Quick Vid: Bongcheon-Dong Ghost (CREEPY Webcomic)

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That's a pretty spicy thumbnail.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/i_go_commit_self_die 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

I’m glad Saber suffered through this so I didn’t have to. I’d like to see him play Doki Doki Literature Club if he was scared of this. That game f’ed me up.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/banto88 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
this video is brought to you by rayquan god i'm stupid [Music] ladies and gentlemen i am going to tell you about the first time i was truly horrified by something on the internet not something in real life not something on live league i mean something created by a person with the intention of scaring me of course i am referring to a comic called the bong chong dong ghost in 2011 i was a young saber spark i thought hey i'm tough i'm a cool guy nothing can scare me and my friend group around that time said oh you think so well check out this web comic i was thinking webcomic who's scared of a web comic it's just still pictures on the screen how could that possibly scare you and i ignored it but then more folks spoke about it and then more and then more of my friends were like wow this comic it's terrifying it scares me to the bone and that's when i said okay that's enough i gotta see what the fuss is all about and so i did and guys that was a mistake now for the uninformed this is an infamous webcomic from like i said 2011. at the time the internet was still somewhat like not mainstream it hadn't gone full on psycho mode yet so these things that were kind of stirring around the public opinion of the internet well i wanted to pay attention to them i wanted to be the cool guy i wanted to talk about rage comics so this came from south korea it was done by a guy named harang and legit that's all i really know about the person i think they might have released some more comics but i don't know i am too scared to find out so this web comic itself is about a woman in south korea how she apparently lost her child in some kind of divorce or something like that and she went so crazy that she went up to the roof of her apartment and jumped off and so the story goes that her soul now haunts the streets and walks around every night looking for her lost child that's what this comic is about alright here we go the comic itself by the way uh i want you all to know i genuinely find this comic terrifying i even tried to rewatch it on twitch and i was terrified multiple times i freaked out watching it again this you'll find out you will find out why this in particular is so freaky so the comic starts off with this girl who is walking home she notices a figure walking down the street but something was wrong with this person they weren't walking like a normal person would something was off and by the way so you're scrolling down while reading this comic from page to page to page and you're thinking well that's just how this comment goes you just scroll no big deal cow poke well let me tell you it's about to become a big deal so i was lured into this false sense of security 2011 dumb me thinking what's the fuss well i was about to find out so you scroll down and gets the point where the girl is inquiring to this other figure on the street are you okay do you need help and that right there is where things take a turn the comic starts scrolling for you the girl's head is twisting cracks and turns around at a 180 degree 180 degree angle i don't know it turns around and its freaky face is now looking at you and and that i genuinely when i watched it for the first time jumped out of my chair i threw my headphones away i did not expect that i was not expecting for my comic to be hijacked by an animation and to hear sound effects i had the audio at the time put to a hundred percent and it blasted my ears i was freaked out and here's the worst part folks i did not finish it at that moment i said that's it i'm done with this comic so then stupid me decided well better finish this journey and here you go folks here's the live stream experience of me reading the rest of the comic only to discover that guess what there's a part two to this to a players where there would be people around at that at that moment she is not here or her screaming from far away jesus what the [ __ ] there's more oh it's not funny what [Laughter] you guys oh my god and there you go terrified me and the year of our lord 2020 finishing this comic and legit it still scares me i'm even expecting to see jump scares i'm even acknowledging the fact that the webcomic can get hijacked by these animations to have the audio blasting in my ears and yet here i am sabre spark the fool and i love it there are so many movies and shows that have massive budgets or they get super cheesy and they go for the typical approach of freaking you out boo jump scare oh now albeit there are jump scares in this comic but here's the thing i wasn't expecting that when i watch a horror movie or play a horror video game i am bracing myself for jump scares the last thing i expected in a comic was a jump scare or sound now i should have probably expected this when it said can you enable flash for this but uh you know 2011 sabre spark is just about as dumb as 2020 sabre spark trust me i know him personally but massive props to this comic i think it's so cool to this day it still freaks me out it still is hard for me to read this and even like knowingly go into it i can still brace myself and yet i'm so terrified by the sound by the visuals that it gives me pause and that is a testament to good writing and also a good webtoon i even checked out another webcomic that did the same thing and it got me there's a stinking hand that jumps out of this railroad and it got me it's funny because after it happens to you you think why was i scared of this it's just a hand it's just a face but you don't know that until it happens very much so hindsight is 20 20 right but i'll tell you this folks there's only one thing more horrifying than this webcomic in video sponsorships so once again a big shout out to this video sponsor raycon earbuds legit i had my doubts about earbuds but raycon totally won me over i use them all the time while doing chores around the house working on videos going for walks and let me tell you it's nice not having a wire getting constantly tangled up in me all the time i also appreciate how stylish they look and they fit well in my ears too they also come with earbud adjustments to get a fit that's perfect for you there's also a recharging case that's very potent and can get your raycon earbuds to full power four times over on a single charge and best of all raycons aren't stupid expensive like other brands they're actually fairly priced but still have a high level of sound quality i've been rocking their latest model the everyday e25s and it's their best version yet it has six hour playtime seamless bluetooth pairing a rich bass to the sound and a more compact design that gives you a nice noise isolating fit there are also new colors to pick from oh and get this celebrities such as snoop dogg mike tyson and j.r smith are obsessed with raycons so click the link in the description below and use buy raycon.com saberspark to get 15 off your order again i legit like these i use them all the time and i highly recommend them
Channel: undefined
Views: 349,997
Rating: 4.9757066 out of 5
Keywords: saberspark, saber, quick vid, Bongcheon-Dong Ghost, creepy, korean webtoon, horror, comic
Id: NrvBPyKd2Tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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