Quiet Quitting Was The Best Decision of My Career

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i want to tell you about this new trend at work it's called quiet quitting so quiet quitting it's not about quitting your job it's about refusing to go above and beyond at work it's about setting your workplace boundaries so i pulled this clip from tick tock and i think it's a very good summary of quiet quitting so please take a look quiet quitting is essentially employee disengagement where workers stop going above and beyond what's asked stop completing tasks and projects without compensation and stop overly participating in workplace hustle culture the trend has been triggered by widespread employee burnout the great resignation and new workplace policies following the kova 19 pandemic now i want to give you my reaction she said that this trend has been triggered by employee burnouts the great resignation and new policies at work after covet first i don't believe that this is a new trend a trend that's something that comes and goes within a short period of time it could be a few months it could be a few years essentially quiet quitting is employee disengagement it's about employees not being motivated right so from my perspective what we're seeing today with quiet quitting it's nothing new i'm going to give you some more information about quiet quitting and then i'm going to share with you my opinions and my experience with quiet quitting so i think most people get it people understand the situation when you work for a company the company wants to maximize their profits this involves squeezing the maximum output from the employees and paying the employees as little as possible this is called well the company you know they would call this capitalism the employee so from the employees perspective they ideally want to receive the maximum amount of pay and they want to do the least amount of work from the employees perspective they call this fair so i'm just keeping it real this i mean this is how it is is it not so basically here's the situation many companies are trying to milk their employees and they're trying to maximize their profits some employees are not okay with this and they're rebelling by quiet quitting resumebuilder.com surveyed 1 000 working americans in august 74 of respondents said that they go above and beyond their job description 21 of respondents said that they are quiet quitting and only doing the bare minimum amount of work so 21 so i hope that gives you a sense of how prevalent that this is 22 of men and 20 percent of women said that they are quiet quitting so please comment down below let me know what you think about this whole situation about quiet quitting what's your opinion i'm going to give you my opinion in just a minute however i want you to know that this is what the employees are saying these are what the quiet quitters are saying they're saying these types of things they're saying that they don't want to overwork themselves because it could lead to burnouts going above and beyond at work could compromise their mental health work-life balance is a priority and your work should not define you and you should focus your time and energy on things that you do outside of work so let me know what you think now this is where i give you my opinion about 12 years ago i was a quiet quitter let me tell you my experience and let me share with you what i found out and what i realized so i was working a corporate job at a fortune 100 company so i hated that place i was miserable the workplace it was a very toxic environment it was so bad that a fist fight it broke out in the office two times when i was there and one time it involved a grandma so i can't even make this stuff up so the commute was awful management they treated you like garbage but you had to force a smile or you had to pretend to be interested in what they were saying subjective performance reviews i just at the end of the day i just dreaded just going into the office you know now i put up with this torture because i was young and naive i thought that if you work hard and you do what's best for the company then the company you know you can rely on them to take care of you to reward you properly well one year goes by it's time for my performance review i'm like oh i'm gonna get hopefully i get a big raise so they call me in and they say brian you know you're doing such a good job you are such an asset to this company so that's how the conversation starts i think wow this is this is a this conversation is off to a really good start like i like where this is headed and then they tell me but as you know we're going through a recession however you're such an asset to this company you're doing so good so we're gonna be generous to you we're gonna give you a two percent raise congratulations keep up the good work when i heard when i heard that i mean i was in disbelief like i was in shock i was like this you guys cannot be serious so i busted my ass off for the whole year for a lousy two percent race now i thought immediately i would have been better off if i was just slacking off just doing the bare minimum and i would have been okay with a one percent or a zero percent raise so anyways from my from my perspective my thought process as an employee in that situation was all this hard work that i did for the company going above and beyond just being such a good employee it didn't pay off it wasn't worth it to me because it's a two percent raise like give me a break anyways immediately after that happened i decided to quiet quits but in my days we just called it slacking off so this is what i did i told myself that i need to get out of here i need to get out of this job so i decided that i'm going to start my own business i'm going to start my own tax practice but i was recently out of college and i had no money so i decided that i tried to get clever i decided to slack off at work so i'm going to slack off at work i'm going to collect a paycheck and i'm going to start building my tax practice on the side so i decided to do the bare minimum amount of work just just enough to get by at work and not get fired now you are expected to get to the office around 8 30 a.m and people are usually leaving around 5 30 p.m so that was the norm so i thought you know that doesn't work for me i'm trying to build a business here so i rolled into the office typically around 9 30 a.m a little bit late i'd leave a little bit early at 4 30 p.m now when it was lunchtime i mean people would take like a 20 or 30 minute lunch break they would go to lunch around like 11 30 a.m to 1 30 p.m i took the full two hours i would take 11 30 am to 1 30 pm as my lunch break now this was my behavior when i decided to quiet quits like i really didn't care like i stopped caring there's pros and cons to this and we're gonna get into that