Rabbi Tovia Singer Christianity is the easiest religion to disprove (Christianity false)

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rabbi tobias singer joins us again here at myth fish and podcast to talk about the New Testament to talk about Christianity and how much different it is from its Hebrew roots if you will the Hebrew Bible really it's extremely different we're going to go into sin salvation Israel the nation's and foreign influence on Christianity I hope you guys like this video subscribe to the channel don't forget to comment your thoughts about this video stuff gets really juicy in here I really appreciate all you guys who decided to become patron fans and join myth vision we are myth vision welcome back ladies and gentlemen the King of the Jews rabbi Tobias singer how are you my friend okay I'm well but your viewers I need to explain that to your views of why you say well I need to give the background the viewers acquaint what is that so it's not that I'm competing with Jesus because I am RI so that's not what this is the way the wave this started is that like the first time we spoke I think you asked me if I should address you as rabbi yes and I responded this is like an inside joke so I responded by saying we can really dispense with all the titles and all these fancy things and you could just call me King of the Jews and it was of course apparently funny so that an opening line and why he why Derek says that because that's like a that's a yeah that's how that's how it all started it's it's less that's a tease that's but but no one was privy to that so why is he doing it but that's where I mean that I'll be doing that throughout the show everything that Derek says that you why I'll go okay let me explain okay go ahead yet no uh me and rabbi have a little we have a connection obviously so you guys don't take offense to it I'm not comparing him to King Herod either so so just make sure you understand that I'm jokingly poking at this whole idea of my thing is rabbi I'm coming out of Christianity and so my central focus on this channel is to discuss things pertinent to Christianity and and you know I do think it's important that you get the background for which something like Christianity comes if you will is birthed from and so a lot of people think how Jewish Christianity is but I don't think many people realize how non-jewish it is so I figure in this show let's talk about Paul let's talk about Christianity let's talk about how different it really is and you mentioned this in previous shows which I love and you've mentioned not too long ago how Paul spiritualizes things that are in Deuteronomy and talking about the oxen and in first Corinthians nine and you go to Hebrews and talk about the sacrifice you mentioned and I'm jumping around to give you ideas to kind of flow with from here you mentioned human sacrifice is an abomination in the Old Testament the only way that could slip through the cracks into a New Testament picture in my opinion is if there's major Greek or some type of non-jewish influence going on in the New Testament there's no way you can have a Hebrew rooted truly Hebrew system called Christianity and have a human at the central focus point as the sacrifice so with that let's jump off well you know just you know think about this for a moment it's funny I I was speaking to a professor in Kenya a really bright fellow and I don't know where he is he left Christian you know he's considering leaving Christianity it's quite knowledgeable fellow and and he's a black guy and I and I just said to him I mean think about this for a moment in in the Christian view God is a white guy God is not just a white guy he's an amazing looking white guy I mean I mean he looks you know it's one of the striking things that when you see him like they in no movie is he a short fat bald guy with a big boy door coming out of his head you know his face and he's got a you know huge beer belly he can't be that he's got to be white he's got to be Caucasian he's got to have amazing I should have hair like that he has like not a split in like perfect and what and there was one video I was watching the other day I've gotta find this fun the guy looked so good he looked like he was like from a Macy's catalog or something like I quit like so what it's so clear that what people did was they went what is the best looking kind of guy possible like cheekbones crazy and that's what it is and then another thing that's interesting is that when you see the images of Hercules like what it Hercules look like then won't really say what did he look like what we mean by that is the statues of Hercules what does the face look like it's the same thing as Jesus so what Christianity has sought to do and done successfully is create God in His image this became very striking to me when I moved to the far east and lived in Indonesia and lectured in all over the Far East from Thailand to Malaysia the Philippines Singapore you know so these Asians but the Asians their coloring books doesn't even the Catholic or Protestant but they all have these coloring books and or these Jesus is never Asian he's always white and he's really tall it's like if yes anyway what would you want to look like that I want to look like Jesus that's a funny point that you bring up because I will say that I have seen a lot in America by the way there is if you go to like flea markets or little stores and thrift shops if there is an african-american who's selling like Christian material they might have a black Jesus but he still chiseled out he might have like fro type hair if you will but he still got the Grecian body style like he's you know he's got that uh that built him but Allah though add the colors of the African flag into this it's it's like what kind of Jesus do you salute let me explain that part so actually there are I don't want to get hate mail but I'm going through on this one and I'm not even name the sect but there are black racist sects really some really bad guys and they're really really upset and they insist that Jesus was a black guy because this is a response to that and they bring some very torturous proof some rev it doesn't even make a difference that Jesus was in fact the black guy and what they do even though these groups are very whatever they're off they're off the wall but you could know this is coming from because why is the white guy like the ideal person I remember when the Cabbage Patch the you're too young for this through a Cabbage Patch dolls I came out years and years ago as the hottest crazy thing in the world and people wondering why aren't there more black Cabbage Patch dolls here's what I want to explain that what Christianity is is an effort to create God in the image of a perfect man and conversely Judaism a Torah is about God creating man in His image we have no idea what Abraham looked like and it would be it just would not be relevant and Moses was not an articulate speaker at the end of chapter six of Exodus the one of the arguments that Moses uses avoid being the selected prophet he was very humble as he said I'm an oral suffice I me at a speech impediment Elisha was bald you'd never have a bald you so what I'm saying is that what it is is that it's the perfect person and the person that you could never be and that's where the whole this really does run theologically because it's because Jesus is perfect sinless he never did anything wrong and you've done so many things wrong only he can then die for your sins and only if you eat his body and drink his blood that's the ritual cannibalism of that is was pervasive in the ancient world then you can then attain the powers that Jesus had that's very important in the this is right in the Christian Bible that when Jesus just breathed on his disciples they were then able to do the things that Jesus did in the book of Acts which essentially is Luke's whoever Luke is but Luke's version of what the child church developed following the crucifixion Peter Paul the followers of Jesus are then able to do the miracles that Jesus was doing there is his lifetime that's the idea the idea is that they have received those gifts and now they can do all those things but that's because you have oh and here's the term that's so native to pole that Christ dwells in you is Christ in you that what does that mean that term Christ in you I don't I don't know how many times it appears in the Christian Bible let's just say about 85 times or so I'm probably off on that but I'm not