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[Music] [Music] foreign [Music] it's the 13th season of the gt4 european series and the grids grow in number and definitely improving quality all the time and if you're fans of cars with engines that really rumble you like v8 racers you like the v8 racing camaros they're first and second on the grid it's the last race of the opening day of racing here at zamboa the circuit is now new shinier than it ever been before with two new bank corners for these drivers to experience in racing for the first time one is the huguen hull spock which is the tight left-hander not quite as tight now behind the pits and the other is the final corner of the lap the ariel and i fox banked curve now there it is that feeds the cars round onto the start finish trade that may be overtaking more overtaking down to tarzan you get a good run out of this corner get into the slip stream of a car ahead and then tarzan always a corner at the end of the main straight that entices drivers to make a move late in the day though it is september the light is dropping it's a one-hour race with a rolling start it's going to be cracking the two camaros on the front row duncan hausmann in the black one panga in the metallic blue one then tio nueve just a blink of an eye behind in the better of the two ags aston martin's ags events ones at the front end the grids one to the back but t.o newey it's a two driver race don't forget there is a drive change driver change mid way through so we've got two camaros on the front of the grid the second row is an aston martin and the best of the pro am racers the allied racing porsche of yan kasperlig then the top better place the toyota supra's stefan emery another porsche cayman in sick place a good mix of cars but it really is all about the rumbling camaros on the front row of the grid dutch racing team the v8 racing team if it's got a v8 they'll race it and duncan hausmann has been around this circuit so many times thousands of times over the years he was a pro-am champion in this series three years ago 2017 winner of the nurburgring 24 hours as long ago as 2005 and the houseman family just so so much part of the history of many european racing circuits but most certainly here at sanford tio nueve he's going to take the battle of them he was just down on yodapanga by seven one thousandths of a second so slap on the chin guard for him and his teammate valentin has khloe will be looking to finish out this one-hour race so the aston martin vantage tucked down behind those two camaros at the front of the grid at fourth place on the grid is the best place for the allied racing porsche it's the leading pro am runner and that's jan kasparik it's a car that always goes very very well indeed and that will be shared with bastian boos who was very quick in practice sessions for that in fact topped some of the time so when you've got a two two-driver race it's about getting the good balance between your drivers and bastion boost looks so he's getting faster and faster all the time and where would he want to win more than uh his home circuit at zamboa can't think of anywhere so full grid of cars fifth place on just a little bit further back that's william meyer car number thirty young racer really starting to make strides as he steps up to gt4 with the sellers racing team changed to green it says on the rear wing he'll be looking to change to taking the checkered flag will admire sharing that this weekend with paul celias another dutch racer really starting to make progress great mix of cars even your coma this is the century porcelain chino porsche caymans we've got another porsche cable in front that's jan kasparick but again all drivers i'm thinking what's going to happen down when they get to the first right hander followed immediately by the second it's a two-part corner at tarzan very lightly banked big gravel trap beyond and certainly many a car has ended up just running out of options being on the outside line there dive down the inside line it's a little slower but you're less likely to get a clonk so it's going to be very busy down to tarzan on this the opening lap but for all these drivers they've been through it in practice they've been through it in qualifying they really want to know what it's like going through the ariel and i bought in race situations to see if he can make a move down the start finish straight that's definitely the ambition as yet it's proved quite hard to come by but uh that's before the gt runners have had their say looks though all the cars all 18 are present on the grid if the last car on the right hand side of the grid as we look at it it's dario chirati yes i can see cr but let's get down to the grid and driver of car 15 on the grid enemy racing team javier lauras and luki berniereth luka here middle of the pack very much busy into first turn first time racing on the zamboan circuit obviously you've tested and qualified how are you looking forward to the race it's difficult because this track it's so difficult to to pass anyone because we don't have much more speed limits and and it's difficult because is in the middle of the park the first corner the start but he go to push and to go with with the finishing the podium with the standings of the championship and all where is the best opportunity for overtaking in the second sector the mercedes and second sector is so fast and we can try to to pass anyone there i wish you the best of luck thank you very much well that's uh you given yes and his teammates yeah lavera she's going to start from eighth on the grid the nm racing team mercedes but they already have two wins to their name this season so they've got the form they've got the pedigree but unfortunately here not the grid position storm supported the championship the turkish racing team borussia automotive auto sport that will be starting just one position further back in ninth toyota super a new shape for us in 2020 very popular car i think a lot of teams are looking at that for subsequent seasons because certainly cmr have settled down with it very very well indeed not as well placed they wanted this time around young racer antoine potty in 10th place overall but the sister car starting in the hands of stefan lemare is five places further forward in fifth overall top runner in the am class just about down there alongside the porsche we're looking at now that's yorkvan's car but we're looking for the srt the bright yellow mercedes from the celeste racing team there it is bob herbert he loves racing it so much he won't share the car with anyone else he does all the races solo doesn't gain any advantage in the pit just enjoys racing it so it doesn't change over to a teammate he stays on board there's a minimum time at which they must be at a standstill now one team that expected to be further forward this year was our envision sts with their bmws they look bright colorful but unfortunately for them that one number 111 is starting back in 13th position and alongside bass shooting is his teammate cohen bugatts on the outside of the road this is the one with the green flower the bluey turquoise flashes car number 110 they've got a long way to go towards the front of the field in their bmw m4s they know this circuit well though they can gauge the conditions well but right now it's bone dry which is good news after a day that started cold and just slightly down little flurries of rain didn't come to a great deal and up towards the ten of the great giuseppe jesse for autolando sport the sister cars a few positions further back and uh for giuseppe he's got um a new teammate this weekend jacopo barato and likewise his teammate dario chiratti who's starting last has another new teammate jm littmann prolific british racer who basically doesn't like a weekend to go past if he's not racing something so he'll be taking that autolando sport porsche cayman over starting 18th and last let's see where that one goes but it's all about the v8 racing camaros on the front row the grid and then just a tiny fraction of a second seven thousandths of a second behind them on the qualifying times was tio nueve so all the times really really close to the top of the grid three tenths of a second exactly between first and third position then a little bit more of a gap in fact another half second and more back to yan kaspalik in fourth place so we're about to go racing it'll be a one hour race with a driver change so the pace car gets off waiting for the signal to be given to the camaros to follow suit and go around and of course with that rolling start they're gonna be two by two through what a fantastic sight through the harry lawyer and i curve we saw it already with the gt world challenge europe race today gt cars gt3 gt4 they're big machines they look very very spectacular two by two through that bank final corner but when you get them side by side you can just see how much lower the inside car is and it really really emphasizes how steep the banking is in a way that you don't see when the cars are going through one at a time so it really is a massive new feature of the revised reshaped reprofiled circuit here at zanbot so the camaro's on the front row then the aston martin the porsche of nue and caspalic on the second row the third row that stefan lemare in the toyota even jacoba in his porsche villain mine is mercedes and javier laveras in his mercedes on row number four row five the first the bmw's and antoine potty in the second of the toyota supras you're vibarn a longtime supporter of this championship and bob herbert super enthusiastic racer in the am class the top runner in the am class in 12th overall bad shooting and teammate kit kernberger starting rather further back than they'd like to on row number seven in their bmw's then gestepi jesse and even him he will also like bob herbert being run running a solo race this afternoon and then the back roger vanderlei in the second of the aston martins team mate to tio new way but separated by 14 positions and finally dario chirati the second of the two ortolando sport porsche caymans at the rear of the grid one hour of racing lies ahead of us that's a lot of the headlights coming on now the light is starting to fade here at zanville the track conditions though absolutely tip top the best they've been all day it's dry no longer of the curves where no longer is the grass wet and no excuses for the drivers but of course they'll be saying it was the first time i raced through the bank corners at huguen halls and likewise box some will win and some will lose out in these battles but it's going to be fearsome racing 18 cars