QuickBooks Online Q3 Updates & New Features

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welcome everyone to quickbooks online update q3 2022 uh this is my quarterly advanced webinar um series and today we're going to talk about all the things that have come up with quickbooks online in the last quarter or so we're going to talk a little bit about intuit news some of the things that i'm that we're observing that quickbooks is our intuit is developing uh two new things one called trada the other one called intuit accelerate we'll talk about the new quickbooks desktop pricing it was a big change in how quickbooks desktop prices their product so it's pretty big deal for quickbooks desktop users they will talk about the new tool to move quickbooks desktop to quickbooks online it doesn't add any new functionality but it changes the way um some people can make these conversions especially the ones that don't own a version of quickbooks desktop then we're going to talk about all the new features in at least observable ones inside quickbooks online we have the new search experience we have the append bank feats memo warning change which is awesome small thing but a real big delighter uh quickbooks checking um now has the ability to do bitcoin um capabilities i don't know exactly how it works but we'll discuss that briefly we'll talk about the customizable uh dashboard actually the customizable um menu that really meant the left navigation bar i'll put here left navigation bar because it's really not the dashboard that's customizable in the left navigation bar then we'll talk about the new um import employees feature then in quickbooks online advance they added uh scheduling capabilities ability to have hidden fields debit and credit fields and improve workflow on purchase order approval and notifying vendor payments pretty interesting a lot of new things happening in the quickbooks online world and then for quickbooks online accountant uh the new revenue sharing program finally uh got released and people are starting to see access to that uh management reporting has a quick resorting tool uh for management reports and then an improved uh an improvement to the to the batch uh vendor the payee reclassify feature hold on put it here payee re-class i literally just came back from a from a conference and i had to put the finishing touches to the presentation so as a table of contents let's jump right to it let's talk about intuit news intuit got a new logo um not a big deal uh the only thing that i thought it was interesting somebody commented this in my facebook group is that they got rid of the heads which might be synonymous to some of the people that they have gotten rid of it into a long story short they changed they changed their logo and they got rid of the little dots on the eyes that represented the heads of people so um so you're gonna see a brand new logo again i don't have an opinion about it um i do think it's cleaner i i do think it feels more tech i think it does go in line with um you know they're more about software automation and that sort of thing and less about people although they would they would disagree with makers into it makes a big deal about their employees or at least they play pretty big lip service about how people are important and granted i've met tons of intuit employees and the majority of them if not all of them are awesome people but i thought it just was funny that they got rid of the heads of the t's kind of interesting um there's a new thing called trata by quickbooks i honestly don't have any idea what this is i can um i'm gonna make some speculations on this uh what i think this is this is essentially um an alibaba like a b2b merchandising shop um and this might be being connected with this new thing that came out a couple months ago called the business the quickbooks business network basically what what seems to be the thing here is that if you are a merchant and you sell stuff you get and you use quickbooks i don't know if you're you have to use quickbooks to be able to sell here i mean there's there's a button that says apply to sale to sell i applied to see what happens i have not gotten a response yet i also don't have anything to sell but different story altogether but it's basically this online store but it's not retail like if you want to buy any of these things there are minimum orders so you have to so there's minimum orders and this is more for like a reseller to connect sort of manufacturers with resellers manufacturers with e-commerce stores that sort of thing check it out is pretty cool it feels again sort of like if etsy and alibaba had a baby um type of thing so it's called tradamarket.com again once i know more and and quickbooks gives more into it hasn't been very outspoken about it all i know is that it says buy quickbooks under it so obviously it's something that's tied to my world this is got the quickbooks uh name next to it the other thing that's really interesting is called intuit accelerate and into accelerate is essentially sort of like a zoom meeting type of platform so it's an app that allows you to create meetings um they have they do have a free trial um the pricing now look at the pricing here really quick the pricing is twelve dollars a month uh i guess per user um it i don't know if there are limitations to how many meetings you can have at the time i really do probably think that it doesn't because they do they truly want to um compete within with with zoom uh you know they can't they shouldn't limit the meeting times it is pretty cool i did a couple testing to it there was one thing really worth mentioning which in the middle of the of the accelerate meeting you can request a payment i thought that was interesting again it doesn't affect me like when i'm meeting people via zoom i can send them an invoice and they can pay me via the quickbooks invoice i can send them a calendary invite and they can um and they can and they can uh pay me through calendly i don't see completely necessary for me that i request a payment from someone right in the middle of the zoo meeting but but i think it's interesting to add this concept into the platform especially when for example let's say you are you're doing a 10-minute free consultation and then after 10 minutes the customer goes you know i want to do a whole training for example and they say okay pay me through here and they will keep going for an hour so i i think it's interesting i think it's different i think that especially if this payment actually connects to uh to your qbo account obviously that's going to be um a great uh big deal i would love to see how it comes does it come as a sales receipt what kind of items he uses that sort of thing but i thought that was innovative and i thought that was worth talking about so check it out they have a 30 day free trial accelerate.intuit.com again if there are more integrations with my accounting software or with zap zapier or calendars or or gmail like if they start doing more iterations that could be interesting but i don't see myself like living zoom and going through this for the time being unless something else big uh gets added to the feature list okay quickbooks desktop pricing increase is a big deal most people know by now that quickbooks desktop 2023 and above has no option for a one-time license um quickbooks desktop pricing it's an annual cost and it's not clear to a lot of people like like we like i assume i'm going to spend the next year educating people and reminding them that quickbooks is no longer quickbooks desktop sorry is no longer a piece of software you just buy it's it's a piece of software you rent or you subscribe to for the lack of a better term um and and in that and the price the base price for the pro and the mac product has gone to 549 per year for one user and 7.99 per year for a for a one user in premiere and the pro advisor bundle which is premier account and edition is the same 799 i find that weird i think i would have made uh the accountant more expensive at least by a hundred bucks or make premiere cheaper at least by 100 bucks that would have been my preference but this is what there is and um and if you are enterprise pro advisor member it's 1300 bucks per year for a lot of people this is a big jump in price um if you look at quickbooks online plus which is probably the closest thing to quickbooks desktop pro you're still paying 85 a month per company and that's you know over 900 bucks per company right and quickbooks desktop prop plus for 549 is still almost half that price and you can run multiple companies through it it's not online it's a single user i get it but something to complete continuously to think about i love quickbooks desktop i continue to have a deep and rewarding and and fulfilling love affair with quickbooks desktop and quickbooks enterprise and i sure hope they don't kill it i mean feels like they're going to or they want to they killed it in the uk um but uh but as long as there are users that continue to use it and pay and i assume these prices will keep going up until people just and don't want to pay for that stuff anymore and they just go to online but i really hope that the life of a quick desktop is extended at least three four five more years until i at least until i retire so i don't have to like i do not want to live in a post quickbooks desktop world i mean i'm that serious about that i i there's no software package on earth that can approximate to the value that quickbooks desktop has brought to me to my clients to my staff to my life and and i really hope quickbooks desktop continues to be alive and if you require if if a price increases what and enforcing to subscriptions is what will keep it alive then you know i approve this message for the lack of a better term i prefer this over them killing it anyway quickbooks desktop um uh payroll pricing has gone up the additional per employee fee has gone up from i don't know what it was before two dollars or 175 to five dollars a month and if you have quickbooks desktop payroll and you don't have uh an employee per se you have a contractor and you want to pay them via direct deposit the price is at 175 per contractor so it's five dollars per employee 175 per direct deposit subcontractor okay quick uh quickbooks desktop 23 was released a whole bunch of new features some show a lot of promise the other ones are meh big men actually if you really want to see my entire video um you go to my youtube channel i posted it on um september 9th when it came out it's like a whole hour and a half video where i roast quickbooks desktop new releases and talk about the one the stuff