wildly off it's about 80 85 it's in that range let's just it's less than hundred but it's almost all in Paul's letters what it's almost never in the Gospels never what does that mean Christ is in you there is nothing like that in tonight no nothing there's nothing I mean the reason why Jews don't believe in Jesus not because we don't like Christians of Christianity it's because it's so alien to anything found in tonight now Christ dwells in you what does that mean Christ as Christ in you as Christ dwelling inside of you what is that what so what that means is that if you are if you eat the body and drink the blood whether it's literally as Catholics and Eastern Orthodox believe or whatever figuratively if you accept Christ in your life and he then devolves in you it's the same thing what happens is then you take on the powers and the gifts in the eternal life that was once in Christ in Christ in you this is thoroughly pagan it's unknown to the Jewish Scriptures and that's what I wanted to bring up Hinduism is irrelevant to Judaism it's just different than Judaism but in fact Christianity is opposed by the Jewish Scriptures and at every turn I'm one of the caveat if I may tarik Christianity would be this is gonna be a little bit counterintuitive you watching the show Christianity would be the easiest religion of the world to prove true it would be so easy to prove it's true because all you would have to do is just show it in the Jewish Scriptures and you're done Christians would go about this just in the completely the wrong way they're going pick a card I had a cold I had a flu it went away is a guy in Nigeria who resurrected none of that is that is none of that is in the Jewish Scriptures all that has all you have to do and it be he'll be just all you'd have to do is one thing and that is show we're the core doctrines of the church for instance the Eucharist are found explicitly anywhere int enough and lest you think I'm cornering you in or making this difficult the Jewish Scriptures is normos a little less than 24,000 passages I mean the entire Christian buy would fit into just the four first full books of Moses so the Jewish Bible is huge you would have a huge selection to move from well as eternal there's nothing there the doctrine of the Trinity there is nothing that states that there are that there is one God in three persons don't tell me about God's name as a plurality the doctrine of the Trinity in any you'd love to use the same words Trinity I got that it's a different word I concede all that just say that there's one God in three blood whatever word you want to put in there and these three are one none of that's there it's not even in the Christian Bible so that's all you'd have to do and it's also the conversely it's the easiest religion to disprove because it is so contradicts the core tenants that are articulated by the prophets of blessed memory in fact the reading the Jewish Scriptures it becomes very clear that the prophets of Israel really thinking about Christianity that was coming down the pike and forewarning every aspect of it they were arguing against Christianity which would not emerge Isaiah lived seven hundred years before the advent of the Christian religion religion Zachariah five hundred Joshua much longer than that but all these prophets are all opposing Christian teachings long before anyone would identify as a Christian would it be fair to nail that down here that these prophets aren't and just just getting the building blocks of Christianity because from what I understand what I'm like when I'm researching the development of Christianity is the foreign influence on say Jewish sects that start to take place especially like in Rome and Greece and so forth there their influence their platonic philosophy their pagan ideas all stuff started to influence and only certain sects of Jews and they were probably very Hellenized of course started a run with these ideas and the prophets are saying don't do this don't follow after that there's gonna come a time where you guys are gonna follow after these ideas and that is what they're talking about yeah techno the building blocks of Christianity come from the foreign and is saying don't follow these when you see these things run from it I want to develop that that's exactly correct so so a person could flippantly say that when did the Gnostic religious movement begin through many varieties of it one which is most famous was our Gnostic Christians we know a lot about them because their opponents the writings of their opponents church fathers survived but when when did that develop so so people would what narrowly say well Gnosticism which is this dualistic thinking that and that man was on this materialistic world that essentially we had to get off of it and we had to have certain knowledge hence gnosis to get off of it so people would normally say it was first century first second century but that's very misleading the ideas ensconced in Gnosticism are all over greek thinking the ideas and Zoroastrian thinking so therefore it's not like someone just this came out of nowhere this type of thinking would have what is logically would have emerged from the world that was in as you said from the greco-roman world and I would posit that the the Greeks didn't invent things but refined things they took religious ideas and views that were widely held in the East in Egypt and Persia and develop them and refined them into what we know now is you refer to the Neoplatonic ideas but it's not like they were just pulling stuff out of Oh somewhere that was unknown we could see the antecedents for these ideas and then of course Rome did not convert to Christianity Christian me conversely converted to Rome it adopted these ideas so much so just one other caveat just in a really early church father that means he's first half of the first of the second century Justin in his defense of Christianity makes the point he's speaking not to Jews here but he's speaking to pagans he makes the point because the pagans the pagans who were the Romans they would mock Christianity and there was severely early church fathers had to deal with pagan opponents of Christianity Origen did in one of his books like that survived and one of the points that Justin makes is why you so hostile to the teachings of the church and the miracles that Jesus did all the religions you believe and have very similar ideas and so even though he's doing that as an apologetic in fact he's giving away he's giving it away he's quite right these ideas were very well developed in the world of the Greco in the greco-roman world and therefore would make the transition from pagan when we use the word pagan pagans to the point would never have called themselves pagans pagan is just a greek term which means someone who lived outside the city in the suburbs meaning they were not in the center so eventually that word and conventional so the pagans would have a very easy slide right into Christianity of the mother of God you have all the stuff that you'd find in Carthage all of it it's not an accident that Tertullian Leiden turned fathers second half of the of the second century in very early third century he would coin the term Trinity he was in a place a very important place in the of the Empire where if you want her to speak to people you had to speak to people in terms of gods but in three in three persons in the Trinity and that's his that's his coin phrase interesting so okay I was thinking of something before we get to my question of sin and salvation and the differences between what sin and salvation is from what the Hebrew Scriptures teach it and from what the New Testament which is a radically new and different idea I just something popped in my head the whole idea that the Romans had ancestral worship and I don't know if it plays a role but it wouldn't surprise me if they did a spin there of some type of ancestral type worship on this guy Jesus because they worshipped him it's not like they worshipped you know Yahweh or something that you know you're not able to see as an actual man here you have a man God which is very pagan of course it's you know he's demigod but I don't know if ancestry worship plays a role into that so I discussed this quite a bit in Volume one of what's good biblical so they were worshipping let me just talk about ancestor worship in the greco-roman world was not so much like in the Far East and the Far East even to this day in China oh even though there's a lot of religious