Quintavius Burdette: From Rookie to #2 Agent in Remax using my 4 Point System to WIN!

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what we're concerned with is getting one person better every single day within your space and if that's two people or 20 people or 50 let's focus on that and together we're going to grow we're gonna win [Music] for our first episode of real estateable we're so excited to have contavious Burdette with Re Max with us today our conversation with him was amazing literally if you don't feel motivated after this I don't know what would motivate you yeah I'm pretty sure nothing pretty sure nothing what was your biggest takeaway from today I mean just his mindset um he is a very like focused person um he he grew up poor and with a lot of siblings so I think that a work ethic and responsibility came to him very young and I think that that's carried into um his his adult life he mentioned he wants to retire when he's 30. so if you're wondering how well he's doing in the real estate business um he's trying to retire next year we're a little bit past that but also inspired for the same things um one of the biggest things for me um takeaway was that um he makes his his phone calls quick and concise um wraps them up kind of where you're able to answer the phone um on that first ring every single time but not um take a massive amount of time away from your day huge impactful uh tip for me that implementing today yeah and I think he he talks really well on how to communicate with people how to get involved with the community um how he's reaching 500 people in a Day within a few hours so um I think this is definitely worth a listen it should help your business grow it definitely is going it's changing how I'm doing business later this week for sure today and within five minutes yes so I hope you enjoy all right so first of all we just wanted to thank you for coming on to the show and for our listeners who don't know who you are um can you kind of just tell us a little back story maybe like where you grew up how you grew up and we'll just go from there yeah so um from a very small town in Mississippi Senatobia Mississippi about 30 minutes south of Memphis um I grew up one of 17 kids uh grew up very very poor so everything that I've had I had to work for my former athlete I've played football and ran track for most of my life in college a little bit after college and now I see a real estate [Laughter] what made you get one to get into real estate like Why Real Estate after you know playing college football and why did you choose this route yeah so I like it we getting right into the juice so um for you guys I went to Ole Miss a play ball you can see the jersey in the background I got a masters in accounting I ended up moving to Atlanta you take a Mississippi Kid that's used to driving three or four miles at the age of 10. uh it takes me five minutes maybe and you put me in Atlanta now I'm driving three miles and it's taking me 45 minutes I lost my mind but that was not the reason I got into real estate I got into real estate because one day I was sitting in my desk crunching numbers for this accounting firm and when we had that meeting and they was going over the building report and I started to see a bunch of 400 an hour 500 an hour for the work that I was doing so I just went back to my desk that day I Googled what profession I can make what I'm worth real estate popped up and the rest is history I put a two-week notice in the very next day moved from Atlanta moved back home got a real estate license and now I'm on a podcast baby well when I think of Q though I think of okay he's a risk taker with massive amount of reward for those risks so you definitely inspire me um to to really like like I knew that was your story but to hear that like chill bumps um yeah to hear like okay I Googled it two week notice boom here we are massive massive reward for for that risk how long ago was that how long how long are we talking um that was that was four years ago now okay four years ago so so you're technically what they call a baby baby in the industry brand new Asian people please don't stop using me once you find out but but let's get real so let's let's get real on this so but baby agent four years in the business tell us about what 2022 looked like for you like let's let's talk about um your success as this baby agent Re Max I we saw you up on the stage we're seeing you crushing it talk about 2022 and what you've achieved over those four years yeah so uh let's go back to year one you know from day one uh I set the tone I guess for myself for others around me just for my tradition for my uh pivotal moment in this business uh to be great whereas you know my first 30 days in the business I talked over 6 000 people and a lot of folks you know skip over that information to say hey can where are you today I want to tell you where I started for it and I started in a little small office that didn't even have a window um but it had four walls and a place for me to sit and I used to make calls all day long 24 7 making calls making calls I would then go door knock I would go to Kroger I would buy groceries and my first 30 days in the business like I said I talked to over 6 000 people well my first 12 months in the business I sold 106 houses all right and then we fast forward to year two where I sold again over a hundred thousands like 120 houses and in year three I did something so crazy that I'm still in shock I was able to feel 307 Properties by myself as a solo agent uh in this small baby Market in Mississippi and Memphis uh so I was so proud and so excited you know I was a number two agent uh in the country for Remax um I'm traveling the world now and in 2022 we had an even better year uh last year so those are my four years in real estate um and we're going to talk more and more about that I know as The Show Goes On Right yeah so so question for you um selling that many houses have you ever thought about starting a team like where you could hand you know not maybe not hand business off but you know leverage um other people to help you