that i like and the put the potentials that i see new tool for quickbooks desktop moving uh for moving quickbooks stuff to quickbooks online so one of the biggest problems that quickbooks online has had is of course they're pushing hard to move everybody to qbo but a lot of people don't have quickbooks desktop installed in their computers or they have old versions of quickbooks desktop or they don't want to go through downloading a free trial to be able to do it so what they've done essentially is and you will see this um pop up more and more once you're doing the conversion is this in browser remote desktop into like an intuit run server that has quickbooks desktop running on that remote server and then you upload the file into the remote server and you do the conversion the same way you do it with your own but through their server so this is the best like intuit to come up with to me it's kind of shameful like there should be like a real place where you just literally just upload your desktop file and it does all the stuff behind the scenes but i i i honestly like they never asked me for my opinion and some internet employees will well we'll watch this and listen to this and email me and say hector why you call us out on this this is stupid okay it is stupid to make somebody log in to a remote computer to manipulate quickbooks desktop in a remote computer so you can up or upgrade or downgrade whatever you want to call it from quickbooks desktop to qbo quickbooks online you should be able to create a new account upload your qbb file or your qbm file or your qbw file and it all happens behind the scenes i mean intuit is the one that wants to push people from desktop to online why why create so much friction it's it's totally dumb totally totally dumb this is approach okay or at least uh have a real free 30-day trial for quickbooks desktop pro or a a a free trial that only allows you to run a sample file or convert files you know type of thing where a free child allows you to open a file and just open reports and upgrade i mean it's just this whole thing it's idiotic in my opinion and i and i'm not saying this personally to whoever came up with this i didn't do it this is not a this is not a uh this is not me trying to put down anyone the whole approach to this is just not good you should be you guys should be able to receive the file upload it behind the scenes and be done with it okay anyway that's i'm done with that right okay now quickbooks self-employed can now do uh uh convert to qbo which is cool finally okay this has been what three four years uh in the making uh in the past i've never ever ever ever ever recommended anyone to go to cube to be self-employed because it couldn't convert it it couldn't it couldn't convert so now that it can convert that's great awesome there are some observations okay um you are going to start fresh so so you're gonna it's gonna create a brand new qbo account so it's not like you can open a qubio account and then transfer the data like it literally creates a new qbo account it brings the data in um you choose a starting date which is nice one thing that i hate about this is that there are no discounts on a new qb account so most most qbo users get a 50 discount for 90 days when they create a new qbo account right um or if they go through like my link as a reseller they get 30 day 30 discount for 12 months there's no way to link a sort of a first time discount to a brand new qbo file that's transferring from essentials i think that's a that's wrong i think quickbooks should figure out how to fix that pretty rapidly um uh at least the same discount i know that in in their point of view they already are a quick books they already are a uh a quickbooks customer per se and they shouldn't get a discount but you're moving from a from a much lower price product to a to the correct product in my opinion because as an accountant uh quickbooks self-employed is not a thing okay no balance sheet that means it's not an accounting software um the tags do not import the qbo tags which i hate because self-employed users use tags as sort of a proxy to create different sort of mini reports they don't come over so you lose that and personal transactions disappear so anything that was tagged as personal disappears i think the approach should be to put leave them there but put them in equity because the problem that i foresee and i have not done a conversion so i'm speculating here and into it you're welcome to email me and prove me wrong publicly otherwise but i don't know how reconciling is going to work if if there are transactions in you know like a business bank account type of thing um being tagged as personal i don't know how that's going to work so i've i foresee a whole issue with this um so i think historical transactions should be included i think they should go to equity instead there should be a mechanism or ask you anyway ask the user anyway again intuit did not consult with me on how this conversion should work so you're gonna get my criticism because you should have asked me if i would have told you this this would have been a problem right up front anyway i'm excited to announce and i'm nervous at the same time that i have well i'm gonna get rid of this this little thing here um it's driving me crazy so that i i'm officially in the software development world um i um i partnered up with the developers of a little chrome extension called monk b some people might have seen it already um it's called m-o-n-k-b-e and i saw how they were solving for a couple of issues and i said you know what you guys might be the perfect people to help me bring this idea to life and and we've been working on this for about a month and unbelievable that we have a working copy we are not doing a public data like yet like today but we will be doing a public beta in the next couple of weeks and i will be emailing everybody that's registered in my webinar series um i will i will be emailing every single one of you and inviting you to be part of our public beta so as part of a public beta you'll have a free copy of the software and hopefully it will get you to um um to give give us a little credit system or constructive or or otherwise on how the how the app works so i'm excited to showcase uh what we got of the app so far so um all right premise number one i hate the left navigation bar okay the left navigation bar i hate the left navigation bar it's never really been built for power users i believe sometimes it takes too many clicks to get to places and um and quickbooks is attempting to fix it with with the new updated customizable left navigation bar and i will talk about that we'll leave a different piece for that but for the time being i want to talk about right tool so what i'm trying to do what we're trying to do is we're trying to build the left navigation bar of our dreams but i don't want it to be all convoluted with the left navigation bar so we put it on the right side and and jokingly and also not so jokingly and in many ways brilliantly we just called it right tool because it's on the right side of quickbooks and it's also right because it's the right tool to use right as opposed to the wrong tool to use so there's a couple of things i want to showcase here so one is um what i want to do essentially and i'm going to close some of these tabs here or at least on the tabs because they don't bother me what i wanted to do is i wanted to mimic the uh tab switcher you know when you have multiple windows open in quickbooks desktop and basically this little tool here called open tabs what it does is it just kind of keeps track of all the new windows you have opened related to quickbooks online and only quickbooks online so for example let's say i have a new window with an invoice unless i also have a new window with um an expense and let's also say that i have i'm going to go into reports over here and let's say i have a new window with a pnl so imagine i have all these tabs open i have invoice expense uh p l i have a whole bunch of things open and essentially what the right tool does is it keeps track here on the right hand side all the things are open and i can click on any of these and switch over okay so i can click on expense go to expense click back in my profit and loss go to profit a loss click back in in invoice go to that and that's kind of like the the idea is that it keeps tab it keeps tabs of your open tabs no pun intended and you can quickly switch across across them so that's the idea more or less being able to switch i know you could do it already by going up here and clicking on the tab but i want to have one place where you do most of your clicking so you're not spending so much time traveling to uh to the left now i would love to know in your um in in the comments here on the people in the live webinar in the q a section tell me your comments tell me what you think sort of live while you look at any of these things see if any of these things seem attractive to you anyway because i also want to don't want to spend a whole bunch of time developing something that people are not going to like so i'm thinking about myself as a user i'm thinking about um you guys too about my colleagues the power users so the first thing that is going to solve second things going to serve is the favorites so one of the things that a lot of people talk about in the in the left navigation bar is that it's hard to navigate it takes a while to get to places so what i've done is is i built a list here says all shortcuts i built a list of every single thing in quickbooks that has a unique url okay so these are all the customer and product related things with the unique url and you can quickly access them through here so i can click on products and services go to item list and it takes me straight uh into the item list the other really cool thing about it is um let me go here back in that is i can also click on the little star and make it a favorite so i just basically fixed in my favorites so let's say item list is something that i access a lot let's go to customers let's say that um going into all sales is something that access a lot again i put a little star on that okay let's say that i go into vendors and uh pay bills is something that i go to a lot again just i want you to think about the places in quickbooks that you spend a lot of time doing let's say that there's a specific set of reports so i'm gonna go to all reports here and i'm going to go to let's say all of my uh business overview so all all the reports available in quickbooks are in the right tool through this uh and i can click on any of them pnl by class whatever and it