coming out to play here at zamford the race start just moments away [Music] cars now getting closer and closer together into the hands earned spock they get they the front runners will slow right down to let the others get into two by two formation so everyone at the back of the field has a duty to those at the front to get as close as they can as soon as they can now slowing it right down the two camaros coming around behind the pace car as they take the approach two by two or very nearly two by two to the penultimate corner that's the kumo box we need the upper camaro the blue one which is starting second from the grid from the outside line to be alongside when it comes to the exit of this the final corner take a look at it banked wonderfully bang the arry lawyer and ikebok not easy to go two by two on anything other than the other than the formation lap [Music] all holding their position very well we need the numb fourth place jan casperlik porsche to move up alongside t.o new ato in that aston martin very keen to be as close as he possibly can to the pole starter duncan hausmann he's got the lead for the moment the safety car withdraws the red lights all five are on on the starting gantry how long are they going to hold they're going to go green who's going to make the best start certainly the bmw's in the back trying to make a move and stefan lemare looking very positive coming up the middle into trying to get third place from the aston martin in his toyota but around the outside jan casper that goes into third he tries to sweep around the outside of the second the camaros but paul man duncan houseman has it under control yorapanga shifts up and the person who's lost out is the aston martin racer tio newey and he dropped back to fifth he's now up into fourth he's got past lemury again oh jan casper getting very very close to the tail off the second place camaro of yodapanga but already breaking clear got it tidy wasn't challenged in any way of paceman the man who started to fall duncan houseman is behind tidy as well but much much closer two by two a little bit of body contact that was uh bollock barzi hitting the back and spinning around the car that started sick unfortunately for even jacob it's his car that goes to rotation a rotation on the approach to shave like how scary is that but he's got it going again don't think there's any damage but that was a big hairy scary moment polka bars he had gained a few positions and a little bit of a clash there but we got away with it [Music] second place backwards very very close and deep but duncan has been stretching his advantage over his teammate from v8 racing drivers just not quite getting their cars where they want to at the moment on the circuit javier lavera seems to be gaining places and he has to because he fell down a little bit in fact i was trying to work out why he was so far down car number 15 started way further up started in eighth but he's uh fallen down the order i think he actually lost a bit of momentum when it was the clash of the aquamarine car bmw and chem bolivarsi uh clashing with the car that started in sick even jacob then i think avoiding the incident people lost momentum so certainly for governors the spanish race for nm racing he fell back but uh it's not a case of anyone else falling back it's a case of the race leader duncan has been pulling clear 1.65 seconds clear of his teammate at the end of the opening lap and then another second back to jan casper tia nue in the aston martin who started third in terms of pace in qualifying those first three runners are clear of the rest of the field but at the moment unfortunately for t o newey his ass departed he's in making a move for third will it stick no not got the better exit speed coming out of who can holds box and now what's happening is that definitely in the toyota in fifth place has closed right in such a tricky corner now that eu banks hairpin at hogan holds but now what's happening is dan kasperlich eyes totally on the mirror almost not looking ahead as he's got so much pressure from behind from t o newey and stefan lebron is looking really positive in that fifth place toyota supra first two cars the camaros the v8 racing stretching their legs stretching clear and in fact the first part of this lap yuropanga the metallic blue one has started to close down on the race leader duncan houseman don't forget duncan though was a one and two third seconds the good at the end of the opening lap but so this time around it's looking quite good for the driver in second place [Music] willow meyer starting to go well the gray and green mercedes now right on the tail of this battle for third fourth fifth and sixth place car number thirty even a bar and in behind sem bollock bazi has started to catch him as well so suddenly we're gonna have a five-car train for third place and all along those two v8 racing camaros disappearing off into the distance what we've yet to see in a really clear example is getting a good slipstream down the start finish straight after a slingshot out of the final corner it's happening now though except at the end of the main straight to somehow jan casper league instead of being closed down or stretched away a little bit from tio neway [Music] so the sleeker porsche cabin pulling away from the aston martin around the twisty bits the aston martin has a little bit more employment tio newey not afraid to attack he took a tighter line last time this time he's going wider on the exit of getting a better exit speed you've got to experiment this time around he worked out how he lost ground to yank casper yeah third overall leading the pro at class [Applause] this is going to be a boo from the aston martin driver who started got bustled down to fifth place in the opening couple of corners now back and forth theo knew eight what could he do about jan casper [Music] actually one of the drivers who's really made ground in this race is bad shooting he started down in 13th place there he is some distance back from seventh but he's in eighth place overall he's a two and a bit seconds down on the right blue chambolic barzi bmw leading runner in now i almost don't need to look down the chances bob herbert twelfth place overall he's starting 12th he's running 12th and he's got uh one car code bogus the second of the rn vision stsp of doubles between him and the next car in the am class which is ibrahim in the second of the horizon automotive bmws [Music] duncan houseman has controlled this since the start of the race it was two seconds to good last time around to the start finish line looks like it's possibly even gone out a tiny bit more over europanga let's see what the interval is with uh 2.4 seconds and then suddenly we've got to change not change from position but suddenly tianue getting a little bit loose under breaking the aston martin instead of attacking dan casperlik for third overall he's suddenly having to defend like crazy lights being flashed by the comment of the uh toyota behind stefan lemare wanting to do everything he can the two others settled here new way third fourth fifth almost nose to tail tiny little gap that villain fires sick for srt in his mercedes and then jeff bologna a few laps ago was a little bit of drift but he is closed off the tail so these cars from third place to seven still not a great deal between all of them but what you have to do at soundboard is apply pressure and the good thing here now with this new banked corner at hugonholes it does afford different lines and different lines are four different possibilities of the round all the way up over the top of the hill and on towards shave lacquer then down to masters box [Music] he wants to be attacking jan casper again now starting to escape in that second place this is bad news indeed for tj but he's been kept very very busy by the toyota super racer stefan lemare and they're being joined villain meyer is now on lemare's tail he in turn never flashes his lights he needs to be flashed because suddenly there it is car number 30 sellers like racing team pushing on really really hard they just managed to shake off czech policy in the aquamarine bmw behind him actually if anything i sense that second to third has come down one point three seconds so it has jan kaspalik having got clear of the aston martin he was able to concentrate on his own race his own pace he starts to catch the second place v8 racing camaro of 3.1 seconds now down on the race leader his teammate duncan hausmann [Music] so many different lines being attempted to see if they can profit or gain from them through the who can hold spot you get it right and you benefit all the way up over the the two crests then down through shave black all the way to the masters curve and right now jan casperlik has got his ears pit back and he's definitely catching over a panga it's gonna be a while yet until third place may become second we've still got the two v8 racing camaros at the head of the field this wonderful backup battle from fourth place tier newey through stefan emery's turret opening myers mercedes bmw in the background and a gap of a couple of seconds back to the second of the bmw's which is bad shoot who is starting to pick up the pace more and more even the handful more laps he may be joining this battle for fourth place backwards in one of the allied racing caymans the porsche getting closer and closer to europanga haven't even got to the 10-minute mark of this race looking uh very very tight indeed nobody has any answers to the pace of the race leader duncan hausmann down to tarzan he goes his advantage now 3.8 seconds let's call it first back to his teammate yorapanga who's only 1.1 seconds clear of the chasing dan casper and casper liquid turner's got a similar margin back to t o newey does not have that margin behind he's got a lot of pressure from stefan lemare in the cmr supra last few laps would be much better ones every lap for the last relapse checkbook number 12 bmw has gained ground on the car in front of it now he's taking a run at villa fire better exit and pulls it off at the top of the slope that's through the rob slottenbacker box so that was a very unusual place to pass but clearly so much more speed out of the huge bolts head hugging holes in hairpin in fact he made it halfway to shave like that was a phenomenal move there for the turn down to bach nine they go and uh trying to atone for losing a position philip meyer in the gray and green mercedes puts himself on the outside at turn 10 but you will definitely lose ground around there so he's gonna have to pop back in behind and uh accept that he's running in seventh place