people job is largely a godless country people really worship and do all sorts of rituals about their own grandparents and great-grandparents have enormous reverence for their family that's very very Chinese I want to bring us go back West to the to the Roman Empire there there were just tears and tears of gods they were what's called Hanafi estate it pays to take 30 seconds and just explain this point they believed that there was one great power as Hinduism but they believed that they were lower-level deities Zeus or Jupiter couldn't possibly be bothered with your prayers and personal needs and that your cow was in giving milk he couldn't be bothered with that couldn't use too busy running the planets and getting ladies pregnant so now at the lowest tier of these gods was the man God as you referenced and those were people who were just too great to be just human it's interesting that this kind of talk just semantically not ontological II has crept its way into our own in American talk for instance we might talk about in music they might say the gods of rock and roll right so people might say you know Jimmy Page and David Gilmour these are like now we marry khun's don't mean of that way I don't know what they do in Britain but they don't mean that I mean that people how it's just so superb of what they do that it's almost it's just not human people refer to athletes great athlete these are the gods of baseball and so on beating God like now we don't that's how we talk today but in the ancient world they really fought that way they really thought that Pythagoras was a great thinker philosopher mathematician he had to be divine and human and of course a born to a virgin Hercules his mother wasn't Prisma that wasn't the virgin but Zeus didn't mind impregnating her while her husband was while her husband was away I'm not kidding and I'm not kidding this is this is really a story Zeus came and he dressed up like her husband got her pregnant her husband came home from the army the next day straight that sounds like that's the girl God the Emperor's of Rome of Julius Caesar you know of course born of a virgin Alexander the Great of course born of a virgin these are all God men Caesar Augustus Octavius they would divine an you and now the bad guys Nero or those kind people were not considered gods because they considered bad emperors Caligula been Emperor but that's Bayesian so that's their thing to that to the Greek world they were just great great people who just did amazing things like founded Rome Romulus they had a there's no way they first of all could have been emerged from a sexual Union because to them the sexuality was this world so they didn't enjoy sex but they thought it was a lower level and therefore if you were of Supreme Being it means that you had to be born without any sexual activity if I may if I may I think that's an interesting point just going to Abraham and Abraham and Sarah how God literally a miracle happens in the narrative and it's amazing because it didn't say Oh Sarah you're impregnated cuz here I put the spirit in you and she laughed Oh we'll call him Isaac no she was now by concept and bisexual you know through Abraham he was able to impregnate her where she wasn't able to do that before and in Jesus but the Torah says that explicitly the Torah you know the Torah says was that Sarah was an Acorah she was barren that's how were introduced her in Genesis chapter 11 I want to do this I think your listeners would have a lot of fun with this I wanted to take you to exit it I want to take you to the conception of Moses like the greatest prophet and let's see if we can I never I never did this with anyone but I'll do this now go to Exodus chapter 2 verse 1 the coil of the Jews is actually willing to take me here this is awesome Exodus chapter 2 yeah verse 1 here's are his a birth narrative let's see how this our birth narrative of Moses viola ish me base Lavy a man from the house of LaVey went by iike SBUs levy and he took a woman from the house a lady meaning he slept with her there's your infancy narrative what could be more plain than that I mean what I mean do you see how absent of mythology there is in Moses conceptions her once I convey that a man who was from the tribe of LaVey took a woman from the tribal AV and they had a child and and it's Moses bingo there's your birthday I mean contrast that Lahav though with matthew one in two or you know the opening of Luke Luke has a huge birth infancy narrative extends for three chapters I mean it's just that's the difference that's that's why Derek no one in him no one would ever would ever think of worshiping Abraham no matter how nuts you are not crazy or I don't think there's a religion that has ever existed I'm saying as without researching it that ever had Abraham is a deity it just never happened I'm saying that extemporaneous it without looking no one worships Moses I don't know of anyone that ever did no one ever worship Isaac in history there's no record of that again I'm saying that when looking up I'm pretty sure I'm right because when you read Tana it just would never occur to you to just worship any prophet it would always what it would do is just move your eyes to heaven and turn to God conversely I would posit when reading the Christian Bible even though we don't have the full-blown doctor in the Trinity we could see the trajectory and when you read the Christian Bible you're right away looking to Jesus and the idea of worshiping Jesus would immediately occur to you because we see Jesus worshipped in the Christian Bible now a warning he the Greek word for worship prosecute a is an odd word which could mean worship as in deity or could mean just to serve someone out of great respect but it's very easy to see how in the New Testament Jesus is the Son of God not in in Exodus 4 22 Deuteronomy 3rd a 14 one way but really really in a Greek sense if you want to really nail that coffin shut he wouldn't have been forgiving sins if he wasn't on the level or they were trying to put him on level unless you is there a place that's a good question did Abraham and and Moses were they forgiving sins or was it Yahweh that was forgiven no but this is a misunderstanding and I'm really glad you asked this question so actually in the Christian Bible Jesus doesn't say I forgive your sin because people think everybody thinks he does and then they use that as a an apologetic say well only God could forgive sin and they were Jesus claimed to be God it's a real inference it's you know it's a little bit of a circus act but if you look at the language of in the Gospels Jesus is saying in the Gospels your sins are forgiven in the past if not that I am the one who forgives your sin and as it turns out that language is all over the Jewish Scriptures where someone namely but just say a priest in Leviticus chapter 5 will say to the person who confesses of their sin your sin is now forgiven so they're not saying that I forgive your sins but rather God is forgiving that and I'm just conveying that to you and that's really what you find in the Gospels because the Gospels you know listen to the level of the Council of Nicaea isn't to the letter it's not the butt but you could see what this thing is going it means when you look at the gospel you say okay it's not a surprise that you that people are gonna be worshipping Jesus full-blown God really early Ignatius he was not the sharpest knife in the drawer but he was so you couldn't explain what he date is a really early church father but you could see okay I I this is this is going really bad and this is gonna wind up with people just full-blown worship Jesus so so so therefore Jesus actually is saying your sins are forgiven and that is very much found in the Jewish Bible where someone of great import is observing and saying okay your sins have been forgiven so that good yeah I follow you and I think that the pagan influence is what really tilts the boat and lets the evolution of thought develop further especially I was reading Dennis R MacDonald's book recently the Homeric epics and the Gospels and he literally shows there a lot of copying from the Odyssey into the Gospels in such a way that Jesus himself literally performs the miraculous claims of the gods so I calming the storm Odysseus was crying out to the gods to calm the storm during the storm in his story however Jesus literally does a more merciful act than the gods and the story of Odysseus by calming the storm of the disciples so it's like there's