Quartz Countertop Heat Torture Test | Cambria Quartz | Hot Pans And Propane Torch | THE HANDYMAN |

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whoo welcome back to the number one home improvement YouTube channel in the entire world today I'm going to be testing how heat affects quartz countertops over here we have one of the most expensive types of quartz countertops this is Cambria and this one here is a mid-grade I'm not not the bottom and not the top which would be Cambria this is kind of an upper-middle-class countertop I will try to figure out what this exact brand is and I will put it in the description below or a pinned comment this piece came from the massive kitchen remodel the infamous massive kitchen Reno so this is the piece that was cut out for the cooktop just a quick note we will be getting back some video I've got a little bit of video I thought I had more but I only got some and it revolves around this countertop in the disastrous situation that happened this is one of two seams that was in the cut at the top and I had to have him come take it out I said this is unacceptable get it out they rebuilt it came back we've got acceptable seams now that's pretty much what I have on video is the countertop process the installation the removal the reinstallation my experience with that contractor how they handled it I don't want to bore you with that that'll be in a future massive kitchen Reno update video so you've got some nice new white quartz countertops installed in your house and you're familiar with granite and if you're not I will bring you up to speed you could put heat on granite you can put a frying pan right down on granite and not worry about it you can put a hot cup of coffee you can put your food straight out of the microwave you can put a pot of boiling water right down on granite so what can you do here you're afraid you're like oh I got to get pot holders and put down you know towels because you don't want to ruin this you don't know what this can handle so today we're gonna start off with just a hot cup of coffee this is not just any cup of coffee it's going to be a hot cup of coffee that you just reheated Oh we're also going to discuss scratches and burns basically write your name on quartz countertops with metal you see that right there this is something you're gonna need to expect and need to know how to clean handy man just wrote it with the backside of my titanium multi-tool okay back to your hot coffee all coffee now needs to be consumed in a very very special mug your very own two mug look at this beauty you can get one of these today there'll be a link in the description for this mug it's got the tools on both sides it is gorgeous gorgeous tools all the way around this is what a man drinks his coffee out of so this is a basic test we're starting off small we're gonna build a fire and torches in a minute so I just have some water and the awesome manly to lug gonna put this I'm gonna make sure this is boiling so on what this extra hot we'll also be testing the quality of the mug so I'm going to put this in here for how do we do this at cook time two minutes 30 seconds that should get this to boil what if you can see in there we are we're bubbling away we have a hot coffee it's just boiling the mug handled it beautifully by the way so we're leave that sit there you can see the steam coming off of it I just want to see I'm gonna leave it there baby a cup of coffee is still steaming over there what I'm gonna do is get a more some more mass and a little bit different source of heat I'm gonna boil some water in this pot I got and we're gonna leave it there oh yeah I'm gonna get this one going and then I want for the I think that the final one is going to be just a hot pan like if you're cooking bacon on here and it'll cool fast or release its heat I don't know we're gonna have this baby heat it up so that it makes spit bubble in this one here and I'm gonna do this on both we're starting with the high-end Cambria I want to really push it to see what it takes to get a discolored mark maybe yellowish is what I'm guessing it'll be some sort of yellow yellow mark okay we are back over here and I say I don't feel I don't feel feel heat on that your coffee cups gonna be fine there is no heat transfer at all on to this at all ooh as you can see there is a much larger surface area on the bottom of this pot as opposed to a coffee mug so once this thing gets boiling we will go just set this thing right down on there and leave it see what happens just to prove this really is Cambria there it is Cambria white cliff polished three centimeters full rolling boil okay here goes stops boiling obviously still see the steam coming off I'm gonna leave that there and now move the dry frying pan onto the flame get that heated up now this is something I can't figure out what the temperature is gonna be so it's gonna be pretty darn hot until spit sizzles I don't want this coming out glowing of course if you put glowing hot metal on anything that's gonna burn it seems to leave this here for about a minute and spit on it see if it sizzles it is I'm gonna put it over there it's been about a minute and I'm just trying to see if that's the slabs getting hot I don't feel much heat outside on the slab this is kind of cooled down a bit let's see what it is absolutely no discoloration it is pretty warm but not hot Oh gonna let that sit there I honestly don't think water boiling water is going to get hot enough to do anything to this how about spit hopping you know what you spit on a fireplace wood stove giggles hops all around we'll do that not quite hot but I ran out of propane I'll have to get another canister that's still pretty darn hot there is no water in here controlling this so this is it going right in the same spot that the boiling water was in don't let this sit well I go get another canister of propane and we can do the same test on your mid-grade quarts okay this will be a really good test right here it's warm it's getting pretty hot it did retain quite a bit of heat there yeah we'd not be able to hold my hand down on there without burning that got real hot I had to go out to my camper to get a propane taken so this was sitting here for a good few minutes I can't