Quarantine Cooking - Depression-Era Water Pie Recipe

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so let me tell y'all something I got a wonderful text from somebody out there that watches Quarantine cooking and this came from dome from Massachusetts and listen to this Paula I have been watching your quarantine recipes on YouTube thank you for doing this have one question a friend and I came across a recipe for water pie from the depression have you ever heard of it or made it sounds weird how water can be the base of the pie and actually make a filling let me know what you think well I tell you what dawn I had never heard a water pie have you ever heard of it no so apparently our grandmothers and great-grandmother's had a little bit more than water and make their pies with but I just thought it was so interesting so Eddie went and got on the web and he found a recipe but depression well one just says water pie but another one says depression-era water pine so we're gonna try this and dawn these ingredients yes see I mean you got the ingredients but so Thank You Don for bringing this to my attention because I love doing new things now I tell you what I'm gonna feel so weird about doing this so the recipe y'all says to pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees and set your empty pie crust on a baking sheet pour one and a half some water into the pie crust go Susie if you mess up I think it's gonna be like constable be running everywhere all right it's it's in a small bowl stir together flour and sugar you can just add it to that one right there okay there you go start together flour and sugar sprinkle evenly over the water in the crust don't stir okay so sprinkle evenly over water in the crust this looks like something you do in a kindergarten yeah and it's mixed up good so you can't feel the flour this just does not sound right y'all no eggs let me tell you about bread pudding this does not go bad could tip top with YouTube's you catch the bread pudding like the king I'm glad yes Francie wouldn't love this well I you know I just love trying new things well had you ever had a shoofly pie I have happen Pennsylvania that's what kind of nudge me up a little bit but they things like molasses oh that yeah now we're gonna get this butter to melt in there no you don't you just lay it on top but we've got to do our vanilla first so now it says drizzle for Noah and just it says two teaspoons and so I guess we do some dress on it best you can drizzle that little tiny bit of vanilla sugar water all right yeah all right I'm gonna just trying to watch out that vanilla okay so now it said that the thing that makes this pie so good is that butter and you just lay it lay the butter five pieces yes cause for five tablespoons cut into five pieces I'm telling you this is just amazing all right so it's probably gonna be tomorrow yes before it's gonna be cut about because it's a bake at 400 for 30 minutes then reduce heat to 375 and cover science of the crust if needed to prevent it from burning continue cooking for an additional 30 minutes Pam will be watery when you pull it out of the oven but will gel as it cools allow to cool completely then cover in place in the fridge until chilled before cutting so it's gotten so late in the day that we won't we won't be able to taste this tonight but tomorrow in the morning when we get up we're gonna come in here and we gonna taste this chip I can't either you want to open that oven door for me and I will very gently oh my god don't stumble Paula 30 minutes yeah okay the pair is so striking I see it done until tomorrow and will move your back right here in this kitchen and we'll have some water pipe maybe we have to eat it with a straw or spoon but that's all right if you like alright so let's see what we got and believe in not you started off at the cup and a half of water in cup and a half of water pie crust in a raw pie crust I thought great time of day and it balls I'm hung ok bubbles wanted to know when I when I had these scissors out for and I rip play and I've shown me all this before I do remember but to me it just helps you get that first piece out if I think I need yes yes I'm just gonna come in here that thing else so short short on that thumb well I've already messed it up yes if you just help hold that pint for me please you know that first piece is usually very ugly trying to get it out but if you'll cut that tenth hole and then press it down scoop it up uh-huh it just helps that first piece to come out in a pre feels like it's tough no I don't think it had a crack this has had a few cracks and I worked on smoothing it out and so did you oh look ya'll it looks like a custard time now if it will just pass the taste test alright now let me say this you know what this kind of pie I think you could add lemon juice and lemon zest or orange zest you could add some cinnamon to it you could add almond extract and make it more um so this base you can take it a long way but hopefully it's gonna be so good yeah vegetables see see that's the pinch yes just a pinch because we got to make this thing pudding so it's all about looks not changed so I say alright that little piece was jagged uh-oh you're taking a long time to try it I know I'm swallowing hard y'all so we don't have but one fork so what are you gonna do let me tell you what I probably would not sure we'll just share I'm not gonna do that to ya alright oh I'll go first yes Bon Appetit yo now I'm going to have a little cream with mine I wouldn't make that again I would make it again but put a little something in it to give it a little bit more flavor but that's delicious it's like a custard pie without come on Teresa one get you a fork it takes you during the Depression when you didn't have anything I'm gonna taste it without the whipping cream so water sugar a little bit of flour and you got that probably had floured am I so excited during the Depression they didn't have a ready-made choice Teresa ain't got nothing it's different let's put it like that in there right in the article it said put five slices of butter five tablespoons just slice it and put it on top of the pie and they say that really makes a pond and it does without the butter I don't know so I can't wait to take this out ain't pity and let her gasp see if she can guess and she was during the Depression yes I I don't know she was born in 2009 yeah definitely yeah all right we got some more things coming up y'all so let's put this away so we can go to the next when you want to see downs young girl you did good got a try
Channel: Paula Deen
Views: 449,030
Rating: 4.8367109 out of 5
Keywords: paula deen, southern comfort food, southern cooking, water pie, quarantine cooking, Depression-Era Water Pie Recipe, interesting desserts, unique dessert
Id: DufQaBB4P5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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