this pagan layer that allows that development to take place very easily and why I think Christianity went the way that it did way more than it's stained Jewish or trying to like evolve and become more more Jewish in nature know it they opened the door and there was no closing at once it was open that's my opinion oh yeah that's and you could see the trajectory in the gospel if we just use the gospel when we pull out of this for a moment mark Jesus is is presented to us as least divine mark in mark Jesus is informed that by the heavenly voice if you look at mark 1:11 the heavenly voice at Jesus baptism is you are my my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased so Jesus is being told in the second person you are my beloved son he whom I am well-pleased people might not think this is important this is very important if you just so mark is written about 70 let's move 15 years to the book of Matthew so this is the forensics and we're going to go to Matthew 3:17 and they're just compared we have their the heavenly voice and but it's not you are my beloved son but this is my beloved son now you might think well just the pronoun doesn't forget that this is a contradiction this is if you think about that these are contradictory you're missing the whole point they are contradict but it's really not very significant but what is is extremely important is Jesus finds out and it's told that he is the son of God when he's baptized that's called an adoption ST ology in Matthew Jesus knows he's the son of God he was born of a virgin after all and the same thing in Luke so therefore he's the voice is not informing Jesus you are my beloved son but rather this that's third person so who is the voice welcome to everybody else around there who doesn't yet know I want you to know this is my bluff said he knows already that's why people get caught up in these contradictions and they're very striking and they're interesting but you have to do the forensics and go why are they contradictory why are they telling a different story it's not that someone made a mistake it's a different theology whereas because in Matthew Luke Jesus becomes a son of God quite literally at his conception not at his baptism whereas mark it's at the bathroom so we could trace that and then we can goes to go to John and find a fossil what's not in john think about this but it's not in John is his virgin birth Bethlem not interested in that in fact in John 7 we have very interesting very weird little piece that bumps out a people go how could Jesus be the Messiah he's he's not from Bethlehem and John whoever wrote this book doesn't even attempt to respond to it leaves that on and certain goes and just doesn't go but he was born in Bethlehem so Jonah's John is the only gospel author who never mentions the mother of Jesus by name never he's just called the mother of Jesus he wants to deliberately diminish her importance why because Jesus in John's view this is very late maybe 95 Jesus is now from the eternal pass from he's of the logos he's the Word of God so he's he emerges somewhere in in the eternal past he's not the same as the father but wow he is much he becomes a son of God long before he actually becomes carnot so therefore john wants to deliberately minimize the importance of his mother she's not really important which is very important to Luke think about it think about how important Mary is the mother of Jesus in the Book of Luke I mean she's not she's she's the one having the conversation with Gabriel it's not Joseph as in Matthew in the book of Matthew Joseph is getting all the revelations that his wife is is that you're the woman you betrothed is with a child than she'll bare so don't put her away because what Joseph gets the revelations in Matthew not Luke Lucas that's why people think it is widely assumed that Matthew is a little bit is from let's say 80 and Luke maybe 85 it's not everybody but it's it's just generally consensus but the reason is that Luke is focusing the zoom focusing in on Mary the Annunciation it's Mary the person who has this amazing family Elizabeth Zachariah it's only found on Luke and that they're blameless that's how we're introduced to everybody in Luke is Zechariah and Elizabeth and verse 6 of chapter 1 of Luke it says that explicitly that Luke and Zechariah never sinned never sinned which in from Paul's view that's impossible every these sins you understand how crazy that is ah so many know sin right so they're all coming from different years so that's why we have these and Luke doesn't care about Paul's even though whoever wrote Lucas promoting Paul he is definitely not going to toss his great story about Zechariah and Elizabeth being sinless because if Mary is comes with an amazing family she has I mean cousins who has sinless that elevates Mary ah Romans 3 forget Romans 3 we'll go with this story I'm not I'm not trying to be cute II I'm trying to show you how that you need to just do this this forensics the problem here is very simple for Christians or people come from the Christian world you read Matthew and then you go to mark and Kyle looks the same and Luke kind of looked the same maybe not in the same order maybe there's some but it just looks very similar and it just all gets blurred it's pretty obvious that John is different but it's the same basically the same thing as Jesus does a lot of talking in John is a huge dialogues but so it's just a blur and unless you just go okay let's first read the Christian Bible in its chronological order start with Mark it's not it's a really short book 678 passage is not even two hours to read it carefully they need go to Matthew oh whoa okay I see what point this is really quite different but there's a reason it's not it's it's sophomoric to just say ah they're just contradicting it's only meaningful right there's a reason why they're different and as you said they're it's because they're really telling different stories it's a different Christology they're they're competing let me let me shift topics I got a really good question because our time I don't want to run out of time here this is important most people just take this for granted base what we've been taught and told even if you're not a Christian even if you're not a religious person you know everyone has this idea that we've been told that everybody sins there's there's a moral code and you know everybody in some way shape or form has sinned and there are there are people who suggest that you know the only people who actually send were those who were given the law and therefore no one outside of the 12 tribes in the world sinned now I'd like to ask you maybe develop the idea and I guess asking a very basic question that is very simple in Jewish thought when Adam sinned when he disobeyed God and he fell he died now was that death were was the consequence of his disobedience physical death and is this why the Jews have a future physical resurrection concept alright Wow Wow Wow this is why I enjoy doing the show with you so this that is so pregnant with so many different points and so just really quickly it doesn't mean that Adam died that day although that's language it means that death now became possible meaning death entered the world people die Adam would live in 930 years after that event but I want to walk this back so I want to so prior to the giving of Torah there were Commandments we see them in the Torah and people don't get this I mean if there were no Commandments what did why was there a flood what did they do wrong if nobody told them anything and in fact when God is negotiating with Abraham in Genesis 18 at the end of 18 the second last part of 18 a nice God is saying that Saddam has to be destroyed because they're wicked and Abraham Aska but there might be 50 righteous people what does that mean that means what would they have done righteous if there was no Torah so this is a huge mistake there were what's called we call Noahide laws don't worry about the word they were Adam was our first profit and that would continue until 2500 years ago until until Malachi the last profits that we always have prophecy and during that time people very much knew what to do we're told in Genesis 9 not to eat the flesh of an animal whose blood is in it we there there so there are commandments that are prior to the giving of the Torah but I want to ignore that because I want to focus on one thing I want to say that I want to convey that Christianity rightfully as is Judaism is consumed with sin and what