honestly tell if there's any discoloration I don't think I see anything if I if I what I'm looking for is any sort of yellowing or slight browning on that still pretty hot that pan was hot we're going on to the mid grade quartz countertop this is most likely what your average person is going to put into their kitchen I'm gonna skip the coffee cup one because this thing just didn't transfer hardly any heat into the first test that we've got boiling water well this one here very well could discolor there we go you let it sit there we get the frying pan back out in the flame get some spits so what is a quartz countertop it is not a solid piece of stone it's made up of crushed quartz powder and glue adhesive like an epoxy and it's put into a form and this is kind of a close-up of the edge of your your average one right here is where the seam was look at how bad that that color match is on that seam there that is horrible not even close very wide and very discolored we went over here to the Cambria this is an actual crack dead so it's an on cut edge kind of get a better idea it just turns into a powder when you cut it it's very dusty now even if these tests come back that the boiling pot doesn't turn it yellow or brown the frying-pan doesn't turn it yellow or brown it is kind of unnerving putting something like just a pot on such a perfectly white piece of countertop I don't know if I would do it even though I think the tests are going to come back that it can handle your regular you know your regular cooking situations where you're gonna put down a hot pan there are more that I could do like a like a glass I don't know what do you cook it like lasagna plate see you can pull your lasagna out it's been but bacon it's gonna be in the 350 degree range I think I don't cook at all bigger than this pop I think it would be OK for a minute or two this has been down here for at least three minutes now I'm gonna go spit on the frying pan and see we got still not still not spit hopping just spit says liftgate it's been on there three or four minutes well then we have our subscribers and a lot of these scratches do buff out I may do a video in a few how to buff all these scratches that you will get no matter what off of your countertop as far as the yellowing or discoloration nothing and the heat transfer was pretty minimal that is very hot now that's starting to burn my pan probably gonna do us in it's probably gonna ruin this piece here but it's all for you too bright just gonna let it sit I have a strong feeling there's gonna be a brown or yellow spot underneath that and leave it there for two minutes three minutes well as I'm just waiting here I'm thinking of other cooking scenarios that you would put hot food on your countertop a bowl of soup reheating leftovers I think you will be a hundred percent safe putting those right down onto your countertop I think it's when you get up into the big cooking dishes that have been baking for you know like an hour and then you set it down on there and you leave it there and that heat can really start soaking in that's where you might have might have an issue so our pan is cooled down will no longer sizzle spit and all we have there's quite a bit of heat in there Oh yep lots of heat there are some scratches from the underneath side of this and they're not scratches they're marks I should say because you're not actually scratching and removing material it just they're just easily marked up yeah that's pretty darn hot I'm gonna clean this off so you see if I can buff out some of these scratches here we'll focus in on this area I'll show you what I mean by those scratches so right here huh you know it's hard to for the camera to pick up white that messing with white balance and stuff like that well right here is some scratches where I was kind of scratching it earlier write my name in it but no no discoloration other than my dirty hands as far as yellowing browning all right that's the end of this video I think I am going to do more videos out using these countertops here as far as the scratches go those of you who are in the business know that porcelain like sinks and these tops they it's what you can almost draw on them like you would be drawing with a pencil on them because they can markup so easy aluminum will put a burn on it so say you had like an aluminum belt buckle and you leaned up against your countertop and you it just brushes across it it's kind of like drawing with a pencil on there so removing those burn marks and those other countertop marks I think I'm gonna do a video on that test out a few different products test out what most people normally have in their house what's not recommended by the manufacturers then I'm going to take it even further and see what it takes to actually scratch it by actually removing material as contractors we always know don't put your tools on the countertops don't put your cool tools on the countertop anybody sees you with tools on the countertop they lose their mind so I'm gonna you know maybe put some wrenches on here a hammer on here slide them around and see if it actually scratches see if it Mars and see how to clean it off because I've done it many times I used to have a titanium watch well I'd have to remember to take it off before I worked on anything that was ceramic like even a toilet bowl a titanium watch band will draw right on it like a pencil don't forget to go get yourself a man mug with your tools on it the handyman down store it'll be linked all over the place you will not be able to miss it I got some more designs coming out but I'm refining them refining my my designs they're made by me that's it goodbye
Channel: The Handyman
Views: 91,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quartz counter top, hot pan on quartz top, cutting on quartz counter top, cost of quartz counter tops, how to install quartz counter tops, Kitchen design, kitchen reno, massive kitchen reno, kitchen remodeling ideas, granite vs quartz, home improvement, home remodeling, handyman, the handyman, handyman jobs, handyman projects, handyman business, scratch quartz counter top, cambria quartz
Id: Sa4PHX6Vp8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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