[ENG] 눈물의 여왕 제작발표회, 꿀 떨어지는 김수현의 칭찬감옥에 빠진 김지원

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Hello, this is Kim Soo-hyun, who plays Baek Hyun-woo in Queen of Tears. It's been three years since I've seen you. I met Park Ji-eun's good work and worked hard for a year. I'm looking forward to the good work that will come out because I met good staff members who are very considerate. Thank you very much for your attention. Hello, I'm Kim Ji Won, who plays Hong Hye In in Queen of Tears. Thank you so much for traveling so far today This is the part that was a little hard to act, despite being a couple of three years, there's a spark in here somewhere, I think it was kind of hard to figure out how to do it in the beginning because the excitement hasn't worn off yet. I think there's a point in the third year where you feel like you're already ripe for the picking, and you can share that excitement together, That's something that the directors have thought about a lot. But they also thought about it, and Ms. Sooyeon Kim did the hard work. Now, Ms. Kim Ji-won. I was having a similar problem with this. As you said. In a normal drama, you meet them, you get to know them, you get excited about them, you get conflicted with them, This time, we have to face Baek Hyun Woo with different emotions after three years of such a relationship from the beginning of the drama, I think it was a little bit difficult to play a cold atmosphere with all the emotions and conflicts that have accumulated in the marriage. So I tried to play the boredom or should I say the difficulty of this couple. And I remember talking a lot with actor Kim Soo-hyun and the director about such expressions while filming. First of all, Kim Soo-hyun and Kim Ji-won, this is your first time working together, and I'm wondering how was your chemistry? I think the staff members who were on the set of our drama can probably relate to this 100%, Mr. Kim Ji-won is really a good person. And she's so considerate, whether she's acting or not. So I'm going to let this go and we'll have to talk about that after we've gotten a little bit further along, If I can't resist, I'm going to nickname you the Queen of Consideration. And secondarily, I think I'm the queen of focus. Ms. Kim Ji-won had a lot of concentration on set. I'll be honest with you, there were times when I lost the center of my acting. And then I would look at Kim Ji-won and I would re-center myself. She had a lot of energy for such a small person, and I think she helped me in a lot of ways. So thank you very much. That's synergy. How did our actress Kim Ji Won feel about acting with Mr. Kim Soo Hyun? I need to come up with a nickname for him right now, so I'm thinking of something like king. Now, our queen of focus, the queen of caring, Kim Ji-won, please answer. Mr. Kim Soo-hyun is the king of adlibs...... You don't have to make a nickname for me. Emperor of Adrips now? As you can see, Kim Soo Hyun is such a fun and hilarious person, and I think I was just feeding off of that energy on set. I think I went to the shooting site with so much worry and anxiety and things like that in the beginning And now, as I'm breathing with Kim Soo-hyun, I can feel my nervousness relaxing more and more. Luckily, the scenes we shot together in the beginning were tense scenes, so those feelings were appropriate for the situation. As we got to know each other a little bit more and became more comfortable, I think the couple situation in the movie helped me a little bit. And he's an actor who has a little bit of an opposite personality from me. Kim Soo-hyun has great stamina, and he never gets tired until the end of the shoot, and he's a total energizer. I'm a little bit tired in the middle of the shoot now. Even then, Mr. Kim Soo-hyun always made me laugh and have fun, so I think I was able to shoot well without getting tired until the end. Thank you so much I'm so excited for you two. We had a lot of fun and worked very hard for about a year. It's a great story, it's a great mise-en-scene, it's a great cast, it's a great director, it's a great crew, it's a great cast, it's a great crew, it's a great movie. Thank you very much for your anticipation and interest. Thank you. Mr. Suhyun Yes, it would be more interesting to see things like the temperature difference between the different families in our Queen of Tears. Stay tuned and love. And in Queen of Tears, there's a lot of different kinds of tears, because it's called Queen of Tears. Please look forward to that part as well. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Channel: PICKCON / 픽콘
Views: 919,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 눈물의 여왕, 제작발표회, 김수현, 김지원, Kim Soo-hyun, Kim Jiwon, Queen of Tears, Netflix
Id: vIellwX5o10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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