Quick look: Micsig STO1104c 4 channel 100MHz oscilloscope

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hey what's happening guys look at this beauty I got this at about 12:30 p.m. today DHL dropped it off its 12:41 a.m. I can't stop playing with it this is the mixing Sto 11:04 see this is a hundred megahertz 1 Giga sample per second 80,000 waveforms per second 28 megabyte memory depth for channel touchscreen oscilloscope with built-in Wi-Fi now they have an incredible melding of the knobs and touchscreen on this I love this scope it is super compact in size we're looking at what 27 and 1/2 centimeters by 17 and 1/2 centimeter now here's where they get you look at this by 4 and 1/2 centimeters 4-channel external trigger and check out these ports we got 12 volt DC in USB for a mouse or another things for the mouse this is the USB out to the computer HDMI out there's your probe compensation land interface holy smokes and this bad boys heavy this is about 5 pounds because there's a built-in lithium ion battery how about that you can't beat that you turned it on fired up boots up pretty quick plays a nice little happy tune and there we go now this screen is big we're looking at eight inches diagonal so 800 by 600 dpi fantastic huge screen you seen a reflection amaya microphone cable there sorry about that screen is very reflective all these nice controls here there's our home menu we can go into the settings to set up things like brightness sounds language USB LAN wireless LAN upgrade there's our information you can see everything about it now they sent this out to me loaded it's got all the features we see we got with 28 Meg's storage 500 micro volts vertical HDMI auto range frequency meter wireless LAN high and low-pass filters you are line in Lin I'm not quite sure about that one anyway it is fantastic it has a wonderful built-in guide system you can just scroll through here yeah if you have any questions about anything stores any photos you take it also records and stores videos fantastic now like I said one of the really great features I love about this is the integration of the standard knobs like for instance I will turn off channel two and notice I got going on there trigger common okay not quite sure how to make that go away clear maybe any will figure it out but so you can adjust your position with the standard position knobs or you can simply touch and drag same for the trigger everything works great you want your channel menu all you have to do is touch it there you see we have our coupling our probe type bandwidth sampling type turn our channels on and off look at these math functions we have addition subtraction multiplication division FFT is our trigger menu we have our common trigger we have edge triggers pulse with logic n edge runt slope timeout video trigger UART I mean jeez it's just it's just loaded no didn't loaded loaded and to make the menus go away you simply touch there we're not going to get it all in in one video folks there's too much here so today's video is going to be basically a simple introduction and a first look to introduce you to this wonderful scope now the probes that it comes with our p1 38 probes they are a 10 to 1 non switchable 10 mega ohms 14 and a half to 17 1/2 Peak affair 200 megahertz and you get four of them so let's hook one up here pick up our channel one course they're color coded go ahead and hook up to there probe compensations one kilohertz square wave if I can get my fingers in there there we go just a trigger level just a horizontal scale beautiful and again like I said we can adjust our position like that we do a pinch no nut doesn't do that we can adjust our trigger position like so we can also click here to Center it if we weren't interested in going into our coupling for instance we could come here a couple at ac/dc 20 megahertz bandwidth limit we can also do a verage envelope peak it's all right there at your fingers or you can simply come over here and touch that button no if that just turns it on and off wookies now you can touch here and adjust your vertical scale like so and you can come up here and adjust that was your horizontal this is your vertical it's almost one o'clock in the morning you can also touch here and adjust your trigger level or you know you can just whoopsies you just grab it there no you have to do that for your trigger level we have cursor controls down here we can pop them on drag them to wherever we want and so simple so simple even an idiot like me can do it horizontal and vertical triggers no problem cursors we also have another menu down here we have our zoom control we have video recording of the waveform we have our total measurements and if we're doing the uart we can monitor our serial chant serial channels now the door is out we can also come up here and open our menus like this we can come into measurement yeah say we want duty cycle and rise time eyes rise there we go they see down here we get our duty cycle in our rise time we can save the waveform we can adjust our displays waveform brightness just like this there again is our trigger menus our auto set auto channel detection auto trigger source threshold level we can turn on and turn off our Hardware frequency meter beautiful beautiful let's uh let's get away for going on here alright we got us a 555 timer