QuickBooks Desktop Journal Entries

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and now let's finally make journal entries  we remember the accounting cycle in the days   before the computer involved several steps before  we could find our accumulated totals in the trial   balance now with the computer we can go directly  from the journal and it will automatically post   the transactions foot the accounts and copy the  results to the trial balance in a split second so   all those previous steps we learned about in the  prior video happen immediately so all we have to   do is record the transaction in the journal and  the results change in the trial balance like that   so if you are using quickbooks online this is  the window that you would enter the transaction   in and then the accounts would change immediately  in your quickbooks online trial balance and i'm   going to demonstrate this in quickbooks online  if you're using QuickBooks desktop this would   be the window that you would record the debits and  credits of a journal entry and again in QuickBooks   desktop the results in the trial balance would  be updated immediately so first we will do these   transactions with QuickBooks desktop and we  will do the same transactions as before let's   get prepared I have my QuickBooks desktop with a  blank general company open and for those of you   who are new to QuickBooks you would open the trial  balance by clicking reports accountant and taxes   trial balance and for those of you who are new  to my class we always change the date range to   all transactions regardless of date and I'm going  to change the shape so we can put it here and put   next to this window the window that we actually  record the journal entries in from the main   menu click company make journal entry and then  this little pop up don't worry about assigning   numbers just click the don't bother me box and  click OK now you can't see much of this window   unless you double click the words in the ribbon  to collapse the ribbon now the top half looks a   little bit more like the general journal that we  learned about and let's read our transactions and   remember as soon as we record the transaction  in the journal it will automatically post the   accumulated results to the trial balance now let's  do the same transactions that we did earlier in   the course except now we'll do them on QuickBooks  let's imagine on January 1 of 2025 the owner   invested $50,000 cash into the business if you  learn your debits and credits properly you would   know that that would be $50,000 cash debit and  $50,000 owners capital credit first we put in the   correct date by clicking the date box and going  forward or backward or even typing it in manually   you should remove this checkmark because this is  not an adjusting entry we will talk about those   a little bit later to record a journal entry in  QuickBooks desktop click directly under the word   account then click the pull down arrow and choose  the account you want to debit I choose cash in   Chase Bank and on the same row as that account I  click under the word debit and type in the $50,000 if I keep clicking tab or pushing the tab key you  will see that most software finishes the journal   entry for you by trying to balance it out in other  words QuickBooks knows that there has to be a   50,000 dollar credit somewhere and that account is  owners capital so this is the way that debit and   credit would look like in the general journal cash  and bank debit owners capital credit now before   we save it the trial balance is blank but when I  click Save and close you can see the numbers show   up for the first time on the trial balance cash  in Chase Bank 50,000 and owners capital 50,000 now   let's imagine that on January 5th we pay 20,000  more for more equipment if you studied your debits   and credits properly that would be equipment debit  and cash credit so company make general journal   entry okay the date is January 5th of 2025 this is  our second entry it's not an adjusting entry and   the account that will be debit will be equipment  and the amount will be 20,000 keep pushing the tab   key and the credit or in the row of credit the  other account is cash because we know that if   we pay cash and get equipment its equipment debit  cash credit now here's the question what will the   results be after I save this transaction well  cash right now is 50,000 so if I make a credit   of 20,000 what do you think the result would be  that's right the result would be 30,000 what about   this what do you think the equipment would be well  equipment distorting it's zero so if I save this   equipment should show up for the first time as  twenty thousand save and close and don't worry   about this just click the don't bother me box  click OK aha cash went down to thirty thousand   exactly as we expected and equipment showed up  in the trial balance for the first time as twenty   thousand what about this one January 10 the owner  took home equipment worth $5,000 and he's not   using it for business anymore well if you studied  your debits and credits you would know that that   would be equipment credit and owners withdrawals a  debit again we click company make general journal   