goes uh straight uh to it but the point is that as i go as i as i pick the report that i want or or or get the report that i most commonly use uh like for example let's say a custom summary report which is a hidden report click on click click on that and just make him favorite so then when i go into my favorites all of the things that i usually access are right there and then so that's the idea it's sort of like building the left navigation tour of your dreams but on the right [Laughter] and and and we're thinking through exactly um how this will work like you know could we create our own favorites for example um the the other thing that's really nice about this tool is that uh we have a couple of settings and we have this setting that it's gonna be a little bit controversial i think that people are into it might not like it too much but there's this thing called keep left navigation bar closed so in the long in the long run if the left if the right tool is good enough to help you do everything you need in quickbooks essentially you don't need the right that mean the left navigation tour and basically it just keeps it closed so so whichever transaction i go to um the the left navigation uh bar will just close automatically it's all happening automatically so basically the right tool just continuously closes the left navigation like that's an option okay so people would like that some people uh want like that but it's an option so you can either you know keep it close all the time or not [Music] um we also added and this is by popular demand i would say probably one of the most popular things that we think this um this this app will do is we're gonna add a a quick transaction creation button in the reconcile window so i'm going to show you that i'm going to click on the gear menu and go into reconcile okay and while i'm in the reconciling screen and i kind of want to show you let me pick an account here maybe one that actually has transactions i don't know if any of these things have transactions okay so while we're reconciling one of the things that annoys people is i'm in the middle of the reconciliation window and i realize that i'm missing a deposit or i'm missing an expense okay so most people know they just go here on the left navigation bar they click on new they go to expense and they go to um deposit and it goes straight into creating that however because again we are want to get rid of that left navigation mark completely i want to get rid of it i just think it's got so many things wrong with it and i'm trying to sort of review it right um i mean uh sort of uh replace it or or or improve it per se because if intuit gave us a set of tools in the left navigation bar that was like this customizable then i wouldn't bother trying to build something like this anyway so i'm in the middle of reconciliation i need to create a quick expense so the way we do it now is we click here we go to new we click on expense again that's two clicks and we have to choose the source account for the transaction that we're currently working right so it takes it takes two clicks and a drop-down search to create an expense rapidly so the solution we came up with is we have a button here that says expense and watch this when i click on expense it creates it in a new tab right so it doesn't mess up my reconciliation window it creates a new expense and it automatically selects the source account that i'm going to create an expense for if you are a quickbooks power user if you're an accountant and you do a lot of reconciliations you you really should get excited about something like this uh same thing with let's say a deposit is missing and i click on the drop down menu here and i click on deposit okay the same thing it creates a new tab creates a deposit and it selects the source account up here for deposit we're working on a couple things uh one of the things that we we are getting requested is to find a way to hide all these on the positive fonts so we're working on adding a button to just collapse that and hide it something you can open and close when it whenever whenever whatever you want again we cannot fix all of quickbooks online shortcomings there are many and and we can't fix them but we can make the ui experience we can make the ui experience so much better so it so again we're trying to bring some of that magic from quickbooks desktop you know those accountants that say that quickbooks stuff felt so much faster i'm trying to bring some of that magic a couple of things worth mentioning the since again since we're getting rid of the left navigation bar you can access the new uh transactions button on the right side so if you need to so the same thing same button you're used to that's available here on the on the right side the gear menu is also available through here so just uh sort of a quick a quick uh but one of my personal favorites is transaction search when i was using uh quickbooks desktop one of the things that most commonly um we we were doing is to search to search an amount like i find myself it took like three or four clicks to go to you know edit find amount dollar like it just it's just so annoying to click so many things so what i've done is we've done a quick amount search this is not a everything search just an amount search because i'm i to me amount search is everything so for example i'm going to search 100 transaction i just literally just click on the little zoom type 100 and press enter and it will open a new tab it will go into the search screen it will pre-fill the hundred dollars on their amount and it will already show me the transactions for 100 again we cannot fix the broken issues of quickbooks online but we can try to enhance you know the the ui by doing that um am i missing anything okay so all the reports are here all the shortcuts are here including accountant tools so if you are doing you're going to accountant home or reclassified transaction or client overview whatever those things are you go into favorites and they're going to be right there and i can also get rid of them so i so it's easy to add and remove favorites you can go to client overview whatever it is now the other setting worth talking about is this little checkbox that says keep same page and shortcut so by default every time you click something on the right tool it creates a new tab again because of the whole concept that it's multiple windows and i can and i can um i can navigate them through here right so that's what the open tabs is if you don't like that if you don't like creating a new tab each time you can click here where it says uh same page shortcuts and it keeps it all within the same page okay so a lot of people here on the on the on the chat on the live chat are saying um are asking well okay we love it we convince you how much when all right so we haven't figured out pricing yet but one thing we did figure out is that this is this is not an api tool i don't know if you guys understand what that means but a non-api tool means it's it's not dependent on a quickbooks file so we do not have we were not going to have a cost per se of connecting two company files three company files 20 company files so for the time being right tool will not be a per company file type of subscription period like we write tool is going to be a hundred percent a non-api tool which means that you install this in your google chrome okay you install this oh well it's a good suggestion uh cora is saying is there a button to close all tabs hmm i'm gonna write that down that's beautiful right a close all taps button that would be pretty cool and i guess cora what you would you what you're saying is at least keep the home page open so close all tabs and just sort of default to the home page i guess that's what you're saying corrupt that's great suggestion hey look i'm going to add it to my suggestions box but i got to move on so anyway it's it's a non-api tool so the one promise i can think of is it's for sure it's not gonna be a per company per client this is one of the things that annoys annoys me the most out of all the apps how come apps haven't figured out how to charge the user not the number of companies so that's sort of the positive thing the other thing we can tell you is if you notice here in the bottom we have running ads and one of our thoughts and again don't quote me on this we don't know what's going to happen in the future one of my thoughts is what if this tool was free with ads and then if you pay for it we will get rid of the ads that's something that we're thinking okay what we just got to figure out is you know who's going to sponsor this right like who like who are the app developers are going to sponsor it and one thing that was brilliant this was mark's idea my my partner on this he said what if the ads were contextual so like when you are in payroll it would be an ad based on payroll what if you're in reports it would be an ad based on reports and again this that could be a way we can add value to our sponsors and essentially have this wonderful tool and you're seeing the 0.1 version of the beta so the potential here is going to be huge that could be free and then you can if you want to you just click on remove ads and then you pay you pay for the app so we'd love to know what you think about that but i will i will move on but i want to show you one more thing this thing here it's my baby when i say my baby is i developed this idea in quickbooks desktop a long time ago and um and i was able to get it to work and this was one of the tools that saved me a lot of time which is the ability to copy and paste stuff from a spreadsheet into quickbooks now quickbooks doesn't allow copy and paste really well there are some you know there are some things where you can copy and paste like in the advanced version but it doesn't work really well so one of the things that that mark was able to pull off during the development and i'm going to show you this and this might blow your mind or it might be like what's the point so basically there's two types of people the people that that will be mind-blown but what i'm about to show you and the people that don't get it okay so we'll figure out which which one you are so let's say i have a spreadsheet i happen to have a spreadsheet with a journal entry okay and you know the account matches and the name matches and the location class all that stuff has to match and then later on we have to figure out you know what kind of what we can develop around um when things don't match all that well but check this out i could copy a line from my spreadsheet okay it's got multiple columns coming to journal entry okay come into