coordinate all that or are you just like so organized so on top of your game that you're like this is easy I can do 300 in my sleep so I mean I go back and forth to myself literally every day sometimes every other hour man do I need to just roll this thing out do I need to just bring on folks yes no but it all boils down to for right now it's rolling the way it's rolling uh with me being ahead with me doing the work and I'm still enjoying it I still got things that I need to accomplish I feel like within this business before I can say I'm ready to leave someone else and be responsible I'm still a baby I'm still learning there's some things that I don't quite get yet that I want to make sure that I'm on top of when it's time for me to roll out a team I know how to go out and find and generate business for me all right I don't think and I'm not as confident in being able to generate business for other folks uh and you say well Q that's crazy you generated enough business to close 300 properties of course you can help others it's your confidence thing I'm confident in me I'm not confident in teaching others going out giving to others and having them now step in and be me so I have to get comfortable with that first before I can build that team but that is my next step because you know I don't want to be running crazy up and down the road forever and in order for me to get some of my time back of course I have to bring on other folks and help them grow and I'm starting to transition into that role more and more every day as I want to help others become what I've become or some close some close and I I see you doing that just like with you traveling and like you definitely Inspire us I feel like any interaction we've had we walk away with you know inspiration I and I I see you doing that I also see a drive kind of um like no other like I I I'm not sure when I think of someone with a passion a drive a Hustle it's you you're the definition of that I was going to say too if you were to start a team yeah how would you even match the intensity of like how I mean if I I feel like if I was on your team I'd be like man I just cannot keep up with like the structure the time blocking the all the things I mean trying to match I don't know a matching energy on that for sure yeah that's something that I feel like I'm good at identifying that I'm not gonna find cute there's no one out there who really probably wants to beat you really when they find out what it takes to to do what I've done they don't want to do that so I'm wise enough now to say okay I'm not going to find q but what I can do is find bits and pieces of myself and others and help them become the best version of that as they can and my goal is to when I do start this thing again it's very close I'm talking about like about to walk into the room we're moving to Memphis we'll see you soon no longer concerned with but we're concerned with is getting one person better every single day within your space and if that's two people or 20 people or 50 let's focus on that and together we're going to grow we're going to win uh again I want to start my team and my team is going to be awesome I'm talking we're gonna have fun we're gonna get business we're gonna go trips we're gonna do all this good stuff okay I'm officially leaving this team my mind now okay well let's get let's get real then let's let's talk about your local market you know there's different areas of the country that are booming growing Etc but let's talk about you're talking over 300 transactions in a market that that's I mean that's unheard of in the market that you're in can you talk a little bit about just like average price point like really where you're selling because it's essentially it's the outskirts of Memphis is a small town but talk about that because you're you're really pulling stuff out of the weeds um to make those deals happen correct so where I am now uh we're talking about an average price point of just under 300 Grand you know during the pandemic it got up to around the average price point being 325 uh but now it's more stable than where it should be uh this area here we had last year I think just shy of 5 000 transactions in the entire Market amongst all the agents and I think it's about 2400 agents here uh so that came out to be right over about two transactions per agent um and for a guy like myself to step in and be able to take on 300 of those uh it took a lot of grind a lot of work a lot of patience a lot of work over and over and over again and I do both of my business with uh matchmaking whereas you know I find sellers and buyers who want to buy each other's properties and it makes the deals a lot smoother a lot easier to deal with but it takes work on my side to do that now most of the time I'm the only Asian in the transactions where I had a client of mine who sold 70 properties to another client of mine who bought all 70 properties that was a great day but to find that guy that was willing to sell properties I mean I probably went through 3 000 calls and the final guy who was looking to buy the other part of the deal it probably took me another 2 000 calls so it's not an easy thing now 3 000 calls is not a lot really to be honest with you it's not over a course of two or three weeks I found that deal and it happened and it closed in about 45 days the paycheck on that outweighs the time that I spent but yeah absolutely a lot of folks look over the time spent they just look at the deal they're so excited for you if you got a big deal no I want you to be excited because I showed up every single day and I got after it and I didn't quit I didn't stop when that happened even when that deal was signed and sealed and I knew it was going to close I came the very next day like I had nothing and that's the market that I'm in so talk about how you structure your day because I like you just kind of um kind of like talked a little bit into that every day you start over that's one of the things I take away from from you too so talk about how do you structure your day and the the restart of that every day um it starts it starts with