Quick Guide to Varlamores Prayer and Mining Methods in OSRS

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today's video is going to be a quick guide of the vlore mining and prayer methods just because they kind of go hand inand I was debating on whether to switch it up and do one for the mining method and one for the prayer method but again they kind of go together so I'm going to teach you both in this video first things first we're going to go over the mining method for the mining method you need 41 Mining and you need access to cam torum which requires the completion of Children Of The Sun and Twilight's promise you need both those two quests completed in order to do paralel moons but you only need to start perilous moons until you get into the city you don't actually have to finish it from everything I've been told now if that is wrong I did do perilous moons before I started this method so keep that in mind but I'm pretty sure and from comments I've been reading and everything else I think you just need to start it to get access to the city which is like 5 minutes into the quest it doesn't take very long to get there for the equipment you'll need a pickaxe obviously and the prospector's outfit if you have it and I also want to point out that mining boosts don't actually work here so no bar Rock armor to get more bless shards and things like that so keep that in mind just wear your prospector's outfit if you have it also if you want you can also wear a amulet of Glory that is charged and that'll give you more gems but potentially worse XP and Bone shards so just keep that in mind as well if that's something you want to do now the method itself is actually pretty easy I am going to do an actual XP rates video on this because I'm not 100% sure if everything is correct when it comes to that cuz I was getting different XP rates when you start parous moons you're going to enter the city here at the South the bank is right here towards the center and all you got to do is run east and then run Southeast and you will be at that mining spot that is over here there are other rocks over here besides the calcified rocks so keep that in mind if that's something you want to hammer out but people are just going to come over here to sit here it's a great AFK method I was doing this last night while also playing NBA 2K and I was only getting about 36k an hour for mining XP and my mining level's also Level 94 so keep that in M A lot of people claim that you can get 41k XP here a lot of people say 45k some people say 30k again I was getting about 36k the method is super easy it's just like motherload mine all you got to do is run over here to the calcified rocks and just mine and literally that's it you're going to be getting bone shards as you see here in the bottom right hand of my screen and you're also going to be getting calcified deposits as well which are something that you'll need to take to an anvil and use a hammer on and you can get more bless bone shards or you can also get get these moths and the cool thing about the moths are they teleport you to the center of the city which is phenomenal and by the city I mean cam torum not like Vore so keep that in mind but it's nice to get down here cuz there's not really an easy way to get down here until you do Hunter rumors but that's for another video now the only thing you really need to pay attention to is whenever a deposit goes away or there's these waterfalls as you see over there the waterfalls which are right here actually give you a 15% better chance to mine Shar Cs and calcified deposits so keep that in mind while you're mining these rocks that if you want to make it a little more just semi AFK not completely AFK go to wherever the waterfall is and that'll make you be more successful at mining so just keep that in mind if you're paying attention or just watching a show or whatever go to wherever the waterfall is and that is literally the method that's it and luckily enough we did get a deposit so I'm going to show you just quickly what that looks like so we're going to go ahead and use a moth if you guys haven't seen the moths being used before that's what it looks like nice and cool and we're going to run over here to the bank and grab our Hammer actually we don't need to cuz there's a hammer over here in the smithing shop all right so we got our Hammer all we have to do is use the calcifying deposit on our Anvil and it's probably going to give us more bless shards like it did it can also give you the moths those are the two options that you get from those so normally what I do is I just wait until I have a full inventory of the deposits and then I just run over here use them all and then run back and that's just kind of the method I use it does take a while to get a full inventory to clits now that is it for the mining part so if you have any questions make sure you leave a comment down below and if you're peacing out make sure you subscribe to the channel bunt I'm going to be going to the prayer method now which again was kind of the mining part was step one so we're actually going to get to the prayer method now so if you're interested in that make sure you stick around all right on to the prayer method which is actually pretty awesome if you're someone like me that doesn't like the chaos alter cuz you hate dying to pkers that are bad at the game and have to pray on people that are just trying to get prayer XP this is a great alternative as well as a great alternative from the Gilded altar just saves a lot of time now I will say that if you're a lower level in your main gilded