here hook up our probes and let's check out the auto set see how it does that's pretty quick not too bad at all now let's bring in our second channel and make a probe on there oh well it would help if I actually hooked up the second channel recording it okay channel 2 there we go yeah if we bring up channel to put down there and we'll also put oops nice low pass filter on it know what channel to come on channel two get in there there we go how about that that just works out so nice now we have our channel one hardware frequency counter in our channel one measurements we should be able to get a channel two measurements I just gotta figure out where do we get there you go away measure okay so let's say we want frequency for Channel two there we go and then we can also say I don't know pulse with touch again and there we go we want to see same thing for channel two we've changed our trigger source and adjust our trigger level Wow super simple how about we take a look at serial decoding next you guys recognize this project don't you this is our temperature-controlled relay system we built with the Arduino a couple weeks ago and maybe a week ago or so let's power it up and we've got our little screen here which is I squared C so we can hook that up let's go channel 1 is going to be our data which is the blue wire ground on there and channel 2 be our clock turn channel it's on channel 2 at channel twos on I've been hit an auto set here so they'll scare all the scale themselves and then we're gonna come in here to our trigger menu we're going to turn on our I squared C just as easy as that I just have to find yeah we'll do a single shot I just have to find where the decoder is first imagine to cut around I could come up one second why figure it out we go I just had to hit the s-1 button and now we just single sequence capture no we need to reset here and yeah OOP took a picture why is my decoder not working one moment now we're getting our serial decode there very nice very nice indeed now let me show you the FFT on this thing okay so I'm probing the 12 megahertz clock there or the 16 megahertz clock there on the Arduino if I come in here I hit the math button and we'll come to channel 1 FFT into a handy window look at that that is really nice you just hear a little bit now I can come in here and put my cursors I'll be turn my cursor off here for one second and adjust my center frequency there then I can bring my cursors over here and I can put them on the harmonics and we get to frequency that way really really nice up that little square wave generator that should give us a a better demonstration of the FFT window there we go oh pardon my belly does not sound very happy you know one decibel okay there we go now you get a better look at the peaks here yeah we can bring in we can bring in our cursors and put them right on those harmonics very very nice FFT and what's really nice about it is that we can turn off the actual channel data and we can just look at this as if it were a spectrum analyzer can't beat that fantastic then we turn our math off and bring our channel one back in turn our cursors off get everything adjusted I mean that's just fantastic now if we come over here and just take a look at the different controls here we've course have our auto set run stop single sequence boom we have a screen capture now I don't know if you remember this but I said from the bottom menu we can come in here and now we're recording stop that go to our home menu we'd come in here see you there's a photo that we just looked at back here our video player and there's the live wave form that we also just recorded Wow guys I am gonna tell you I think I have found my last oscilloscope I mean unless Tektronix wants to send me one of their 500 megahertz infiniivision scopes this is it this this guy going back to a place of honor on the bench and you're gonna be seeing it in a hell of a lot more videos like I said this was just a first look a little introduction I've only had it for 13 hours now once I have it for a few days and get some more play and it will hook it up to a function generator we'll throw some different circuits at it and we'll see everything it can do I want to thank Gellin at mixing for reaching out to me and sending me this this is absolutely fantastic and not only did they send us the oscilloscope we've also got a differential probe to go with it so we'll talk about using that and how that works guys thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed this video please give me a thumbs up feel free to comment and share and don't forget to subscribe the big thanks to each and every one of my patrons without your help we wouldn't be here if you're not a patron please consider a buck a month is all I ask keep the channel going free electronics education fun watch me stumble around it we'll just hang out we're friends right right all right that's it I'm out peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: learnelectronics
Views: 16,335
Rating: 4.8850102 out of 5
Keywords: Quick look: Micsig STO1104c 4 channel 100MHz oscilloscope, micsig sto1104c, tablet oscilloscope, touch screen oscilloscope, oscilloscope review, wifi oscilloscope
Id: io-hutQ83oY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2019
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