getting four points a day and for all you guys who don't know what that means that means for me is a contract is worth Four Points a listing agreement is two points showing up by your house is one point and meeting potential customers looking to do business within 90 days it's a half a point and I start my day every day with zero and I'm trying to get four so I wake up I go to the gym uh in the mornings I make sure that I'm in my office by about eight eight thirty uh today I had this podcast so I got here a little earlier just so I can make sure I get some things tied it up before I have to jump on I was still doing things when I came on but it's more I don't have time blocks whereas I don't check the clock if you look at my watch right now my watch is wrong my watch is like two hours and 41 minutes wrong and it's wrong on purpose because I don't check the time to see what time of the day it is because my day is structured by activity I have a one a first second and third activity and every single day like today being Wednesday it's open so I have time my first thing that I can do right now on a Wednesday is to be open which means I can do whatever I want I can do this podcast because it's open when I'm done with this podcast I'm done doing everything else that I really want to do then I have to make 150 calls it tells me right there on that board and after that I have to go door knock after 5 PM so I have to get all this stuff done before 5 p.m because after 5 p.m I have to go door now it tells me on tomorrow follow up study the market make 200 calls leave the office early I put that stuff into my schedule Friday show up go to a location pass out 50 business cards so my days are structured the Same by the activity but every day is of course different because my phone rings hey Q we want you to come and look at this you just witness two people call me and say Hey I want to sell a house okay I'll call you back later hey we have a deal we're trying to make it work what can we do give them instructions on how to get it done I'll get it to my client we'll probably sign it so it's just real stuff like that go on all day long but One Thing Remains the Same I get four points a day regardless of yesterday's activities and I don't move forward until I do it I love how specific you are like I'm gonna make 150 calls today I'm going to make 200 calls tomorrow um I do have a question so do you hit the four points every single day um seven days a week every single day I hit the four points every single day because I'm always either showing I'm always meeting folks who are looking to do business in my ways either getting that contract or putting listings in um so like I will get a contract today so I know for a fact I got four points yesterday I know for a fact I'll get four points today uh and hopefully one of my listings go on the contract tomorrow or I get more listings this guy called me today say hey I want to sell my house so I probably push him into tomorrow because I know I got four points today I'm not gonna overwork myself I'll meet with him tomorrow get his listing signed go show some props so I will get four points and it's all about structuring your day you asked me that question how do you do it well I don't try to overload myself but in some days the overload just happens naturally where I might have 25 30 points in a day it wasn't the plan and I'm not going to stop but the thing of on those days the 25 to 30 points don't roll over to the next day so yeah it's one of those things where you know I'm so focused and the production of work that nothing else truly matters outside of I have to show up and do it again and again and again and you're doing the stuff too that people like everyday agents don't want to do yeah like I don't know many people who get excited for cold calling or door knocking or just talking to people in general like you said go into a spot and handing out x amount of cards um like that's genius and it's so easy to do hey here's my business card if you know and just having like a short conversation but I think new agents and experienced agents are also like they just don't want to do that stuff what keeps you motivated in that like like I I think that you know over time I've had Ebbs and flows over 15 years of being in the business and it's like sometimes I can be super on fire for after 5 p.m door knocking and other times like nah it's not happening and I think family plays into that Etc but what keeps you motivated to um besides I mean the daily win you set yourself up to win every day but besides that you know what what motivates you to keep on that grind over and over again because I have a goal of retiring by the age of 30. all right I just turned 29 in March so I have another year to work um because I worked through my 30 uh birthday so I have that goal that if you know if I work now and I work through my 20s I can live my 30s 40s 50s 60s the way I want you know and before you know probably about seven months ago my goal was to have 30 Properties by the time I was 30. well now I have 47 properties so now I just up there to say hey I want to try to get maybe 60 and I have to buy a whole lot of properties left in order to reach that new goal so I'm always hitting a goal and then I up to go to do something better and that's how it's been I've realized in my career so far every single goal that I've set I don't know if it's a bad thing or not but every single goal that I have set I've actually hit and at some point you get to a to a point where you're saying you know what I'm tired of reaching goals I'm tired of hitting those it's time for me to live life and I think when I hit 30 and I look back over the last five years of my life because that's I told myself I was going to do this for about five years and then I was going to sit back and reflect on where I am I think once I hit 30 I'm gonna be proud of myself and I'm going to be able to then live my life the way I want to live it and the way that other kids around me can see hey if I do this as well I can do it because hey I'm not a genius I'm nothing really special I'm just