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Hi you guys. Do you like my new scarf Just kidding it's my sisters hair It's ridiculously long And I love it long and she does too but look it's the whole length of my arm. And the thing is that she just brought in I had no idea that she was going this drastic She brought in this picture, I don't know if we can show the inspiration picture. It's like a short bob blonde it's super short you guys i'm freaking out here so this is the picture she brought me off of the internet okay so the color and the cut so here we go you guys holy cow i'm just going to stick this in a ponytail and get out my dull no dull there my sharp shears that I don't use anymore because i'm not going to use my super nice shears to cut this thick of dry hair It kind of dulls your shears out so I tend to use my extra pair when I do stuff like this here we go we're going to chop it off i'm going to start with just like a little section because it's too hard to cut all at the same time holy cow see that was too hard you have to do a little bit at a time It's longer than i'm actually going to cut it but I want to be able to be more precise when I do all that oh holy cow that's a lot of hair I don't know what to do with it now okay now we're going to wash it and then i'm going to do the haircut alright i'm going to go through with the matrix oil wonder shark cut oil and just mist it through that reminds me of Christmas now I want Christmas back just kidding I need summer it does smell like Christmas okay here we go comb through the hair holy cow I can't believe we're doing this you are going to look so cute okay so i'm going to just part it in a tee parting part it down the middle where do you want to part it actually on this side so i'm actually going to part it where she's going to part her hair in the haircut picture it was like a side part and it didn't really have bangs right it was kind of just like layers okay so I have it parted there then in the back i'm going to bring it back over to the middle of her head and then part it straight down the back so in the back i'm going to bring it back to the middle and part it straight down alright here we go so for the back it doesn't really show in the picture but you can just kind of leave it up to your own opinion or interpretation and so what i'm going to do is i'm going to do slight stack in the back just so she has a really cute shape back here just a little bit right in here and then the rest of it will kind of be like layered it's kind of like a layered bob we're going to start back here in the nape section and we are going to establish our length so i'm going to get my shears out and right in here I think that's a good length if you're not sure you can move the hair away and see where it starts to grow on it's own about right there so that's like a good place to start and i'm just going to try and comb it down push it against her neck by turning the comb over and a nice clean line so rolling the comb in and around their neck like this it really does help to get all those tiny little hairs from under neath so that they're not longer and poking out because if you were to pull it out here and cut when you let it down these hairs would be longer and push out that's why I like to do that roll and then i'm going to get a little bit of a curved shape going on here make sure you're being gentle with the comb you're not digging it into their neck or scalp it's more of just like a roll and a press with the back of the comb and not a scratch or a claw it should not be painful at all every once and a while I grab both sides and pull them down and you can kind of just feel if one is a little bit longer alright so that is the length so now we need to do some fun layering graduation in here so you can do this a few different ways you can pull this straight out and razor it out or you can go ahead and part it down the middle and pull it out at a diagonal this would give more of like a a line shape pulling it straight out is going to be more of just like a softer straight across layered look so i'm going to pull it straight out just because I don't think she really asked me for an aline right okay so i'm going to take my razor now and everything down in here will stay the same when I lift this up that's al going to still be really straight line nice and straight and everything when you lift this up this is all just kind of heavy and nobody really needs the heavy thickness right there it's prettier if it kind of rolls in with the shape of the head so we're going to get rid of that we're going to pull it out here and we're going to just do some fun razor cuts pulling it straight out and i'm bringing it up to like right here on the bump this bone of her head so it kind of rolls until you get to this bone that's about where i'm bringing my fingers I wish i remembered the name of that bone the occipital bone and then i'm just pulling it out and razoring it out and i'm kind of keeping a straight plane here and you can see when you let it down it has all that pretty texture in it but it still has a solid line down in here if it's a little too thick in the middle which a lot of times it is because the hair kind of grows in like this you can just pick it up and razor a little bit out to texture it use your eyeball like just kind of eyeball things sometimes when you're doing razor cuts just carving the shape and it's just really fun also