Racing on the Most DANGEROUS Snowy, ICE Cliff Road In BeamNG Multiplayer!

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it still sucks oh I I fell off I was going 10 you guys that turn sucks oh my God no no there can only be one YouTuber there can only be one YouTuber there can only be one YouTuber all right boys are we uh ready for the dangerous road two race I believe so you got your chains on for this one you you just believe so I I believe in myself I did make it so I mean you did make the M sper I did so you did such a good job you gave yourself a cold yeah I I'm I'm a bit under the weather right now but it's okay I yeah just just don't cough on us it's it's all the snowy weather we're in you know yeah so we've uh we got some rules here uh you can reset but you have to reset at the checkpoint and we're going to go how many checkpoints are in the first one sper is it four four yeah I think four so every time you make it to checkpoint stop we'll wait for the rest of the racers to get there and then we'll uh set off for the next one but yeah no no repairing or anything you got any weenies to roast at these campfires uh with me sorry I thought you normally carried him Neil yeah yeah I got him in the back somewhere I think I'm about to let everybody else file in cuz I feel like they're going to die immediately this is going to be a funnel type situation nobody's going nobody went no come on I've never seen and then somebody CED at the last that's got to be the worst queue I've ever seen all right there we there's already somebody that's sideways low range or high range in this don't worry about it spieler just hold the brakes somebody's on the lid already already flipped over he might reset I need to get over a little bit here I got to clear the Rocks I kind of just pun a DA I'm I am driving I hit sooya okay this actually a really good vehicle for this like it's good but also bad I'm sorry he's not falling off oh there he goes is he God okay Neil I'm going to warn you there is I've driven this before there's an ice turn coming up here in a little bit so don't go don't get too care you can't go fast at all like you will slide off okay uh it's coming spelers coming up to it I think 26 mph is never felt so F no no no there's a rander coming up I got okay hit the brakes here Neil don't run into me there goes spieler that sucks we literally just warned you speler yeah I've been talking about this sper it's still oh I I fell off I was going I told you guys that turn sucks this this vehicle you chose actually is so bad well oh don't don't blame it on me it's the vehicle Choice it really is there any am I in first right now wait did you make Ito yeah I made it enjoy my lead I'm so glad we're going to reset after every checkpoint because that makes it better that was straight up black ice I was going less than 10 mph okay I am going like zero right now okay I'm going 20 I'm going to look behind me oh dude I am so far out oh oh my God I I almost went off that turn again yeah I'm like I'm tiptoeing right now just taking my time and even then like I'm still hitting stuff did you get through the ice swallen yet I just I just yeah actually I just passed through that I just spun out I hit my right front now it's wobbling I'm in a Groove now I think yeah it gets a little better after that ice turn but then we get more ice I just want to go roast my weenies I'm going to be the first one there but Neil you got the weenies don't you yeah we got we got to wait for you Neil yeah what are the little ones called those are my favorite little smokies y little smokies oh old Ross's upside down you know what's bad what I just lost my will oh my God I also just lost my wheel to live because wait dude I am a straight away from no I wait does this sayoto I'll I'll help you I'm I'm I'm coming up on you I'm I'm closer to him right now I just noted myself over I want to see if this thing rolls I can up here are you here no don't pass Meer oh this is all will drive this is all we drive I can I can actually uh yeah yeah uh to be fair I did node myself back over I did too no I we'll allow that yeah we we just kind of say we get out that that's like getting out of the car and pushing it it's really just it's really just if you destroy it or something you like I've got three wheels right now but I think I'm going to be able to make it the the camp is right here so I'm going to fall off no come on don't you stop on me now okay I'm close to you kamoto oh I need a shove okay I got to I got to I can see you guys now finally where you NE I'm look up the mountain I'm I mean just look for the big pink dot thank you I won't revoke my patreon membership now okay good good don't spit me out to the Rocks wait how do I you to this oh I think I think we're good I think we're good I I just needed a little bit of assistance there this is where I uh catch up to you guys win oh this is still this is still for the win spieler I know here I'm I'm there almost there I'm right okay we're here I tried spinning