to do with it okay is very important Christianity and Judaism understandably will be very very concerned with sin the problem with Christian is not that it's concerned with sin the problem is that the antidote that Christiana is is the worst is the mother lode of bad ideas it would be the equivalent of somebody saying you know you really shouldn't smoke here why don't you do heroin well heroin is infinitely worse than smoking cigarettes what are you doing why you don't smoke cigarettes here smoke crack what Christianity does is its solution is a nightmare because it's solution is ritual cannibalism it's solution is to worship a man is God its solution is spiritual adultery if you are a Christian I just offended you I don't want to but we approach our way from the final redemption if I don't speak up you're gonna ask me rabbi why didn't you say anything you need to hear this so if you don't mind me mentioning something on what you just said that's important is you mentioned this in a previous video not recently where you said you Christians and the Jewish people agree on a presupposition you both have to agree on the old test or oh you Christians and and so you know when you get to the new and it does change there are things that obviously are not the same not the same there's a big red flag but I wanted to ask you if we can zero in on something that's important to me even though it's taken for granted and I think spelling it out as someone who's studied like you are can explain this in and give evidence for good people who were not descendants of Abraham or let's let's let's scratch the no hint and no hay and Noahide law idea let's scratch that one question I guess yes or no if you can answer yes or no and then kind of asking something bigger here was Adam according to Tanakh was Adam the first man and then number two yeah we get into that okay so simple perfect okay now if he's the first man here's an important question I've had people recently tell me no one could sin that was not given the law and that to me flew in the face of wise God that's true that was true therefore Adam received the Lord not the Lord given amounts on line I wanted to show I want to illustrate this because a lot of people you are watching the show I'm not talking to you dirt but you the viewer watching the show and you may have been a Christian at some time it's very possible so I wanted to just demonstrate this to you okay so it's very clear for example that murder is a sin we see that in Genesis chapter four with Cain and Abel it's just a button we clear that or else Cain didn't do anything wrong Genesis six robbery rape flood we this is this is a completely axiomatic that people knew about sin before well could you repeat your question maybe because I want to narrow it down to something important what we do this is my point is can non-israelites can let's scratch the israelite because i know that comes later okay the idea of israel comes later can people who were not God's covenant people let's put it like that can they say yes of course of course therefore they can and the did and Noah was not Jewish Noah was a righteous person we are told that straight of the Torah how it was Noah righteous if there was no Torah before it's even gets a little interesting because Noah when he's told to put the animals on the ark he's told to put the clean animals seven of them so he was aware of these he's aware of these laws all every person is created in the image of God and every person who is loyal touch them has a place in the world to come the reason why people don't buy this in the West is and people really think this is because even though they quit Christianity they still the the smell of tobacco was all over their clothing oh they quit smoking it's still the odours of their the Christian Bible characterizes Jews and Judaism as exclusive and salvation is only for the Jews and this idea has polluted the minds of Christians I want to just show you this explicitly I mean where Peter won't sit with Christians but Jesus literally we are told in the Gospels won't even heal a non-jewish woman's daughter who was vex with the devil and he says explicitly it is not right to give the children's bread to dogs and only when she comes up with a a interesting response but even dogs eat from the crumbs of fall from the master's table doesn't heal the daughter so in the Christian Bible and this is why Christians think this they believe that we're ëletís they believe and correctly so meaning from the way the New Testament portrays the Jews and Judaism they correctly infer that Jews must feel that salvation is only available to them Matthew chapter 10 don't even go into the cities of the Gentiles and the Samaritans only go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel don't even go to the lowdown [ __ ] we're a bunch of dogs if you think I'm making this up that means you're not familiar with the Christian Bible and if you are you know I'm not making any of this up so what X Christians think and certainly Christians do is that we think we are exclusive this is so wrong we are unique in that we have a role to be a light to the nation's our job is to be a orlag William Isaiah 42 verse 6 Isaiah 49 verse 6 we are to be priests of the world genis exodus 19:5 and 6 so therefore the role that you is to raise up all the other nations but because of the characterization of the Jew has conveyed in the New Testament people really think that the way Peter is characterized in acts then he wouldn't sit with non Jews and so none of this is true and Jews would be this not not a lot of Jews read the Christian Bible but those are they go whoa that's really weird we don't think that stuff at all our job really is to bring the world to the knowledge of one true God and I've heard many is so important I've heard Christians think this and Muslims say this I would kind of believe in Judaism but but Judaism is only for Jews and every time I hear it it's like someone just kicked me in the stomach I go who bring up something that is so important with my recent you know research here that I think it's very important and and would love to delve into and further shows with more I guess I'll have the questions particularly written so that you can answer them but I totally agree from my perception when I read to knock it appears that God has chosen a certain people and yes there is a distinct lineage there is a there is a seed there there is a particular line of people how ever when I do read there were people who were attached to these people that were not genetic descendants that were not I want to play I want to play a little further I just want to play Parsis okay those people could be misunderstand the Jewish people have a unique covenant with God and our role in the world is to bring the knowledge of God to all of other of God's younger children other children if you think that I just just used some Rui language to sound like I have a guitar in Sedona Arizona with incense flying I'm not this is the language of the Torah when Moses tanzy for Pharaoh he refers to the children of Israel as God's firstborn son well of weird God's firstborn son who were the other children of God the non-jews that be those were not the Benes role our job is to lift up the world that's the role of the Jew it can be said therefore easily that the role that you is really a facilitator for launders and we're here in a strange way for the non-jews we're here for you we're here to raise you up into to bring you into a knowledge of the true God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob that's how all reverse this is now one other point in order for a nation to have the ability to raise up the world now most Jews don't do this of Bernie Madoff whatever it's not referring to him and Norman Finkelstein norm Chomsky and Sam Harris doesn't mean these people it just means those who are loyal to God those are the righteous remnant characterizes a Zephaniah 3 verse 12 through 16 in would it to do that the nation of Israel requires special Commandments I want to illustrate this to you in a black-and-white way and you can see this very clearly we are introduced to the Sabbath right from the get-go Genesis chapter 2 that's it opens that god completed the sixth day it was finished was evening morning and then and then immediately this seventh day God set it aside and made it holy that's Genesis chapter 2 what we don't have there is any mention of observing any Commandments on this holy day so