Rabbi Daniel Lapin: Ten Commandments to Making Money (August 28, 2011)

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on this edition of Jewish Voice Jonathan bernis looks at the Jewish life of Jesus of Nazareth then rabbi Daniel lapin reveals the Ten Commandments to prospering if you don't believe that making money is an honorable worthy occupation that God smiles at if you have a problem with that you will be poor all your life so I'm and welcome to this edition of Jewish voice I'm your host Jonathan bernis have you ever wondered how so many Jewish people seem to be so blessed when it comes to business and finance in a moment I'll be joined by an Orthodox rabbi who believes all of it all it takes is reading the scriptures and taking them seriously he's written a book entitled thou shalt prosper the ten commandments to making money I believe you'll find rabbi Daniel lapin 'he's wisdom to be refreshing and straightforward in these times of economic uncertainty but first I want to continue my series on a rabbi looks at Jesus of Nazareth so get your Bible out because this program is going to share some amazing truths you may have never heard so let's take a look at this week's segment the tackles the question is the New Testament anti-semitic this week I'm continuing a teaching series based on a new book that I just wrote a rabbi looks at Jesus of Nazareth and I wrote this to equip you the believer in Jesus to be a better witness to that Jewish friend or co-worker every believer has been called to provoke the Jewish people to jealousy and and every believer needs to understand that the gospel is to the Jew first and also to the nation's the Messiah who has died for you and given you eternal life is the Messiah of Israel the God that you worship is the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob I was taught that Jesus Christ was a different God the god of Christianity but came to the discovery at age 20 as I began to read the New Testament that this was the promised Messiah of Israel that his name wasn't Jesus Christ son of mr. and mrs. Christ but his name was Yeshua HaMashiach Yeshua which means salvation HaMashiach or Messiah which means The Anointed One he is the salvation of God the Anointed One who was anointed to save his people from their sins and as we rediscover the Jewish roots of our faith is we discover what it means that you shouid that Jesus is Yeshua as we rediscover that all of the first disciples were Jews as we rediscover that the the foundation of the New Testament is based in Jewish culture and tradition and worldview we come to better understand this Messiah who we loved who gave himself for us now this week I want to tackle a misconception that I deal with in the book called is the New Testament anti-semitic I I was taught that the that the New Testament was the book of the Christians I was taught that it had nothing whatsoever to do with the Jewish people except blamed them for killing Jesus now you need to understand this that for almost 2,000 years those that have identified themselves as Christians have blamed the Jewish people for the death of Christ for killing Jesus Christ this is an absurd idea but it's a sad reality that we have through the false teaching known as replacement theology that in essence blamed the Jewish people for committing deicide killing the Son of God and now they're irrevocably cut off from God under God's judgment and as a result of this there's been justification for 2,000 years of hatred of anti-semitism of persecution and atrocities against the Jewish people in the name of Christ and Christianity we have the Crusades where Jewish communities were wiped out by those that marched with the cross at the head of their armies burned Jewish people burned at the stake we have the Spanish Inquisition where Jewish people were forced to convert to Christianity at the edge of the sword in the name of Christ and Christianity we have the pogroms of Eastern Europe where Jewish people were pushed out of Russia and other Eastern European countries simply because they were Jews by so-called Christians and ultimately the horrors of the Holocaust were six million Jewish people perished simply because they were Jews at the hands of the Nazis many whom called themselves Christians with a cross on their uniform and many of them said this we kill you because you killed our God Jesus Christ and they actually felt they were justified to kill Jewish people that they were carrying out the vengeance of God because of this blame for killing Jesus the New Testament is very clear friends that no person is responsible for Kling Jesus except you and me you and I were the ones that that that he laid down his life for he died for you and I for your sin for my sin and he said no man can take my life I lay it down no greater love has any man than this than to lay down his life for his friends now as I read the pages of the New Testament for the first time and I've been reading the New Testament for the last thirty years I don't see any anti-semitism in the New Testament now is there blame for rejecting Jesus as the Messiah yes there is we have statements like this for example in John chapter 7 verse 1 we read after this Jesus went around in Galilee purposely staying away from Judea because the Jews were there waiting to take his life now on the surface that may sound anti-semitic and there's many other statements about the Jews rejecting Yeshua and being being responsible and so on but you need to understand the context of these accusations these are written by Jews John wrote to the Jewish people Paul was a Jewish Pharisee that is explaining to his own people that they've rejected the Promised One let me put it this way this is a family squabble these are Jews who have had their eyes open to the truth of Yeshua accusing other Jews of rejecting the truth that God has revealed now the where where things went astray is are those outside of the Jewish faith picked up this family squabble and instead of understanding that Jesus Yeshua split the Jewish community those that followed him proclaimed his name took the gospel around the world versus those that rejected him and actually opposed those first believers listen to this all Jews all Jews arguing amongst themselves again a family squabble but as the gospel spread to the nations