Queens of the Valar | Tolkien Explained

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if you're like me it's really hard to recall all the valar names and what they're known for name me just two two of the valar two of the Valar hey guys today we have the first of two very special videos where we're going to talk about the Valar of Tolkien's works now quick refresher the Valar are the powers of Arda who shaped and rule the world and live on the continent of aman otherwise known as the undying lands in the past i've used the example that arrow Aluva tar is like God with a big G whereas the Valar are like gods with a little G now because chivalry isn't dead we're going to start with the ladies first covering the queens of the Valar now there's three things I want to establish real quick to help us keep our bearings when we're talking about timeline elements with the Valar first off the song of the eye nor this is the event when the eye nor created all of the world through their song the eye nor included the Valar which will begin talking about today as well as the my are some of whom we know as characters like Gandalf Saruman sal ron and the Balrogs this event is where right off the bat Melkor also known as Morgoth began to sow discord in the world second the two lamps these were great lamps that once stood at the northern and southern ends of Arda these existed during the time when Melkor was in hiding after the first war among the Valar during this time the Valar actually live in middle-earth specifically on the island of all miran in the middle of the symmetrical world they had created eventually Melkor comes back and destroys the two lamps which also destroys the island finally the two trees these came after the destruction of the lamps and they give light to all of Amon until they were destroyed by you guessed it Melkor their last flower and fruit were made into the moon and sun okay now that we've established that let's dive into the Queen's of the Valar first we will cover the three Queens that are counted among the eret are the high ones of Arda which are the greatest of the Valar Varda ELINT re queen of the stars it is said that Varda knows all the regions of a ax the created world or to put it simply the universe she rejoices in light and is said to be too beautiful for words as within her face radiated the light of Aluva thar himself when Melkor first began to create his discord in the song of the eye nor varda saw his mind and despised him Melkor fears and hates Varda the most out of all the Valar in the beginning Melkor is unable to control light which varda is most associated with and when manway fights melkor in the first war Varda comes to her husband's side during the spring of Arda where middle-earth comes to life Varda fills the two lamps with light which in turn give light to all of middle-earth Varda lived with her husband manway in ill mihran their mansion on the summit of ten equal the highest peak in the world it is said that together man way and varda rule over all of Arda with her man way sees beyond all eyes through mist and darkness and with him she can hear all voices from every corner of the world when men dose the dooms men of the Valar foretells the coming of the elves and that they would always look to varda in reverence she sets new stars for the elves to see when they wake these stars were made with the dews of tell peri on the first of the two trees the creation of these stars is said to be the greatest labor of the Valar since the beginning of time because they beheld the Stars first the elves love and revere Varda the most of all the Valar they call upon her in their hours of deepest darkness as you see in many of Tolkien's works they often refer to her by her cinder in name l Bharath gil fonio understanding the connection between varda the light of the two trees the elves and the sil morels helps to explain much of the reverence and the events of the elves going forward the elves love varda for creating the stars which they also love these stars were made from one of the two trees The Silmarillion tain light from the two trees when Faen or rates the silmaril it is Varda that makes it so that any being or creature of evil could not handle them without being burned after the two trees are destroyed by Melkor and ungoliant the ancestor of Shelob varda sets the course of the moon and the sun in the sky at the end of the first age its varda who places the elf a ten deal as a star in the sky you may remember from my Elrond and elros video that orinda was their father who wore a similar L upon his brow as his ship sailed into the skies I give you the light at India how most beloved star now getting into the Third Age we see in Fellowship of the Ring that the elves Frodo Pippin and Sam meet in the Shire are singing a song praising varda Frodo also calls out to her by her name l breath when he's attacked on Weathertop Aragorn refers to her name as deadly to the nazgûl in The Return of the King Frodo calls out to her when first using the file of Galadriel and she loves cave Sam also invokes her name in a kind of Prayer in Kurth angle after he wields the file which I'll attempt to pronounce here l Bharathi Lithonia ohm NL pal and area Lane Allen see Dean guru tha's a tyranny n-- fan ooh Leo's this translates to Oh L Bharath star Kindler from heaven gazing afar to the I cry now in the shadow of the fear of death oh look towards me ever white the Maya Oh Lauren or Gandalf is associated with Varda he himself is associated with light and fire like Varda herself but we'll get to more on him in a minute Jovana Hemant re giver of fruits yvonna was known as the queen of the earth she was responsible for all growing things yvonna was second only to Varda in reverence she was the wife of a lay the Smith and creator of the dwarves her usual form was of a tall woman robed in green in the song of the eye nor Yavana some of the branches of the great trees that would receive the reign of men way and Olmo her thought also met with man weighs causing the arrival of the great Eagles as Morgoth was corrupting her beloved creatures she worked against him after Melkor goes into hiding Jovana helps uh sure in the spring of Arda a period of peace and flourishing in middle-earth where the lands become filled with trees and herbs birds and beasts and all the lands are green when melkor destroys the two lamps all of middle-earth is put into the sleep of Yavana to protect them until light should come again Yavana came to middle-earth working to heal the hurts of Melkor while the lord arome hunted melk monsters and kept the shadows at bay to protect the inhabitants of middle-earth also after the destruction of the lamps Yavanas song brings forth her greatest creation the two trees which gave light to the land once again it was during the sleep of Yavana that owl a created the dwarves Yavana is fearful that her husband's creations will cut down all the trees of middle-earth owl a tells her that even men and elves will