when you're doing razor cuts make sure that you have a new blade because it's just painful and ruins hair to use a dull razor blade so make sure it's nice and clean and fresh here we go yeah I got if you guys are wondering where I got this little mini skirt cutting apron it was at the redken symposium and it's Velcro and I love it it's so convenient i'm getting used to using it still because I keep forgetting and running over to try and find clips and my scissors and shears and stuff my razors but then I remember that they are all just right here so it's nice and i'm getting used to it and i'm really loving it okay so now we're going to start taking sections of the back of her head so i'm going to take from the very top of her head if you lay the comb on there where it balances that's where we are going to go from to the back of her ear and i'm going to clip off the front section for now now we have all this back section that we need to do something with let me get my shears back out so these are the swivel double sharkfin shears and I just wanted to remind you guys that the coupon code is still good if you want to get a pair any pair of sharkfin shears the hair 101 coupon code is still active and works so check it out but now we're going to take this section of hair right here in the middle we're going to do about an inch that was a little too wide and we're going to do a little bit of some round layering here so we get to start where all of this fun razoring is you see it right there and i'm going to go just a little bit longer and i'm just going to point cut with these shears and i'm going to go with the shape of the head so this is at 90 and them i'm going to recomb this is at 90 from the head 90 degrees from the head and then when you get to the top you need to take off that little shelf because this also needs to be 90 degrees from the head so that's how you do round layers and you just follow the shape of the head that way when you let the hair down you have these really soft layers that are really blended because you did a 90 degree haircut or round the ears so i'm going to go ahead and do that from this point over here and then go back over here and start from here again and go over here using half of the section that I had just cut and combining it with another half inch of new hair so it is a traveling guide and if you lose your guide and i'm doing these deep point cuts because I want to keep it really soft I don't want to have a lot of blunt hair in there you can see by pushing the comb against the hair where your guide is if you ever lose it and if you still can't find it then you probably need to take a smaller section doing a 90 degree angle from the head every where and I love these shears because I can relax my shoulder when I'm doing stuff like this and turn my thumb and my shoulder feels so much better since I got these you guys I used to have the worst knot in my shoulder all the time so I love that it took a little while to get used to putting my thumb back in here and palming them and they are a little bit wider but I really like them not all of their shears are this wide if that is something that concerns you but okay so grabbing off this section again okay so this last section right over by her ear I am going to over direct it back a little bit because I want to start building a little bit more length around her face so that she can get a little bit of a curling iron in there because she wants to get some loose waves in her hair so this one i'm going to pull it backwards but i'm still pulling it up layering it the same okay alright and then this obviously never got cut from the back so i'm going to take this down and blend it in I do want to keep some more length on the front so that we can razor it and play with it later sometimes if i'm not sure about a section I like to just leave it there because it's not hard to razor it out once it's dry and even do some fun detail and leave it there a little bit longer or something so if i'm ever wondering what should i do with that piece sometimes i'll just make a mental note and say i'm going to leave that there and play with that when it's dry I don't really know if I want to chop if off because it could be something really fun so i'm going to go over to the other side and this can be a little bit trickier because you guide is on the opposite side that you are cutting but you should be able to take smaller sections and still see what you are doing I hear Ender up there yelling this is pretty much all like virgin hair now we're cutting off all of the color and then this last section i'm going to just pull it over a little bit okay so the basic cut is in the back now we are going to work on the front and sides oh now it seems like you have so much hair now like it seemed like you have thinner hair and now it's like you have tons of hair that's the one things that's so fun about cutting off all of this hair okay so i'm going to take this section right here on the top of her head and just kind of start to blend it back in I do want to build more length in the front so i'm going to take this section right in here the first inch and now i'm going to over direct it this way and cut an angle like this so that I can start to build a little bit more length so if you go like this and if you pull the hair straight like this and then cut it it actually is longer on the front than on the back see now you can see if i pull it back