and Gentiles came into the kingdom of God they misinterpreted or reinterpreted these scriptures and blamed the Jews solely for the trickling Jesus Christ this is not the teaching of the New Testament this is Jewish Messiah recognized by many Jews as the one promised in the prophets same to the remainder of the Jewish community or the leaders of the Jewish community under the leadership of the Pharisees and Sadducees you miss this you-you-you went astray this is our Messiah this was our Messiah promised in our scriptures and so as it was taken by the Gentiles and became an offense against the Jewish people we see Christian anti-semitism being introduced into the church very early with with the writings going as far back as Justin Martyr at the beginning of the second century that blame the Jews for killing Jesus in reality friends the New Testament was written by Jews introducing Yeshua to the Jewish people and the nation's as the Messiah of Israel I hope my teaching today has opened up some new revelation to you and challenged you to further study to dig deep into the rich Hebraic heritage and roots of the New Testament faith now I want you to meet our special guest as the president of the American alliance of Jews and Christians he's a champion of judeo-christian values in America he's an Orthodox Jewish rabbi who believes the reason that Jewish people are disproportionately successful when it comes to business and finances can be found in the pages of the Torah an ancient Jewish wisdom he's written a fascinating book entitled thou shalt prosper the ten commandments from making money please give a warm welcome to rabbi Daniel lapin rabbi it is so good to have you back very heavy on the program you have never been on Jewish voice but we were together for a conference just to celebrate Israel twelve years ago 12 years ago Israel and average right it was a wonderful event and I have followed your your work and you have been such a voice of reason conservative values I just thank God for you I can do a really good I just wish the Jewish community would listen to you a little bit be quelled yeah they listen a little bit I wish they'd listen a lot a lot more so let me ask you this why would an Orthodox rabbi write a book about business and making money well because if anyone else did it they would be accused of anti-semitism and bigotry because you know you'd have to be a blind immigrant from Outer Mongolia not to have noticed that Jews are disproportionately good with money to put it bluntly and again if anyone but an Orthodox Jewish rabbi would say that the cry would go up of your a bigotry and anti-semite and so you can't say that sort of thing unless you're circumcised with which and so I felt that I had to find out somebody had to do a serious research a study what is it that makes Jews good with money to put it bluntly and is it something innate I mean you have to be Jewish or is it a set of simple strategies tips tools and techniques that I could condense into ten fundamental principles that anybody could use to enhance their lives regardless if you obviously believe it's more than hereditary Heretic heredity well i had a very open mind I was willing at the beginning of the research project to find out that it was hereditary and that's all there is so tough luck those people who aren't Jewish but it fortunately it's nothing like that and you don't even have to like chicken soup yeah and if you do you're even ahead of the games well let's let's talk about some of your research yeah let's start with the fall for false theories about Jewish people that you raise at the beginning of yes for false theories what is that therefore theories which have been widely cited as the explanation for Jewish success with money and so I took each one very very seriously and the first one is the Cossacks killed all the poor Jews all the rich ones I don't mean to trivialize that but it's such a stupid idea it's pure racist I mean the idea is that Jews have a money gene in their sperm that they pass down I mean that's that's what the suggestion is right we can only the best money maker survive right the rich ones were able to pay off the Cossacks and they survived and they bred if Caesar Jews are bred for making money I think that's the theory you gotta be naturally never heard that oh yeah now that one is expressed quite frequently yeah cuz that's kill the poor ones left all the rich ones so you've got to be startlingly dumb to go for that one but some people a lot of people do the the second one is that Jews network incessantly and they all love one another and they're all totally devoted to advancing one another's interests I hate to shatter that illusion and I mean I realize of course that Christians wouldn't know anything about this but many synagogues if not all are seething cauldron of political intrigue I grew up in a Jewish home I can relate completely dojos three opinions absolutely I mean I think everyone knows the story of the Jew rescued from many years on a desert island and the coast guard should looks around and they see two synagogues they say you're one guy why I mean he said well that's the synagogue I go to that's one I wouldn't be seen dead in so so I mean look you've just got to look at some of the extremely vehement and yes disagreements sometimes public disagreements between Jewish business executives to see that that their theory is complete nonsense the eye here that if you Jewish you're part of this club where everyone's taking care of you it's like a secret society you know you pick up the Fisher hey can you help me out the answer is no I hope you're not watching each other's backs Yeah right well unfortunately I wish that were true I wish you were but but it simply isn't and and that leaves another two possibilities and the third one is that Jews relentlessly cheat now that one I'm very familiar with right and yeah so much so by the way the first the Oxford English Dictionary cites the verb did the word Jew as a verb as in to Jews somebody I went around the country interviewing Christians from all around the country who had had long business relationships with Jews to try and find out whether there was more of a tendency among Jews and - - to rip people off than anyone else and and that is certainly not the case and I was religious a really important