Shabbos the seventh day God rests that why would God need to rest was he tired needed a vacation why did we celebrate him doing nothing that's a whole different question it's a brilliant question but we're not gonna go there now what it what is evident here is that God sanctified this this seventh day made it holy but there's nothing about keeping any Commandments it is only once a nation is forged the sentence of Abraham Isaac and Jacob in the book of Exodus then we have our Commandments and then the other in the ten commands given to the Jews and they have to keep Shabbos Exodus 31 as well it's all over the place so it is true that in order for the children of Israel to carry out their mandate they have to be using jet fuel they they need to be having special commands that would enable them to bring this light of the world most Jews failed at this task that's evident from our own record but there's always a loyal remnant it's described in many places who are faithful touch them and these are the ones who can bring the knowledge of God to the world and and that's why he's a cry 8:23 tells us that it's a messianic passage that when Messiah comes ten people of all the nations will grab the shirt of a Jew and say take us with you now we know that God is with you it's a beautiful perfect circle at the end salvation and this is a big one that that that word exiting my mouth is just this is a big topic so what is the difference between Tanakh salvation and what does it mean in the Tanakh versus salvation in the New Testament and to the Christian si wanted us there's many answers to this and I wanted us focus on a few things think just I want the orientation just to be right does this put this car and drive for a moment without fiddling around but just just let's just make it to some very simple things so there is a salvations very important and now there are different kinds of salvation means spiritual salvation physical salvation from your enemies deliverance all that's there and that's why we'd be conflating a lot if I just parse that out and I think we should do that in a different show but I wanted just some points I just bang you in a head a little bit this is really simple stuff so number one the default baseline in Christianity is that you're born drowning and you're gonna die and then something the default is you're done the and then you just need a lifesaver sometimes I gotta throw it to you and that's Jesus and that is the only way that you're not gonna drown but you're you are born into this world like a cannonball into hell and that's where you're going unless the Jesus the god man intervenes and that happens by you believing in him and of course there are different views on this I don't want to get into Armenian Calvin just that we'll just keep it really really simple so that's exactly the opposite of what we find Tanakh a person is born in the image of God and you're born with every potential to choose good you're not drowning and in order to drown what you can you have to really do something to mess up but then you can turn about to God so the default in Christianity is that you are born destined to hell you're just that's where you're going unless you accept Jesus in your life in Tana the default is that you're born among as they say but you're not drowning you have been given the gift of free will this is not you should not care what I have to say because for you watching the show a lot is at stake over what you believe and how you live your life from here on so whether you like me or don't like me you should really want to know what does God say in the Torah in Deuteronomy 30 this is spelt out explicitly God says God is speaking here Deuteronomy 30 verse 14 15 all the way through nineteen starts earlier but we'll just through there God says before you I place life and death good and evil you have complete free will you must choose life that you might live incidentally just so you can know that this is in context if we just go back a little bit in Deuteronomy 32 verse 11 12 13 the Torah says God is speaking here do not think that the law is too far away it's too difficult who will bring it to us is it in heaven he'll bring it to us that we might is it over the sea don't think that the word is near to this verse 14 it's in your heart that you may do it you can do it as you could imagine listen to me you who are viewing this Paul is not happy with that text he is so unhappy with that passage because it appends everything that he was trying to that he was peddling and in Romans 10 verse 6 through 8 Paul is going to quote this text and literally snap out just take a scissor cut out the words of that you may do it and it disappeared it's gone please look enough for yourself just just hoping Deuteronomy 30 verse first verse 14 know that I'm quoting it in context talking about salvation we have to use common words even though they they means and in just go to verse 14 and good to go to Romans chapter 10 verse 8 and there quoted and if you're not sure that they quoted look at the footnotes in your Christian Bible they'll tell you the cross reference what does Paul do that you may do it just doesn't exist what did you do with it he snuffed it out he selected it white letters blue background Delete key they're gone that's why I don't that people think I hate questions I don't I don't blame them of course because they're all learning this they're not they're not reading the Torah except for a few great stories they're just not and everybody who's a Christian knows they're not except for one studious guy in Singapore they're not okay then that's not okay no Christian reads Jeremiah now don't tell me that you did it because you had a cycle reading they don't they really really don't and that is trouble that that is a nightmare and so the reason I just set up Deuteronomy 30 11 through 14 for you is both a time trying to make Paul look bad I just want you to be sure that I'm really quoting in context and that's the point of this chapter it's about what do you do so verse 15 God says it's right in front of him choose well that that's this is like the death of Calvinism I mean John Calvin what a nightmare that 16th century thug is he and Calvin didn't come up with this on the song he'll require another luminary like Augustinian Augustine another another giant mental giant so very stoic that's one of the problems stoicism and platonic but see that and I don't want to pause you on your thought process here but I think it cannot be said enough and if you are not understanding these philosophies and these ideas you will not get Paul you will not right right but Augustine also converted to Christianity and the religion from which he emerged was very obsessed with dualism and and in a sinful nature of man and therefore Augustine would hype this up but you're right he's not he's not inventing in Calvin were taken and we all know about what a great giant Calvin was god what a nightmare I mean he just makes the Mafia look like like you know like Girl Scouts so this is this is a this is a guy he just went around killing people who didn't agree with his latest he was not attractive yeah yeah Michael Cerveris he was he wasn't just thing he was a physician he wasn't any doctor you know he he discovered he discovered the role of the lungs pumping air pumping the blood and oxygenating the blood and pulmonary circulation he discovered he's the guy who did it and and and Calvin hadn't burnt the life sorry sir take your last few breaths of your blood pumping oxygen before we kick it you know if you've got a great message why would have to be killing people if you like giving away money if you're giving away gold he'll take help somebody if they don't want to take it you just want to just explain them okay cold is really good the Judaism will never ever you this is good this is good here pizza it's an ice cream like some of this here's an ice cream Ben and Jerry's I don't want any pain well you're why just explain it no it's really just taste it it means why did Christian missionaries have to come to self-manage us kill everybody who didn't accept it like if you have a great message just let the mess of the merit of your message work for you that's late we don't Judaism its thing why would you need this is like Judaism is amazing it's true it's good for you you don't like it let's talk about it I don't want to kill you you make a very very good point I always tell people me and you may not see eye to eye on some things okay at the