alter is still a solid way to start because you do actually need two Ray points every single time that you use the Blessed bone shards on The Liberation pool so just keep that in mind that you may want to wait until like level 30 40 prayer somewhere around there because although there is a little altar that you can get your prayer back it's still a pain to run back and forth so I'd highly recommend it if you had a little bit higher of a prayer level but really you just need two prayer don't recommend it but you could do it I mean if you did have two prayer get your prayer XP real quick your first 100 shards will get you from like a 1 to a six or a seven either way just keep that in mind for this that there's not really any prayer requirement there is the quest requirement obviously of Children Of The Sun to get access to vmore and it's also highly recommended that you get the twilight's promise Quest done for the method I'm about to show you so you can use these bird friends right here as far as equipment goes I re recommend it graceful and I also recommend teleports for verac or any Bank of your choice and I'm going to butcher this cius El Fortis teleport which is the vmore teleport to again get back to my bird friends and get back up here to the mountain you also need a chisel and some GP for this first part basically what we're going to do is we're going to use all these bones that I have in my inventory which I probably should have been showing this anyway my bad and then you're going to be turning these you're going to be blessing these and you're going to be turning them into blessed bone shards and there's somebody up there so you can unnote for a charge of GP per bone kind of like you're doing when you're doing like mahogany tables or construction how there's I think his name is Phil in Remington that unnes your planks same kind of concept now for the second part of this you will also need jugs of wine so keep that in mind as well you can buy a bunch of jugs of wine but you can't buy blessed ones which is what we'll be using after this so the first part of this method I am right here at ralo's rise this is where the mountain is and if you've done perilous moons it's basically in the same spot just above the city entrance again to get here you can just use that teleport I mentioned earlier teleport to baramore and you can use the quo transportation and you will be good to go so now since we have everything and we are ready what you're going to do is you're going to run east up these stairs and then you're going to run south and as you're running South you're are going to run up to the exposed altar again with your bones in mind and once you get up here your bones will turn into blessed bones whatever they are for me it's a dragon bone and every single time I use my chisel on the bone you're going to get bone shards and for me you get a lot of shards you could let this Auto go or you could do what I do sorry for the clicking I haven't fixed the mic yet you can just Spam click and it will turn the bones into bone shards and just like that we are done now if you'll notice I got a lot of bless bone shards from that when you're done with that all you got to do is your noted bones run down here click on veress and he will do the same thing as I think Phil does and ask you if you want to exchange your notes for actual bones and you just go ahead and repeat this process over and over and over until you are good to go you run up here bless the bones and then you spam click and you are good to go and you also do get a little bit of crafting XP but not much to really talk about now I do want to say that the XP per dragon bone at a gilded alter with two of the fires going is 252 prayer XP for this method it's actually 290 XP per bless bone hey future Rolland here and actually I see a cool thing on the wiki that actually shows you all the different bless bones XP rates how many shards you get literally all that so I just want to include that into this portion of the video just because here is a list of literally everything you need to know it is on the Wiki of how many bless shards you get per bone how much xp per bone you can get for blessed wines versus bless Sunfire wines and the base XP rates all that stuff is right here on the wiki as well so if you're interested in that make sure you go check out the wiki with the Blessed bones and you will be good to go and see all that info so I'm going to be saving some of these bones cuz I'm going to be doing an actual XP rates video and I want to have as many bones as possible but basically you just do that until your heart's content and when you're done with that you can go ahead and go to a bank for me I'm going to go to verac and this is basically going to be your method by the way so halfway pay attention here as I put things away after you're done with all the bones you can get rid of your chisel you can get rid of your coins you can get rid of your bones and keep your teleportation methods for me again I'm going verac to Vore using the quol and back and using my bless bone chards now what you're going to do is you're going to take jugs wine so for this method you can also use Sunfire shards that is totally up to you whether you want to use that as an Iron Man I haven't got those yet although I hear you can just use do the first wave of the Coliseum and just like make bank right now and sell those to the GE but that's beside the point if you have them you can use them and instead of five prayer XP per bone Shard you actually get six so you can decide whether that's worth it or not again this is