over to the 90 degree we have this angle so i'm going to do that and i'm also going to be pulling this hair back over to this stationary guide right in the middle and just piece at it that way okay so now that top section is done okay so now I need to establish the length on the bottom before I start to layer up any more of this so i'm going to go back in here and i'm going to decide it's about right there right and i'm going to go a little longer rather than shorter because every time I do haircuts really dramatic like this I want to leave like an inch of workroom to razor and texture just to make sure we can get the right look that they want because if you cut it as short as the picture looks and then you texture an razor then all of a sudden they feel like their hair is a little bit too short so I always err on the side of a little bit long because it's easier to cut it shorter than grow it out so i'm going to go ahead and start back here and this is just the perimeter i'm going to deep point cut in blending it into that back and then I always just gradually have it increase in length coming towards the front and that's easy to do just pull the hair and over direct it back then it automatically does that for you and then when you pull it forward you have a little bit more length so that's still a little bit longer than she wants it but when I layer it and everything it will be okay to have more length than not enough okay maybe we'll do a tiny bit more and remember also when it dries it shrinks up a little bit so that will probably be good once we get layers in and because half of this will be gone and it will be a little bit shorter okay so now we're going to do that to the other side try to match those lengths up you're going to have to get in front of the client a few times and comb it straight just compare the two sides but you're going off of the guide in the back that should be pretty similar so it's kind of where you start and this is the side of her hair that is a little bit thinner because she parts right here leaving less hair on this side so just be aware of that while you're cutting too little bit more and then looking at her that's about the same on both of those sides a little bit more right there okay so now we are going to layer this up a little bit so on the sides we're going to start taking a little bit of the back section and a little bit of her side right here i'm going to do this with the razor so here we go we're going to pull this out and i'm just going to take my hand underneath the hair like this and i'm going to razor out her hair and then down in here you can do it softly see this is where you can play with that chunk that you left long too and the haircut that she showed me the little inspiration picture it was really soft layers but there was definitely some shorter pieces up in here so I like doing that with the razor I think short haircuts really need razors a lot of the time to give that piece look that they want and we're starting from about there because that's where our guide is we're just piecing it out you have a little bit of a natural curl so it's going to kind of go like that that'll be fun and you can kind of play with the hair when it's wet like this and see what it's doing I can see that she has a little bit of a natural curl and that's how the picture was so that's good but if anything looks to thick or too heavy or blunt I can just go in and pencil out or carve in a little bit of texture in the ear there alright and it might be a little bit long in here now alright cute lets do this side a little bit less on this side because there is not as much hair but still trying to keep the first layer starting where the guide shows i love it already you love it already it is really cute wet even oh my gosh your hair is short i'm so excited alright so I feel like at this point it's where we would want to start drying it up and i'm not done cutting it needs some more texture obviously and the back is probably going to need a little bit of detail work too but I want to dry it up and see what we have so far so lets do that okay so now it's dry and I didn't do anything but just finger dry it because I wanted to see her natural wave and stuff it in and everything so I can see right here it's a little bit heavy still and of course I knew it would be because I was being really conservative with this side knowing that it was the thinner side of her hair but now I can go back in with the razor and if your razor feels dull at all just change it before you dry cut with it it needs to be really a fresh blade if you're dry cutting and up in here the layers are still kind of heavy even back in the back so i'm going to go through with the razor now in the back and I always just start back here I kind of like this shape that it has but if it's a little to heavy somewhere you can just piece it out alright so i'm going to start right here i'm going to pull this hair up and even though we point cut it it still has a little bit of bluntness going on so i'm just going to pencil a little bit of texture and this is amazing for short hair let me just tell you especially if they have some fine hair which hers is a little bit fine because it just makes it feel like it's so much thicker you can see right there all those short pieces that I just cut they are going to stand up and hold all of this hair up so she's going to have all this body and texture throughout her hair so