entry in this case the date is on the tenth and  this is our third such journal entry I'm gonna   double click here so we can see it nicely and now  I'm going to choose owners withdrawals debit and   put in the row of debit five thousand and I'm  gonna tab over until it puts a credit of five   thousand and I'm gonna credit equipment now here's  the question can you predict the results what will   equipment become well equipment right now is  twenty thousand so for decreasing it by five   thousand it should become fifteen thousand if we  did this right and what will withdrawals become   well withdrawals will show up for the first time  here as five thousand save and close aha equipment   is down to fifteen thousand and owners withdrawals  is five thousand on the debit side it means we   recorded the transaction correctly what about this  one January 15th we borrowed thirty five thousand   from the bank what will cash become well right now  cash is only 30,000 so if we borrow more from the   bank we'll have more cash so if we record this  transaction properly cash and bank will become   65,000 and bank loan will show up for the first  time in the trial balance so we change the date   to the 15th and we make a debit to cash and bank  for the 35,000 because we learned that when cash   increases it's a debit and the balancing credit is  here bank loan and when I click Save and close the   numbers are exactly as we expected cash becomes  65,000 and bank loan shows up for the first time   as 35,000 now we'll do a transaction that would  absolutely require a journal entry what if on   January 20 the owner invested a vehicle worth  twenty five thousand into the business what   would be debit and what would be credit well we  know capital would be credit because the owner   invested in asset and capital right now has a  credit balance of fifty thousand so if the owner   invests another twenty five thousand an asset  that's right capital will become seventy five   thousand and vehicle will show up for the first  time in the trial balance so from the main menu   company make journal entry this time the date is  January 20 and the account that's debit is the new   asset that we are getting vehicle and we said that  the vehicles are twenty five thousand or at least   they're worth twenty five thousand at the moment  the owner invests it into the company and because   the asset came from the owner the owner now has  more capital and we make a credit to capital to   increase the owners capital when we click Save and  close capital became the number that we expected   it to become and therefore we recorded the journal  entry properly now here's one that you might not   need to make a journal entry for but it is one we  learned before 3000 to decrease the bank loan well   if this account represents what the bank loan is  now and what we owe if we decrease it what will it   become if we record this properly it should become  30 mm and what will cash become well if we pay to   decrease the bank loan cash will decrease by 3,000  and it will become 62,000 so we're up to January   25th and we know that it will be cash credit  because we are giving cash so cash and Chase   Bank credit by the 3,000 and we know that we're  decreasing the bank loan and the bank loan is a   liability so it will be bank loan debit now when  we click Save and close the results are exactly as   what we expected the bank loan became 32,000  and cash and Bank became 62,000 let's finish   with a transaction that you would definitely  need to make a journal entry for let's imagine   on January 27th we borrowed 17,000 more from the  bank and bought equipment that would be the same   thing as just taking the equipment and assuming  alone in that case you have more equipment but   you also have a higher balance or more of a bank  loan so we know that would be equipment debit and   bank loan credit so company make journal entry  and this one is on January 30th and it will be   equipment debit for the 17,000 and it will be bank  loan credit can you predict what the results will   be well let's see if equipment goes up if bank  loan goes up by 17,000 bank loan should become   49,000 because bank loan is 32,000 right now  and if equipment goes up by 17,000 equipment   should become 32,000 because these are the numbers  for equipment and bank loan before I click Save   and when I click Save and close you can see the  numbers are exactly as what we predicted bank loan   is 49,000 and equipment is 32,000 don't forget to  watch the quickbooks online version of this video
Channel: thequickbooksdude
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Keywords: how to make adjusting journal entries in quickbooks online, quickbooks journal entry example, quickbooks online journal entry, quickbooks journal entry template, quickbooks journal entry youtube, edit a journal entry in quickbooks online, quickbooks tutorial for beginners, best way to learn quickbooks online, quickbooks training videos, quickbooks online tutorial youtube, quickbooks online classes, QuickBooks guy, QuickBooks Guru, QuickBooks dude, thequickbooksdude
Id: 5NyOB_QM348
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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