need her trees as well Yvon elements to man way asking if anything she made would be free from the dominion of others man way brings her concerns before Luva Tarr in prayer Aluva tar has pity on yavana and creates the ents to protect the trees after Melkor and ungoliant destroyed the two trees yvonna examines their remains and says she can heal them if she could use the light of the silmaril which themselves contain light from the trees we won't get into it today but fayan or a jerk of an elephant creator of the Summer Isles refuses and Melkor steals the summer ills and much of the events from The Silmarillion follow but back to the remains of the two trees Yavana with the help of naina managed to bring forth one silver flower and one golden fruit from the trees Yavana gives these to her husband owl a fashion's vessels for them creating the moon and the Sun centuries later in the Third Age when the Valar decided to send the istari to help combat the threat of Sauron Yavana begs the Maya Karuma who was associated with her husband Ali to take her servant I win deal with him and this just maybe plants the seed for contempt that grows in Saruman the white for his fellow wizard radagast the brown jnana lady of mercy on the surface jnana may seem like a real debbie downer but she played a pivotal role in a couple key areas in the history of our de jnana was the sister of the Lord's man DOS and ear mo she was associated with grief and sorrow but also with pity and courage she is the final of the three high ones of Arda among the queens of the Valar Nina is ever mourning for the wounds of the world by evil it is said that those who listen to her learn wisdom and endurance in grief she lives in the halls of Nina located in the distant west near the halls of mandos there she dwells alone and rarely travels to the joyful city of Val Mar more often she goes to the halls of her brother man DOS to comfort and counsel those in the halls of waiting who cried to her her part in the music of the eye nor was one of deep sadness which caused grief to enter the world in the beginning she was close to the Maya oléron who we all know is Gandalf it is said that he learned much from her which is easy to see with his compassion and knowing the value of pity and patience his pity Bilbo didn't kill him when he had the chance you see it was pity that stayed do not be too good a deal indifferent judgment jnana also played a part in the making of the two trees of Valinor she wept on the mound of as aloha watering it with her tears after Melkor and ungoliant destroy the trees she once again weeps on their wounded remains which cleanses the filth of ungoliant and helps to bring forth the last fruit and flower that would become the Sun and the moon the pity of jnana is most clearly seen when she supports Melkor when he sues for the pardon of the Valar after his first capture even though she spent her time in the world morning milk destruction in ardha she spoke in support of him spoiler alert it doesn't go well s-stay the gentle Estee had the power to heal all hurts and weariness her favorite place was an island on the tree shadow Lake of lorilynn in the gardens of Lorien now this is a location in Valinor not to be confused with the Lorien we know as the dwelling place of Galadriel later in middle-earth history the Lorien of Valinor was home to Estee and her husband mo there they tended to the elves of Valinor who drew refreshment from the fountains even their fellow Valar would go there to find ease from the burdens of ardha Varda the queen of stars who we talked about earlier originally intended to place the Sun and the moon in the sky one traveling from the east one from the West to allow for a mingling of their lights estee and Mo however spoke against this as the excessive heat and light withered their gardens hid the Stars and banished restful sleep from the earth Varda listened to their counsel and she changed the course of the moon and the Sun each taking turns traveling through the sky as the other lay in the encircling sea now these next few Queens of the Valar we don't know as much about so we'll get through these rather quickly via day the Weaver Friday was the wife of man dose the dooms men of the Valar VA was responsible for weaving the story of the world with which the halls of man dos are clothed the elf queen Merial when she returns to life entered into the service of ira recording all the deeds of the house of finwë her husband vana the ever young vana was the younger sister of Yavana like her sister vana had influenced with the flora and fauna of middle-earth it was said all flowers spring as she passes and open if she glances upon them all birds sing at her coming she robed herself in flowers and her hair was golden she had quote the beauty of both heaven and earth upon her face and in all her works vana lived in gardens filled with golden flowers and often came to the forests of or amay her husband two notable Meyer who served vana where Aryan and melian melian served both vana and s day before she departed for middle-earth there she would meet and marry the elf king Fingal of doriath and play an important role during the first age of middle-earth Nessa the dancer Nessa was known for her speed being Swift as an arrow she could outrun the deer who followed her in the wild she was also renowned for her dancing ability and often danced on the evergreen lawns of valemar she married tulkus on the Isle of Al Merrin in the year of the lamps 34-hundred vana robe Nessa with her flowers for the wedding Nessa was also the sister to or May the Huntsman so there you have it the seven Queens of the Valar Varda the queen of stars yvonna the giver of gifts naina Lady of Mercy Estee the gentle vorrei the Weaver vana the ever young and Nessa the dancer in my next Tolkien explained video will cover the Lords of the Valar so be sure to subscribe to the channel and hit the little bell so you don't miss it and when someone challenges you to name the Valar you can put them in their place do you want the Valar of water Olmo or do you want the hunter [Applause] [Music] or do you want his wife Varda called elbrus by the eggs who kindled the stars you come into my house thanks so much for watching and we'll see you next time on nerd of the Rings [Music]
Channel: Nerd of the Rings
Views: 404,285
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Keywords: tolkien, lord of the rings, lotr, hobbit, the hobbit, nerd of the rings, silmarillion, valar, the silmarillion, varda, yavanna, nienna, este, vaire, vana, nessa, queens of the valar, valar queens, female valar, olorin, curumo, aiwendil, history of middle earth, men of the west, geekzone, aratar, tulkas, manwe, iluvatar, eru, tolkien gods, tolkien angels, samwise gamgee, galadriel, lorien, Varda Elentári, queen of the stars, Yavanna Kementári, giver of fruits, queen of the earth, lady of mercy
Id: 0sCpIbIXP6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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