what your inventory should look like I'm using a staff of air with graceful as you can see here and I'm also using teleport state to rock and back to vmore now what we're going to do is we're going to go to vmore don't forget your shards and your jugs of wine and we're going to go over to the quetzel here we're going to go last destination for those of you guys that don't know you can right click go to last destination all right so now since we are back to the mountain what you want to do is you want to go back to the exposed altar again and you want to bless these jugs of wine now when you bless the jugs of wine they are no longer tradable and I believe you can't even Bank them so this isn't something that you can just kind of do back back and forth and then just chill I me you got to run to the bank anyway because I did test with veress and veress actually doesn't unnote wines so keep that in mind the Blessed wines he does not unnote when you are done with this what you're going to need to do is run north once you have your blessed wines now you can use your Sunfire splinters on your jugs of wine if you want that extra XP and you have them laying around and that's what you want to use them on go ahead and use those now but I don't have those so I'm just going to run over here we're going to reset this XP tracker now all you have to do you don't have to use your jugs of wine on the bowl and use the bone shards on the bow as well you can just Spam click so for Every Blessed wine you have it will do 400 bone shards so keep that in mind so what we're going to do is we're going to fill up the libation bowl and once we fill up the libation Bowl we can just Spam [Music] click and then you can literally just sit here and spam click the whole time which I'm going to do because I want to show you guys how insane this is I'm going to need so many bone chards I didn't think this through am I even going to get through an inventory can I even do an actual XP rates video for this I don't even know if I can I don't know if I'm going to have enough shards I need to go sit at dragons oh yeah as you're doing that spam clicking you will run out of prayer point so what you want to do is you just want to run south there's an alter right here right to the South and you want to click on the shrine of Ros every single time you use bone shards your prayer goes down by two so keep that in mind every single time you do that but look that was 20K XP that we just got it's absolutely crazy I don't think I'm going to be able to do an actual XP rates video on this because I'm going to use like all of them here but it's fine all right and there we are again so you get 20K XP every single time well I shouldn't say that I get 20K XP every single time that I need to fill up my prayer but for science what we're going to do and when we're at Barack we're going to go ahe and bank here and I've been told you can't Bank the Blessed wines yep you can't there's a magical force that prevents you so we're going to go ahead and grab more wines and then we're going to go back to vmore and then we're going to run over here to the Northeast back to the quetzel and we're going to use last destination and we're going to run up to the exposed altar again to bless our jugs of wine and once we are up here we are going to go ahead and run north and once we run north we can start the whole process again so that's basically all it is you're going to start at barck you're going to get your blessed bone shards and your jugs of wine you're going to teleport to vmore you're going to take the quel up to the mountain once you get to the mountain you're going to go to the Altar and bless your wines and then you're going to run north to the liation pool and you're going to spam click and then you're going to get levels because that's what you do and boom level 81 it's just it's crazy and that's it it that's all there is to the method and as you guys can see you're going to be getting like 500 to 800k XP again I don't know how much actually you're going to be able to get but it's just it's crazy so with that said if you guys have any questions make sure you let me know in the comment section below I appreciate it if there's anything I missed let me know this is kind of a longer video and I had to fit a lot of things in there and it's kind of confusing on the trips but hopefully it made sense to you guys but thank you guys for watching subscribe to the channel if you're new and you want to see more quick guides and actual XP rate videos as well as Iron Man series I have going right now make sure you sub to the channel leave a like for the algorithm and I will see you guys in the next one peace do that cuz we all here chilling yeah it's the same all same all same no we don't play no play no games all they want to talk talk talk talk talk why they got a hate on hate on me damn but D am not tripping I'm fly as a pigeon this girl's been in the kid
Channel: RollandTV
Views: 3,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rolland, RollandTV, osrs, osrs ironman, runescape, old school runescape, osrs rollandtv, varlamore osrs, osrs varlamore, new varlamore, varlamore starter guide, guide osrs varlamore, varlamore new content, mining guide osrs, osrs mining guide, mining guide, varlamore mining guide osrs, osrs varlamore mining guide, varlamore mining guide, prayer guide osrs, osrs prayer guide, prayer guide, varlamore prayer guide osrs, osrs varlamore prayer guide, varlamore prayer guide
Id: A2FpiOsEd-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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