but here's the thing i'm not lazy at all i am not a lazy person in fact i'm a very hard-working person like i was using my lunch breaks to work on emails with my clients or potential clients and i would be using my lunch breaks and leaving early so that i can meet with new clients or pick up business now i want to tell you this so this is a little bit of advice some recommendations but this is coming from personal experience as soon as you quiet quits your boss or your bosses they're gonna they're gonna catch on pretty quickly if you're going to quiet quits i would recommend that it be a gradual progression so a gradual process like i didn't jump into two hour lunch breaks immediately like i had to i had to work my way up there you start showing up to work a little bit late you start leaving a little bit earlier and then you get a little bit more bold just a little bit gradual process little by little bolder and bolder as time goes on because if you're too bold just right from the get-go it might be too much of a shock to managements and that you might be at risk of getting fired immediately now here's what happens to me after one year went by like i'm surprised it even dragged out that long my bosses they had enough they told me brian we noticed that you're you're away from your cube a lot and they warned me they said that if you get three strikes then you're gonna be fired and this is your first strike i disagreed because the way i saw it i was getting my job done like i was providing and doing what they were told me to do i just wasn't going above and beyond you know again i didn't want to because for what a two percent raise it just wasn't worth it to me so after that first strike you know do you know what i decided to change absolutely nothing i was quite quitting okay so i got my first strike and a few weeks later not even a month passes by just a few weeks later my boss tells me brian we need to have another talk i i mean i know what they're gonna i know what my boss is gonna say my boss tells me that i'm getting a second strike and my boss literally tells me that i need to get with the program so you know i went to my cubicle i picked up my personal items just a handful of things i went straight to my car i drove off i never came back one of the best decisions of my life so i don't believe in two week notices i didn't even give a two second notice i just i just left now i want to say this to all the quiet quitters this is very important for me to to say this to you and it's also very important that you hear this because this is kind of again from my experience i cannot promise that you're going to have a happy outcome like i did like i'm very fortunate on how things worked out for me i just want you to know that i understand your situation i know how you feel i've been there so trust me believe me i know so with that being said and you knowing where i'm coming from i want to give you some advice if the economy gets worse i just want you to realize the ramifications the realities if the economy gets worse you're going to be the first one on the chopping block to get fired so i don't know how important that is to you or not i mean to me that wasn't important but maybe to you it would be it will be so i'm just warning you how it is and here's another thing if you're quiet quitting you're not going to be the first pick to get promoted i think you're clearly aware of that it's going to be difficult for you to climb up the corporate ladder if that's something you're interested in if you don't get promoted then you're not going to get compensated as much as you could or as much as you'd like you know in comparison to if you were hustling at work but that would go against the whole quiet quitting trend right so i just want you to have fair warning of the consequences of quiet quitting these are the trade-offs these are the realities on top of all that on top of everything i just said i want to tell you this because this is not something that you're going to read about and nobody's going to tell you this i'm telling you this at a personal experience on top of everything i just said you're going to experience some additional stress and anxiety like oh man i wonder how upset my bosses are at me today because you're quiet quitting or will today be the day that i get fired because if you think about it if you're busting your butt off at work you know you're working hard i know that's tiring but at least you don't have the constant fear or the threats of getting fired so if you find yourself in that position lack of job security that can be very stressful that's something that you should be aware of so that's fair warning if you decide to quiet quits all i'm saying is if you're gonna try quiet quitting if you're going through it right now just understand the consequences and i'm telling you that i don't think that quiet quitting is a good long-term solution if you're going to be working whether it's for someone else or if you're going to be self-employed you i mean you're going to want to be engaged and interested in whatever it is that you're doing like i think that's very important for you know your mental health and for your well-being just generally now i'm going to end with this perhaps the right answer is to find a new company or find a new field or even start your own business so i'm going to tell you this this sounds so cheesy but it's the truth like life is too short and you don't want to be spending or wasting 40 hours a week for the majority of your life doing something that you don't want to do or that you're not interested in you're going to be miserable so i understand that you have responsibilities you have financial obligations but you also have a responsibility to yourself to not be miserable and if you go through this like emo quiet quitting phase for an extended period of time you're going to be miserable so you need to find the solution because if nothing changes then nothing changes so i used quiet quitting as a stepping stone to realize and to achieve my solution i hope you found this video helpful thank you so much for all the support please subscribe and i wish you a very nice day
Channel: ClearValue Tax
Views: 479,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quiet quitting, quiet quit, quiet quitting tiktok, quiet quitting work, what is quiet quitting, gen z quiet quitting, kevin o'leary quiet quitting, paige west quiet quitting, wion quiet quitting, mike rowe quiet quitting, trevor noah quiet quitting, tomi lahren quiet quitting, quiet quitting wion, quiet quitting trevor noah, cnn quiet quitting, matt walsh quiet quitting, recession, recession 2022, inflation, inflation 2022, Quiet quitting, Quiet Quitting, quiet-quitting
Id: 1XYvrZgMbVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2022
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