this line and again i want you to take a deep breath before i click on this right and i click on this little red button and boom everything gets pasted in there okay again i'll do it one more time so i'm gonna i'm gonna copy a line from my journal entry and i go into my i'm sorry for my spreadsheet go to my journal entry click on this little red button here that's that we added and boom things are going to start pasting in there so i want you to sort of imagine the possibilities of like if you happen to have a spreadsheet and it happens to match and everything you come in there and we don't need a third party app you don't need transaction pro importer you don't need um sas and uh you don't need whatever you have to pay for company all those crazy things okay um so that's sort of the last one this is what i call it my babies because i've like we brought this to him and he's like i don't know we're gonna be able to pull this off and he literally went to sleep like a six a.m until he figured it out we're still working through a couple of kinks of you know pasting multiple lines in there that stuff is still not working but hopefully it'll work once uh once we have so so the multiple lines we're working through it's a little bit tricky because uh some people have classes and locations turned off and on so there's something going through the i don't know anything about coding so you know i've these guys are the brilliant ones i just know what i need as a quickbooks user i know as a bookkeeper as an accountant as a as a power user as an advocate for my customers i know what they need so um i don't take credit for any of the development of this just on the id sort of the idea to to to bring it to bring it forth so that's it um i i don't know what the price point will be i i again i'm we're gonna release this for free first um i'm gonna email everybody that's in my email list a link to to show your interest on getting access to the beta so you can test it out hopefully you guys can be a guinea pigs and give us some feedback and then later on we'll figure out the price but i i promise you that if you're a power user you would pay anywhere between 100 to 200 a year for this that's so i'm thinking you know an annual tool that saves you tons of time 100 100 a year that's totally doable but if we can somehow pull this off just with ads hey we can make the tool free forever so that's the idea all right okay so thank you for that thank you for not dropping off the webinar thank you for for for watching uh watching uh the idea watching the presentation i'm extremely excited to be part of the development world and and um and um and the long-term vision is if we make this work really well and people like it and people like the idea of turning to to hector and his team for apps you know we'll become a custom dev shop people come to us and go hey i need to solve a problem we would love to do do it all niche through a chrome extension i would love to see a chrome extension that can do stuff so so we're gonna sort of be open uh open to that all right let's switch over to what's new in quickbooks online um all versions so the new search experience it's awesome i mean i've my god it's been so long since i i pointed to something new quickbooks has done and added the word awesome next to it the day that it that i first try it this new search experience is awesome it really really is awesome i can't say this enough okay it's such a good it's such a good tool it's such an improvement over the old search experience some of you may already have see it in your quickbooks file some of you have not if you haven't you can use the link right here in the in the in the slides you can click on that link once you're logged in into quickbooks online and it will take you to the new search experience to be clear hold on let me collapse this okay to be clear the old search experience and i'm just going to pop it up here the old search experience looks like this and if you wanted to search an amount i would have to go to all transactions all transactions line drop down line amount and then put a hundred and then enter that took too long i hated this tool i thought it was just so flipping clunky the new tool which i'm going to take you through um which again if you if you haven't seen it you just paste the url you should have access to right there and then is the amount search right there and then so i want to search something for 100 press enter i don't have to go through clunky drop down boxes to find or filter stuff and also if i want to filter from here i can just go type and then only show whatever invoices in here okay and then it will filter right away i can uh come up here and search for a particular memo a reference number let's say i put 58 or something like that and it'll only show me the stuff that has a 58 because nothing has a 15 on it but it kind of kind of makes sense and then here on the additional filters you can go in and filter almost all the dropdown boxes are available in your reports anyway so this is really really cool and what's really also cool about this is you can export to excel so essentially essentially this tool could become another type of report building mechanism for filters that might not be available in otherwise in other reports what the heck is hector talking about okay so i'm gonna go additional filters and i'm gonna go let's say the sales rep go to mary okay that shows me all the transactions that have marry as a sales rep and this particular sales rep is a custom field where i go to mic all the transactions with mike or i go to steve well it's a session with steve here in the date range i can do um let's say do a couple years worth of data okay in here okay and i can search all all the other things that are with those um specific filters and uh and then i can create a report so let me uh let me undo this one and let me just do um yeah let me exit out and then do a class so i'll pick here this one and it gives me all the transactions for that class and i come in here and also do location and it gives me all the transactions for class and location here on the gear menu i can i can add more fields i wish there was more fields available but there isn't but for now you get a couple of fields but then very nicely i can export this to excel and again it's an it's a new mechanism to potentially creating custom reports in quickbooks online it's available in all versions and then i can do my pivot tables or whatever fancy thing i want to do after the fact so really really cool again kudos to the entire search team over into which i don't know who it is and if you do want to reach out to me for um for uh for suggestions i would love to be able to export this into an actual report like build this into a custom detail report so then i can do reporting based stuff with it but this stuff it's uh it's really neat okay now this new search experience i thought it was going to be working for everybody um you need to use that link it's on the it's on the slides like if you if you still see the old link you have to manually type the url up there okay or with with right tool it's already pre-built um in there now talk about that some other time okay so as a new search experience the new customers customizable sidebar okay i want to criticize it but i can't okay i need to be objective it is it is a big step forward it's not exactly what we want again that's why i showed you um something else an alternative per se to um to their customization tool but i'm gonna open up um give me a second let me open up a new user okay i'm gonna open new user login to quickbooks online uh give me a second because i have to get you in i have to log out of this company and log into a different company okay so right now because the way just crazy quickbooks online world works some companies have the new navigation bar some of the old navigation bar don't ask me there's no rhyme or reason for this it's a testing mechanism i don't know what it is you don't know when you're getting the old one you know you're getting the new one long story short some people have the new left navigation bar that's customizable the way it works is uh you click here it says add bookmark and then you can uh select and deselect the stuff that you want to see and the stuff you don't want to see so if i don't want to see banking customer leads if i can just get rid of everything okay and then click on save and basically i will have a totally blank left navigation bar um leave taxes up there yep i left access sorry click on save so i have totally blank left navigation bar which i like that's a good start by the way okay um so let me hold on some people said they couldn't see my screen let me uh reshare my screen again just want to make sure we are good there okay um then you should be able to see my screen and again if you want to look at the slides for all the links and everything that's going to be in the chat in the chat box okay oops i think i pasted the wrong thing in there um so i'm pasting it now the the link to the slides should be there and i think it should be seen on my screen okay so now um i want to click on menu settings and click on customize menu and then click where it says bookmarks so in here i can add and quickbooks and give us access to everything but i can add a lot of the functionality so some people tell me that they want to see the reconcile screen the reconcile link first or some people want to see the chart of accounts second and then they want to see let's say for example invoices and then they want to see bills or bills is not here let's see register register is not here again they don't they don't have everything for some reason uh some people want to see reports here not reports are not here but i can go to the reports section so again i could basically oh bank transactions i think is yeah bank transactions so those are like the common ones that most accountants go to so you could basically cheat uh choose what you want there click on save and then it shows up right here now you still have the the old bar is sort of collapsed so it's there so it doesn't won't freak you out that you hit it but it's still there i like this i honestly i i cannot criticize this i i like this i think it's a good it's a good start um into it if you were listening uh my feedback is when i click here on bookmarks everything needs to be available here not whatever you chose everything i need the p l i need the balance sheet i need a check register i need everything because you don't know what i how i use quickbooks you don't know what what i find to be the most important things or the most common things that