Queen Victoria's DARK DESIRE For Love Making And Food

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welcome to her remarkable history remember to support our Channel please subscribe Queen Victoria's dark desire for love making and food Queen Victoria was known by some as her little Majesty however it was also noted that Victoria had a large appetite and could sometimes eat a little too much but food wasn't the only thing that the queen enjoyed as she is quoted as saying after her wedding night to Prince Albert that they did not sleep much and she is even noted to have enjoyed self-pleasure and a tumble beneath the sheets Victoria went against the Victorian standards for a woman in terms of food a social reformer and doctor at the time Mary Ward Allen thought that Victoria's unnatural appetite for spicy and exciting Foods was inevitably the result of an equally unnatural practice of masturbation to understand this however we need to look at Victoria's childhood as a child Victoria displayed a healthy enjoyment of food but according to historians this love of food severely worried Victoria's relatives they thought she should slow down when eating and to take more exercise one family member is quoted as saying that the then teenaged princess eats a little too much and almost always a little too fast however because of this concern Victoria was then subjected to a strict and meticulous regime of controlled eating a regime that only allowed for instance a meal of milk and bread this made Victoria vow that when she grew up that she would eat mutton every day so when Victoria reached adulthood she allowed herself to indulge Victoria once Queen had a feast spread for each meal you could even say her own mini banquet breakfast usually consisted of things such as eggs on toast porridge fish smoked haddock and a wide variety of fancy breads Victoria felt it was extremely important that even though she wouldn't eat all things offered that she was given the choice something she was deprived of as a child an observer once stated Her Majesty confesses to a great weakness for potatoes which are cooked for her in every conceivable way and as such Victoria's dinners contained things such as soup or fish cold chicken or roast beef there would also be a variety of desserts and fruits and lastly pineapple something that was grown specifically for the Royal household Victoria's dinners would also contain seasonal vegetables The Observer also stated she never permits her own table or that of her household to be served with anything that is out of season sweet Foods were also a big favorite of the queen and her wedding cake was certainly a taste of what was to come Victoria had a great appetite her loves included mulled wine ice cream cakes and pastries chocolate sponges plain sponges Wafers of two or three different shapes lime juice is shot biscuits and drop cakes of all kinds tablets Petit fours princesses and rice cakes prey lines almond sweets and a large variety of mixed sweets Her Majesty it added is very fond of all kinds of pie and a cranberry tart with cream is one of her favorite dishes however in contrast Victoria fed her children on a diet she felt was appropriate and it was somewhat blander they were given plain foods such as plain roast or broth this was food that Victoria felt was appropriate for a nursery Victoria is also noted as being a lover of tea and whiskey and as she got older a small Distillery near to Balmoral produced a whiskey just for her a drink which she had with soda water now sadly for Victoria her love of food and drink took its toll on her body she piled on the weight and the doctor noted in the 1840s that she was more like a barrel than anything else he stated that if the queen carried on eating she'd become enormously corpulent by the time Victoria was in her 60s she had a BMI of 32 which in today's standards would classify her as obese she had abandoned her corsets quite early on and was described as very large Ruddy and fat when Victoria was advised to cut down she simply then ate diet foods on top of her existing eating as stated Victorious eating habits did not conform to what was expected of a woman at the time the standards and dietary advice dispensed to women stated that good table manners demanded sedate and measured eating and discouraged visible surrender to gustatory Delight the female digestive system was moreover said to require soft dainty and Bland Foods exciting foods and those high in seasoning were advised to avoid and to treat them as if they were laced with poison this all came down to the believed link between food and the bedroom if a person ate highly spicy and exciting Foods then they must surely have a dangerously enthusiastic attitude to other bodily Pleasures as I've already said a social reformer and doctor at the time Mary Ward Allen thought that Victoria's unnatural appetite for spicy and exciting Foods was inevitably the result of an equally unnatural practice of masturbation it's believed that if a woman had a bird-like appetite and had a disregard for food then it showed her moral State and enabled her to remain dainty and have a slim physique interestingly It is believed that Victoria enjoyed the private time that she and her husband shared beneath the sheets that is she and Albert married on the 10th of February 1840 and she noted in her diary shortly after that they didn't sleep much as she described their first night together Albert and Victoria collected exotic artwork and when advised to forego sexual activity to prevent further pregnancies Victoria responded with dismay yes she thought that her nine pregnancies were a hindrance to married life now interestingly it's believed that the cultural roots of some illnesses lie within the generation of Queen Victoria's reign the Victorian era defined the degeneration of eating was unfeminine and dangerously sexual the 1890s have cases of young girls who stopped eating because their mother said that they were too fat or for fear of being too heavy this refrain of eating distanced women from their sexuality and therefore showed their proper genteel and moral status it's believed that the refusal of food gave these women a voice they were deprived of any Avenue of self-expression and therefore found their voices in the refusal of food young women searching for an idiom in which to say things about themselves focused on food and the body going along the lines that appetite was a voice then Victoria was shouting from the rooftops her position as Queen allowed her to ignore most of the constraints put on a woman and she was therefore able to make her own choices and decisions about her diet and about her body thank you for watching and to support please subscribe to her remarkable history thank you
Channel: Her Remarkable History
Views: 48,232
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Keywords: queen victoria, victoria, queen victoria britain, britain queen victoria, queen victoria death, death queen victoria, victorian history, victoria queen, queen victoria sex life, sex life of the victorians, queen victoria husband, queen victoria love life, love life of queen victoria, sex life of queen victoria, queen victoria love of food, queen victoria food and sex, sex life of queen victoria and prince albert, prince albert queen victoria, queen victoria prince albert love
Id: cMvLmtqOLhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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