Quick Tip 106 - Your ('re) Painting Rocks!

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rocks are hard and some people tell me they're hard to paint well let's see just how hard they are [Music] [Applause] [Music] the one thing we can be sure of is that a rock is either going to be round or have some roundness to it or it's going to be more less geometric or have some rough edges to it or maybe a combination of both but what really makes the rock look the way we see it is not rockness but it's light and how the light is shining on the rock so how you form a rock depends upon your being able to see how many edges it has whether it has any edges or not and where is the light where is the light source and then what do you do about that okay let's do just a little bit of little tiny exercise here with both shapes of rocks and let me tell you show you what I'm talking about okay first of all I want to assume where the light source is so let's say let's say that light this is the light source is coming from in this direction more or less in that direction it's hard to show that another two-dimensional surface all right now let's say we have rock that has edges now you know rocks come in multiple shapes and sometimes they have dozens of edges but let's just keep it simple for the moment so if a rock has edges depending on where you're all you are you're going to see at least two sides and perhaps three sides so in a rock with an edge okay so it's going to have a top sort of like this perhaps something like that and if it's going to have maybe maybe a side on one side and it may also have a side on the other it's going to have you know any kinds of shape so just look for the edges of those three shapes then the light shine right here the top of that rock we're all going to swish it around with the light shining light here the shadow the darkest shadow of the Roth is going to be here so look for the shadow look for the shape of the show first so if I look to the shape of the shadow first and don't just keep it very simple then I might just do this just do a dark shape that shows shout on the top of the rock where the light is hitting directly it's going to be very light now they're just assuming as I said before that we have a strong light source so it's going to be very light then we would paint the top of that right light very simple and then we'll probably have some Jags in so it wouldn't be it necessarily a smooth color so we would say the top of the rock is light and we get rid of that edge whatever the shape of the rock is it's going to be like and then if the light is hitting it directly it's going to be lighter let's give it this a little bit more variation on on the side there will be some light perhaps in some show so that's going to be sort of in between against you you would observe this stop you don't just do it there record the plan deserve it but trying to show you what to look for so look for an area that is neither indirect light nor in strong show on the best reflecting from light look for that to be coming in between in the middle failure area something like this and so then the side of that rock might look something like this so then now you see I have kind of a funny little rock but I have rock now of course it would be casting a shadow too and if you get your rock shape right and then you look for the cash out of course a cast shadow escape is coming something like no something like that depending upon where 25 saw where the rock is in relation to the light so that is a strange rock you see the shadow side of that rock could be in shape the shadow size of that rock could be this shape it doesn't it won't depend upon the shape but it depends upon well the shape shows part of it but the reading of it is rock is going to depend upon your recognition of the light so it's not trying to paint the rock now let's look at what we would do if the same that as a round rock were under that same light source for what happen so let's just say a rock is rounded like this all right where the where the rock is closer closer to the light source or where this is line is right line to right there and that's where the light part of the rock is going to be but if it's rounded then it's going to gradually get darker as it goes towards the shovel and in that case we would gradually we have a middle value area like that and then we have a darker area that would move in towards shadow like this and that darker area let's get that they see that begins to look like a when I when I have it like that that's against it look more like a a sharp rock but then we get that blended and we get this I get that blended and allow one value to lead into another like this let's see here okay so I'll just blend the failure here and we'll blend this value and we will blend it into this value and into this value and now we have a rounded Rock it's a little bit more stages there we go so the only difference between or you see that little sharp edge LS there because we have a sharp edge there then it looks like a sharp Rock but then if I blend that get some that we don't see where one value into the other begins then we have a more of a rounded Rock so as a matter of paying attention to where the light source is where the light source is indirect off with a part of the rock this and directly hit my light under the light source is going to be the lightest part and then as it on the other side of that is going to be the darkest part and then as it moves from light into shadow that's going to be the part that is in middle value you just pay attention to that you should be able to paint rocks with no problem if you found this quick tip helpful why not explore our full-length instructional videos at dynamite comp we have over a hundred full length downloads or you can get them in DVDs give it a try and there's your quick tip [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: In the Studio Art Instruction
Views: 223,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quick tip, in the studio, art instruction, with Dianne Mize, Dianne Mize, SauteeLive, how to paint, how to draw, rocks, how to paint rocks, Your ('re) Painting Rocks!, 106, online art lessons, online art instruction, online art classes, oil painting, acrylic painting, watercolor, palette, easel, canvas, brush
Id: vceqR_mErvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2017
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