to say while hiding behind their laptops and their phones right when Rishi sanak became prime minister all of a sudden there was an explosion of racist comments All Over social media if you happen to be reading the comments in a lot of my videos you might see a lot of racist comments there as well whenever I get a chance I delete whatever I can see if it's racist but you know what a lot of them still happen to come now if you have a child and you plan on putting your child in school in the UK you might be worried if they'll face racist comments at school my son has not faced anything till date either from the students or from his teachers or from The Faculty members and I hope it stays that way but if you read the news you will see that there are instances where children have been subjected to racism in the UK at school so some of you might have the question of whether you should respond to racism or not and it's honestly a very tricky situation or a tricky tricky question to be really honest if you are in a safe environment at a school or work ideally you should report it if you feel comfortable you should also ideally report it to stop hituk.org if you can and again if you are comfortable and I will leave their details below but if there is an immediate threat to your life or the crime is still going on you should ideally call up triple nine immediately and try and stay safe in the meantime so that's my side of the story but I want to hear from you have you ever experienced racism in the UK and what form has it taken if you're comfortable talking about it leave a comment below so that you can help everyone who's watching this video who plans on moving to the UK and you can help them decide if this is something that they want to do or not tell us about instances that either you have faced or somebody you know has faced but please remember to keep all of the conversations civil and polite because we don't want to go around hurting anybody's feelings especially with that I hope you found this video helpful thank you for watching and don't forget to subscribe if you haven't
Channel: Absolutely Ashika
Views: 29,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: racism in uk, is uk racist?, racism in uk malayalam, racism in uk tamil, racism in uk after rishi, racism against indians, indian racism in england, daniel kaluuya racism in england, racism in england, indians in uk, india to uk, racist abuse in uk, racist people in uk, racist comments uk, is there racism in uk, indians told to go home in uk, should you move to uk, move to uk, uk visa, uk work visa, uk student visa, uk international students, work in uk, uk work permit
Id: dCEYzhGy6z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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