a kid that shows up and kick ass that's it and everybody can be that person you just have to commit yourself and do it so for me what keeps me driving is the little boy from Senatobia who thinks he's going to go pro but maybe he won't maybe he will what is he going to fall back on I want to be the example I want to be the example of the agent who's been in the business 20 years who's now thinking this business is no longer something that's uh doable for them I want to show them that yes this business is still thriving I want to be the person for the brand new age and the chest started two years ago a year ago six months three years ago they can look up and say I can have early success in this business if I just work so that's why I do it for the other people to see and have an example of someone that they can follow and it's never about me if it was about me I would have stopped a long time ago I'm one of I come from a family of one of 17 kids where my parents never made more than 40 Grand in a year and you're talking about on months I'm making four or five hundred thousand dollars in a month that's more than enough for a guy like me so I would have stopped a long time ago if it was about pleasing me and doing the things for me now this is about the people how many people can I help expire motivate to get up and do it the way that I do it in order for their lives to be better that's what it's about I I feel like I'm super motivated now can we just hang up and go we're about to go do all the things start cold calling for sure I I want to I want to talk a little bit about cold calling because I think that that is I like you inspire me so much on that level there can you talk about like specifics on that like your dialing system where are you getting numbers um I know I've heard you speak on like the five key points to get through the conversation in in hearing the role playing with you on that I'm like man I'd have that conversation all day long like it's just you're just calling and talking to people it's not it is about the business but you don't make it about that so talk talk a little bit about um that cold calling yeah so when I cold call uh a I'm using either Red X which is something you know you have you have Vulcan you have Mojo you have all these different things I just found Red X to be the easiest to use uh it's not the most accurate of course like any of them uh it's not the you know hey you have to use red X to be successful no if you can find a source that can give you numbers then it's the right source so um I use red X and what I do is I go into MLS oh I go on Zillow or any place where you can find an address I put that address in and places that I want to sell I like I know I understand and it pulls me up the next 300 200 100 numbers and I just call around it now will all the information be correct no and you're not calling for the information to be correct you're calling for somebody to pick up the phone and say hello and if they do that here are five points for you to have a successful call all right step one you want to know who you're talking to so you have to ask for the person and within step one there are four key points that you should hit in order to say hey do I need to move on to step two or do I end this call right now step one you have to first understand what step one is you're getting to know the person and they can only be one of four people they can be Sarah if you're calling Sarah by name that's the first thing you have to call the person by name within step one hey may I speak with Sarah if it's not Sarah the next person they can be is the owner of the address that you're calling about okay so then you use the address okay awesome it's not Sarah um are you the owner of 123 Main Street if there's not the one owner of 123 Main Street they can only be this person next hey do you own a house here in Mississippi so use the state if they don't own the house here in the state they're not Sarah and they're not the owner of 123 Main Street the last thing you need to ask before you decide or whether or not you need to move on or get off the phone or or or continue is okay well do you want to own a house here in Mississippi one yes you move on to step two four knows you're out so step one ask for the person if it's Sarah perfect move on to step two if it's not Sarah use the address if it's the dress owner move on to step two and so on Down the Line step two introduce yourself this has to be short and sweet not this I cannot get on the phone and say this is Quintavious bird dead with Re Max experts in Germantown Tennessee click they gonna hang up yeah we're done my mama my parents cursed me giving me a name that long to say so I just say hey this is Q over with Re Max and within the same breath you have to do step three which is give back to their time okay you have to give back to their time which means you have to ask them just a simple question hey is now a good time for you hey do you have a minute hey whatever it is and my go-to is hey it's Q over a Remax that I catch you at a bad time all within the same breath so I've done number one two and three within 30 seconds of the first call they're gonna say yes or no depending on if they say yes or no we have to do step four which is the most difficult part of this call you have to neutralize the conversation most folk or in sales or folks who are calling to get get something done they just want to get to the point they want to get to whatever it is that they're calling about too soon you have to be relatable so this is why it's important to neutralize the conversation for me I use hey you know Ole Miss Baseball won The Natty last year we're not doing so well are you an Ole Miss fan or hey you know Ole Miss football we're looking pretty good we got a couple of transfer quarterbacks in you think I'm going to win it this year I'm not an Ole Miss man oh perfect and for all you folks who are going to say well Q I'm not a sports person I can't relate to that I have one for you you can neutralize your conversation by saying hey I'm taking a quick survey today and I'm asking folks