you out oh Jesus spieler actually won the first one because I blew my will off I just cut the track so hard I finished second Neil how are you a turtle don't look at me just just hurry up you get the podium Shadows is coming flip her over yeah all right he's coming around the corner I cut the I I like misjudged the turn and just went but luckily there was no Cliff I just kind of passed is orasi still at the start I see a name like way off in the distance yeah orasi at thead well would you look at this we got a one two three here I forgot the barbecue sauce all right you must go back up to the top of the mountain ash is going pretty quick oh he flipped it did that too he's good he can flip himself back over oh my God this is so sad it looks like gab's going to try to help him here I'm going to say that tell him you can never I would hope that he there he go there he goes he did it is impatient I don't know why he was waiting for him oh a little more fair for for each person G just crashed all right we ready for uh segment number two spieler got the win on the last one I finished second was third how far now how far is the next one speler uh I don't remember I don't remember the direction four or five days maybe days it could be well I came prepared we have all the snacks we need I brought the barbecue sauce the s'mores you name it sleeping bag you put the roof box on had to whip it up all right you ready yep here I go SP you didn't have to start directly behind me you canide if you want to you said right behind he's using you as we need to be in the last row since we we were the winners oh we lost all Rosy oh he fly off yeah oh we lost gav too byebye oh no he survived actually quite good because yeah yeah like the mud actually almost like it kind of grabs and it yeah I like it oh Ash Maker's off the side I really wanted to P don't you pull it FR me NE I don't think you're ready for what's about to come up well now I am cuz you told me yeah I'll let you go first are we letting gav die cuz gav's in front he's flipping down the hill what are we doing here go I'm trying to stick to the mud yeah stick to the mud yeah the mud SL G is stuck traffic jab oh that wasn't bad at all oh jeez I'm trying not to run you over spieler but I might bump you a couple times I'm not trying to push are you right behind me spieler yep okay yeah I'm right behind spieler it's just we got a conga line here this this isn't too bad anything I need to know about coming up uh bumps that you just did ow y there's bumps my induction system yep I got the same thing me too what is what is an induction system and induct stuff it's induct and it's a system ice I wanted to go o this looks fun oh sper sper sick drift the wall that's good do we have a gav check where's he at I thought he died I think he's behind us Oh I thought he was in front of us he well he crashed and then reset so oh he reset why did he not node I don't know maybe he bro he just flipped over right I thought but he must have broken some oh oh my gosh this ice here is horrible like at some point I want to push to try to actually pass people but right now it's just like kind of biting my time in front ouch yeah you are oh no this ice here is going to be so bad oh okay we'll be okay just got to believe not ready to push yet this whole section right here oh yeah this is Ash just passed me yeah I'm right behind you deal I'm not like going for a pass yet cuz I want to see like I wonder how close we are to the campsite we are very close oh that's when you want to push then but but then if you crash you have to go all the way back yeah but you want to I mean it's it's ultimately still a race though risk versus reward okay don't do it whatever spieler just did don't do it m if I use you as brakes how mad would you be pretty bad oh pretty bad you mean mad bad or mad pretty mad yeah oh there goes Ash Ash went off he bounced off The Rock wait who's sucks yeah Ash just yep that's bad okay now we're very close now now you can punt spieler nail I could he might not be happy with you he might not not if I do pun you it's not going to be on purpose Oh no just go please please don't do that please thank you strategic move there we go let's go yes good just flew off we got the snacks there good job oh is that the oh campsite hey all right we're 1 two three again the fire let's pop this bad boy open I like youb have all been in the first yeah but like we started in the back we got to start in the back again because you guys suck oh I didn't put I didn't put anything in here you serious Neil go back go back to the start come on all right that's two checkpoints down uh the YouTubers have been winning here well I guess you're a YouTuber sper we'll call you YouTub slmap maker yeah have we ever been this dominant before no we keep starting at the back which is is kind of funny it's a good luck thing Shadows get out of there dude yeah Shadows you didn't finish in the we got to go get the food from the next checkpoint and then we can have some hot dogs