i access again so part of the inspiration and and if they do a great job with this you know some of the some of the premise of the right tool i told you about earlier it just becomes useless that you don't need that tool anymore but honestly i don't trust intuit to to do anything other than something that's outside of their self-interest to try to sell you like for example one thing that just drives me flipping bunkers is that under banking on their banking you see quickbooks checking or capital like two add-on products like when i go into my my my bar and i click on banking as a user i'm thinking these are my bank transactions but instead they're under bookkeeping and then they're under transactions sure it's only one click away but this really leads me to believe that the the the left navigation bar was originally engineered to cross it and that engineer to help people save time um but that being said that being said this new ability to to um to customize it it is a step in the right direction and it is sort of showing us that their intent is to give you that level of customizability so the pass is the pass you know i i can rant about the past if if quickbooks does at the end allows us to allow us to customize this thing exactly the way we want it and we can remove all the crap that they're trying to sell us like quickbooks capital and and you know maybe payroll in some cases you know like if we could truly do that then we wouldn't be as mad as just advertising through my left navigation bar right so again i've i think this is a great thing and so a lot of people are asking me well well mine doesn't do that yet or mine doesn't have the customize button you gotta wait okay i i don't know when you're gonna have it who the heck knows and i did speak to a product manager that told me they're also thinking about the accountant version of the left navigation bar which might be even more advanced or more accountant-centric so i'm yet to see what that's going to do that's i would love i would love to see that okay i noticed that the new invoice screen the new invoice estimate ui screen has dropped i reviewed this on the last quarter anyway so i'm not gonna say anything else more about it all i can tell you is that it sucks okay um it doesn't let you do half of the things that the other one does it's missing fields however it's really pretty so that's it [Laughter] all right so let's see if i have it on this one so i've got a new invoice okay now so this company file doesn't have it um let's see if i can switch to another one that has it one of the things that drives me crazy is you know sometimes some files will have some things and some files will have other things and you kind of have to like guess you know which one has it or hope or whatever but let's see if this other file has it yeah no it doesn't so i don't want to go through it i i i gotta i gotta go find which file has the new new if i did have it somewhere in one of my files but uh either way it's really truly not worth showcasing it's pretty much pretty embarrassing as a as a as an invoice tool but what i love about it is that it's pretty and pretty even though most accountants would think it's kind of a dumb concept it is not because what xero and fresh books do like qbo doesn't do is they focus on the design aspect of it and i i believe i think xero and fresh book are crap anyway but i think the reason why they have customers is because their software focuses on the design and this is a great start to making quickbooks online a lot more user-friendly more design friendly the problem is if you're missing fields then it's useless and this thing is missing feels like i i can't even pick my tags in this thing or custom fields it's a whole bunch of issues with this um but the one thing that's really good which i'll give kudos to whatever team is working on this which is you get a pdf preview right on the spot and you get a payor preview to see what it looks like to the customer or on the spot i think those things are really important because sometimes as you're building an invoice you're not paying attention to what it looks like to the customer and you won't notice until you do a print preview anyway so i think they're on the right track but i hate that they released it with missing fields that's it okay all right commerce so this is a really interesting thing so about three years ago quickbooks online bought a company called trade gecko okay the trade gecko team uh rebranded trade gecko it was called cubie commerce and i've noticed that um quickbooks no longer is taking in sort of new trade gecko clients or they're sort of phasing out the sales process of trading clients and essentially what they're what they're doing is they're incorporating some of the the the e-commerce features that were uh before in a separate application into qbo so i am going to um go to the slides and then i'll show you show you what it looks like so it's got two functions sales orders and refunds okay you're gonna connect your ebay amazon and shopify uh and or right and you connect them and then you pick how far back you want to bring the data some of the uh there's still some issue with some of the data that comes in especially in the amazon part shopify stuff is working pretty solidly and i don't have an ebay account so i've been tested ebay and let me switch over to the demo so let me switch company oops i gotta log i'll log back in give me a second because i gotta go to the other company that has uh the built-in uh commerce so i don't know if they've i don't know when all the company files are gonna have the uh the commerce but um hopefully pretty soon i happen to have one new file i created that has so um i created like a month ago so it was released like about a month ago let me wait until i get to that okay so it's under commerce okay so it's um oops give me a second i gotta turn off uh closing that left navigation bar here um so we're gonna go into where it says uh commerce you click on that and then there it is there's orders and then inside orders you have sales refunds sales orders and refunds now by the way how much do i hate that they call this thing sales orders it's immeasurable immeasurable how much i hate that they called it sales orders because as a quickbooks desktop user as an as an inventory enterprise guy that i've been asking for actual sales orders in quickbooks online forever the fact that you call something else that's not a sales order a sales order it's almost like an insult to to somebody like me so i give them feedback i say call it sales or call it orders but don't call it sales orders you're going to confuse me you're going to confuse your my customers i already had a customer call me and say hey did you know qbo has sales orders and i was like what really yeah i promised you and they sent me the screenshot and without any context i was like what you know and it took me like a while to figure out how to create a new file to even like see this thing and then okay then it makes sense but yeah you shouldn't call that sales order that's that's just that's just a bad confusing idea anyway sales orders or sales or orders whatever it basically gives you a list of all the things all the transactions that were downloaded so if you click on any of these just click on view details and you'll see exactly what we saw you get the actual amazon order up here you get um a description of the product you get the skew i don't know why they're coming out at zero price i honestly don't know um what the deal with this is uh maybe there are cancel orders i really i don't know yet some a friend of mine has an amazon account and he connected it so i really i have to go go back and figure out what those zeros are but basically you get to see every one of your orders and again this is you as a seller in here okay um let me switch over to only show shopify and then click on apply so those were all the orders these are the shopify orders so i go into my shopify order click on view details and then i can see this is from my shopify my own shopify account where i sell quickbooks desktop um and here's the order that came in you click on says view payout it'll take you to a screen that shows you what the payout is and what the expenses are um some some of these are bundled with multiple payouts so let's see if we get lucky and one of these is bundled with multiple uh sales no this one isn't but let me um we'll look at really not no big deal then refunds it gives you all the things that have been refunded um so all the refunds that you can view them and also view the refunds so really cool uh again hey they call this thing sales order but so so at the beginning it's basically just a place where you preview the orders you look at them you kind of know what's going on they're not doing anything in two they're not doing anything on the accounting yet here on the on the overview page you um you get to see sort of a quick graph of your uh sales by revenue channel that's cool really cool okay you get to see how many orders you have per channel in this case so you get to see kind of your orders across the board you get to see your um i guess what this is eventually will be top selling products it doesn't look like it's working yet per se but at some point i guess that will work also really cool again this stuff is cutting edge really cool um i'm gonna go to payout and i get to see like certain payouts here so you get to see this amazon payout here for the view details and i get to see all all the sales right september or um or august that are being consolidated in this one payout and you get to see the refunds and the expenses these are going to be like your amazon fees and that sort of thing okay like fba fees amazon fees okay so again uh the fact that they brought in this technology from from from cubico it's big and this stuff is really interesting but what's the point of this okay so let's get to that so the point of this is when you go into your bank transactions screen there's another option here called app transactions when you click on app transactions you are not going to see your and you kind of have to like wrap your head around this because it's a whole new way of looking at reconciling e-commerce i know a lot of you don't do e-commerce and a lot of you will use a2x or would use uh bookkeep or cinder or you would use like a third-party app for that remember this is not a third-party app it's built into quickbooks online but essentially what it is is it's gonna bring in uh your transactions in this bank feed style of of of uh of of of transaction list and um it all comes in as a summary so and this summary