rather than the six he had been in earlier down that infield straight bob herbert the am class started 12 he's now running 13 but he's always suddenly got attention from behind because it's uh the second car in the am class it's uh abraham who's running the whole race as is his rival no driving changes for them only recently overtaken by kurt vergates in the number 110 bmw in front of them but he wants it to get back in front he wants a cushion because the bmw behind him is the one that he's fighting with for class honors talking of fighting suddenly we have a battle for second place because uh europanger has fallen right back onto the bonnet of jan casper yan's got one and 1.6 seconds of a cushion so he's safe no challenge from behind from the aston martin ags events aston martin of t o newey who's got his hands full trying to hold off stefan lemare but this battle for second place he looked after the opening couple of laps so that was it the v8 racing camaros were off and away definitely using all his years and years of experience of gt4 racing to just keep his tires sweet and shake off the challenge from behind and now he's really putting yoga panga under a lot of pressure [Music] i mean jan has been fighting it gt4 european championships for this is the seventh consecutive year yo ropanga very much at the other end of the um scale of experience effectively uh really just stretching his legs for the first time this year his teammates [Music] the race leader duncan houseman stretching clear nearly five seconds for good at the moment and the best finish to date across six races experience so far for v8 racing for this duo the duo in second place is a second place running second will they equal their best certainly no answer the pace of the sister car the black car of duncan hausmann duncan's not been under pressure made that good start pulled away on the opening lap it's remained the same ever since in the number 12 bmw he picked off with their alapago now he's seeing what he can do setting off after the toyota super of stefan lemare and certainly that would be welcomed by teo newa he wants the pressure off his tail he needs emery to be looking backwards as well as forwards and step bollock fuzzy see what he can do yeah nice little exit from hugging holes he did that a few laps ago gained a lot of ground that's why he was able to pull off a passing maneuver right there with the rock slotted very unusual to see that much of an [Music] advantage tienerway would have hoped to be running in third place after qualifying nasta martin was so close to the v8 racing camaros in front of all three of them covered by precisely three tenths of a second but in this early stage of the race it's worth stressing but not even at quarter distance in this one-hour race aston martin is back and forth for being challenged from behind the toyota in fifth place pushing very hard stefan lemare at the wheel easy to get carried away to think it's a short race but it's a full hour and there's the driver change in the middle sector of the race so it's not about being a quick sprint it's an hour of racing it's about nursing your machinery your equipment your most importantly your tires it seems this time around that europanga had a better run onto the start finish straight what's the margin back to yan casper oh he's actually casper again we see how sleek and quick in a straight line down the start finish straight the porsche cayman is it closes right here 0.55 of a second in arrears in that battle for second place [Music] again marginally different lines of the houston horseback but uh very much drivers starting to favor that higher line it sometimes allows them to get on the power a little bit earlier as they go out of the corner therefore carry ball speed up over the rise through that wonderful twisting section where we see the second third place porsche negotiating the diff and then the climb and then the drop pass damn battle is still looking very very good indeed bmw in the front kernberg he's at the silver class but yellow black mercedes bob herbert is in the aft class ibrahimo tucked in behind him in the number 13 bmw also in the class it won't be too long until they're all caught by even jakoba who was spun remember on the opening lap on the approach to shea black what a scary place to go around he was fighting for about fifth place at the time but essentially porter titino came in now up to six 15th overall and closing in on this little and battle there he is in the background the black came in with the white and green of colours on its tail flank roof everywhere is catching them very quickly indeed in fact [Music] i must say in the am class it's looking very very evenly balanced bob herbert's had such a strong start to his season he's won three out of the four races he contested in the am class but uh [Music] for the turkish racing team foreign automotive this is a very very good run most impressive run so far this season i would say for ibrahimovic still far from over he's doing the entire race so he's gonna be quite weary come the end but for ibrahim he couldn't raise anything other than the bmw he's been turkey's bmw importer for a very long time involved in rallying as much as racing but uh really enjoying his running in the gt4 european series [Music] just looking for changes in momentum what i'm starting to sense is definitely is no longer challenging quite teo nueve just got a small advantage about oh i know six tenths of a second because suddenly look the toys are super being pushed very hard indeed by champion who's taken uh get chunks out of him for the last three laps if not more consecutively that said we suddenly get to a point on the circuit where the toyota is a little more wieldy is able to open out a very small advantage onto that infield straights actually very very even in that that run of course of thier newer in fourth place through stefan emery pollock party uh backwards [Music] been the mayor just falling off the tail a little bit he's running seventh in the number thirty star racing mercedes there it is with the green flashes on the grey flanks in the background of the shot but uh was demoted not long ago by the number 12 bmw of politbuzzi hasn't been able to fight back but he's not falling away too badly duncan heisman four point seven seconds ahead of his teammate europanga those two v8 racing camaros first and second yan cast but it's still tucked in there just seven tenths of a second down on ropanga in sec in third overall then he's got a margin of nearly a second over tia newey newey would have expected more from this race but his teammate valentin has glow is certainly prepared to give it some in the second half of this race [Music] the grey mercedes with the red flashes tucked in behind bad shooting it's javier laveras for the nm racing team has already had two wins this year two wins at different circuits that's the important thing the winner mizano would win at the nurburgring would love to do something here this weekend but unfortunately went backwards at the start of the race and has not been able to make up ground since whereas up from thirteenth on the grid bad student has really gone well to be running around in that eighth overall but overtaking is rare but are we just about to see a move yes we are so nm racing get back the position they lost earlier in the race not so far behind them we had yorkville just in the background of the shot but now his chance of catching up will go away from him because uh sorry uh javier laveras i sense the faster of these two runners [Music] but having lost the position was being delayed by the shooting bmw car one one one which has been driven really really well but i really honestly feel the nm racing mercedes on a clear lap ought to be able to pull away let's find out if i know what i'm talking about well certainly about shooting having been devoted fancy's getting his way back how about around the outside of the arri loindex box newly banked made for overtaking i'll tell you what maybe save it for the end of the main straight get a good toe good exit to the corner down the dip onto the start finish straight as they go and covering the inside line but his nose is behind but he's got the inside line into tarzan but around the outside just enough of a margin just enough of a toe as the area lined up so positions back to as they were gentlemen as shooting back up into eighth overall down tonight javier laveras and then they get to huguenots park two totally different lines it looks as though the move was done and dusted for the mercedes racer but staying wide faster exit line certainly weren't for bad shoot and suddenly thomas has got company because he's got a challenge from behind yorkville right on his tail bouncing over the curbing there at the top of the crest for allied racing his porsche cayman [Music] hit window will be open soon but i think duncan hausmann i sense duncan husband will stay out as long as he possibly can he's advancing just under five seconds four point eight three one seconds to be absolutely plain his teammate though is busy has been busy for a number of laps because jan casperlick is all over the tale of the metallic blue camaro there it is just going out of the the shot uh yo ropanga still holding on to second place but part behind them theo newey has been busy all race in the ags events aston martin he's got uh stephan nemerine the toys are super right on his tail and then attempted fasting the blue bmw now philip meyer's got he's got himself back into the action in seventh place really really close in that run from fourth place backwards time after time down the start finished straight the porsche cable just looked sleek because look good whoa considering a move down in tarzan didn't come off but again a good toe slightly sleeker body shape and that came in gaming time and time again but jan cast but it cannot make the move stick maybe thinking at this point maybe i hand over to my very own teammate in the case of uh casper car number 22 that is bastion boos maybe he thinks hometown magic have to pay off home circuit for the dutch racer [Music] when you get drivers running this close in traffic their lines are always compromised they're trying to block a charge from behind they're trying to stick where possible to their own line the racing line but once a car is so close in behind you cannot be on the quickest line on the circuit anymore because someone is going to potentially make a lunge up the inside and it can get a little bit messy great mix of cars you look down from the front too chevrolet is a porsche and asimoto the toyota bmw and a