are you a cat person or a dog person the place to everybody yeah for what they're going to say and the key to that is you always want to make them feel like they're the majority so if they say man I'm a cat person you say awesome you know I've talked about 50 people today and so far I got about 30 people that said cat and 20 people that said dog so you guys are definitely in the majority but you cannot stay at that neutralizer for too long you have to say whatever you gotta say get their response and then we have to hit step five we have to get to the point and if I'm gonna use the cat and dog and they're gonna say I'm a dog person I'm saying awesome you know you guys are definitely in the majority there uh but hey look here you have a property in Mississippi oh hey you have a property at one two three main street hey Sarah you have a property located in the city um I was just giving you guys a quick call to see if you guys thought about potentially upsized and downsizing kind of moving on from that property at this time and it's just short sweet nice a nice way of asking them hey do you want to buy or sell never use those words hey have you guys thought about selling hey do you guys want to buy another profit never use those words disguise what it is that you're saying if you was to go on a date you would not ask hey you want to go back to my place no you probably asked how you want to go catch the movie you want to go catch a movie that's that's that sounds a lot better than just being so direct okay so we have to do the same thing when we're talking to folks on the phone about this real estate we have to disguise what we're really asking them as much as possible those are the five keys to cold calling and for all the folks who say well Q I want to go door knock they're the same five but it's really four you just drop step one start with step two so you don't want to be at someone's door are you Ashley is this your house do you no just start with step two introduce yourself give back to the time neutralize the conversation then get to the point if you want to go do a doctor when you're door knocking are you giving the homeowner something like other than maybe a card um like a flyer or anything is I'm giving my time yeah well I deal with my business card I don't like giving out free information so quote unquote what it is uh I can talk you through the information but I don't want to give you anything with all the information on it so or I take a letter that's very direct of saying hey I have a client that's looking at your subdivision if you guys have thought about potentially doing anything with your property give me a call we can potentially do a quick deal off Market or you know I do a letter of hey I'm giving away 500 slices of cheesecake in your area on this day please come out and support that event uh get your free Slice of Cheesecake I look forward to seeing you so little things like that is what I would give out I'm not going to give out a market update or anything crazy I want to come off as to God that's not selling real estate but just making a lot of friends that talks about the guy that's selling real estate that's what I really want yeah yeah um I've heard you speak on um looking at like your tax records and kind of pairing people who own a lot of properties um and then kind of matchmaking with your buyers um can you talk on that for a second and just how your how you pull those together yes can you guys hear that thing in the background yeah yeah okay yeah hey hey [Laughter] I'm in a meeting oh man I love that he's just I feel like I'm so motivated already just from what we've talked about so far we're door knocking after five o'clock tonight yeah it's fine it's fine I'm back I had to get the lawn people away but I mean ask that question ask that question again okay so I've heard you talk about like matchmaking through going through like tax records or through the tax assessor um with people who own 10 or more properties can you talk on that and kind of how you came about on doing that um and just kind of like that process of the matchmaking yeah so it was it was a thing of hey my time uh what's the best use of my time is it calling folks who owns one property they can sell and maybe buy one other property or can I call folks who have multiple who could potentially buy in bulk or sell in bulk and I started to say you know what I'm just going to start focusing on focus on five or more properties and then I started to say hey I'm only going to focus on for almost 10 or more properties so I would go to my tax assessor and you can put it in alphabetical order and it's going to show you all the properties that someone owns and I just find the ones who have more 10 or more I click on them I call them only and I try to figure out hey man you have about 10 properties here in DeSoto County I'm just giving you a quick call to see have you guys thought about maybe offloading those properties or are you looking to add more to your portfolio if you're looking to add more tell me what it is that you're looking for so when I'm making calls and I'm calling out to folks and something that fits your box across my desk I can bring it to you directly and they love that they love it or hey have you guys thought about potentially selling everything uh and buying more somewhere else or buying more here uh how long have you had these properties so that has found uh a lot of success doing that versus just calling a person who owns one house because now I don't have to make as many calls uh I'm calling the same people over and over and over and I'm working with a group of maybe 100 people now that owns a lot of property within the area that maybe this guy owns five or six and maybe this guy owns 20 and maybe he wants to sell all 20 he wants to buy another five or six he wants to buy another five or six now I can piece that together and sell all his 20 or I can sell all his fives to the guy who owns 20. that has become my way of kind of doing my cold calls but then when I go out to the public I can only knock one door at a time so I said this is going to