Quick Tip 6 - Brush Stroke Fundamentals

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okay here's a quick tip we had a request on the Facebook forum for brush strokes quick tip on brush strokes now there is a broad subject lots and lots and lots of things to know about brush strokes but there are certain fundamentals but I think very important so let's do this quick tip on what I think is the most fundamental thing about using the brush and then down the road we can do occasional quick tips to show other things that you want to know about how to use the brush this is the most fundamental your brush is your tool the brush is equivalent to a golfers club there are certain ways that you can use it they will work in your favor other ways you can use it that will work against you now one thing I would like to advise you is never do this not with a brush scrub you limit yourself so much when you're doing that this hold the brush weighted down close to its bristles like that that's working against you what I do advise is that you use the Gulf straw the you use the brush the same way of golf or use his his club you have certain strokes that are long strokes and so that those very long strokes just like the golfers the golfers drive if you you have other shoot strokes that are going to be slightly slightly shorter like the golfers pitch you're going to be having other strokes that even shorter than that would be like the golfers chip then you're going to have little strokes like the golfers putt so the main thing is that you're coming from your shoulder elbow and wrist not fingers the fingers hold the brush the other thing and also hole of the brush as far out towards its end as you can be comfortable now usually as you've noticed I usually start about the center of the brush like this but then as I get further into its finishing the painting the brush my hand creeps further down the end of the brush and I give some distance between being the ping so that I can actually see what's going on so I would I'd like for you to try this exercise I'm going to show you to enable you then to use the brush in these four ways now you get again the brush pick up a doesn't matter for us this isn't a filbert it's an oval shaped brush by the way and we have the flats and the end very various other shapes and so on and brushes doesn't matter what kind of brush you use in this one just one that is let's say your favorite brush so first of all find a comfortable place down the handle at least well two hand spins then from from the bristles of set then load the brush now when you load the brush load it from both sides and get plenty of color in it so that you can you can actually see the color now here's the practice stroke try stepping back so that you are a full arm's length distant from your pallet and try push the brush against the pallet let it Bend a little bit and try pulling a long stroke with coming from your shoulder and only your shoulder where there is nothing bending except your shoulders there's your drive then another one another exercise to practice do this lots and lots of times do it until it feels natural until you feel like well for example here's a good thing to do load that brush and in write your name with a drive stroke what happens call the Trapster let's write your name try to actually do some things where the movement is coming from the shoulder all right let's just do a couple of other things where you have a shorter movement you have been a bend to your elbow you still a holding the brush like this you have a bend to the elbow and it been to the wrist this one this for this one it's a good one to practice making letters so you might say our making numbers you might say try to make it to where you're bending your ear you're bending your elbow and your shoulder but you're not you're not controlling the stroke with your fingers just try doing that other numbers any numbers you want to use just just up to get the movement to feel the movement and stroke and then for then what you would call a you might call a chip the golfers chip try making some short strokes where you let's see if I can form this where you left a brush itself to form the shape of the stroke watch this see where you just turned the brush in your hand like that and allow the brush to make the shape of the stroke and come here a slight turn of the hand allows the brush to shape the stroke then one other and this might be equivalent to what we would call the golfers putt where the golf of barely hits the ball to try to guide it into the hole and that would be if you will load both sides of the brush and just on the tip of the brush just make a very short and thin line like that see very short thin like you're not giving much pressure to that you're not pushing down like that but you're working only on the tip you have the valley which is the back side of the brush and you have the tip which is the end of the brush if those those are your two mark makers so if you practice those exercises get real comfortable with them and then try actually using the exercises and doing a painting I think you'll find it that is probably one of the best quick tips I could give
Channel: In the Studio Art Instruction
Views: 36,570
Rating: 4.9424706 out of 5
Keywords: Brush Stroke Fundamentals, Oil Painting, Dianne Mize, SauteeLive, Fine Art (Industry), art instruction, art lesson, how to paint, online art lessons, Painting (Visual Art Form), painting lessons, painting tips, painting techniques, oil painting, acrylic painting, quick tips, Art (Quotation Subject), Tips, Tutorial
Id: amk3ga7Sw7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 33sec (393 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2015
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