mercedes a real mix of cars which has always been the story in the gt4 european series but also one of the features is uh whatever manufacturer has a car that's at the front one weekend is not guaranteed the next season is not even guaranteed at the next race the performance balance and that is why we've got all these mates really up close up at the front end of this field running very very close to the wall on the exit of the final corner the ariel and i bocked was gonna retire no it's a swiss driver waiting in the pits i think that was your camatheus waiting to take over uh the car that even tacoma has gone from uh well high up the order spun around with the opening now he's up to 15th place may yet pick off bob herbert but uh right now i think one of the early pit stoppers will be the change from even jacoma to your camatheus waiting down in the pit lane [Music] really is a story of nose-to-tail racing unless your name is duncan houseman sitting on an advantage just just under five seconds it's stabilized it's been there for a while but there's nothing stable about the battle behind the positions haven't changed for a while but at any moment it could happen let's say an ambitious move comes in from stefan lebron could really shake this up but he's gonna take an ambitious move because he can't hang around a great deal longer he's got some follow bazi all over his tail in that number 12 turquoise colored bmw and that villain has suddenly closed in as they fought in front of him venom i was able to gain half a second get right on the tail for celeste racing team but then he got too close you saw the front of the mercedes washing away right under the rear wing apollo parties bmw looking probing prying but it's not happening no door is being left open so it really is a case of as you were duncan houseman gap about five seconds just under five seconds then the second of the v8 racing camaros of whatever yan kasperlik tries let's see does he go as high on the banking at the exit of the back he went really high last time yeah definitely a higher line of the backing very close to the concrete wall whereas yoburapanga in front of him is a little more conservative doesn't go so close to the outside of that high back bend that leads the car down the start finish straight but whatever jan casper does it's just not enough to overhaul that camaro [Music] for the nm racing team their mercedes javier lavera still continues to fight over eight plays with the bmw from our envision sts that one one one in the hands of bad shoes but it's a great little battle but these drivers as the pick window is now open so for 10 minutes from 35 minutes remaining in this race just 25 minutes the clock will continue to count down right if you're at the back of this pack you're feeling frustrated you feel your teammate is up to the pace that you can manage and maybe those around you they have teammates who have a speed deficit in comparison to the starting driver now is the time to consider making a move and making a pit stop will bollock basically waste any more time sitting behind this battle so driver change in the pet lane the second of the ags events aston martin's car h9 shield ventilated the first sector of the race and that's being handed over to his teammate nicola gomar [Music] sister car still in fourth position would have hoped to be higher but tnue doing nothing wrong but there he is second third and fourth fifth sixth and seventh all in the same shot all in this random car camaro porsche aston martin toyota bmw and then in seventh place the mercedes of villa mcmayer duncan hausmann another lap on the board and he's not planning to pull in any time soon but the the porsche jan casper league diving for the pit lane he's fed up hasn't managed to shake or get past the second of those camaros and instead of looking at the tail of yodapanga he's hoping by pitting now and then a good in and out for the crew may get it up into second place when the cars emerge sprinting out to take over from in for allied racing is bastion boost the danish racer [Music] let's see it's always a roll to the dice when to make your pit stops maybe maybe europanga is able to just put a little more pace get a bit more pace out of his camaro because suddenly he's not being pushed really really hard indeed by the allied racing porsche car 31 there'll be no driver getting on board that because bob herbert running right at the sharp end of the ad class he will stay on to do the second stint as well both of the are in vision sts bmw's in but one of them the bonnet is up that's unfortunate indeed i think that's the 110 curt bugatt's driven car you don't normally have time for the oh that's looking as overheating big time do i sense a bit of extinguishing yes so they've been flames somewhere under the front end you can see the extinguish up on the windscreen so don't expect that getting back into the race any time soon that's got to be cleared up clearing up how about clearing off duncan hausmann now five seconds and a bit to the good over europanga who's uh just exactly a second near the assembly tia knew it when i say a second that was at the start of the lap and that has come right down to one car length clear in this battle for second place duncan houseman continuing on his way on down the start finish straight for one more time he's not going to come in until that pick window is being rattled the second place camaro into the pit since in lap lost a bit of time to the cars behind so up into second place goes tia newey in the aston martin third place now stefan ebre snaking breaking very very late indeed for tarzan just managed to get the toyota under control but all along shembolic party getting closer and closer behind so team and naboor about to take over from yodapanga in the blue camaro that was running second don't forget but being caught by those behind don't worry you haven't seen the stefan lemare being demoted the other toyota is one further down the field it's the sister car at the wheel now [Music] trying to see who's taking that over but certainly for cmr it's timothy ray who's taking that over that's a lap down but it's made its pit stop will gain a lot of that time back but a little bit of an advantage gained in that battle for the sister car there you can see stefan limerich in the sister car all over the tail of tio nui they're now fighting over second place two of the cars in front of them have made those pit stops jan casper came in from third he's handed over the 22k but that's now in the hands of bastian boost the dane and also cast the camaro the blue camaro came in from second place europa has handed over to naboor [Music] you have to say with that five second advantage that duncan hausmann had over his teammate he should be able to make the pit stop hand over his teammate jorge cavethus catalan and still retain the lead of the race but is anybody's guess what's going to happen in the in the order behind them and this time around absolutely the race eye sensitivity might go for another couple of laps but uh duncan hausmann is coming in orgas catalan waiting to take it over at their first race meeting which is the last time out nurburgring ninth and tenth places so what could they do today put in you can see that uh second rn vision sts bmw that had the uh extinguish sprayed on it still sitting in the pit lane being recovered duncan has been out looking slightly stiff as he uh goes around the front checks that's all all right going back to have a quick word with his teammate or cabeza's catalan they'd like him out of the pit lane out of the way now and he's got his bearings back and is moving out so one of the first front runners to call at the pits number 22 now being pushed off very very hard indeed bastion boosts the day will be a great day here at sandboards big windows still open for another four minutes but the good news for him is he came out of his pit stop in front of the car that his co-driver had been chasing down so third has become second and unfortunately second for v8 racing has become a third but one has to presume with that five second advantage duncan hausmann's got the black camaro will go into the back into the lead of the race after this pit stop okay commanders catalan at the wheel but by staying out for a longer opening still the chasing aston martin of tia nue and the and the supra of stephan limare be able to gain a few vital seconds that will get this front end of the field compressed we'll find out the car that came in from the lead of the race looks as emerging back into the lead so that's very good news indeed but what an opening stint from duncan house but did everything after him t.o newey will he come in this time around he's staying out one more lap no they're both coming in so the supra stefan emery t.o newey diving into the pits jem bullock barsley will now take the lead of the race so the borussian automotive car proam line up there goes into the lead the race but they will owe us a pit stop got a number 12 will be taken over by jaggers getting sem very much the quicker driver in that in that duo so he's going to stay as long as he can the pit window is still open for at least another lap but when it gets to 25 minutes if you're not into the pit lane 25 minutes left in the race well you've blown it you've stayed in too long okay this catalan into the lead of the race when he rejoined but must be said it's worked very well for allied racing they're half their disadvantage but more than that they've moved from third place up into second effective second of course then politbuzzi is still leading this race he owes us a pit stop so what is the gap between the black camaro and the chasing allied racing porsche with the georgie little yellow duck on its flanks it looks like it's down to about three seconds so that's been a very very good sequence of inspired move for yan kaspari to give up on that battle for second place come in he'd been trying for so long to pass the second camaro came in quick in quick out and instead of being third their second and certainly hunting down the race leading camaro champ bollock barsie is obviously going to leave his pit stop as late as he can if he doesn't do it at the end of this slap then i think he would have blown it but right now still leading this race aston martin coming back out but he's gonna come back out into effective fourth position because the blue camaro's got itself going but it has been overtaken in the pits by the cmr toyota super crew so stefan emery started that and the change of order that's now in the hands of gail casterly fellow french racer that has worked very well so much