Quepos Costa Rica Walk, things to do in Quepos!

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so hello people when we need our Kos hello welcome to Kos today we do a little Excursion here in capos showing you the town in Manuel [Music] Antonio [Music] I want long so long why you keep me waiting all I want all I want we long so long why you keep me [Music] [Music] bre [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] y [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we are here at punto Naomi in capos in the Central Pacific coast of Costa Rica and that's the Pacific Ocean and here to the right we have the capos port not very frequented but one or the other boat comes here before I showed you the marina and all the way to the left we see on the distance this small little land piece that's where hotel parador is and behind that there's a National Park Manuel [Music] Antonio it's a really nice park here to do a walk around take some photo shoots of the [Music] [Music] ocean [Music] [Music] nice Bay Cal bers uh here to the left they're renting out kayaks so you can get kayaks and the instructor shows you how to puddle here in the fair distance I don't know if you can see it they just left through two boats nice activity you can do in the morning oh they are driving out two other ones I hope you can see [Music] them still fighting with the waves [Music] nice park to make a visit your family [Music] Childs do some Fitness have a snack or whatever all I want all [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] papeo yeah this is the little h of Kos small City lot of small stops and [Music] stores what [Music] w hey oh [Music] [Music] restaurants there's the best Vestal Hotel just in the center of Kos and let's go up here a second now the tide is high in the morning when we was visiting the man Antonio Beach the tide was low there the distance you see the marina lots of nice fishing boats so people that come to capos they like to go ocean fishing and there's a lot of different offers so this boat ride you out and catch the Marin and all the other stuff you can find here in the Pacific Ocean in Costa Rica it's very well known for small small little village in the center here not very uh nice hotels to find there's something that best probably is Best Western Hotel I showed you before the better place is to stay on the road to Manuel Antonio [Music] right parking space here in Kos at the B and M Supermarket so uh let's check out what they offer just a a short walk through [Music] [Music] and [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] all I all I [Music] want so long be so long why you keeping me [Music] waiting all I want I [Music] want why you keep me [Music] w [Music] [Music] who [Music] [Music] [Music] rip ey imported what we have here Buffalo V stick [Music] bowl b [Music] strip yeah if you need meat for your barbecue just come [Music] here [Music] [Music] [Music] I all kinds of cies [Music] te why you keep me fresh roasted coffee you those sing [Music] Pizza so if you come to Costa Rica with unlocked phone mobile phone and you have no SIM card you can go in Kos here to e AIA Where It's Des sign kby go in there and you will get a SIM card there that's specially designed for tourists everybody can have one up the the road is the city hall we don't we go there there's no nothing else in the parking space Here's the fire department and here is to my right bangal there's the ATM you can withraw your money the machines talk in English and in Spanish and you can withdraw dollars or you can withdraw for loans whatever you [Music] [Music] need a little restaurant here too I'm coming down [Music] here that's basically here the main road where the bus comes up and here are the most shops the restaurant over there [Music] bacho get here some hamburgers street food there's another bank here uh with ATM machine it's called back catic and this is here the main bus station where arrives the buses from sose and to San and all other directions buses go here to Panama also so you can travel here pretty easily with the bus if necessary look there probably some tourists they catching a bus I would say no problem to try there Medical Center the it's Clos right now have a laboratory Pharmacy Pharmacy and [Music] [Music] drugstore this the permanent Market you can buy Ries and stuff let's see see if they have open there you catch a look [Music] inside food here too traditional CTO Rican food got some reggies here bananas FRS get your daily stuff here ice cream [Music] meat not really big some shops are closed right now take a [Music] look [Music] so if you are in a hotel in man Antonio you can ride down with taxi here and take a tour through the city during the day no problem at all I would say in the night yeah maybe a little bit careful Justin take a high value stuff if you that's all no problems then and there is a Bango De Costa Rica with another ATM machine there come some shops also up the road to the end you see maybe a a truck this is where the main post office is so you have to send the postcard or something you have to go there 100 m down here uh there will be the post office it's called koreo De Costa Rica cost car or [Music] something so uh as we have covered most part of the city center let's finish here today the video so I I hope you see you again in my next video please stay tuned And subscribe and like my channel thanks
Channel: AboutCostaRica
Views: 2,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quepos costa rica, town walk quepos costa rica, costa rica travel, costa rica 4k, quepos rainforest, quepos national park, manuel antonio national park, video 4k, central pacific coast quepos, what to do in quepos costa rica, costa rica, quepos marina, sport fishing costa rica, manuel antonio costa rica, quepos rainforest adventure, water sports quepos costa rica, quepos walk, quepos city walk, quepos city tour, quepos city walking tour, sport fishin quepos, quepos, travel
Id: 3Ep64d5SuaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 8sec (1448 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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