Rabbi B Pesach 2 (The Seder)

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[Music] oh hi there rab ib here i'm just getting ready for pesach you know my house is almost clean i've gotten rid of all the hamets and all the bread products are put away and now i'm just getting my last final touches picking up some last pieces of lego in my lego box over here and i'm just going to finish sweeping up and there we go nice and done oh i think i hear somebody buzzing around hello devorah oh come on you can land on my shoulder there there you go looks like davara you've been have you been working very hard cleaning up for pesach oh davar is even cleaning my heart my shoulder for pesach i don't think there's any comments up there right now oh devorah you look very very tired are you very tired oh man devorah is very tired from all the cleaning for pesach she's doing and me too you know devorah is a worker bee and so am i i'm a worker be too working hard well bye bye have a good time cleaning your hive from all the comments even though i don't think there's much comets in a beehive oh she got her broom okay bye devorah bye-bye [Music] well that was a lot of fun okay just going to finish up cleaning up i think i'm all done and now i just got to take the last little bit of lego here to back to the lego box well i'll see woo oh happy pesach from rabbi bee come along come along come along right now having a seder i'll show you how come along come along come along with me telling a tale from jewish history come along come along come along right now we're having a seder i'll show you how come along come along come along with me telling a tale from jewish history we remember a long time ago when we were slaves to king parrot god sent moshe to set us free he took us out of egypt and he split the sea come along come along come along right now having a seder i'll show you how come along come along come along with me for telling a tale from jewish history we'll open the haggadah and follow along we'll sing some very special songs we'll eat some matzah tomorrow or two we'll open up the door for elliot [Music] come along come along come along right now we're having a seder i'll show you how come along come along come along with me for telling a tale from jewish history every year at pesach time we drink down four cups of wine the manchester and the plagues of ten then we find the afikomen come along come along come along right now having a seder i'll show you how come along come along come along with me come along with rabbi bee come along with rabbi b come along with rabbi b [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in [Music] [Music] [Music] we were slaves now we are free this is a part of our jewish history we were slaves you and me hashem took us out and now we are free we were slaves you and me but hashem took us out and now we are free [Music] a prayer found in the haggadah it's found right after the manishtana this is because the avadim hayinu answers the questions of the manishtana when the manishtana asks why do we eat maror and why do we dip the karpas in salt water and the maror in charoset the answer is a vadim hyenu because we were slaves and the questions why do we eat matzah and why do we lean to the left the answer is atabane because now we are free so the avadim hainu is the answer for the manish tana oh mitzvah tree o mitzvah tree do you have a mitzvah for me let's see you have a seder plate that's what we do on pesach we have a seder complete with the maror the kharoset and even the matzahs underneath wow that really is a special mitzvah thank you mitzvah tree [Music] bye bye uh-oh rabbi b is not ready for pesach he has to get the table set can he do it in 20 seconds here he goes [Music] foreign phew huh so much work getting ready for pesach well i have all the things i'm gonna need oh i think i hear somebody oh hello devorah hello there oh happy pesach to you too well it's not yet pesach just yet we're just getting ready for pesach what's that oh what's all the stuff on the table devorah wants to know what all these things are for well devorah we have lots of things for pesach for example we have matzah this is the matzah here you wanna see the matzah yeah that's matzah oh don't have a taste yet we try not to eat any matzah until pesach time that way it's new and exciting yeah but that's mata that's made out of flour and water and it's baked very very fast so it's nice and flat oh that reminds us of when we came out of egypt a long long time ago the bread didn't have time to rise so we have matzah yeah what's that which one oh on the this is the seder plate yeah on the seder plate there's all kinds of things there's carpass which we dip in salt water that's right that's the carpots we dip what's that why salt water oh we'd have salt water to remember the tears from when we were in mitsuram that's right very good memory yeah so that's the karpas i think i'll put this puzzle in the right way karpas and then we have a bone a special bone called the zeroa and that's to remind us about a long time ago hashem wanted us to bring eat a very special type of lamb for pesach yeah so it reminds us about that and we have an egg the egg reminds us also about a special food we were supposed to eat a long long time ago in the beta mikdash so these things are all to remind us about things oh you want to know about which one the oh and the bottom here the maror or the hazard is very very bitter you can have a taste if you like oh are you very sad oh it's it's very bitter because it reminds us about our bitter lives in mitzrayim in egypt a long long time ago that's right we were slaves a long time ago and we have a pesach seder to remember that hashem took us out and made us free yeah any other questions which one oh the one over there the grape juice all the grapes and the wine yeah well we drink four cups of wine for pesach that's right we drink why four oh we have four cups because there were four words hashem used when he