issue because this is one of the root roots of anti-semitism yes it's very often sighs Jews are to blame they state they're trying to control the world they'd be stealing all our money they're dishonest and in the new edition of my book thou shall prosper that you kind enough to mention I actually have a little section dealing with people like Bernie Madoff and some of these other people that have become rather conspicuous poster boys of Jewish cheating in business but exactly the few that are dishonest creative bad that is true there as an explanation for Jewish monetary success they Jews just rip it's complete and utter nonsense if it were true nobody would ever be willing to do business with a Jew and that's simply not the case right and I'm long term that the ones that were most successful we're honest well that's over here obviously obviously and that that's true for everybody and then the final and fourth false explanation that needed debunking and was the idea that Jews are smarter than everyone else and and that's why they're they have a lot of money this one was very interesting because first of all Jews are demographically at least in the United States a group that is very close to the top in every iq however and this was the important thing being very smart is a handicap not a help to making money you bring it so down to earth eat three or four areas that you talked about three or four years that we need to get into balance in our layout on that yes and you know just to just to clarify on on the because it's serious I mean we're we're you make it easy to have a good time on your shuttle but but we're talking about something very serious because how you how you relate to money and having money you know money doesn't bring happiness but it sure helps and not having it brings a lot of stress and a lot of pressures indeed and it's rough on marriages very rough on marriages and so do you think I want to excuse me for interrupting course but people have to get out of this mentality that that having money is a bad thing right that is so important can we take a moment as I interrupted you I it sold that is so very very important look one of the things that always fascinates me is the question of the something amazing happen in May 1953 right where a man called Sir Edmund Hillary along with Sherpa Tenzing Norgay got to the top of Mount Everest it was amazing nobody had ever done that before in human history how many people went up this last summer hundred orbit turbulence this snicker bar wrappers all over the mountain there's a there's a garbage problem on the mountain it's I'm not saying that that I could do it although you probably could but I mean people can can get up Everest it's just not that impossible to do I wouldn't try and less you go with me if you want to try it together on game but so the question is why didn't anyone do it before may 1953 because nobody believed that it could be done very good but once you know that something can be done everything changes if you don't believe that making money is an honorable worthy occupation that God smiles at not because if you've got it you can then do good things and give it to important ministries that separate charity is a totally separate obligation and we'll come to this but actually that the making of money is something that causes God to smile if you have a problem with that you will be poor all your life because if you don't believe that you're doing something worthy you will never throw yourself into it this is a nugget of truths very important let's differ I just want to be clear there is an evil connected with money oh absolutely it's the love of the love of money in idolatry of Manas I'm not making money the because and we'll come to that in a moment because the making of money is the service of other people very good next thing is increase your connectedness start meeting new people one of the most important correlations between financially successful people and those who struggle is the number of people you know get out there you're not a people person just fix that up and become a people first do whatever it takes whatever it takes and and you'll discover something nice people are loads of fun you know why because it's a way of getting in touch with the Creator he you getting in touch with his creations you're getting in touch with other human beings it's wonderful just increase the number of people and number three start recognizing that the most important thing about making money is finding away let me put it this way here's the worst advice people ever give at to graduation classes of school worst advice find something you really passionate about and do it well I've got news really I'm passionate about boding I'm still waiting for somebody to pay me to go boating it doesn't work like that nobody cares about you stop being selfish focus not on what you want to do focus on what other people need you to do rather then learn to become passionate about that to talk about biblical charity everybody does have to give we don't tell you who you have to give to but everyone has to give and here's the the thing that I think is corroding the heart of people in your knighted dates of America where there's dreadful ideas cropped up that if you have a certain level of income you don't have to pay taxes which translates from there into people thinking I don't have to give charity I'm poor well in Scripture the term poor or rich do not really have meaning outside of a very narrow defined area of somebody who literally doesn't know where his next meal is coming from a way he's going to lay his head but in America 30% of the population is classified as being poor I believe that that's a terribly unhealthy and bad thing because those people by being classified as poor think that they are exempt from the mitzvot from the commandment of giving charity know you there's nobody who cannot find somebody who has less than he has very good we all can find somebody who has less this is great wisdom we are unfortunately out of time it just went too fast but these are some nuggets of wisdom that that you've really sowed into us and I want to thank you thank you so much well bye Daniel lapin that I hope you're ready to learn scriptural wisdom and practical advice on how to succeed in your business investments and