is essentially what's hitting your bank so i like this because this is what they were thinking about the bookkeeper in mind so at the end of the day this one uh shopify transaction the ultimate deposit is going to be your 1000 actually this is amazon 1074 which is gross 16.95 shipping income all the breakdown all the fees if i go to view details then i go into my payout that i show you earlier so you get to like if you want to see it broken down okay and let me go back into my bank transactions go back into app transactions so so i get to see what it is and then i click on confirm and essentially what ends up happening is a bunch of moving parts are happening here but and you kind of have to understand e-commerce accounting to kind of like um uh appreciate it truly but essentially what you're seeing is one two three four five transactions were created all in one shot okay one is a single sales receipt that contains all the things that were sold okay and it's broken down based on you know what's like you you don't get the product yet like you don't get to see actual detail the product you got to see it on the other screen as a preview but it's not going to come in like on your p l it's all going to go lump sum into one income account which is what a2x does anyway and um and bookkeep and all these other apps not web agility though agility is agility is the exception to the role of agility to me is best in class for bringing in details details um other transactions and and webgl is a very popular app and um and i'm working with daily as we speak to build like a multi-part educational series for e-commerce people that want to track details and inventory and that sort of thing but if you're not tracking inventory and you just want to bring in information from your e-commerce providers and not use a third-party app and have that information come in as a net of the deposit and then let me go into reports here go into profit and loss and do 9 19 2022 because this is the part that accountant wants to see right what does it look like in the p l well it looks like this we have my amazon sales we have our shipping income we have our amazon discount wait was it on the 19th oh sorry this is the 19th not the yeah but in the world hold up give me a second this sales receipt comes in here and it should be 1845. give me a second you're watching me you're watching me discover things as we go where is 1845 1845.2 no that's correct okay i was just double checking sorry i was musing on whether or not i'm looking at the right thing or not um 0 9 19 20 22 0 9 9 19 20 22 and click on run report and there is there's my sales again i don't what hold on why are my sales reduced ah okay there was a refund okay yep that's good exactly what it was i just i didn't realize there was a refund but that's beautiful that's beautiful i probably think i would want that item to go to a refund line that might be a little bit better actually i hate i hate for people to watch me like sort of brainstorm on the go but i like brainstorming on the go so what if i take that um amazon oh it's gonna hit the same sales item so yeah so there's there's no way around it so it is going to be a negative to the sale because it uses the same item but if somehow they could add a different item maybe called an up i don't know a a amazon item refund we could probably map it to different accounts but for now it's going to net i mean that's that's cool though and then we have the shipping income then we have uh amazon discounts then we have uh all the fees so i gotta tell you this is really cool really interesting i've i mean i i i do a lot of e-commerce work but mostly for quickbooks enterprise users not so much for qbo i did have a vision of what this would look like in qbo and if you're not going to import items in detail and not track inventory this is a great solution one thing i think is worth adding is i did notice that if you're using shopify and the payment gateway is not uh shopify payments i believe that stripe whichever payment if they're using uh paypal or something else those transactions won't download i don't think they figured out the whole multi-payment a whole multi-payment platform order thing so it only really works for people selling in shopify and selling through shopify payments so cinco payment platform that's like what i mentioned with agility out here that's type of style of website with with fix um they added a new upload payroll employee data if you don't see it yet you can use the link in the description and basically you click on upload report and there's a little template a little template you can now import employees with uh with a little template you can import them through excel it you can import hourly rate you can import salary you can import payment deposit method but it cannot import uh the direct deposit bank account at least not yet i didn't see it anyway and it cannot import uh year to date data or w4 data like number of dependents that sort of thing um uh hopefully they'll add that in the future but at least the core the data can be can be imported so that's pretty cool um all right that's it for um sort of things are available in qbo um regular tube let's talk about what's available in qbo advance now i need a quick break to to drink water because i've been speaking for an hour uh straight um i'm gonna ask you in the chat box or in the q a box so far which of these features really excite you just put it in the chat box thank you all right so so far which of these features uh really excite you let me go back to the just in case you forgot them because it's so much tough so so far which of these features are put here right too and it's right if right tool is the most exciting thing about this whole thing i'll take that too but so so far so far i haven't talked about advanced yet but so far which of these things uh are exciting new search experience i agree commerce yeah i agree right too awesome some people are excited about right tool so yeah yeah it's a new search experience custom we have a little bit of everything cool yeah i think this webinar was particularly good because it is finally it's like a webinar worth showing things you know like so many times you do a webinar or what's new is that a bunch of little tiny cosmetic things that don't do anything but a lot of these things are truly useful useful things the new search is awesome um i think i forgot to mention one thing um here yep i did forget to mention one thing here it wasn't a table of contents but uh good thing somebody reminded me um when i go into uh bank transactions it's minor it's cosmetic but it's awesome just because it like finally makes sense when you create a rule a bank rule where my bank rolls um let me see okay turn on rule here okay so when i go into my bank rules and i create a new rule there's this really interesting thing here where when when you type something here like um uh let's say uh bank rule bank uh transaction okay to just kind of like remind you that the transaction was created through the bank rule if i if i do this it literally replaces my memo so that terminology is accurate if i click on this little checkbox that says also keep existing bank memo and i click on that it now says append to bank memo so finally finally it's just more clear it's more clear to exactly what is happening in this rule like by putting this checkbox is now appending so it's gonna keep the existing rule plus add new stuff okay so um i think it's worth doing an example so let's say i come in here and i'm going to create the rule for this type of transaction and i'm going to put this on interest income interest income and then i come down here and i put uh also append and i'm gonna put uh created through bank feeds and what i'm also gonna do and sorry i have to do this to you but i'm about to sort of kind of blow your mind with something else and again two types of people then one that would get mind blown by this and the ones that wouldn't okay you choose which one you want to be so i created basically a a piece of text and i would be i would need to have the discipline to add this to every one of my rules that you have to do this every single uh uh bank rule so add this and i notice i did hashtag bank feeds i'm kind of like a twitter hashtag type of thing um and then i'm going to click on save and just call this interest or whatever okay and let's do all all bank accounts and then click on save and essentially my rule gets created some of the transactions will now be reclassified through the rule system again i assume most of you understand how rules work and since it's automated it's all automatically added to my books like if i go to categorized i should see that these things were added here they were out of confirmed and are added in there but if i click on any of these i'm going to have my original bank memo which i love and then my bank memo after so i love that ah awesome i mean like i'll tell you man when quickbooks really says little things that's the stuff that gets me excited like usually the big things are all broken half working um half design really like no not much thought into it but these little things are just so such a big deal but earlier i told you that i was gonna blow your mind with with the hash hashtag why would i do the hashtag well um let me try with the new uh let me try with the uh with the old search feature just so we can um so i'm gonna go to advanced search and um i'll try with it i'll try with the new search feature then with the old search feature so i come here to the search and i type bank feeds and i press enter and it's almost like searching things in twitter i don't know if you've ever gone to social media and tag something to kind of see like what people are talking about or whatever so all of a sudden magically we can start like you start thinking about like how like what kind of things you wish you could search and find really quick in qbo and a lot of these things are happening through bank rules um then you do that just add hashtag something whatever you want and then you know that here in the search feature you can do it now i don't know if in the classic search i can do that let's see if i do that you press enter yeah that doesn't seem to work let me see the classic search i would have to go i guess to all transaction lines and memo like it's not going to work research yeah that works so it works under the old search and the new search again as i mentioned two types of people the ones that get mind-blown by that and the ones that don't you choose who you want to be okay let's go to okay there's an improved workflow on on uh purchase so they just