QuickBooks Online for Newbies! How to Invoice | 2021

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[Music] hi today we want to take a look in quickbooks and we want to look at how you go about creating an invoice in quickbooks online so you may be asking well what exactly is an invoice and why am i going to create one of those whenever you as a business charge people for doing things or for selling them things you need to give them a receipt well a lot of people want invoices so we're going to create an invoice and show you how to go about those steps in quickbooks online so you can get an invoice out to your customers and they can pay you first thing you want to do in quickbooks online once you've logged in is you're going to go to the sales category so we're going to go to overview so you can see the whole page right now and the first thing we have the tabs all across the top that we can look into but we already set up a customer in a separate video so go check out that video if you're not sure how to set up a customer but that does need to be done first because you have to have your customer in there in order to build them the next thing that we want to do is we want to go to products and services in quickbooks you have to have things called items in order to invoice so when you'll see that more when we get into the invoicing screen but right now let's take a look at how to set up an item because the item is what you're actually billing out so we're going to go to new and then it's going to ask us is this a non-inventory item so like products that you buy or sell but you don't need to keep track of them inventory purposes a side note is if you have to keep track of inventory in quickbooks then you are going to need a different version of quickbooks online and you may even need quickbooks desktop depending on the amount of inventory items that you are having to keep track of so that is for a different discussion but for now we're focused on simplicity purposes so we have non-inventory items this is something that let's just say that you are selling t-shirts you have a business in your home you're making t-shirts and you're selling them so you want to create an invoice here you could choose that services means you're doing consulting work you're doing accounting work you're doing any sort of service maybe you're a repairman and so that would be a service work as well so labor for repairs whatever you might be and then the bundle part of it it's a collection of products that you want to sell together so if you have you want to keep track of items for um maybe you have a basket of the month that you sell to your customers and then you put certain things in it and they sell it for a certain price that is what you can use for that so right now we're going to look at a service one and we're going to call this monthly accounting fees and sku is if you are keeping track of that barcode you could put something there you can actually also set up different categories this is something that if you have a lot of different items that you're going to be tracking and billing out in quickbooks you can set up categories for those items and then description and this description for your sales form so we're just going to call this again you can get more descriptive than this but we're going to call it monthly accounting fees sales price and rate you don't have to put that in here you can leave this blank you can put that sales price in whenever you do the invoice or you can go ahead and put a base price in here and then you can put how many units it is so if you're charging hourly then you could put in that your hourly rate is 3.95 and then i'll show you how you can use that when we get to the invoicing screen and then this is where you're going to put your income account so sales sales of product income you may break this out and you may have multiple chart of accounts with different income accounts this is where you assign where this item gets put on your profit and loss statement whenever you bill it out so we're going to save and close we could also we're going to go back and we're going to take a look at a non-inventory item same thing same information right here all of it's the same it just quickbooks categorizes these items differently so i just wanted you to see that it is the same information right there so now that we have our items into quickbooks now let's let's do an invoice now we can we have our customer in we learned how to do that in a separate video we've just got our items in and so now we're going to go to invoices and we are going to create an invoice so we have to tell it who we want to bill so we're going to bill smith company if you had an email address in there on that customer screen for this customer it would have popped up right here but we don't so we're going to actually enter one because now we know what their email address is and where they want their invoice sent we're going to email this invoice to them we could print it out and mail it to them but we're going to actually email it to them you also have the option of telling it that you want it to send to the customer later so that's a nice option and then if you have your quickbooks online set up for online payments you can check those boxes here as well so we want to check we want to make sure our billing address is accurate that came from the customer screen our terms came from the customer screen we can change it here though so if we want to say right now it's saying that it's due on receipt whenever they get the invoice they're supposed to pay it we can say that they have 15 days to pay it 30 days 60 days and we can actually set up our own terms as well if we'd like to by hitting add new right now we're going to leave it as due on receipt our invoice date is today due date is today also because it's due on receipt if we had said net 30 it changes it out 30 days invoice number it automatically assigns one if you want to change it you can and then here's we're going to say what we're billing for so we're going to bill for monthly accounting fees we select that one it brings over our rate that we entered over with the item so we're going to say that it was four hours so we're gonna type in a quantity of four and tab over we can also add more to the invoice this is where we want add more to it so we can say that four hours of accounting work even though the four hours are going to show up on our invoice as well but that ad lets you customize just a little bit more and then let's say okay we have other things we want to add to this so we also we had consulting and then you could type in whatever you want business and then say it was two hours so now we've got our invoice set up and down here we would be ready to we can print it we can make this invoice reoccurring to where it's going to reoccur and then we can set how often we want it to reoccur so it's automatically creating this invoice on your behalf we can customize some things we're not going to dig into that today and then we can save or we can save and send so if we hit save and send it's going to email this invoice to your customer unless you have selected the send later so we're going to save and send send email there's who it's going to it writes a little note for it you can change that note if you would like to you can change that body and then send in close and now you've invoiced they have their information to pay you through that invoice now that we have an invoice set up in quickbooks online now when we go to invoices tab it actually shows us that it's here so let's take one step further and they've paid us so now in order to receive that payment you walk back in tomorrow like oh they paid us so we have to mark that invoice paid so we go to invoices tab again same tab and then you can receive payment once you receive payment you're going to tell them how they paid you check cash credit card you can put a reference number in you're going to deposit this into your bank account it's applying it to the invoice because they've paid the full amount they could pay a partial amount if you did that you could change this here and be like well they only paid a thousand dollars so then they're still gonna have a balance due and then also if you had multiple invoices for this customer in here you could choose down here on the left with there would be all of them will be listed and there will be multiple check marks where you could choose which invoice you want to apply the payment to so once you have it applied you can say save and close and you're paid now you can see you have no unpaid invoices and this is what's been paid in the last 30 days so that is how to create items to bill out through an invoice in quickbooks online and make sure that you like and subscribe to our channel and have a great day [Music] you
Channel: Larry Gray CPA
Views: 69,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quickbooks online training, quickbooks online tutorial 2021, quickbooks tutorial, quickbooks training, quickbooks online tutorial, free quickbooks tutorial, how to use quickbooks, quickbooks online, learn quickbooks, quickbooks 2021 features, quickbooks tutorial 2021, quickbooks 2021 tutorial for beginners, quickbooks online training free, quickbooks online training for bookkeepers, getting started on quickbooks online, getting started on quickbooks, howtoinvoice
Id: 2ioShfH4h28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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