end of the day you and me right after we could argue over a topic or something we'll go eat together have a coffee whatever you know enjoy ourselves with the Christian and I know this because I was one if I was debating you there's real and I can't speak for everybody this is just my own personal subjective I really would get upset with you and it took it very personal and it was like we were eating after and if we were I was thinking about how wrong you were so I don't want I don't want a name there's a whole bunch of people like this and I wanted to say is I've noticed of this on there so there are a lot of Christians I just don't want to go into who they are but there are a lot of them out there that just cannot segregate disagreeing and working out their differences with me and getting personal means they can't they can't do that and they go crazy on me they go wacko and whatever they do is not important I never name things that I don't want any do you just let it be alright so obviously I'm a guy so those who know I just have not raised my voice probably in 35 years I just don't I'm just a very easygoing person and I think that what I'm teaching the merit of what I'm saying is so strong that I don't need to yell it's like I don't need to use any fancy charisma or anything weird or tell you some weird stuff in my past I could just say look this is really good and it's true and this is why now if someone weirds out on me okay if somebody goes wacko and starts writing books are attacking you in any way this is what I'm gonna do I'm gonna wear the drongo I can't because that person just can't segregate the two they think they're many many questions who can and I really like them and I have a relationship with them but there's some who can't so here's a hack for you who is a Christian who hates my guts all you have to do okay is just say just make it personal meaning to illustrate that you can't segregate the two and then I'm not gonna want to have anything to do with you I'm not gonna mention you in public or any I'm just not good and then you could say that I refuse to debate you and you'll get away with it cuz I won't even respond I'm really no there's there's a whole bunch of folks like this it must be about ten people like this and I can think of who just went wacko on me and I deserve alright we're not we're just not mixing it up because I'm gonna show up to a gun fight the knife it's just I can't do that I can't make it I can't respond that way it makes me very very uncomfortable but the point is that you don't need to do that you don't need to - for want to go that's not personal this is about what is your message and then just let the merit of your message speak for itself it doesn't make a difference if this missionaries a really bad person that doesn't mean Jesus is not the Messiah and doesn't make a difference I'm I'm a really bad person doesn't mean Jesus is the Messiah so well of course not these are this ad hominem now this is a hack so if you wanted the hack what to do with me if you want to go on Quora or whatever all you have to do is say something really weird and I'm not gonna win because I can't I get upsets me it offends me it just weirds me I'm just not that kind of person well III have to agree with you I have the same issue with the people you know that I sometimes correspond with and I tell them I'm like you know if I want to get jumped and beat up I'll go to the wrong side of town I'm not gonna purposely come and try to walk into a fire burning house and want to burn myself like I'm sorry I know what your intentions and your motives are you've spoken clear I don't need to in fact I now today live in peace because I try to avoid that it's not that I can't argue your points it's not that I can't come and try and bring an argument it's that I don't want to go to your level I don't I really don't live that way anymore and I don't want be like that so I agree little is there so you don't want to be interacting with Calvin so that's what really going back to and and there is the and this this personnel doesn't come out of anywhere it is stoked in the question why it really does get really personal in in the Christian Bible and as I said people can quit Christianity but they still have the world view because they still you just like the smell tobacco and they don't smell and their clothing still smells of it because I haven't changed their mattress when if they quit so you know I'm just what we are conveying and what I am conveying as Judaism we can illustrate is something really magnificent and true why because of the merit of the Jewish faith not because I'm gonna threaten to kill you because you don't you don't agree with our with our teachings and that's why the the this kind of aggressiveness found in the church and is one that's it's not just oh it's a bad religion because you know it's like why do you need to do that you've got a great idea you guys think it's really really good you don't need to do any of that kind of stuff so that kind of wraps it up I was gonna say on the whole salvation this goes right to the heart of what I'm finding indifference is to is resurrection from the dead there's the salvation from that first initial death that is going to come upon all men and that is the promise if you will that that everyone is going to either you know be resurrected in this and is that the cell let me have a shot at this so it's very interesting I want you the view listen very carefully so it's very anything the resurrection of dead is in tonight it's in the Jewish Scriptures and it's even they question about it's a whole lot in the Christian Bible it's very rarely discussed in tonight and what it is it's not a threat it's just passingly mentioning it but it is the resurrection of the Dead in the New Testament is the threat eternal damnation is of the threat and it's a very it's a very successful threat of really scares people to death no pun intended because people really are are horrified by the fact that there's death and like what happens after you die it's frightening and when you tell people that if you listen to me you're gonna go to heaven and if you don't do what I say you're gonna go to helm that really is really works it's a very successful threat and it's a very successful payoff and it's found in the Christian Bible explicitly as a threat I don't mean that it's a pejorative it's just there as a threat it's never in Tanaka as a threat there are a lot of threats in the Jewish Bible that's just not one of them now the reason why it's in the Christian Bible is because you can't check it out it's unverifiable and in Tana it's never used because God authored tuna he moved the prophets hands he doesn't need to so I want to do this with you is the final piece together I want to play the game of if you were God okay if it's just so for you if you were God and you are in speaking to the world and you want to convince them to live a certain way that this is good this is not good and I'm gonna show you what's good and bad and sometimes I might punish you if you were God what would the threat sound like and if you're not God and just making yourself what would you threaten so yeah good I can only speak from what I understand in my brain and how I am but I would say this this would be my way if I was a father type figure and I wanted my creation to obey me I would not threaten them with a punishment of eternal damnation or an idea of when you died one well-known well first of all because I care for my creation of one and number two in my opinion and this just being a father of three children but number two I would let their own mistakes teach them of their lessons so that they could kind of like I guess if you do this let me know I want to push back on this okay so I want to say that I want to like threaten I would want to show them the consequences of what they're doing is is spiritually so dangerous like for instance the people smoked cigarettes over initially they feel fine but eventually they start coughing hacking can't walk up a flight of stairs and so there they're really things going on that's sending a message to the smoker you're dying inside and that's really good because people then quit because they can sense that there's something really bad going on so let me submit the following if you regard you would say to somebody look if you're gonna sin here's what's gonna happen it's gonna stop raining it's gonna stop raining because your God you really not only could