be my trade-off when I call I'll call multiple when I knock I'm not one um so that's kind of why I changed it up um you just you just spoke about door knocking for your events can you talk about like the kind of events that you do in your community um what you're doing with that yeah so um I give away let's say 500 boxes a pizza or 500 slices of Cheesecake on Thanksgiving um I go to my Walmart in my hometown and I go to a certain Outlet everyone can buy come to that hour and I pay for this Thanksgiving groceries um I do a giveaway around Christmas where they have to guess how many peanuts or M M's or Skittles are in a jar to win a PlayStation 5 or Xbox or you know a small vacation somewhere uh so I do all those things I try to do something once a quarter because when you do something like that like you give away 500 boxes of pizza well a 500 people have come to one location that's gonna maybe take about six or seven hours to meet 500 people in one location that you can shake hands in person with that is huge if one person buy a house from that event it's worth it but when it comes out to be is all those folks show up I'll be in myself smiling laughing giving after peace to giving out the cheesecake doing all this good stuff and now it's talked about on social media in the public for months is that always for open for the community or is that for your your clients um I never limit anything just to my clients what I do is I open it to the first 500 people to show up so now it's a race you don't you don't have time to sit in bed and oh do I want to go now do I want to go no if you don't go now you might not be one of the first so that's the very key thing you always have to put a limit of hey it's going to be 100 people but it's going to be the first hundred people and then I do some things just for my clients but I don't advertise it broadly I just text them individually hey I want you guys to come up here hey you guys I want to meet you for dinner but if I'm gonna broadcast it I'm going to open it to any and everybody uh because I don't want anybody to think Q is running a cult um that outside folks are not welcome no if you see it and you're one of the first I want to meet you anyways because that's the name of the game you have to continue every single day to try to meet brand new people a lot of folks say that the money is in the follow-up I would say that the money is in me brand new people because the more people that you know the more people that knows your name that can talk good about you the more opportunities deal-wise that you can have uh because you can follow up follow up follow up but you're if you're not meeting new people eventually your circle of people are going to buy enough houses to where they're not going to need you anymore so why not just focus on meeting brand new people more than you're actually following up and let's see what it runs a lot of people say well Q that's not scalable tell me it's not scalable tell me please try to tell me that our lips are our lips are are closed right now we're not telling you that so do you partner with like a local pizza place or are you like five dollar Little Caesars or I do the I do the local businesses uh okay I want to help them I want to bring the traffic to their place because then what happens is you know they get to advertise it I advertise it uh then the newspaper get involved the South Haven uh Commerce get involved and it's just a lot of great things to happen when you do local uh and you're helping someone that's here I mean from the Cheesecake deal I'm actually helping them um through you know helping folks that they know buy houses sell houses uh from doing that people who show up uh and I met one of the largest developers uh here at one of those events he came and got a free Slice of Cheesecake and we met for the first time I'm not doing business with him but he knows my name his kids are real estate agents so of course I'm not going to get that but someday one day where if they retire or if they want to do something different I feel like that guy's gonna call me because of all the things that I've done right there near where he is so yeah I I agree I agree that's awesome um Okay so let's talk about service like servicing your clients so you obviously have 300 and something closings a year um but you still provide like your VIP treatment um I know we've seen like your moving trucks so kind of what all does that include um your VIP treatment yeah so it's the thing whereas every single time my phone rings I have uh that's VIP treatment it doesn't matter how busy I am who I'm with what appointment I'm in I will answer the phone that does not mean every single time my phone rings I can talk okay uh I ask quick questions hey can you be quick if not I have to call you back you guys have witnessed that two times this morning whereas my phone ring and I answered and I asked them hey we have to be quick about it or else I can give you a call back later but that's one thing a lot of Agents they take that for granted they don't answer their phones they're not responsive me you call me right now I answer my phone uh but also I don't I don't leave you hanging that's VIP things of I have contractors that work directly for me he with me was renovating my all my properties but also if you need any work done we don't have to worry about finding someone that can do it I have them all on standby and when I call they show up that is VIP treatment I have a moving truck whereas you don't have to go to U-Haul and get a stand in line and risk them counseling the moving truck on you the day of your move you can use my trucks and for a small fee a lot less than what these moving companies will charge you when I give you an example a moving company gave a client of mine a quote of like 5500 bucks to do all the moving for them we did it for less than two grand okay so I have guys who will work and actually move your stuff for you as well whenever you need it done that's VIP treatment I have lawn guys I have Landscaping I have everything that they would need but also I have the expertise and the