R64: Stupid Mario Galaxy

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-SMG4 classic intro- GET DU FACK DOWN FROM THERE! NOU! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (throwin random shit) Aaaah! Mamma miaaaa! cuz he dont care BOUNK Boom Headshot! mamma miaaa... *HOMER'S VOICE* OW {Evil laugh} AAAAHH! Gotcha bitch! Haha! FACK YEUU! GET IN TEH CCARR NO! IS NOT POSSIBLE! ooohhh...mamma mia...Hm? Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh....... awkward... Whoa no touchy! Stahp it! Swooper: OH MAAAN!!! Uh wut (Jumping sound) (crasshhhh) KIDS GON' DIE TONIGHT AAAAAAAAH! AHAUAHUAHUAUAHAHAHAAHAHUAHUAUAuau! La la la hm hm hmmm Oof! look at background lol TOUCH Waaa! No! What are you doin'? What's-a goin' on-- WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HI STEVE! SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII dED Eek! WHOAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!! mamma mia WAA! SHIT! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA there is no escape lol hoo...hoo...hoo...hoo... (fart) What the fuck? (duunnnn!!!) WASS GOOD NYEEEGGAHHH get dat ass GET DAT ASS I AM INVINCIBLE, INVINCIBLE YE-OWWW!!! fack YAHOO! WEEE! bambambam Have you got any food? OWWW SHEIT! Poor merio... WAUU! WOAH Oh look a useless character with his useless game YEHA! *doesn't notice the other flags* Toad is going to regret meeting Merio. rip SHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!! Here we go! Yippee! Oh boy, that-a makes me so happy! UGH! wtf merio Comin for yah biatch! epic fail KU-BOOM Are yah frekin kidding meh?! Oh look another boring world shet [Favorite Mario Galaxy Music!] WAWW SAY WHATTT GOD I HATE BEES tbh the bees are ugly lmao HEY STINKY ITS A ME MURIO AH! O MY GAWD X2! Hey comeback here! lol kk Oh your girl wut did you see? BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES soooo mutch honey :3 [Weird Robotic Voice] :3 GUESS WHO IT IS? there he is Wat da fak is dat?! (Yeah haven't seen the movie) HEEP! LETZ BEGIN AND NEVER DO THIS SHIT AGAIN According to all known laws of aviation (The paragraph in Markiplier bounces on a trampoline video) there is no way a bee should be able to fly.(The paragraph in Markiplier bounces on a trampoline video) WAT IS GOING ON WHUT? Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground.(The paragraph in Markiplier bounces on a trampoline video) Are the bees on drug? Mario lalalalahmmhmhm ADOTEDEAIDO! UGH! The queen keeps reading shet Yellow, Black, Yellow, Black, Yellow, Black (ok...) FALCON KICK AHAHAUGH! [Mario is screwed] POOPPPPP!!!! Oh shet! SMG4 mistakes "an intrud er" AHHHHHH! mamamia! FACKING GENIUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! IDK Maybe this?: https://www.google.com/search?q=Australia%27s+national+anthem&oq=Australia%27s+national+anthem&aqs=chrome..69i57.9598j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 (hmmm) 🎵Black and Yellow Black and Yellow Black and Yellow Black and Yellow (WRONG) GET DAT MOFO! AHHAHAHAHAHAHAAA! Bee.exe is broken (the .exe isn't the horror one) This bee can carry Mario. wut And they can carry weapons? WTF You are fakd up naow! FART WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALUIGI XD and again :) [jk:Why not a Planet of Toads!] cuz they suck LOL and get prepared for hell... i mean heaven mario I'm beat. Aren't I'm done yet? {Toad Jumpscare} 2 spoky 4 me AHH FAK YOU OOH GOD! WTF? (Markimoo again) WEED 1337 (LEET) TOADIO! Tata! [They are on drugs] At this part an ad pop up in my screen and it said 1337 weed YAEY ITEMS Holy Shito! WHAT ABOUT SPAGHETTI WEEHEEE (drug adicct) whoho 1-up repeat lots of time WTF IS HAPPENING What do you think? Should Merio ded or