Quickly extract pages from a PDF in Acrobat

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let's look at how we can quickly extract pages from a PDF here inside of Acrobat the first thing we need to be able to do is to view the page thumbnails so view show/hide navigation panes page thumbnails the alternate way to get to that is from the left side just down here you should see a little bar with an arrow in it click on that that will reveal these icons the topmost icon is your page thumbnails click on that there we go so you can see that this is a six page PDF I'll just quickly scroll through here and we can easily just click on pages to jump to pages so let's say we wish to extract just this single page page four from the PDF is the super quick way to do it make sure you can see your desktop simply grab page four drag it to the desktop and there it is so if I double click to open that up here inside of Acrobat there it is and just to show you it's a single page here inside of the page thumbnails there it is just there so it shows us page one but of course in our other document a moment ago it was page four so let's close that up and delete that so back in my original six page document just here we can also extract continuous or discontinuous pages so let's say I wanted pages two through four I can click on to hold down the shift key click on four and then I could drag that to the desktop or if I just want two pages two and four I can click on to hold down my command or control key and click on four so you can see just pages two and four is selected if I drag that to my desktop just now I'll get a new document and she let's rename this extracted let's double click to open that up I open up my page thumbnails and sure enough there are my two pages very nice a couple of extra cool things to know you can easily rearrange pages so you can see this page is currently first if I drag that over here you can see the order of the pages has now changed if I quickly save and close that and open that up let's look at those thumbnails you can see sure enough the order of those page has changed another very cool thing you can do is actually drag and drop pages between documents as well so my strucked PDF I'm just going to drag that tab out and move it over here so now I can see the thumbnails for both my original document coffee dot PDF just over here and here's my extracted PDF file just over here so let's say I wanted to drag in page six from this original document all I have to do is grab it and drag it over to the thumbnail section and release and of course I am free to continue to drag that wherever I like and simply save that and that will update the file that's it guys some nice tips on how you can extract pages and move pages around within Acrobat
Channel: Michael Bullo
Views: 20,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Acrobat, Adobe, PDF, page, extract, move, rearrange, continuous, discontinuous
Id: H35JdB1DASk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 51sec (171 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2019
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