this is kind of what I feel like cutting the style into her hair is because then they style it they are not going to have to try very hard to make it look good blowdrying it is going to be pretty much all they need to do and a little bit of a finishing tool over it you can see right here it's a little bit blunt still you can even take thinning shears if it's blunt and you don't want to take out too much with the razor okay so right here if there's a little bit of a blunt spot I just take the thinning shears to it and that blends it right in and right in here too a little bit blunt so right there it looks like I need to actually there must be like a little bit of a corner right here that needs to be taken off because it kind of isn't' blending yep there it is i'm just going to point cut that out it's a little bit easier to see these things once the hair is dry see that's a lot better it lays in there now so that's a little quick fix if you have something that looks a little different then it's probably because it has to have a little bit of point cutting little bit of love to blend it in when you do dramatic cuts like this I promise you guys you are always going to need to do a lot of texturing because the hair has no texture in it unless you stick it in there if you are retouching or trimming up a haircut that is short you usually have a decent amount of texture to work with so the trim is pretty easy but I always find that when I chop someones hair off it needs a lot of texture lot of love to get it to look finished okay this is like a long little tail here kinda cute but it's going to go away there we go and i'm going to pencil it out a little bit too soften it up alright so now i'm going to go over onto these i'm going to finish the mohawk actually so I had done some texturing from like here back with the razor i'm going to finish up here on the top doing the same thing i'm going to start up here and you can take a pretty big section the bigger the section you take with the razor when your doing this kind of thing the less hair you're going to be taking out because if you take a tiny little section and do that same pressure with the razor it's going to take out almost all of it so if you take a bigger chunk then you're just going to be texturing the back side of it and you'll still have more thickness to leave through the front so keep that in mind and then there's a little bit more here so i'm layering this up a little bit with the shears just because I don't want to get it any thinner because it's on this thinner side of her head but I do notice that it needs a little bit more layers and then just over here i'm doing the same thing just point cutting to blend in that section a little bit alright so what do you think i love it yeah let me do a little bit of slide cutting right here just to frame your face a little bit more alright you guys so i'm done with the cut I feel like it's good now I still have to go through and color her she wants to be a really light blond maybe with a little bit of a dark root so we're going to color it and we're going to do a color video and it will be available next week here's a picture however I will show you a before and after of the color and the cut done together right now and just be patient for next week and you can see how i did the colors so i'm not going to curl her hair right now but you will see in the picture that it is curled and colored in the after picture so thank you guys so much for watching and i hope that this was helpful for you guys I love doing short haircuts I think they are super fun you just have to keep at it and make sure you do lots of texture and don't go too short obviously and you'll be fine so don't be afraid to chop off hair and let me know what you guys think and if you want to see more videos like this comment below and please go and follow me on instagram facebook and of course if you want to get the periscope app you can see sneak previews and live actions so check that out also make sure you guys check out our aprils life channel also because we have been doing daily vlogs for over a year now well not daily vlogs for over a year close but we've been vlogging for a year and daily vlogs for almost a whole year so go and you can get lost for hours and days over there in our videos so we will be at vlogger fair in seattle in august this year if you guys are going to be there please let me know i'd love to meet you guys and I will talk hair to the end of the day with you if you come and see me there so please make sure you come if you can and thanks so much I love you guys so much for all the support I will see you guys in the next video bye
Channel: Hair 101 with April
Views: 6,918,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: style, beauty, girl, hair, hairstyles for long hair, hairstyles, hair tutorial, cute hairstyles, LONG, BOB, WOMENS, trending, celebrity, pinterest, youtube, Haircut, Salon, Styles, chop, fun, cute, hairstyles for short hair, hairdresser, fun hair, cute hair, haircuts for women, celebrity haircuts, ideas for short hair, short womens haircuts, Curly, Short, Natural Hair, Tutorial, chop job, chop it off, drastic change, long to short, short hair ideas, redken, a line, mom haircut, haircuts for moms
Id: jnnpY9Vg4Tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 17sec (2057 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2015
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