as the porsche cayman casper link handed over by pitting early sebastian boos gained the position now jagger's getting comes running out chamboll and bazi about to hop out this was a car effectively fighting sixth seventh position look good looks strong he's had the longest opening stint of anyone has that enabled him to gain a few seconds now the battle in the am class bob herbert staying on for the second half of the race as well he's got the 89 aston martin nikola gova all over his tail just a quarter of a second between them of course earlier we had ibrahim in the boris automotive bmw team in the mix he's not off the pit stops it's all about nicola gomar in the aston martin building on the words and shield banner they put in the first part of the race to see if he can take the lead from bob herbert in the app class they're fighting over 13th 14th and 15th positions [Music] porsche has somehow just got ahead of jorge quebec's catalan he came out about three seconds down before the pit stops he was double that behind but uh certainly adjusting very well indeed with another lap into this second stint before the camaro came in maybe two laps into this did before uh that camaro came in the camaro losing a lot of time as the spanish racer tries to get accustomed to it and now we're about to have a change in behind the super gainer position the pits is gained another one past the second of the camaros so suddenly the camaro is going a little bit backwards on their home patch in the background chem polo quasi's car now in the hands of uh getting comes out behind them but the big gain has been that cmr toyota and but the biggest gain of all has been the drive that's taking the lead the race bastion boost i said he was quick in practice and in qualifying now in the lead of the race the allied racing porsche now i really start to censor this battle in behind here they come third and fourth this pace is certainly going to be putting pressure on jorge quebec catalan the black camaro that was sitting pretty at the front of the race in the hands of duncan houseman he's going to have a battle not on his hands he's gonna be on his tail in the next two laps the 27 after martin's trying to regain a bit of ground valentin has a clue he will be catching the back of the pack but all along that 22 allied racing porsche just starting to find his form moving into the lead the race now let's have a look at the replay how did it happen how did cabeza's catalan down into turn line well he left the door a little bit open and the move was made between nine and ten well that was very bold indeed for the lead of the race catalan feeling his way in on his out lap and uh waiting not at all for the second opportunity bastian boos realized then that was the moment he's gone ahead in fact i thought he was going to start dropping him but uh right now luke says jorge quebec as catalan is getting himself up to speed and he needs to because third and fourth and fifth all in one shot behind as he goes through that wonderful bank turn onto the start finish straight the toyota in third place gail castelli team flashing his lights and in fifth place behind the aston martin of valentin has khloe is it gonna be a change of position there's certainly a dive with plenty of intent in this battle for third place team and nepal wants to do it on home ground got his nose in front but then you get to get that fog he'll fall behind but if he can stay side by side he will control the corner as they then dive down into the huguenots bomb which is exactly what he does no one watching is going to complain about the plays changing and valentin has closed trying to make a tinier exit from the huge hole spot almost alongside but he'll be in the right position as they go through the sweepers at the rob slotter box and you can see passing i've seen several moves today very impressive indeed so up into fourth place for has closed in the aston martin so that's got the positions back to how they were between the aston martin and the toyota before the pit stops let us go down let's go down to the pits and we're going to find out from the crew of the 110 bmw had a fire in the pits and kern bugatti's waiting for interviews we can see behind us the car here yeah clearly you had the fire what happened that's a good question i just smelled a little bit of fuel but it was not that crazy that's normal sometimes in a race car but i didn't i only mentioned it when i was here and then i saw the smoke came into the passenger floor and smoke and fire so i was happy to be in the pit lane for sure and out pretty quickly yeah because fire is the most nasty thing in racing so happy to uh that's it that's clear so the car started underneath the hood right okay it started then came into the car yeah let's look like that yeah but nobody knows why uh at the moment we don't know so we have to figure it out i'm ashamed ashamed to finish the race in that way but glad that you're safe thank you safety is important thank you thank you well good to hear all is fine but uh the damage out on the track as well because the aston martin and vanity has both obviously got a little bit closer team in the board he's removed the rear body work from the well especially where the rear bumper would be at the back of that camaro camaro still in third place overall but the bodywork then flipped clear mercifully didn't catch the aston martin as it went and in behind them still gail cassily will be going i'm interested these two are fighting quite hard see if he can keep on their tail maybe make a move but really the body language at the moment is that the aston martin is quicker obviously got in close enough behind to give it a little little tap that's why the bodywork has come off the camaro but the camaro now on borrowed time in third place overall team at nebo is going to have to be very very staunch in his defense that position the aston martin is quicker at this point and starting to make a move up alongside doesn't always work into turn nine he's made it work up into third place and look how gail castelli in the cmr toyota also has closed right in he is fancying his chances as well but it was a good move and absolutely nailed by valentin has closed up into third place team in nepal back to fourth will he stay there will the toyota have a crack well with 20 minutes remaining of course it's gonna have a crack [Music] quick check of the timing screens what's the advantage for bastion boost who made that great move into the lead 2.2 seconds clear of jorge cabezas in the black camaro there is the black camaro second overall now the aston martin has got into third it's got clear track he's going to set off after him but there's quite a gap between them i'd say three maybe even four seconds wait for confirmation gap second to third two point three seconds less than i thought and certainly that's enough of encouragement for valentin has close to see if he can start closing in on the black camaro that holds down second nasty martin has tasted victory second of the two races at mizano had a second place at the nurburgring but has had two non-finishers which hurt its championships hope so it's got to be sure from the top results here back in the end class it's still bob herbert the yellow cellars are racing mercedes just in front of nikola gomar so aston martin challenging at the front end third overall the race but also challenging for the am honors and a better exit speed therefore more speed down the start finish straight or showed his hand quite early diving to look for the inside at tarzan but actually it wasn't a serious look for the 89 aston martin nicola gomar just trying to unsettle bob herbert but bob well he's not having anything of it [Music] good little scrap they might be fighting over the minor positions but they're the major positions in the am class 13th and 14th overall but first and second in them and they've got a tidy advantage over ibrahimovic who is now eight seconds further back in the class jacopo barato new orlando one of the two orlando sports uh porsches just clear of his teammate jm lipman and that's the last of these 17 cars still running of course that number 110 bmw stationary in the pit lanes after the fire when kern burger supported him now further up the field we've got uh places potentially about to change gabriella piana running 11th in the sorry number 111 running in ninth place he's all over the tail now of yankees genic that yagis has lost the position on this lap alone the nm racing uh mercedes has also gone past with luke ibn at the wheel that's up into seven again just holding on to eighth place and waving goodbye to eighth place he had no answer to gabrielle piana up the inside into tarzan made it look easy it must be said the turkish driver very accommodating in that he's seen the pianos quicker and he chose not to hold him up i do respect that bastard leading the race for the allied racing porsche team they haven't had a win yet this year with one of their cards that they have with boos and casper they won the second of the two races sister car yorkville nikolai moller madison huge experience but the quicker of the allied race enduro and coming on stronger and stronger with four pro am wins one outright win bastian boos building on the work of jan casperlik and going really well 2.5 seconds now in the lead of this race just as we continue looking at this class battle you start to feel that bob herbert has settled down the initial push from nicola komar was super super strong but right now he seems to have answers to every single question that he's asked by the chasing aston martin with the french crew well how close would you like second third and fourth to be now we've suddenly got super tight battling second is still the black camaro horga cabadas but heckler took a very low line he's trying to get a tow and double toe for team and nabor in the camaro in fourth place and uh still trying to hang on in the background gail castelli but second still stays in the hands two camaros with an aston martin in the middle it's the black camaro jorge quebec catalan being pushed very hard indeed but not passed by valentin has globe but i feel it really is a question of time they closed him down they've caught him of course the camaro in fourth place slightly lighter than it started the race with that missing rear body work take a look at the rear it should be not white there should be a body panel down at the bottom that has come off after contact with the aston martin several laps ago hasn't affected its speed at all the jorge quebec is catalan the spanish race he's just got to see where he can keep