forecast the the the weather has done CNN but you can actually make the weather do whatever you want it to do and your God you could say that I'm you're gonna be exile in 70 years but you're gonna be exiled to so you know that means and then you'll know to repent because if it doesn't rain and I can control the rain I mean some weird God and we want to get the message out we love you but you're gonna when you mess up we're gonna do things that are very tangible that are that are that you'll know we're not gonna say something's gonna happen to you after you die cuz it's too late with we if you are God you would instruct your prophets to say it's gonna stop raining you the earth the land will not give forth its fruit and that's gonna be a wake-up call to repent to turn back to me I could know yeah right you're not gonna have children you your wife your cow won't give them that means if you're God we couldn't really do that I can do that if I'm God you can do that if you've got if you're not God would you ever threaten and it's gonna stop raining know why because you can't make it stop raining you're just faking it if you're not God and there's writing this stuff you can't stop my wife from getting pregnant you can't make her have babies you don't have any of those controls so what would you then do if you're not God is you just be front-loading the threat with going to heaven and going to help because they have no idea if we're that means you're my assistant I'm Moses you're my they have no idea it what's gonna really happen after you die so there is a heaven there is a hell and Hitler isn't hell and so is bin Laden these people really there is a hell for such evil people the the and there is a resurrection of the dead the reason why the resurrection of dead is the last stage of life is it's not because what most people think that death is a really bad thing because in the middle of the party you get tapped on the shoulder and told that you have to leave the party and worse the party goes on without you but if you're really good you get to go back to the party and I think that's how people process the resurrection of the Dead is you get to come back even though you had to leave but you get to come back and that's a huge relief that's in fact not occurring what happens is that our physical body is animal our spiritual salt is from above if we are successful life into infusing the holy into a physical body the body then became the vessel for which a service to God has become permeated and therefore the physical body is holy and it then must return back to life we made the physical into something spiritual by living our lives in a certain way it is the natural result of a spiritual life so therefore whenever you see a lot of you gonna go to hell heaven mark 16 well it's all over the place that should make you very suspicious that is not to say that there isn't have enough there really is and it is a really a bad thing to go around killing people because you're gonna go to hell there really is a place for Eichmann neither there and he has a lot of very interesting roommates those people really there is a punishment for those who are very very wicked its Internet but it's not doesn't threaten it it will mention the resurrection of the Dead Daniel 12:2 Isaiah 26 19 and so on but it's not there's no threat so then again it's a little this is so big but it's a little nuance if you were God you would and you really can control what goes on the world you would never be threatening heaven now you would be saying look I want to just kill you if you're going really in a bad direction that something is gonna happen and I can control that because I created it all and and that's what we find in in the Tanakh that the prophets saying oh this is exactly what's gonna happen to you and only God can control it if you're not God you were just alone and if you ask Christians please if you're a Christian on things personally Christians will say to people who used to be Christians or why aren't you Christian that is because I don't want to go to hell number one is don't you want to go to heaven I want to be saved so that's all when you ask me salvation Jesus in Christianity for Christianity believing in Jesus is your ticket to resurrect it means you get to go to the concert if people stop you get to see you know the Led Zeppelin reunion you get free front-row tickets to the best concert in the world you get to come back now it's true there is no resurrection but the point is why would you do that when you can do other things like make the ground give forth food and make it rain luck so that it can and Sun your God you could do that you don't need to do the weird stuff so that's what I want to convey there is a heaven there's a hell but tonight doesn't threaten it because it's by God and God doesn't neither he could be turned the Jews back to their land and he did it he did it and out of the ashes of Auschwitz of the Holocaust the Jews returned back to their land a miracle God kept his promise and that's who we believe in listen to these words will close with this First Samuel chapter 15 verse 29 the gum Nets officially a shocker the glory of Israel does not lie keen light of the moon because he's not a man Lee nothing he's not gonna change his mind the reason we know that that God of Israel is true is because he keeps his promise whatever he said I might not understand all of it are there mysteries oh yes we have a finite mind God has an infinite mind although we have the same values God has a single larger picture but we can trust them the God of Israel because you know while he really kept his promise but I will steal that passage in Joshua but he kept his promise so I'm going to trust in him of their mysteries of course there are but there can't be contradiction in the true faith of the faith of Israel the last passage of Deuteronomy 29 you talk about 30 now we're just rolling it back Deuteronomy 29 last verse of course there are secrets there are mysteries that are very difficult for us to explain the secret things belong to the Lord but that which has been revealed and belongs to us and our children that we may keep all the words of this Torah so Derek thank you so much for having me on I hope this is like really deep what we're doing here is not just running the surface but what I want to do is unpack it I wanted as well you know just let's look at the wiring what's really going on here so people can understand about God the God of O God of Israel the creator of the heavens and earth also a message to the viewers some of you who are suffering out there with this terrible plague that is going on now this virus that has seized in the world if you are suffering from this I wish you or foolish Lima a complete recovery if you aren't suffering from this stay inside please be very very careful and and prey Tosh em that we will see the other side of this why is this it's a long conversation but please for those of you who are suffering my prayers are with you and and you should have a complete recovery ladies and gentlemen let's think rabbi Toby singer for joining us today rabbi thank you so much you've written some books you have a website people can go to and actually you're reachable so I I myself was capable of getting a hold of you and trying to contact so if you guys have any questions that you guys have for rabbi to be a singer let me know so that the next show we do we can go ahead and in ask those questions particularly I'll even mention you by name if you want and we'll have rabbi talk about them thank you so much for these words and making sense of the differences and really what came first and I really do appreciate this I learned a lot from the show [Applause]
Channel: MythVision Podcast
Views: 81,983
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Keywords: tovia, tovia singer, jesus, new testament, messiah, yeshua, missionary scriptures, christian universities, converting to judaism from christianity, do jewish people read the bible, missionaries definition, scripture, messianic judaism beliefs, prophecy, was jesus christ jewish, orthodox judaism, judaism core beliefs and practices, jewish holy text, jewish views on jesus, what do jewish people believe, paul, shaul, MythVision Rabbi Tovia Singer, Rabbi Tovia Singer, Christianity false
Id: h2ra1QU3U8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 53sec (4973 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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