Race-baiting student CONFRONTS Candace Owens, Watch how she responds

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[Applause] hello I know how you doing good how are you so that's why I say like I agree with someone which I'll say I don't think I'm on the left of the right thank you for being a bee I love that baby bigger all right well at the same time I think political parties we're kind of given to us that I've I'd the nation and if you look into what George Washington and John Adams said like some founding fathers I said the form of political parties would be the most evil thing our nation has seen and there will be the downfall of our nation and I agree with that because if you look at America right now it's a big divide I think it's mostly over politics well I got a question for Kings I never said that you can't find America is not a racist country I didn't say that you're right all right I look at one example like inner-city gangs right if you look at like inner-city gangs they were really like persecuted 100% by police departments and the government what did America do - and the ideology or the practice of the KKK okay so let's let's let's dial this back to in the pockets the KKK I want to start with saying to you how many how many what percentage of black Americans homicides black homicides are committed by white people how much I'm not like I walk you in your trap don't really study statistics because statistics if you look at any race and look at numbers of killings and murder so would it be fair if I said that black people are racist towards black people right now would that be fair yeah I think everybody's a little racist do you think do you think that we're racist towards each other no it's a raisin I just enjoy the hyper focusing on the KKK which killed thousands of black America and America conditioned America kind of conditioned like if you say black people are racist that came from America's history this is what what I'm sorry didn't hear you I say if you think if you asked you guys me if you think we're races to each other yeah cuz we're killing ourselves just so you know like we're Adam wait she's killing them I had a way faster and higher rate than any person in terms of white supremacy could ever do it and if another organization that's doing it faster you want to talk about the KKK they killed thousands of blacks Planned Parenthood has killed millions 19 million so buddies having a conversation about that because the media gets us obsessed with this idea of white supremacy and the history of the KKK thousands of blacks were killed by the KKK and and by the way so were white Republicans and we were killed by white Democrats which is why I'm adamantly opposed to Democrats but nobody wants to have a conversation about what's really killing black America number one but black males are probably the most people in prison well first and for first and foremost what are they locking us up for they're locking us up because we're black no no brown ask me a question are they like my stuff because we're black nervous a bit okay so I'm just understand too that the reason why we were we're locked up the mostest cuz were committing the most crimes we have to fix our community it's a real conversation that black Americans need to have and I try to do that with the blacks at movement when I target our communities to have these conversations the idea that white supremacy is the thing that's stopping black America is a complete and utter myth and until until hue of saying anything I'm just saying what I'm actually saying that's it okay the number one issue facing our community is father absence father absence okay excuse me okay well you want you said you brought up the prisons right if you grew up without a father in the home you're 20 times more likely to end up behind bars you want to know who I got that from President Barack Obama you talk to talk about the stats of what it does we destroy the black family the destruction of the black family if you want I'm not done the destruction of the black family happened because of Democrats and what they did in the 1960 betaine is Great Society Act in the welfare system we can talk about all of those things the very last thing we should talk about if I could make a list of 100 things that's really screwing up the black community white supremacy would it make the list I wasn't even asking you about the black community I wasn't saying you said America wasn't a racist nation it's not it's not correct the Black Panthers we're all locked up and killed by the government has been around for how long has the government done or anything hey hey wait now we have a debate so I'm okay doesn't exist at all I've been what did the government do the race um what did the government do they raised the KKK how can you say that what I can understand you're saying what did you say well I'm gonna ask you a question where are they where are they where do they meet they could be judging this is a really big story I do know can a leader gathering poison a leader where are they meeting and what because they Orange don't they literally live in the media's head I've never have you ever seen the KKK member in the hood I'm asking you a serious question so you're saying the KKK does not exist all right come down come down come down either dying to see this because I have asked every journalist that brings this up since Charlottesville to tell me where'd you take McCamey go in Houston Texas there was an event through what happened to a predominantly black neighborhood and on his acres homes that was protected by the police and there was they were escorted through a black community so that's the issue that so they do exist they are there they're mark and they're protected by the police okay so I'm a serious question as a black American