putting that camaro to hold down second position but all along you know what's really really good this is great news for the race leader bastian boos his lead nearly five seconds will be going out all the time because certainly aston martin is being compromised gets up alongside makes the move stick very easily into turn nine they're gonna double back to turn ten and nabus goes past as well and around the outside trying to make a move but not managing to do so gail casterly in the toyota super maybe by the end of that infield straight down to hanzo's bock he will make it stick catalan surely can't hang on to that fourth place for much longer he was second at the start of the lap he's down to fourth now gail castle surely will be going through very soon indeed maybe as early as the start finish straight maybe he'll wait until they get to the end of it down into tarzan but it's all about getting a clean run through this corner through kubo an even cleaner run and through the next one the final corner then getting a tow taking a really low line gets closer and closer to the toe as they come out of the corner the black camaro is on borrowed time in fourth place he's gone from second to fourth on this lap and the following lap the one we're just about to start now well i i sensed he might be passed down into the first corner but camaro is quick in a straight line it's uh not sleek but it's suddenly got grunt and in the background the shot nikolai moller madsen i talked about uh the more experienced allied racing duo that is it the second part of which is nikolai mall imagine he's now right on the tail of the camaro he's caught up very very quickly indeed so look for the little porsche cable with the dorian sponsorship on it falling back off this battlefield second and third position but four fifteen very very close indeed ah reportedly pushing the supra up onto the tail of the black camaro hanging back a little bit as they dive down through shave black gets a cleaner line a better exit speed i don't think the move is going to come into this next corner masters but it will come in shortly to the next one turn number nine bach nine nikolai monomation going up the inside of the supra not quite making the move stick the supra hangs on gail castelli doing a great great job a bit of time bought in that fourth place for jorge cape that's but he's almost being attacked from both sides great scrapping [Music] looking like molly madsen alongside but importantly on the correct side when they get to the right hander at hanzo's box almost rubbing he pulled across very aggressively across the nose of gail costelli but he's made fifth places now how about fourth place his turn to attack corgi cabaye that's catalan massive boost by the way haven't mentioned him for a short while leading this race fraction under five seconds clear of valid in household valentine obviously once he got clear of the camaros setting off after him but they're down at the far end of the main straight seaman the boar sticking with the aston martin just under a second down in third place still the second camaro in fourth nickelodeon 21 porsche up into fifth giving chase and trying to pick his moment moment will come he's got a dozen minutes remaining in this race [Music] okay there's catalan some drivers fade but the wider wider line he turned a little bit too early and started to compromise himself through who can hold so that's really given advantage to the chasing porsche hopping over the the rise at the crest of the hill and the before they dive down through shave lack and literally in the boot of that camaro who doesn't come in masters box this following corner is the one thereafter it's about getting a better run into both nine the nose almost alongside the tail of the camaro and now it's in front turn nine so many passing maneuvers but the crack oh and he's moved across the nose of the camaro that means it can't fight back into block 10 and now in fact another position is about to be shed or is it can gail castelli stick it around the outside the long way round to take fits position austin feels straight no he can't again great poke from the camaro onto that infield straight on the run down to hansen's box but the second of those porsche porsches from allied racing up into fourth and pulling away now track position can only be maintained if you're not being attacked from all angles and for jorge quebec catalan i'm afraid he was attacked from all angles he came out into the lead of this race after a brilliant opening stint from his teammate duncan hausmann but by dint of pitting earlier changes from jan kaspari to give him clear track when he handed it over to massive boost he's put the porsche cayman for one or two from allied racing into the lead of this race but the gap is suddenly coming down valentin has closed don't forget he got released from the camaros the last lap alone he's set his fastest slap in the race he's got the gap down from just under five seconds to 3.2 seconds 10 and a half minutes remaining on the clock suddenly the battle is off valentin has close already a winner this season with theo newey they took one of the two wins at mizano who's in the second race this is the second race here sorry the first race here at zamport and could be set fair to take chunks out of the race leader look how it's come down three quarters of a second on uh the reese's most recent up a second on the previous lap and a quarter second of that before that's two seconds in three laps that is a big big gain 3.2 seconds between them at the start of this lap and the good thing the valentin has cloned the number 27 ats event has to martin is he's just starting to drop team and the ball off his tail doesn't have to give him any consideration now all eyes to the front [Music] the turquoise tail of the allied racing race leader a pro am the pro am lineup that's why it's super impressive bastion boost in a prior lineup and leading this race overall just remember 3.2 seconds to good at the end of the previous lap one more corner to go on this and accelerate through that bank curve on to the start finished rate oh the gap is coming down not by quite enough i don't think for the aston martin let's see what the interval is 3.1 seconds only gained a tenth of a second on that lap early part of the lap it looked as though it was going to be more than that [Music] [Applause] slight frustration for gail castelli still bottled up in that toyota super behind the black port uh chevrolet camaro we're going to cabela's catalan has settled into his role all of these drivers now starting to improve their lap segment so uh as the fuel load comes down the car is getting quicker as the drivers become more experienced the cars getting quicker [Music] both of these cars being caught by someone else chasing up the order luke even yet we heard from him before the start of the race he's in the nm racing mercedes now up into seventh place not a lot of time left but started to catch this duo in the background of the shot you can just see oh dear the number 30 mercedes william meyer did a great opening scene paul celias was pulled to the side of the circuit facing the wrong way there got spun around there the huguenot spot can't get it restarted it's right where a lot of the drivers like to be a high run going either side of him because he's where they want to be when they dive deep into the corner now he's going but this is very tricky indeed this is not a tall desirable place to be just went for a spin all on his own and i thought it was even better if he carried on rotated it on round and got to the other side of the track drivers left but cars passing to the left and to the right as he sits up there with a tyre off the rim so maybe it's uh the puncture triggered the accident which you would presume triggered the spin or it happened during the spin but i think probably the former the car that's been running well was running up in the seventh eighth position is really suddenly going nowhere and absolutely yellow flags being hung out ahead of the huguen whole spot for anyone coming in to be aware of the fact the car is there but uh the next cars are gonna come past will be surely the leading battle sometime soon no just looking at the orlando sport cayman sort of bringing up the rear of the field but there is the race leader flashing through that's uh bastion boost here come the best of the rest the aston martin and valentin has got 3.1 seconds down now gaining not at all what an uncomfortable place to be sitting the wave flags very vigorously at the entrance to the corner but just being on the line that's the natural line for out of the field to be taking sc safety car board is out so bear in mind that 3.1 second advantage will come down to nothing for bastian boos how frustrating all the day he's almost got up to the last car in the pack which should be jm litmus 17th place overall yes it is but so it goes past him but we've got the safety card no now we've got green flag green is going yellow at the top again i saw the board that said sc for safety car the the field now backing off the pace so the race leader bastian bruce has picked up that message [Music] full course yellow full course yellow rather than the safety car so they all have to drop down to the mandated speed limit you know changing your positions no gaining of ground so the hugo calls backed is not a place you want to be sitting facing the traffic they can't see you until they're committed to the corner and in that left-hand hairpin you don't see the exit until you're halfway around the bend and more it's really unfortunate for paul celia's going for a spin in the car that had been driven very very well by both him and his teammate william meyer in the first part of the race there it is sitting facing backwards cars have passed it either side to its left to its right now protected by that rescue vehicle but with that uh right rear tyre off the rim very difficult for him particularly on a bank curve to get going again one thing that slightly springs to mind is did bastion well let's take a look yes it must have been a punch for him to lose it like that the the tire that's off the rim is on the other side of the car but for paul cities trying to get going and then without a rear tyre in the correct place looks like just been a change of position in the am class yeah nicola gomar had just gone ahead he was the one that went around the outside of the spun car on the exit of hugon into the final five minutes it looked as though it was going to be glory for the v8 racing duo at the moment it's teaming up four and 17 is the better place the