knowledge within my market that a lot of Agents come to me for just advice or if they have clients looking for properties or if uh they have properties that their clients will want to get rid of some of them call me before they ever put it on the market that is VIP treatment whereas I'm talking to more folks every single day that anyone else in my market so I can stay ahead of what's happening in order so I can give you that VIP treatment so I take care of my folks from start to finish whereas my assistant she does all of the paperwork type stuff all right but me I do all of the communicating with the agents with the clients the communication comes through me and my my assistant or text me and say hey I just sent the document to John I call John hey John brother we just sent you a document man let me know if you have any questions on them I'm still doing that stuff so um I make sure that the clients are happy the agents are happy that I'm working with so my reputation can always go further and my trucks are not just for my clients I have some agents who you know their clients you all get counseled they call me Q can we you have anybody using your trucks today can one of my clients use one of your of course they can because they're going to remember that that I stepped in and I helped them in that time and maybe I won't get them but maybe they might send me their brother their sister their friend um you never know so yeah I so as as you were saying all those things too I think like we sometimes think about um things being of value to like for the for the VIP experience like things I gotta I gotta do stuff and like what you were just describing like you um you are the value that you're providing to not only your clients your past present future but the real estate Community itself too um the other thing that I I am taking away and actually we saw you modeling it this morning I'm like man I I wait so long during the day for me to have time to take a call and you buttoned up a conversation that would normally take 15 minutes hey I'm I'm busy right now can we make it quick making those calls quick and right on the spot man you're you're that that is my biggest takeaway today it sets the expectation of the call yeah like you're getting what are you doing oh nothing like no are you gonna be quick or should I call you back should I call you back yeah I was telling Ashley earlier today I um you know I went home last night from five to eight I was wrapping up my day where if I would have done what that that one step if I would have just been pick up the phone I this has to be quick I would have avoided about four 30 minute phone calls in what should have been you know blocks for for family for you know for nothing really um so that's definitely a takeaway that I am today today we're about to be making it quick don't call me I was like 45 minutes of that um five to eight last night hey what are you doing oh nothing that is that is true so from now on is make a quick conversations only um for sure so funny okay so what would be your best piece of advice to give a brand new agent or maybe an agent who's struggling um to kind of get their their feet on the ground yep um my advice would be a um cut the negative thoughts out today um this business is gonna go up and it's gonna go down you just have to make sure you're always around you know it's gonna go up it's gonna go down you have to make sure you're always around what that means to me is you have to show up and take care of the things that you can control there is nothing else really going on in this business that you can control other than your effort every single day you cannot control interest rates you cannot control when somebody's going to call you to sell a house or buy a house you cannot control when the buyer is going to want to put in an offer you can't control what offer they're going to want to put in but what you can control is your activities every single day day in and day out and if you was to focus on that more than you focused on the outcome of I don't have any closings then I think then you will start to see true success you know I don't count closings if you ask me how many deals you have going on right now you I promise you I could not tell you because I am not connected to the deal at all and I say that in a way to say I do not care if the deal closed or not I won't ever deal to close I'm working towards it but my job is to do everything in my power to make sure we're in the position to close but I'm not emotional about it I'm not going to get upset if my buyer wants to cancel a contract after the inspection I'm not I'm not I'm not attached to that deal I'm not gonna get upset if my seller don't want to make repairs that I think may be as simple as she should make and if I can explain that to her and she gets it then it's awesome but if I explain it to her she still don't want to do it I'm okay with her saying I don't want to do it so do not get so caught up in the deal treat your people the way they want to be treated get so caught up in the activities that you're doing every single day that eventually you have so many deals going on you don't have to worry about that so that's my advice don't give up you can do this if I can do it you can do it uh just remember you have to stay around the market is going to go up it's going to go down you just have to stay around I love it okay so we are going to end the episode um we asked like three questions um so question number one what has been the most influential book that you've read um either like for your business uh I'm not a big reader if I'm being honest uh yeah I don't read a whole lot um I made I think something that is very very beneficial to my business is my ability that I broke down my 168 which is you have 168 hours in a week I broke that down and what I included in that time was my game time I think me playing the game every single day I play Call of Duty Warzone I think that is a real like key moment uh key uh part of my day as to why I can be so successful the next day I'm not telling you guys to go play video games what I'm saying