Quaint My Ride with Jeremy Clarkson - Top Gear - BBC autos

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it's not quite what I want so what do you want I want it to be like my house is your house very stylish no I mean you can mark okay and you probably will instead of normal seats wingback chairs I want a stone flag floor why not have a wood-burning stove quaint my ride you want and the really agreed to try a few things out saying she'd meet me as a workshop in a week's time unfortunately when we met up it quickly became apparent that Marie had completely ignored my ideas and designed a vodka bar this is what I have what I have done is that I have actually created a little boat which is for the drivers on that side means the passenger side you've got a piece of glass which can convert it's an electric glass which can become opaque it's actual em of the design is to create this relaxation to one another tweed go with it a once wing-backs and a want a stone floor I left Marie to have a rethink and went to meet the builders your polish have you done a car before no small bathrooms we don't need a bath the first job was to strip the Merc of its plastic word and each leather I've got a good mind to thereunto the boss and mercedes-benz to his house and see if he's got any of that in it I know you're not happy but you're designing the sort of thing I'm after and that's important this is not design it's brilliant I like eating something it's not silly it's a dog house no I'm really sorry no I know I know tonight I am NOT have an idea okay we'll try it my way first and then we'll finish meanwhile the polls had found a problem with my intended location for the wood-burning stove is that the petrol tank your skinnies not going to work in this I mean hello let's be really we'd have to move the petrol tank we'll make a smaller petrol tank that can't be very difficult and then put it in the front passenger foot well he's a real rose face I mean with all due respect he has no idea but did an absolutely no idea [Music] finally the center console and all the seats were where they belonged in a skin problem we've got is that the floor of the back is raised is higher than the floor at the front so where are we gonna get a wingback chair that's only two feet tall it doesn't work your skin does not work this is why you gave them in the wall oh it's too difficult this is much this is what the British team is not on no no we think how do we get around their ass that may pose no Marie felt car interior design should be done in a studio but I was determined what he needed was a builder's yard is what I'm talking about a cement mixer forget you welding forget your plastic Aliyah poppers some cement and some plasterboard [Music] the cement would form a base for my stone flag floor and while it has been mixed I introduced Marie to a builder's lunch oh I mean that is revolting that is really rewarding the cement was finally ready all this concrete together level is gonna be two tongues right well let's see how well this cars made then pour away and I'll watch the tire explode next the door panels and of course Marie wanted something from the planet zorg this is fantastic it comes in different colors as Jamie please any bit of style but she lost that battle as well yes but what you want to do with it is going to be hideous when you hear this just hear Agincourt that's all you need to hear this is a dog that's not designed this is said design honestly I mean I would hate to see this house I can imagine his parents having powerful with him as a child and again today because he hasn't grown much heavy with anglo-french relations as an all-time low it looked like the car would never actually be finished but it was and here it is as you can see I've got a wooden floor in the in the front and in a back I've gone for stone flags now while we're there we got the log store the wood-burning stove there's a little bookcase with a globe on the top here's my wingback i found one that fitted and of course all the furniture is fully adjustable this one you see goes forwards and back and this is a really nice touch it is a work of genius this I mean normally everything I do on top gear either ends up in a hedge or at the bottom of a lake but I really AM properly proud of that yes to find out if his creation worked we thought we'd take it out for a little test drive just my seat all right you ready yes a problem started you go in the back I'm gonna go in the back now obviously Jeremy had added quite a lot of weight to the car so how would it affect performance so this was a 2.8 litre six cylinder nought to 60 about 11 seconds with the concrete floor and floorboards on top of that it's gonna take longer than that well I brought a stopwatch we're approaching 35 miles an hour this is the fastest and Hathaway's cottage has ever be 43 miles an hour good yes if this gets any slower we'll have to redecorate it'll have gone out the chimneys fallen are you joking keep going I am 56 miles an hour 59 60 thirty five point four seconds I'm gonna break having retrieved the chimney we checked out the electrical systems it's stuck reverse gear brake lights brake lights are on they're not well the brakes are on well the brake lights aren't working that's an MOT failure it's more than that mate the wire for the brake pads to whatever the brake lights yeah he's on the floor in there ah under the concrete yes he's concreted there in never mind time to turn up the heater and test the handling three two one coming up race now turning James regain control the cottage you're bleeding quite a lot James I can see double its left and we're nearly there what what this is rubbish terrible you
Channel: Top Gear
Views: 2,959,910
Rating: 4.9159451 out of 5
Keywords: BBC, car, design, drive, funny, challenge, Top, Gear, Jeremy, Clarkson, Stig, Hammond
Id: zbU0UJAdFj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 30 2009
Reddit Comments

Starting at 5:55, is truly how it feels vandwelling driving! LOL!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SunnySouthTexas 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

How the hell did they get my build plans?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Opcn 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2019 🗫︎ replies
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