cars the sister car 99 the black one down into fifth place came into the lead of the race it was handed to you okay does catalan the lead the race great rescue work there by the marshals to remove that stricken mercedes question in my mind is did our race leader bastian boos was the safety car already signaled before he passed jm littman he's now got the car that's running last in the field between him and the car that's giving chase the aston martin of vanity has closed because when we get to the restart when the safety car period and full course yellow comes to an end that could make it very very tricky indeed for the aston martin it can't pass the uh orlando sport porsche now it has to wait until after the rating is restarted but look the number at the top of the screen getting smaller and smaller the chances for valentin has closer make a bid for a second win are going to become more and more limited with every further lap done behind the safety car with this full course yellow period miguel castelli number eight toyota running still behind the black camaro orgo caveidos catalan maybe this restart is is his opportunity as the field bunches up he's much closer to make a tilt where'd you make a tilt at zamboa down into tarzan over the years over the decades such a spectacular place to watch racing thank goodness it's very slightly banged or so many cars would just slide straight on into the gravel trap there with two apexes or eight dc's if you want to be picky about these things interesting to see the nose of one of the the boris and automotive cars a lot of grass up in the uh the grill which mattered too much don't expect this late stage the race but we have had overheating or a fuel leak or whatever it was that took out the cohen burgers bmw when it came in for a pit stop right safety car in the end of this lap bastion boost backs up the field backs up the field and just wait there'll be sudden acceleration from the day and watching is every move but aware there's a back marker between him and the race leader his vanity has closed second place in an aston martin third in this train of cars bastion boos pretending he's never ever again that's pressed the throttle down but here he comes now he's picked it up and well done jam and he knows he's not in this battle he's pulled immediately over to the right of the circuit that is very very respectful racism but if he looks in his mirrors he's got about six cars right behind with their headlights on but the good news for a race did a bastion boost that was a really really tidy restart for him and another person that went well as his teammate up into fourth place nikolai muller manson didn't gain a place but he got right on the tail of team and naboor and in behind zlitman stays out of the way two by two driving look so it could get messy the battle for eighth place or over the curves winter you given yet sorry he's in seventh he was attacking the toyota for sixth place so even yes trying to make up ground didn't quite work but incident avoided just check further down the order bob herbert flashing his lights that yellow mercedes he's back in second place um on nicola gomar made that move denmark did to put his assembly in the lead of the ant class just before the safety car period capacity of boost control that restart absolutely beautifully just over one and a bit minutes remaining in this race and uh certainly this little battle is far from over if well we've just had a change position one way and then go back to the other because the second uh toyota super has suddenly moved up a place at the expense of the nm racing mercedes and that's timothee bourey making progress in 66. yeah well there's half a chance you take it light's getting lower and lower cars just about staying on the track no wonder there's flashing of the lights out of the forest and automotive [Music] on the track foreign of both of those cars in front of them who are now behind half a minute to go until the end of the hour of racing little safety car period a free sort of excitement broke up a few battles but created others but if anyone's going to make a move they've really got to get their act together the bastion boost has done absolutely enough his advantage was 3.1 seconds the lap before the safety card came out it's down to 1.3 seconds but surely on this the final lap he should be able to defend that be two wins in a row for bruce and casper dick and it'll be their fifth win from seven starts as a pro entry so as pro entries go it's super super strong teammate for allied racing nikolai olivar getting very very close to team and the ball this might be the place changed on this the final lap but uh the lap is halfway through there at shea black down into the porsche cable getting a better exit run from the corner early turn into the masters bach from team and nabors he knows what he's doing he's blocking the line but you have to close the door at fox nine he sort of said he has someone's knocking on that door and it's nikolai moller manson looks so the porsche is just ahead but of course it goes the other way when you have the long long left-hander you've got to ride it out around the outside can the porsche driver do it he's quicker off the exit of the corner but comes from further back but he's now got positions surely as they run down towards the right-hander and spock could get messy if the if the cabin doesn't get into the corner first does so just but then trying to take the inside line for the second part of the hanzo spot it doesn't work so on this the final lap is porsche caymans they started first and fourth and now for allie racing as we get to the end of the lap they ended the this the final lap they're up to first and third but first it's in the hands of bastian boos the race was started by yang casper it looks so he's all on his own valentin has khloe had a really valiant run in second place but couldn't make the most of that safety car restart and end up still in second place but uh in behind a really good run on that final lap to move up to be sec third overall nikolai muller madison that was a great little finish to the race for him and the real case of what might have been for the v8 racing camaros fourth and fifth overall [Music] so we just uh don't put your seat away we haven't seen the checkered flag it showed at the top of the screen so we may still be racing maybe the graphic uh didn't correspond with what's happening certainly look at the face of the cars that they are still racing so suddenly demon nabor is seeing if he can strike back but i don't think he's gonna be close enough to catch nikolai moller manson in fact picked up his pace on the last lap just to be absolutely sure let's take a look bastian boos still leading the race for allied racing third place allied racing and in between the aston martin of ags events valentin has glow then comes the better of the two camaros team and netball morgan is catholic look on his lap alone he's way way back in fact catalan is missing in action though he's fallen back he's lost three positions the supra has come through gail castelli i would say he forced the maneuver but he may have a problem what's the contact between them because look because he was passed very easily somebody get gabrielle piana the yellow and turquoise mercedes bmw comes through chased by well who's chasing it got mercedes tucked up under his rear wing was that luke even as it could well have been but let's see there is no debating this is now definitely the final lap the checkered flag unfurled and victory and only just second place for the aston martin it's first and third bastion boosts his first his teammate nikolai muller madison into that third place and didn't quite get second but it was tight at the finish and then a really good final lap for gabriella piana and luke evanier to rise from seventh and eighth to fifth and sixth what went wrong for jorge quebec my money is that gail castelli attacked and who didn't work and those behind gained position you grab what's what you possibly can but nobody could defeat not just the overall winners but the prime win as well they are the same jan casperling started and it was finished very well indeed by bastian boost coming on super strong in this championship as the season really starts to stretch its legs second place for aston martin but no doubt in the winner bastian boos are no wonder looking very very pleased indeed the end of a cracking day of racing here at the zamboant circuit it looks like the weather might be unkind but it dried out and became very good indeed gentle wind off the north sea difficult in the morning to get track temperature but this point of the day the track was kind silver cup winner overall winner and the silver cup sorry he's in second place overall valentin has closed second overall and the third place allied racing car also running in the prime class so they're really putting it to the big boys allied racing but i must say the cave would look very very good here and it seems really handy through that final corner which is great because that means you're quick down the start finish straight and the cayman is sleek that certainly gave it a trump card to play with in the battle fourth place team in the ball with most of his chevrolet camaro obviously the rear body work got uh hampered you can see at the edge of the track all sorts of bits of tire debris and gravel that people have dragged onto the circuit but a good clean race and the winner in the am cup was gill vanillae and the job was finished by his teammate nicola gomar and at the end bob herbert was uh six seconds down he fought vanity in his solo attempt but uh in the end had had to give to the better pace of nicola gomar so aston martin second overall top in the silver cup and top in the amp cup so plenty of points for them to put in their pots at ags events and uh just to give credit where it was due joel camatius took third place in the prime class despite being 12th overall but that was the car that was spun on the opening that on the approach to shave like i've only just recovered from that incident it was very very dramatic but those behind managed to avoid it somehow you really do have to ask questions sometimes so our race winner happy to let everybody pass him as he comes in dan casperlik started it bastion boos finished 2.3 seconds to the good of the aston martin of tianue and valentin has closed teammate york v-bahn and nikolai muller madsen put allied racing first and third and then v8 racing they had high hopes in the end they came home in fourth and fifth positions yarapanga just holding fourth holding sway from duncan