thank you shad's car just exploded is that normal yeah that's pretty normal or flying off into the ether or slamming into me or there's a ton of things that happen yeah I'm afraid he's going to hit me here and avoid ice that's pretty much the recommendation avoid ice everything's ice it looks like I know oh my gosh this sucks this actually ice yeah avoid this ow sorry I I you just smashed my window it's so bad it's so bad yeah it is I'm just spinning the tires right now dude the the car that I tested this never had that issue this they did make it though so it this car is actually really good for this because it has a challenge to it oh oh wow oh yeah that's uh no no wides here you can go through oh my goodness it's meant to look big oh there who lost somebody seya down the cliff no no no oh spieler is going to be going I'm going I'm about come back up guys if you're going to crash Now's the Time to do it right at the start uh yeah I have to reset actually I'm going to try just speed through see if I can I kind of know this map so this is a very Cliffy yeah section it is that's a long way down partner oh I'm sorry deal I got a little little too gas happy there don't worry no worry gas happy oh yeah this this is what they would call if you want to punt somebody this is the perfect spot to do I'm back to where I almost was this is what they call precarious Yep this is very precarious we should have did this with buses oh oh oh oh no there no Ste save it save I'm dead by now dang it remember what you said it's better to start or die early yeah but I was I feel like you weren't early I was early so I'm still recovering my goal now is to to catch up to you I knew our luck was going to run out eventually I mean speak for yourself I'm still going my luck I have a feeling I'm going to fly off though because I set something probably this vehicle sucks I actually am enjoying this car on here I I'm having ton of fun with it it has some it's challenging I will say it's challenging I don't want it to be too easy no no I don't want it to be too easy it's a it's not the easy dangerous road well for you it was when you did it with the freaking kette oh my goodness I'm sorry Rossy what did you do to him I was he looked like he was struggling to get up so I gave him the slightest tap and he slid off oh that's the thing with an ice map you'll slide off I barely tapped him I want to type sorry but I'm I'm in a battle for the lead now I'll do it for you I did not like it was the smallest T I maybe he was already heading off he us the dve so far now how did g fall right here I feel awful you should I likei Ori is the chillest person oh my gosh you got to keep this in the video I'm sorry Orosi if you're watching yeah he'll tell him hopefully I'm kind of now oh not get up what do you mean Ice I don't think I'm going to finish the four segment I feel like orasi is going to murder me at specific segments you need some speed to get up some has rosi been known to hold grudges oh mean I just knocked him off the side of an icy Cliff while he was battling for the lead with Ash he makes so many stuff too he makes like infection and stuff a rocket League style sorry exclamation point in chat if you really cared you would have gone back and helped him oh my God don't fall I'm trying to pass Ash here because the campsites oh jeez right here oh I broke I broke a a half shaft no yeah I do okay I'm going to have to settle for a second I think unless I can somehow pass him I'm at the last freaking ice thing right now I'm going on the mud which is probably better dang it I win here I want oh Ash won I'm in second okay uh Shadows looks like he's going to finish third unless you make a pass it's so funny how we feel so much relief when you get the mud yeah that's the better option here I guess who's honking at me no you're pretty close who's behind me right so is right behind you and he's probably going to punt he's been lighting me up this whole time he's going to punt you yeah I know I feel like either orasi or Shadows is going to P me like once you get in the mud section he's just going to for it I mean I barely tapped o rosi I felt bad like I feel like maybe he was already sliding and I just assisted where's um or okay he he's getting there whatever you got to tell yourself to sleep at night Koto oh no I'm going to sleep just fine he murdered a man allegedly made it here's Neil sooya uh so I got to get towards the front I think I'm going say if orasi actually reset all the way back he did a really good job of coming back up through here he's not that far behind gav he's coming around the corner for the last little bit oh yeah there he is yeah he's he made it back he made it back after I punted him so boys are we ready for the the final here Y no um it looks it looks awful hold on I'm I'm going to take a little look see what yeah look at look at the icy road with the rocks in the middle of it you know oh brother this guy stinks all right let's go this yeah who made this map yeah I don't know we