nuu? Result: Trump wins oops i meant 1031274821649816273481263982169319 millenias later [He ate everything WHY NOT] lol still on drugs OH SHIT KILL DA FATTASS! HEY I CALLED HIM FAT FIRST STFU! Yeah i'm disapointed of him [Toad Revolution] You fucked up daughter This guy doesn't even look like a captain Toad checks the noise Oh Shit! Oh Shit !Oh Shit! Oh Shit! Oh Shit! Oh Shit! No God! No God Please NO! ahhhhh (okay this is annoying) i got it you. nope ya dint [Not when Mario is here] [Mario acting like Homer] [Weegee!] Get ready for your/my best nightmare (Mario still acting like Homer) [Beat there doll porn] my fav planet sub to weegeepie: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChratm8_g--6XGqSAz7KF8g [Again Called It] My fav part is here... again Moar weegee sfx Oh ho! Its a me. Luigi! Howdy Howdy Howdy] SON OF A BITCH! (aka female dog) HEY STINKY (again) HERE WE GO [aka the planet of spaghetti] but nope MMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH (my mum always told me not to cry) HOLY SHIT A GIANTASS WEEGEE DOLL! Who dares disturb my chidren?! (dat fatass) Adotedeaido? NO (FUK THIS POOP I'M IN) FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!! POW POW POW POW POW POW POW POW POW POW POW POW POW POW AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA [Caz your a fat Italian screw up] DA DA DA DAA [Heavy singing star wars music] Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it a toad? No it's that ugly toad again [Well what style do you have?] The toad get suprised by his swagness 10/10 [Toad saves da day] TNX TOAD YA BITCH INCOMMING (OH SHIT) ded POW POW POW POW POW Try not to get triggered RAWWWWWWWWWWRRRRRRRRRR [I'll miss dat planet] cuz your the main character dummy [#true fact] HAHAAA Does this spaceship have self-flying mode? NOBODY CARES Mamaf**ker ADOTEDEAIDO? WAAA WAAA WAAAluigi [Is it sex?Destroy spaghtti's existance?] vote now! Yes or no? (Next time) Hillary wins I mean Obama wins I NEED 2 DIE toto yi haa (toad sfx) [Dear God] oh god the memes ARE YA REDDY KIDS? AYE AYE CAPTAIN! (awkard ohhhhhhh) O.M.G WHOAOOAOOAAAAA aka Pingas hole WAT HAPPEN?!?!?!??! [Thanks Mario] sob nope u aren't great SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Wow Mario] Here we go MEMES OHHHHHHHHH The memes theory AHHAHAHAHA World Of Warcraft Warcraft Warcraft Warcraft Warcraft Warcraft THE MEMES SAVED MERIO ahahaha [Still doing that?] (AHHH NOU! AHHH! O GAWD GET OFF ME!) god get in the bath already KA-BOOOOOOOOOOOM Well that were sure fun! (Yeah that was) I had a bad time *totally didn't ruin multiple societies* Don't you have common sense Egad... Let's not talk about the mushroom ship XD [Wow i just said it a sarcastic tone] Mario thinking mode again with ver 1.7 with new sfx Biatch hel No! FUK THE POLICE COMIN STRAIGHT FROM THE UNDERGROUND (DEAL WITH IT) AHAAAAAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHALAHAHHAlLAHALAJ SMG4: Hey guys! Thanks for watching my video, SMG4: and just a quick update I made a new T-Shirt store. SMG4: Check this out! And I have a... we have this new hobo bros shirt! WOOOOO SMG4: STAHP IT MURIO And if u wanna support my channel plz go check out that store! SMG4: STAHP IT SMG4: NO THAT'S NOT TOILET PAPER GODDAM- (try not to get anxious)
Channel: SMG4
Views: 6,495,016
Rating: 4.911005 out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo, Super, Mario, Super Mario, Super Mario 64, SM64, SMG4, Supermarioglitchy4, Hobo, Bros, Hobo Bros, bloopers, sm64 bloopers, funny, comedy, lols, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, To
Id: xXLeypXjyBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2017
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