heisman's car that was handed to jorge cabadas catalan in the lead fell down to fifth place and then behind them it was very busy indeed with stefan lemare and gail castelli sixth in the better place of the two toyota supras and those behind got very very close but eventually uh that was the top six top car in the silver cup class was second overall top car in the prime class won the event and top and runner eventually it went the way of the aston martin that nicola gomar brought to the finish first back into the panic was the aston martin that finished second overall the silver class winner that was valentin has khloe still waiting for the race leader but as you can see he was coming in very slowly indeed obviously over overjoyed or perhaps out of fuel who knows so what an interesting race i must say uh some real highlights in that and for a lot of the chasers around the bottom end of the top 10 another lap would have done them very well indeed but uh still useful points and valentine has flow being greeted by t.o new way good points for them again today after two non finishes that's their second consecutive second place that's really helping them in the championship battle the board's being moved around and down below still waiting for bastian boost to come in as uh yes you parked in the wrong place you're not parking where the winner comes that's what jan casperlik is suggesting he's changed the boards around thank you very much to his teammate bastian boos who's coming says number 22 on the door but it'll be one on the windscreen zero zero one you can see the lights flashing overall winners for allied racing that was victory last time out victory this time around not that not just that they are the pro-am winners as well with two overall wins in succession so all smiles all round at allied racing so let's go down to hear the thoughts of jan kaspalik starring opening role and bastian boos who finished with victory yeah fantastic result you started the race and the bastion brought it all home yeah it's quite um in the end it was quite easy i would say um i really had a good start yeah i could i would take one the camera was a little bit then too i would say we i could go much faster but in the end uh for the program championship it's important not uh just to finish and not to do any risk that's why we're staying behind and uh saving tires for boston and uh handing over on p3 so now it's boston's turn and jan has just said that that was very easy do you agree bastian no it's not easy always it's not always easy but um yeah as he said he saved the tires so the car was the car was perfect for me and the outlet was good we already overtook the the second place camaro and then i could easily catch up to to the first one um and then he made a big mistake where i could i could go on the inside and take the lead so yeah fantastic performance from both of you congratulations well done thank you very much thank you dan casper bastian boos and again all those years of experience from uh yang caspalic knowing when the tires are sweet and what to do with them and uh he couldn't get past the two camaros gave up and came in early on and that was the jump card he gave lovely ties over to bastian boos sebastian did the rest outwitted the chevrolet camaros and made it look very easy but then of course it wasn't easy all the way to the finish because the gap came right down when the safety car came out but let's go down to the paddock again for another interview valentine's day fantastic to see you in second place but most importantly for you the class win as well oh yeah yeah we we had a lot of fun in this race fighting with the other was what i was waiting for since the beginning of the year and i just want to thanks all my support in uh in france absolutely and to see you both smiling so much as you're getting out of the car is wonderful but like you say there was a lot of jostling for position in that race yeah valentin then did an amazing job i mean this team was crazy amazing pass and yeah he did an amazing job my start was quite okay i was struggling with the car but at the end we were pretty one so we're super happy congratulations well done both of you thank you so good to hear first from valentin has closed then tia and it really was a case of having to be clever in the course of the battle but uh they took that second place and allied rating took third as well so the team that finished first and third have the biggest smile they've got to do it all over again tomorrow but for aston martin they had a good meeting here second and also winning the am class as well so uh should be very pleased indeed there are the trophies last trophies of the day waiting to be apportioned but uh one hour of really good solid racing there plenty of really interesting overtaking and you could really see when there were big packs of cars one little mistake for one driver and they could lose three positions at the blink of an eye well let's go down to hear from our am class winners i said it was good for aston martin and nicola gomar brought it home a fantastic win for you guys there in the am class both beaming and very happy with that performance but it was an interesting race for sure yes uh amazing race because uh we are not lucky uh with the kelvin with a problem and we start last we wait i learned the the church because during the practice there was many many difficulties with the weather and wait and see and final fantastic with nico made a fantastic job with uh the winning place it certainly was a fantastic performance and and it wasn't sewn up until fairly late on into the race it's very difficult uh for me because i have uh you have a sore neck yeah i'm very happy for for the team we work very hard along the season and uh i'm very very happy to to win this race we start on the at the end of the grid sure and uh i'm very happy brought it through to the top congratulations well done to both of you thank you so much bye so jill vanille and nicola gomer and they had to hunt down bob herbert hunt them down they did but clearly it took the toll on the neck these bank corners they're tough for the drivers imagine what they're gonna be like in a formula one car when they come out here to play but uh the mercedes couldn't stay in front hunted down at the end by nicola gomar in the final stint of the race but uh they'll be very pleased and victory for ags events and second overalls has been a good meeting for them [Music] so third place finishers in the silver cup class team sorry that's the third in the prime class i beg your pardon joel come atheist that was the car that was spun around even jacoma scary moment into shavelack on the opening lap but they fought their way back to 12th overall but third in [Applause] third place in car 21 and his teammates who kicked it all off yorkville they were closing in another couple of laps they might have gone into second overall but their teammates who win the pro the pro-am class well they were first overall we've already heard from them bastian boost and yank casper like a great hall for the porsche cruze [Music] that victory overall stretches their advantage over their own teammates to now 31 points over nikolai muller madison and yorkville and losing a bit of ground falling back to third in the prior class [Music] so that was jorge capetus and duncan houseman coming out they took third place in the silver cup class second place was team and them teammate and the winners second place overall ags event in this aston martin valentin has khloe building on the work of tio nueve to finish second overall but to take the silver cup honours [Music] of course everybody so let's take a look yesterday martin crew now just four points clear of gabriel piana and baz shooting who were closing in the final laps of the race uh just running out short as the hour came to an end so aston martin at the head in that championship in third place so now the am class honors third place going to ibrahim 14th place overall for borussia automotive motorsport bmw racer second place in class did the whole distance as oculi did that's bob herbert racing team mercedes and then the am winners will come out nicolo gomar we heard from him earlier and jill vanilla they will take the final trophies of this the first day of fall racing at this meeting at zamboard it's been a great day so much variety some cracking racing and great point advantage over bob herbert they stretch their advantage today but bob really made them fight for it and i expect him to do exactly the same again tomorrow but looking back to the start of the race it was duncan heisman who put his nose in front from pole position in the black camaro in behind very very tight indeed but the second camaro moving into second place for yo ropanga being challenged by yann casper a very short order that porsche got into second place but then the another porsche down the field even jacob going for a rotation out of uh the slot to make a box and spinning getting it onto the circuit again just before they got to shave like so very very busy opening lap for him and in behind an embracing mercedes finding itself a little further down the order than normal bob herbert came in to the pit stops he doesn't have to worry about finding his his teammate because the possibility driving it so a problem of fire in the pit lane for current bogarts in one of the two are in division sts bmws and behind he got very very busy on the circuit duncan hausmann led the race all the way to the pit stops he was five seconds clear but by the time his teammate came out bows in behind by hunting him down and very soon jorge cabezas catalan was passed by bastian boos and then everybody else fancy the crack at the black camaro bulletin has chloe got close see demon mina ball was in the business as well he had the tail of his car tapped and bit of bodywork missing and then up came nikolai moller manson the number the porsche coming through then paul celias had a puncture spun and this suddenly brought out the full course yellow the safety car bunched up the field but bastian boos controlled the real start very well indeed and he came through to win at the end of the day for allied racing a great day for the porsche team they were first and third and between them valentin has khloe took second place for aston martin and ags events [Music] you
Channel: GTWorld
Views: 39,664
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Id: T2sgOFJWxlo
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Length: 91min 13sec (5473 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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