should you know boycott him or something go go go go I bent my tire already good reset I guess you're still at the checkpoint no I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to push through it uh Ash we need to we need to actually drive here there actually this this mud is actually quite difficult can you guys this is this is difficult no it's the boulders that are annoying me right now yeah but the but is not the problem God it's the big rocks that make it where your car won't go the real issue is the m maker whoever made this yeah well that seems like a skill issue if this game had scratches my car would be gray by the time we got up top oh man oh my God sooya go come on sooya we got to go or just reset wait he reseted there you can't res I saw that yeah I the s qualified for this round a been resetting this entire time I'm sure we've got some people have been resetting a lot it's very common with this group they think they're sneaky well we know rosi didn't do it so he gets a gold star today yeah rosi always get gold star he plays fair come on come on come on oh I almost fell off just kissing butt that way if I get in front of him he doesn't well actually he won't know yeah he won't hear you oh I got I'm going to have to note up oh thanks Shadows this is this sucks oh the I oh no the forgot the ice oh my God oh my God we got a problem up here guys oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God Ash we got to go oh Ash reset all right you know what I'm going back I'm going back kodo this is stuck in a a really bad Spoto where are you going spieler you know what you go first this sucks well watch the professional do it yeah I'm going to let you go go I I can I can just feel feel the no trash did you do yeah I did it what's your recommendation I got I got stuck on a rock hold on give me a second don't take my recommendation yet okay you got to uh uh you gas it all the way and slide it sideways until it grips I okay I got it I got it oh my gosh this sucks Koto you're dead you're dead oh oh oh I see you you hid some rocks in the foliage as well so you I did have points you don't know oh what happened are they off I see his name appearing oh this is awful I don't remember this being this bad because you were in an easier car than this the one that I was in a Vos I told you off-road cars are so much worse like with big tires like this they suck on ice no sooya got so mad he left the server or is GP GPU okay GPU crash we haven't we haven't crowdfunded a new one for him yet I mean it's not a bad vehicle it's just vehicle was great for the whole challenge except for this what just happened no oh Neil is lo losing his mind I can't believe what Ross he already made it yeah that's impressive yeah it's very impressive that's what he gets for or that's what you get for hting off hting him off I feel like this is going to be the start of me just not being able to make it past that first ice turn are we going to get yelling nil no no no no no no I'm not going to let myself get too frustrated cuz my dog is sleeping next to me and I'm going to feel bad if I wake him up by yelling there you go got okay now nobody can yell now SE is a okay I'm everybody wait so needs to Que oh yeah I see little spere no I got I got to get over he's got to like right in the middle of the mountain here yeah definitely CE him I qu him going to go forward I can't stop oh my God no no oh my goodness wait I might save but I got to eving no I saved it this sucks well I don't even know what I hit that time I'm not doing oh I don't have any control come on there was a hidden I'm done did you hit the hidden Rock inside the bush hidden Rock I was paying attention to spe sideways I was like all right I'm going to try to get around him it seems like it's made specifically to bounce you off the cliff too when you hit it if I do it I'll win I if I do it I win for both you anything you need to know about yeah you hold it wide open Hill it goes uphill I guess I feel like I'm in the in I got it yeah yeah there's just a a tiny little uphill section there might be a there can only be one YouTuber uh-oh there can only be one YouTuber uhoh there can only one YouTuber there can only be one YouTuber there can only be one [Applause] YouTuber I'm going to take it to silence isn't a good thing leave the server he left oh there he is hi how's it going
Channel: Neilogical
Views: 115,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lambo crash, lamborghini crash, beamng 0.30, beamng VR, beamng virtual reality, VR, Car jump arena two, car jump arena 2, car jump arena 2023, cja2023, cja 2, update, beamng update, 0.26, beamng random mod, random mod, beamng random parts, neilogical beamng, beamng drive, beamng mods, beamng drive mods, neilogical,, beamng parts mod, beamng chaos mod, beamng traffic crash, crash compilation, beamng crashes, beamng infection, beamng multiplayer infection
Id: cHRBVKwE8dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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