career if you are then you need to listen closely to how you can practice the ninth commandment in rabbi Levin's book and learn the secrets to all 10 commandments from thou shalt prosper with every tick of the clock another abandoned Jew fights to survive unable to fulfill their lifelong desire to go to Israel they live in squalor sickness and persecution in places like Ethiopia and India the Lord has called Jewish voice to reach out to these Forgotten people in some of the most isolated and inhospitable places on earth it is our mission to bring medical high and dental care to these people many of whom have never seen a doctor and we boldly declare the love of Yeshua to each and every one of them our next outreach in Ethiopia is only four weeks away and we urgently need your special help please call and with a gift of $25 or more you'll help provide critical medical care and proclaim Yeshua as Messiah to these precious people in appreciation for your gift Jonathan bernis we'll send you a copy of his book a rabbi looks at Jesus of Nazareth it is unlike any book on the life of Jesus you've ever read Jonathan takes you on a journey through the Bible and the history of the Jewish people and he shows how they revealed Jesus as the true Messiah this book is sure to strengthen your faith and help you clearly understand the scriptures our next outreach in Ethiopia is only four weeks away and we urgently need your special help if you'll send a gift of $35 or more to help with the medical outreach clinic providing medicines dental supplies making the medical equipment available and providing an opportunity for the gospel to be shared Jonathan will send you rabbi Daniel lapin thou shall prosper this intriguing and inspiring volume of almost 400 pages gives ten commandments to develop your daily life and career and profit from them rabbi Daniel lapin reveals why your spiritual faith belief in God's blessings and commitment to living by the scripture results in experiencing true success and prosperity please don't delay our next medical outreach is scheduled to begin in just a few days and there are thousands waiting for medical care and the good news of the gospel of yeshua the need is critical and urgent you can help save lives and souls for eternity please call now friends I truly want to encourage you to call now with your gift to further the ministry of Jewish voice your compassionate life and generous response will help us to continue to answer the call to reach out to hurting Jewish people in remote places like Ethiopia in India you'll help provide critical medical care to men women and children who suffer each day under the weight of poverty and sickness your gift will bring hope and health to these precious Souls when you give your gift by phone or by visiting our website I want to send you not one but two dynamic resources to bless you in return the first is Daniel eopns book thou shalt prosper the ten commandments to making money this is a book that even financial expert David Ramsey was wowed by and why not the blessings of the Lord for business career and investment begin with obedience to his word and this book combines that foundation with numerous modern life examples that can make a radical difference in your finances and your future in addition I want to send you a copy of my newest book a rabbi looks at Jesus of Nazareth and its pages you're going to discover the ancient promise from the earliest pages of the Bible that culminate in the gift of redemption and the triumph of Messiah I want to help you to clearly understand the truth of the prophecies from Scripture and how they reveal yeshuaa I know that both of these resources will be a rich blessing to you as you follow the command of scripture to reach out to those who are suffering and in need please don't delay our next medical mission is just ahead so please call or logon to our website and give today I know that the Lord will bless you in accordance with his promises in Genesis 3 to reward those who bless the children of Israel well that's all the time that we have for this edition of Jewish voice I hope you've been challenged and inspired today and I hope you'll join us again next week until then this is Jonathan bernis reminding you the Bible says to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem they shall prosper that love thee Shalom and god bless you so you can join Jonathan bernis and bringing healing hope and the good news of Yeshua to suffering Jewish people the next Jewish voice ministries medical missions outreaches will be in Gondar Ethiopia September 30th through October 9th and manna poor India October 27th through November 7th medical dental and eye care professionals are urgently needed to volunteer for these important trips you'll use your skills to treat men women and children who may have no other opportunity to receive care in these remote and desperately poor areas but even if you're not a medical professional there is a place for you you'll find yourself assisting the doctors providing much-needed administrative services and most importantly witnessing to and praying with grateful and receptive Jewish people to receive Yeshua as their Savior these are true missions opportunities you'll raise your own support for expenses and then stand alongside Jonathan bernis and other volunteers in highly organized and effective clinic environments to bring physical and spiritual change to people who are in such desperate need because of you their lives will be transformed and so will yours to learn more visit the ministry website to see complete details and video reports from previous trips or call the toll-free number on your screen for information and to sign up come share the love of Yeshua in Ethiopia or India your life will never be the same Jewish voice is made possible by the support of friends and partners like you
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Views: 260,514
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Keywords: tv show, daniel lapin, rabbi, ten commandments, money, jonathan bernis, jewish, messianic, jewish voice, jesus, august 28, 2011, 8/28/11, wealth
Id: YnojJj4tdkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 48sec (1728 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2011
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