basically added the same bill uh uh build approval workflow to purchase orders so you can create a purchase order and now it's part of the custom workflow nothing else to discuss there the other piece is the new um advanced reports so let me go into [Music] uh okay i gotta switch company files sorry i gotta go to a company file that has advanced reports so give me a sec that has a qbo advance so let me switch back to that and by the way just to make some chatter while i switch company files um if you're going to quickbooks connect if you're planning first of all if you're not going to quickbooks connect strongly consider going to it like it's it's awesome okay i mean it's always been awesome oops wrong wrong company file um it's always been awesome it's it's an awesome place you gotta you gotta go to quickbooks if you are going to if you're saying are you kidding me hector of course i'm going to crystal connect um i'm teaching a class there i'm teaching the advanced reporting class and um i'm very happy i get to teach that class because advanced reporting is a tool that started being developed about a year and a half ago and one of the product managers decided to to to call me and ask me for my opinion on the tool and i gave him an opinion and for the first time ever someone actually takes my opinion and does something within the month on it and i call them back and i go hey how come you can change things but no one else at intuit can change things and they go well i don't know but i guess your idea was good so i said what if we talk every month for like the next year and we just make the tool good and he agreed to it and the tool is good the tool is good the advanced reporting tool is awesome and i get the privilege to be the one teaching it at quickbooks connect so it would be awesome to kind of see you guys um in that class if you're going so one of the things that's really cool about this tool is yeah you could base i don't want to spend too much time about i have videos on it you can uh almost create a and um i'll just do like i'll do uh sales by location this month or something like that okay or maybe i'll do um maybe last 12 months or something like that so it basically allows you to create these pivot table style reports and they added a couple of new features uh worth mentioning it might not be enabled in mine is it it's not able to mine so to some people they'll see like a little button here that says schedule so they'll be able to schedule um the report so they can be automatically emailed to you uh in in excel format or whatever so that's new i don't know why my company file so i'm showing that's kind of weird the other thing that they added which i really like and i think all of them yeah they now added debit and credit oh man they didn't have this before and i don't know you know why not have this like at the very beginning it's kind of mind-blowing but i like the fact that they have it now because a lot of times when i look at reports to me contextually knowing whether the transaction is a debit or a credit is valuable so i'm just gonna sort of uh click and drag this and again if you're looking at this it's first time you're seeing it and you're sort of like lost about what this report custom reporting tool is this is qbo advance only and i have some videos on youtube that explain how how the tool works but they added this new uh credit debit column which i really really like and they also added hidden columns so i can have all these columns here but i can hide them so by just clicking on that little i i hide them so i essentially just look at the stuff that i want to see but the columns are still there and when they're there i can use them for uh grouping so so i can group i can group by class even though i'm not showing the class which is which is really cool um or i can group by um you know but uh but it will actually show the one that i'm grouping but i can also filter by something it won't show it like i can filter by location and put here equals uh my new york office or whatever so i can filter my location and uh and have that in there and only the things essentially that are needed are the ones are going to show and i can even hide it if i wanted to so like i can't hide class because it's part of the grouping of course but i can hide location even though i used it as a filter believe it or not that's a new that's a new feature so it's pretty good um some people ask uh if if that's available in canada i don't know honestly i know it's u.s and i know it's across all uh quickbooks um across all qbo us advanced versions okay what's new in qbo accountant so the new management reports resort i'm not even bothered uh showing showcasing this but now you can change the order of the reports and management reports i mean that's cool but you know i think we need more than that but that's there so just just so you know uh dog management feature you can you can now in qbo accountant qb accountant you can create under each customer you can create folders and you can uh upload data download data and it's basically a free that dog management feature i mean if they were to add a signature capture to this thing it would be i would ditch my current document management feature the only reason why my document that management feature i use it is because it has signature capture for the tax returns and contracts and that sort of thing other than that this is a really kickbot free document management feature okay um transactions without payees for the love of christ they finally finally heard me on this so i did a video probably a year ago criticizing the new transactions with a payee window because it was missing sorting it only showed 10 transactions and it didn't have shift guess what they did it they did it you finally fixed it all right let's go look at that let me switch over to let me log in let me switch companies let me log into an accountant account okay so i have to log in as an accountant oh crap all right give me a second i gotta log into uh a different one here but um i gotta switch back and forth because i have my my my my new version of quickbooks my old version of quickbooks um it's it's it really is tiring the fact that i have to keep track of like multiple qb accounts is some look different than others don't get me started on the soapbox but geez you know like i wish like all qbos look the same so i have to have multiple logins just so i can showcase it for for people just i can show people you know how theirs might look like or might not look like so let me go to one of these and i'm just kind of kind of hoping that even in my company file there are some some transactions without paste um but here where it says book review it's on the transaction review and then every transaction okay perfect so any transaction that was entered missing a payee um okay well guess what my version of qboa doesn't have oh wait no no no sorry sorry i probably only have six transactions without pays sorry that's what it is um if i had more let me do something um they're gonna kill me in my office but let me grab a bunch of transactions here and let me enter a bunch of things without payees okay i'm gonna grab a couple here i'll just do the checks i am going to get killed on this someone from my office is going to scream at me um let me accept these so again the premise is there's no pay i'm not going to accept okay and i'm going to go back to books review and um there it is okay more than 10 lines beautiful okay um it's i think or no right here show more so you click on show more and it expands it to this screen and now shows more than 10 lines so what they added to this first of all thank you so much for doing this i click on one thing i hold the shift key and then i click on another thing and 10 things select at the same time wow yeah like you know i can't believe like i'm i'm saying wow to this but if anyone from quickbooks is watching this video do not ever give me a screen with check boxes that does not have shift click like as as a user i'm expecting shift click everywhere like i cannot understand why it would take a year for you to release a feature and add this like shift click needs to be like a fundamental just like the x little x to close it and go back to the same thing it's a fundamental shift click should be a fundamental also sorting should be a fundamental okay so right now i can sort by date and i can sort by memo i can't show my account why i don't know why in the world would you enable sorting by memo and not by account again i don't know but they added sorting by date by memo and by amount so i am appreciative of that but come on it could have taken you through two seconds to sort to like add by type or by amount sometimes sometimes i just don't understand why they do these things so i'm going to hold shift uh shift click and let's say that i want to add payee the same one to everybody so let's say that's all ac magazine click on apply boom in one shot all the payees get added beautiful feature beautiful feature again it could be better if i could serve my account it could be better if i can sort by type okay but it is a beautiful feature it is great it's got the ask client option so now you can um click on ask client and i don't know why okay there it is i can click on ask client and and click on add requests and it literally creates like a message within the qbo ecosystem and it requests it requests a task to the customer you can ask the customer who did did you pay and you can say mr customer i need this by the 30th and we can just put uh uh maybe i'll just copy and paste that okay and um these little checklists i don't know what that is i don't know what it could be i i i don't know it's i don't care i guess documents you can upload something if you wanted to like if you wanted to upload the bank statement and ask hey you know i yeah i verify these are real it came from the back or maybe you upload the check images and you can read what the heck the payee is whatever it is so you got that then you click on share you share with client and then when i go back to uh qboa or is it here i don't i don't remember let me click on refresh i don't use this feature uh quite a bit i started using a an app called uncut a while ago and i was getting very excited about this and now that i see this i kind of think that uncut is going to be useless pretty soon sorry about those guys they've done a really good job but you know qboa is going to make this for free who would pay who pay for that you know what i mean um so uh i forget where uh those requests are so i the requests are somewhere i don't know why i don't know where they are like