took us out of [Music] mitzrayim all right welcome back to the pesach family feud game we have today our contestant moshe moshe are you ready for the fast money round yep all right top four answers are on the board if you were hashem what word would you use to say you're going to take the jewish people out of egypt [Music] i would say that i will save them i will save them let's see if i will save them is on the board oh number two answer well done way to go okay we got three more to go to get the top four answers to win the grand prize do you have another word you would use to take the jews out of egypt um i would say that i would take them out of egypt that you would take them out of egypt let's see if i will take them out of egypt is on the board [Music] number four answer way to go wow he's on a good roll that's two answers so far looking for two more other words you would use if you were hashem to take the jews out of egypt i'm gonna redeem them i will redeem them let's see if i will redeem them as on the board whoa number three answer well done he's got three out of four number one answer is still on the board moshe think about it number one answer still waiting for you what word would you use if you were hashem to tell the jews you're gonna take them out of egypt i'm gonna remove them that you're gonna remove them let's check it on the board if i'm gonna remove them is on the board whoa number one answer wow way to go that was amazing all four answers are on the board let's take a look at them again their hotseasi and i will remove them they heat salty i will save them they go alti i will redeem them and villa i will take them well that's all the time we have for pesach family feud well done moshe our champion for today boys and girls i hope next time you you're the champion too on the pesach family feud all right back to our regular scheduled program that's right the four special words that hashem used and those are the four cups are to remind us of those four special words very good and this book here oh that's the haggadah that's a special haggadah we use on that's right and that's the haggadah we use to read from all the special parts of the seder that's right so this is all part of the seder oh and this bag this is a fun bag this is called the afikoman yeah we put a piece of matzah what we do in the seder is we're going to take a piece of matzah and we're going to break it in half can you help me break it in half one two three there we go good job you can put that one we'll put this one under the table under the under the peso matzo cover hey devorah where'd you go i need that matzah that's my afi koman afi komen is the special dessert matzah we're gonna take this afikomen bag and we're gonna hide it somewhere devorah will you hide it somewhere in the video okay and boys and girls who are watching you can go and look and find the afikoman somewhere in this video it's hiding somewhere i want to see if you can find it well oh well i guess dvara is going to hide it well bye-bye devorah and bye-bye boys and girls hope you guys are oh there you are did you hide it oh good i'm so excited devorah hid the afikoman keep your eyes open you never know where it's gonna be all right well let's start getting ready more for pesach how about a nice pesach song let's arrange a seder plate with everything in order egg bone carpas carro set in the middle is maroor four cups of grape juice three months so it will eat as it gets later these are the things that we will need for our pesoder let's arrange a seder plate with everything in order four cups of grape juice three months so we'll eat as it gets later these are the things that we will need for our pesader [Music] you know when you're playing any kind of music you have to make sure you play the correct notes in the correct order for example [Music] that's called a musical scale and that has a very specific order how it's supposed to be played if you play it in the wrong order doesn't sound quite as musical you know playing things in order is the best way to play things that's true when it comes to music as well when it comes to pesach you know at pesach time we have something called a seider that's the peso that we have when we have a meal with our family and everything is supposed to be done in a very specific order or seider that's the hebrew word for order and when you do things but say there they sound wonderful and at pesach time we make sure we have the correct order of the seder plate and the correct order of how to run the pesach dinner called a pesach seder [Music] foreign sip drip dip broke spoke soak crunch munch ick stick dine find pray say complete repeat sip drip dip broke spoke soak crunch munch ick stick dine find pray say complete i have ten pictures here five of which have to do with freedom and five of which have to do with slavery do you know which ones have to do with freedom do you think the matzah has to do with freedom you're right we ate matzah as we came out of egypt matzah reminds us of our freedom all right what picture reminds us of freedom you think the man leaning to the left reminds us of freedom you're right when we lean at the seder that reminds us that we are free and we can eat like free rich people very good what other picture has to do with freedom you think the girl dancing has to do with freedom you're right she is dancing because she is showing she is free and happy and people who are free enjoy happiness and joyful things people who are slaves are not happy and can't make their own decisions good job what other picture here has to do with freedom do you think the people dancing with the torah and the flags has to do with freedom you're right when we came out of egypt we got the torah and that gives us freedom to do torah and mitzvot and serve hashem great job now there's one more picture here that has to do with freedom nope not the man carrying the bricks that's a slave nope not the haroset that reminds us of the bricks that we built