is find whatever it is within your day if it's a reading a book if it's going for a walk working out playing a video game going on whatever it is that takes your mind away from it all and be non-negotiable about that time it doesn't matter what else is going on you take that time every single day so I'm not a book reader I'm an activity guy and the best activity I think that keeps me going is my ability to separate and play my video game that's awesome well what would you say so video games could be an answer for this but what are your hobbies what are things that you like to do outside of real estate yes so uh all right four wheelers I go jet skiing uh I like to fish I like to just hang out with my friends I'm a big kid I like to go to amusement parks if you go to my social media you'll see me at Disney recently no I do a lot of traveling now speaking that's become a hobby for me that I really really enjoy uh but it goes back I just want to be in a place where the folks around me are happy I'm happy we're having fun and at the end of the day it's no pressure to do business love it um last question how would you want people to describe you or know you by know you buy or for yeah so uh if you're describing me I would like for you to say this is one guy that we can trust we can count on uh he's not going to give up on us he's going to show up he's going to use his resources to better uh my life your life their life um just someone that you know when you look in the mirror and you say hey I can't do it you look at me and say you know what I actually can because of this kid I just want to be that inspiration I want to be the person that you look at as motivation someone that you look at as a reason to say I can't stop now uh so I want you to describe me as that person when you're talking about me um and you know all the other things are going to take care of itself am I a great agent I think I am other folks think I am uh but I don't want to be known for that I want to be known for the things that I do to inspire you in life whether it's real estate whether it's working out whether it's playing a video game whether it's whatever it is that you truly truly love to do that I do well and that you see I want to be there QE could not thank you enough seriously like let's go yeah I'm super motivated now seriously um if people want to connect with you or follow you where where can they find you yes so Instagram is probably the best place because you know Facebook they limit you to only 5 000 friends well I've had to remove some old friends to get new friends and I'm tired of doing that so let's just meet on Instagram you can always send me a direct message um you can get my number you can shoot me a text uh don't call me about just random crap shoot me a text so I can call you back uh later in that day but you can always hit me up on IG that is Quintavious birdette on Instagram q-u-i-n-t-a-v-i-u-sberget b-u-r-d-e-t-t-e I know it's long but hey just type it in and follow it yeah long name amazing results and we can attest to that yeah thank you sir thank you thank you thank you so much for coming appreciate it all right we'll see you holy cow that was awesome I feel so good we have so much to unpack with um that interview I know I wish I had a quarter of that motivation and the mindset to actually go out and do the things the tenacity like um I was like he's saying how he does this and keeps at this capacity all the time every day not even all the time every single day waking up and scheduling his week of his 168 hours um I think a big takeaway for me was his five points for the cold calling and door knocking um going through that order and I feel like if you just role play or you know maybe even write out a script and just practice it with different people and running through different scenarios I mean you could well I feel like I was natural too like listening to that I was like well I would answer to that like you said naturally yeah sales people get no's that's what that's what we're kind of wired to do so I feel like it was not it was an organic kind of conversation the other thing that I love is that his day um his four-point system that he works on every single day every day starts over so it's like it doesn't matter what's behind you was ahead of you today you're getting four points to win the game over and over again like clockwork um I think it sets you up to have the long-term success you're not worried about you know what um what's come before yeah I know a big takeaway for you is the phone call yeah the phone call the phone call for sure definitely um making sure that you are keeping conversations um concise um kind of compact um making sure that you're not pushing them to the end of the day because then that just just is not going to get you um accomplished through anything yeah I'd really like to try the pizza idea what he talked about buying pizzas um for the public yeah I mean means supporting local getting your name out there and meeting new people and that's really what real estate is just growing your contact list which can turn into leads and yeah well and I think there's like so many aha moments in this but I I think really when it comes down to it and Q said it best it's like he's just a boy from Mississippi that's showing up every single day over and over again like y'all we have no excuses like there is no excuse for us to not get it done and win day after day Market high low does that matter let's go yes um all right if you guys found that this episode was helpful or you liked it you want to hear more um feel free we would love for you to download the podcast and give us a five star review on whatever platform you listen to yep and then don't forget our spreadsheet that we use every day in our business the free resource is available for you to download anytime at realestateable.com backslash spreadsheet all right we'll see you guys next time foreign
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Length: 52min 3sec (3123 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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