i don't know where to get like a list of requests this is the shared documents i was telling you about um earlier where you can share documents you can upload documents share documents your client can share documents i i don't i don't know uh sorry i don't know where requests are supposed to uh be housed again i don't i don't use that feature i would definitely use the the um the batch payee fix i would definitely use that feature i love that feature but i haven't yet gotten into like the requesting the customer what the payee is so i don't know what the workflow is i assume it should be here in books review somewhere but i can't figure out like like where's my list of like questions to the customer like i again i don't why why did i not have a list of questions to the customer like i don't i don't know if you're like i want to know oh i know where is it okay is it on account reconciliation now is it a final review no he said i'm on wrap up no again i i don't know my am i dance here maybe my accountant okay oh there it is my accountant okay oh there it is well okay um [Music] okay i'll take it back it's there i don't know why why has such a tough time but again why isn't it in books review i like that's where i initiated the the process why isn't it there anyway i get off my soapbox we can forget about that so there it is so essentially eventually your customer will answer like they will be under the comment section they will say okay i paid rob or mark or whatever and then once you have in there then you can go and reclassify it would be really neat into it again if you're listening it will be really neat for this thing to recognize that it's missing a payee and then once i have the comment it would be there will be a link right there or you can just say um uh wait hang on a second sorry again i hate brainstorming on the fly here but i want to see what this looks like when i log in as a user okay um i'm gonna log in as a user for a second here okay because i kind of kind of like sort of question this whole thing but if i haven't seen what it looks like as a user um you know like i i guess i have no right criticizing it so let me um let me see what it looks like as a user uh email.com and the 90 minutes are up so we'll be finished in around um i would say uh 10 minutes or half five minutes or so i don't think i have that much left uh to to show anyway um so let me no yeah i can't even log in as a user because i've i don't have um i don't have the i don't have i don't have access oh there it is okay that's the user access so i'm logged in as a user and i want to see where these requests come in i assume they're going to be in my accountant so the logical place for it to be okay there it is so who did you pay ah there it is so i paid raymond gomez okay and then uh and i can upload an attachment beautiful i go to post comment beautiful then i go back into my accountant okay click on that there's my comment i pay all right so yeah so my criticism is this is beautiful into it oh my god man you guys you guys are great but it's missing that last thing that last thing where i click you know change payee or maybe like maybe like a pay drop down here or something like that or have like the category and the pay field right here so i can change it and click on confirm and close it that would make the that would make the feature use useful and that's kind of like where uncut and and keeper and and zenit and these third-party apps that solve this problem and behalf of into echoes into it they they're great at starting something but they just can't freaking finish it and the reason why they can't finish it is because they're not asking accountants like there's no way an accountant would come in there and be happy at this point like they would say it's missing that last step it's missing that last step okay um so and if if they go back and go yeah we asked accountants sorry dude you're asking the wrong accountants okay because the right accountant will not tell you that it's cool it works just like that and that's it all right um okay we're done so quickbooks connect is back uh go to quickbooks connect check out my conference i mean my check out the conference check out my session at quickbooks connect i'll be teaching qbo advanced reporting and i have two webinars uh coming up i'll email you about those two i have one next week which is my qbo banking uh updates i'm gonna be doing all tips and tricks on cubio banking that's next week and then my advanced reporting for basically the same class i'm gonna teach at cubic connect or similar not the same similar i'm gonna be teaching it in a webinar format on november 17th and um and uh and i will also use it as a course for me to update uh for reports so i got a question comments email me um uh oh what one one more thing sorry one more thing still have 165 people here one more thing um i started a new thing called alt accountant alt accountant.com so quick infomercial okay you can log out you don't have to be part of this and my brother and i my brothers is my coach he's a sales coach we um we strongly believe that there's a lot of anxiety in our profession we're always stressed out over work we have too many customers and we think the reasons are because we don't do these things as a discipline we don't specialize we don't um become an expert in one thing and one thing only we don't take our time to discover what our customers really want we a lot of us i i do but a lot of us don't value price and don't know how to talk about value um as a as a sort of as a result of what we do uh we're not that good at um being effective at the risk of being efficient we're almost like very obsessed with being efficient and we don't give customer choices we give them one price and that's it and we tend to focus too much on automation not so much in human humanizing relationships so uh out accountant.com if what we've what we're gonna do is we're gonna do monthly zoom meetings where we're gonna talk about these things in a in a deep setting and the members of alt accountant are also going to set up uh uh mastermind groups and then we're gonna teach concepts pricing marketing subscription model uh we have one class we have one class coming in november called free consulting socks where i'm gonna tell you how i effectively charge for all my consultations all my diagnostic so every month we're going to dig into a topic like uh in october the first session it starts october 18th the first session um we're going to talk about what did you do it's just called what did you do so like what do you answer when people say what do you do and we're gonna deep dive into what is what are the best possible ways to answer that in a unique way in a way that stands out in a way that's very you very personal on november we're gonna do free consulting sucks just talk about getting rid of free consulting and free pick your brain sessions and free quick questions sessions charge for every diagnostic in december hopefully we're going to be able to get ron baker and talk about the new subscription model with this new book that comes out in december so we're going to go deep into these things and um we're going to charge for of course we're going to charge for it um we it launches october 18th i believe the first session is going to be a 200 a month uh membership i'm we have about 26 people that have signed up already and i'm gonna give you a coupon code so when we get to the first 40 the first 40 get 40 discount okay and that coupon code is first 40. okay so up to the point that i get the first 40 people uh coupon code first 40. that would just essentially give you um uh 40 uh for life and i might i might increase the price of this let's see how it goes so be 120 bucks a month also my promise is if you are not satisfied give your money back just like i do with my customers just like i teach i teach people you charge customer complaints give the money back then listen to the complaint so risk free be part of it i would love to build a network of 100 to 200 elite quickbooks pro advisors accountants tax preparers bookkeepers which we call old accountants um and i'm also like my my brother is the first alt accountant certified coach per se i also want sort of the leaders in that to become old accountant certified coach to help other accountants uh do this so this is my new thing and and and this is going to be my the deeper way i i give to the profession and obviously get financially rewarded for it um you know if i get 200 people 300 people i can quit doing accounting quit doing youtube and just dedicate my life to helping accountants become old accountants why alt well the alternate or whatever your customers think an accountant is one of one of our biggest problems as a profession is we allow customers to dictate what accountant means to them we allow customers dictate what bookkeeper means to them we allow customers dictate what tax preparer means to them so when you try to sell your services and we try to sell value um you know you're sort of you're kind of fighting against like you have to like break that stigma first um and that's why i mean the old account like i am the i am the alternate of what you think an accountant is and and and the services you offer the products you offer how you sell how you add value how you add advisory you know how the technology you use all these things are going to make you uniquely different and it will make you an auto account so that's my pitch um again is um i'll make it just do i'll do it here um alt accountant.com coupon is uh first 40. okay and if this thing blows up and we get more than 40 and you want a discount of some sort uh just email me and i'll get i'll create a second coupon for the next for the next 40 or whatever but obviously the first people to sign up are the ones that get that deal anyway thank you so much um i hope this whole webinar was useful i know there's a lot of information i'm gonna post this into youtube as soon as i can and i'm gonna email everybody the resources the slides the links everything and i'll see you on the next one thanks
Channel: Hector Garcia CPA
Views: 5,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quickbooks, tutorial, online, accountant, bookkeeping, accounting, quickbooks online, quickbooks tips and tricks, qbo, quickbooksonline, quickbooks desktop, qbo tutorial, quick books, quickbook, quickbooks updates, quickbooks online updates, qbo updates, righttools, righttool
Id: fT_Q_Mblicg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 16sec (5776 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2022
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