you feared like I do fear the KKK okay I'm asking you a serious question of all the things that is going on in the black community in the face and tell me that you really think that the rise of the KKK is a real thing you say that there was one in Texas what what year was it 2001 I graduated high school in 2008 and they just on some car and they were walking down the street and home yeah that was an event it was that's fine I will definitely look it up I will look up the Texas event the KKK walk with the point that I was making maybe maybe they did meet once however 10 years ago and you're in your town and I'll definitely look into it cuz I always want to educate myself but the point is is that neither if you can look me in the face of time that you think at the KKK is a real threat to the black community it's how when they could be a judge or a doctor but the issue here is no one's denying that there are individual racist country if they're not raised this country how are they doesn't nothing this persecute KKK man what David Duke David Duke is a known KKK but yes David Duke endorsed a Democrat running for president the cycle has come to say that oh why is he not why the nine prison [Applause] it's so marginalized it's so minimal that over emphasis over conversation over focus these people are losers these people have no life these people are not in mainstream society these people are not what people try to make it see this is why I say when you heard me say earlier that I hate when us who are we are the most privileged black people in the entire world right we are plain and simple the most privileged black people in the entire world live in America today it's insulting to me because when my grandfather used to tell me the stories about the real KKK the ones that would come on horseback and shoot into his home at Fayetteville North Carolina North Carolina and one where my grandfather says about them he says hey when we used to come around my dad used to shoot back at them boys such an empowering thing when he talks about them he talks about like there were children he tells me stories about when the when the black mothers would come out and take the hoods off and yell at them and say is that you Peter or whatever their names were and then when you come up and you say it like what are we gonna do with the peiki members you're not afraid of them I know you're not afraid taking members you're not you're not so why are we talking about them change laws and they all they did was have to change their take change their methods they couldn't just say well what if they do debate that they shoot and kill gently we trying to understand where are the kicking are they killing black people because if they are they definitely should be prosecuted against murder I think that the issue the thing is trying to bring forward is that when you look at the historical treatment of organizations or groups of people color whether it's black light movements of black and so on the moment they were demonized they were listed as terrorist organizations why has it never been that the Ku Klux Klan was demonized for a list of the territories they were Democrats just not sure I don't Oklahoma City bombing was always a Bonnie was categorized as a terrorist act so you're incorrect there Massacre was Tara was a common engineer I was trained by some of the same people who knew the guy so I understand so last question what's the wait go complex considered a terrorist organization by the FBI yes or no who the Branch Davidians it should be but they were white you said that never happens white supremacist organization okay I said the Ku Klux Klan okay it is a similar type organization the protective enhanced pledge the bitty bag where for the entirety of America the black avidians being the terrorist organization well I'm gonna wrap this up because I genuinely thought that you thought the KKK was alive well we'd have a full long conversation about this what we're talking about here is that you want to ignore and this is what I genuinely frustrates me so much much black community you want to ignore all the really big issues that we should be talking about okay we know about abortion we know about the education system we know about Antipa which is the posting live scene to white supremacy since I've been alive is an Tifa which is the modern-day KKK both all of those that show up okay but instead you wanna talk about something that you have to pull your memory from ten years ago what do you think started black on black crime it wasn't hasn't always been a big problem that's what you're talking about what you think sorry buddy told you I thought father father father ops and started black on black crime started the biggest father absence in America Lyndon Baines Johnson in nineteen and 1964 it was he not American government what I'm saying I don't really care I'll care about Democrats or Republicans bother absent Democratic Republicans are the same America it's the same government that's what y'all see like neither I'm not political parties are literally to divide this position no the same agree on the fact that there are problems but we disagree with is that I am telling you that the left started the Democrats already and the Democrats are still were Pecha waiting here and the way after a bizarre Pech waited is by getting you stand up here and asked me a ridiculous question about the goddamn KKK when we should be talking about father options and abortion and black on black crime thank you for your call [Applause]
Channel: Black Pill
Views: 476,742
Rating: 4.8793669 out of 5
Keywords: Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Candace owens, Candace owens video, Candace owens news
Id: bZFZMwlEkP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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