when we were in egypt nope they're dipping karpas in salt water that reminds us of the tears we cried when we were in egypt as slaves no that's the bitter marour that's the bitter food that we eat to remind us of the bitter life we had in egypt and no that's a chain that's together that reminds us of being chained up like a slave oh you're right showing the broken chains breaking the chain means setting us free and letting us go free out of egypt and tahar sinai to get the torah and then to serve hashem with freedom you're right now here are five pictures that are not about freedom about slavery let's flip them over and see what we can see oh it's a puzzle can you put it together and see what picture it is hmm let's start with this one that's a picture it looks like there's somebody whipping somebody okay let's add another piece to the puzzle oh there's a man on the floor oh and here are some people all running away getting scared and it looks like they're somewhere with blue skies and they're building something and oh it's a picture of slavery which means all five of those pictures were about slavery what about our five pictures of freedom do they have something on the back hmm there's another picture let's see if we can put this picture together looks like there's someone standing up on a rock or something and there's a whole bunch of people there and a sunny sky and right in the middle oh it looks like the splitting of the sea kriya yamsuf that's when we came out of egypt and we were free we finally crossed the sea and hashem closed it on the egyptians and we were finally free to go to harsinai to receive the torah from hashem you are really good at this game [Music] in every generation a person should believe that hashem will take him out of galla speedily all right let's try it a little bit faster now behold okay a little bit faster now [Music] okay that was way too fast let's slow it down a bit behold in every generation a person should believe that hashem will take us out of gallus ali [Music] the holiday of pesach has two very important themes the past and the present in the past we were slaves to king pharaoh and hashem does not want us to forget that that's why every year on pesach for two nights we have something called a seder and at the seder we talk about how we used to be slaves in egypt because remembering that we were slaves maybe makes us treat other people a lot better if we were never slaves in the first place we can remember how hard it was and how life was very difficult and maybe we can have more love and compassion for other people who maybe have hard and difficult lives too in our days of course pesach also celebrates the present which is happening right now we're free and we have freedom to do whatever we want to do and of course pesach reminds us that coming out of egypt was in order to go and get the torah now of course we have freedom but our freedom as jewish people means freedom to do torah and mitzvahs so i think we should sing a song together all about some of my favorite mitzvahs of the torah and it goes like this will be wallaby witz vos let's sing a song about mitzvos will it be wallaby wara mitzvos come from the torah all right if you know the word the rhyming word i want you to say it at home okay here we go willoughby wallaby with zuza on my door i have a mezuzah good will be wallaby with dhaka with my money i can give tzedakah you guys are good at mitzvahs willoughby wallaby wosher i like to eat food that is kosher will be wallaby waka when i eat i try to say a bracha you're good do you know your brachot will be wallabiewa on friday night it starts shabbat will be wallaby wandels my mother lights the candles i hope your mother does too will it be wallaby wohfar on rosh hashanah we blow the shofar will be wallaby wuka on sukkus we sit in a sukkah will it be wallaby winora on hanukkah we light the menorah we'll be wallaby watsa and on pesach we eat matzah i knew that you knew that one oh it'll be wallaby wentz it's a mitzvah to be friends we'll be wall of you emily also to love your family we'll be wallaby one mitzvahs are a lot of fun oh willoughby wallaby and that's the end of the song you guys are really good at doing all those mitzvahs i hope you keep doing those mitzvahs because that's our freedom to show that we can do any mitzvah we like to do like giving to dukkha keeping kosher kissing a mezuzah davening learning so many mitzvos i hope you get to do all of them have yourself a wonderful mitzva day march out of egypt march with me march out of egypt and you will see hashem took us out and now we're free march out of egypt with me [Music] hop out of egypt hop with me hop out of egypt and you will see hashem took us out and now we're free hop out of egypt with me skip out of egypt skip with me skip out of egypt and now you'll see hashem took us out and now we're free skip out of egypt with me dance out of egypt dance with me dance out of egypt and you will see hashem took us out and now we're free dance out of egypt with me [Music] well from rabbi b and devorah the bee we want to wish you a very chag kosher vesa a very happy and kosher pesach because on pesach we make sure not to eat any comets and we make sure all the food is kosher for pesach and always remember don't work too hard make sure you enjoy the holiday don't become a slave to pesach let pesach work for you you can be free and do all that mitzvahs of pesach that you can do well from rabbi bien devorah bye-bye did you spot the missing afikoman it was behind rabbi b during the song willoughby wallaby [Music] wishing you a very happy pesach from me rabbi b [Music] rabbi b loves hearing from fans please send any questions fan mail or drawings to rabib music gmail.com
Channel: Rabbi B
Views: 42,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SFr3xsyfJmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 57sec (1857 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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