Queen Elizabeth I. aka Elizabeth Tudor | Nothing less than a Tudor Queen [+4x06]

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I never forgave my father for what he did to my mother he thought and would give him a son and she only gave him me he had no more use for her or her head my mother's blood staining the hands of so many nobles I was losing my throne if I so much as mention in my mother's name I must smile in the face of her butchers always my father's daughter but at the same time I never forgot his brutal effectiveness as a ruler then I learned them his ways in which he destroyed people's lives that I could never understand or imagine now I know how I must move I must have been always be seen as Henry's daughter I am the great King Henry hates daughter Royals have such a strange sense of family to anything my father cut off my mother's head my sister jailed me as a threat to her room questionable really what's on the tree by active power you and I are both restored to the succession you know what is this choice to hold on to a crown you need to be pure because I'm a woman because you must be viable for a strategic marriage because the pelican amber all agree she is a pasta and now he threatens me Willie it isn't just to the dimness leading me to a better choice it's the fact that she's wet every monarchy needs a clear add to the throne so Howard we pass down without bloodshed or the fear of it the fear you feel every day you've never accepted the fact that your life changed the moment Kame Queen these mistakes Catherine de Medici who's sending deli Terrel to call Mary Queen of Scots the home shall be disgraced first by our own country of the dreary and America she feels Dudley in you must and the people around you the ones who we will pay the price feeling we must move away as firmly as you various subjects I am No neither of us is and I intended to does a fact about time I handles his wife even if his wife is a I am I will not be wronged by anyone Elizabeth you cannot rule alone no woman good I can and I will I will show England Aleta is fierce and brilliant and strong I draw them to me and they were lovely and thank me for loving only them I'm nothing less than a Tudor Queen and so long as I live I shall be the Queen of England
Channel: MissDatherinePierce
Views: 1,451,768
Rating: 4.942667 out of 5
Keywords: the, vampire, diaries, missdatherinepierce, Datherine, thepetrovagames, Reign, Rachel Skarsten, The Tudors, Lady Elizabeth, Elizabeth Tudors, Elizabeth I, Queen Elizabeth, Tudor, Kate Duggan, Claire MacCauley, Laoise Murray, Princess Elizabeth, Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII, Henry Tudor, Mary Tudor, Mary I, Queen Mary I, Mary Stuart, Mary Queen of Scots, Robert Dudley, tribute, fan video, character study
Id: f-mAJF6tmMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 44sec (224 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2017
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