QLD CHAMPIONSHIPS // ROUND TWO // Last big race of 2021??

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys welcome back so this one is cool on queensland's uh final round of the queensland titles but before we jump into that um got a sponsorship announcement so the guys at bluefin led actually jumped on the program a couple months ago now i'm just a little bit of late to this announcement but they've been awesome to us they're actually a marine company and uh so not so much in the motor industry but their motor enthusiast they follow the sport they follow me so really cool guys over there what they're about is marine lighting so basically they can do your underwater lights for your boats um docks all that sort of stuff whether it's little boats big yachts whatever you got so yeah they've jumped on board the program um been a huge help to me and yeah if you're into the water stuff you've got a boat um try to think of those bluefin and support those guys who support me because it helps me a lot um all right guys we'll throw you into the cooling video we're all signed on set up we've got big crews here this weekend kayla's parents because magnus and brekkie jed set up next to us yeah we gotta have a go should we cool it's always cool racing it um cool em just because we've got so many family and friends like it's local state race um only a couple hours from where we grew up so we always have a big crew here um all signed on ready to go so just gonna go to writer's briefing now um see what they have to say and that will get started [Music] practice has started so we're up eight today um just doing a bit of last minute bike work so chucking on some fresh grips um ideally have all the bike work and prep done like yesterday um not have to do anything the morning of the race but with us traveling around and whatever so much you get a little bit behind so race day i'm usually just trying to leave it just a couple small things i've got to do so let's do tire pressures make sure the forks and everything is all set where i want sag grips and just a little stuff [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes i think i think you just need to work on your qualifying strategy as well okay so like you did like three laps and then you only gave yourself 10 second rest and then you seen the green flag and went for it so you're like a bit blown up because your second life was actually better than your first player yeah like i don't know the time you look better you need to give yourself more rest you know like commit to one lap and then roll one lap so you get your breath so then you're more explosive yeah okay but with your ride i think um when you know when you're standing up and you get like a bump you like you fall into the bike collapse a little bit and you're losing a lot of energy there like you need to be like more positive and strong through your legs like just be stern and don't fall into the bike to hit that bump if you just stay strong through your legs the bike will just keep driving well you know where you're good though your entry speed on that big bulb yeah like you're hauling us around there yeah okay that was good is that the right hand drafted the right hand yeah i thought that too yeah like still look at the inside but like you're doing the burn good [Music] i wanted [Music] oh my god [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] already started to uh um [Music] he's going to pick up the last clap boys [Music] [Music] all right guys so day one all done it's uh what it's quarter past five now just going to hang out with the family i got the whole crew dean renee the girls grandma granddad michaela's parents my dad's here um so i've got a big crew at the back of the pit so i'll just go hang out but uh yeah solid day um i was happy with our road in qualifying i just felt like i was flowing i was felt fairly strong on the bike which is typically an issue for me i flop around when i'm not comfortable um whereas i felt pretty pretty comfy on it um but yeah once the motor came around i just went back to flopping around and just leaked so i still got fifth so solid result but just not the um not the writing i was hoping for so i want to turn that around i'm not too bummed about it or anything i still got a good result and um sort of pieced together a solid moto it just just wasn't quite the writing i was hoping for so we'll turn around and yeah just enjoy the weekend the whole crew a little bit of a sleep in this morning didn't get up until like just after seven uh just because day like no briefing and everything on the sunday track is unprepped so just gonna go grab a coffee and then do a bit of a track walk just to check out some lines and stuff see if i can pick up on anything [Music] camera doesn't do the thing justice this gives you a bit better idea of what the track forms like so it's sort of it's ruddered but then it turns into berms um and gets like rollers and kickers and then the lines all swap over each other it's actually a super fun track if you're in a flow if you're not it's a struggle [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] how's that babe brutal brutal looks brutal i think i just gotta face the fact that i'm just nowhere near fit enough or strong enough yeah just like to run the pace that they run you need so much strength and fitness like i could maybe do it for a lap and that's it like honestly one lap i think i'm trying to like i'm like okay if i just don't make mistakes i'll be fast but i'm going so slow to not make mistakes [Music] it makes a big difference if you can get on top of those rollers usually you can make a mistake and then gain your speed again today they're so heavy they're like you fall in even on the 450 i feel like i'm just come on yeah you just got to go out and wax fill this one oh don't let him down [Music] we're all about that 25th place battle yeah you know the abandoned behind closed doors eh yeah he was not happy when he comes [Music] you need to make sure you put that [Music] one to go last one for the year [Music] just hold him you got to get the hole [Music] so [Music] battling [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] following along [Music] i'm not sure [Music] [Music] [Applause] defending well dangerous game there in that fifth position but i think evans now has got him sorted out [Applause] [Music] okay so that might be the season all wrapped up we're unsure um but finished day two queensland titles um five five five for the weekend fifth in qualifying two i was just the fifth best guy this weekend plain and simple didn't have the speed of the front guys and then sorta was just a bit above the guys behind me um last night it was interesting so um me and another guy got in a pretty heated battle a bit aggressive the moto before so annoyed me a little bit we uh did a bit of cat and mouse and whatever and i went down and one of the moves he made was pretty aggressive and in a silly spot so that sort of got me pretty angry and it just like showed that it wasn't so much my ability it was more something else holding me back comfort or whatever because i put in a couple heaters i dropped my lap time by about four seconds a lap after that um caught in blew him away pretty easy so uh yeah i just got to figure that out got to be able to pick up on that um like make it on tap a little bit more rather than wait until i don't know wait until someone takes me out or something i need to be able to just harness it so it was cool to see that though i've got the talent i've got the skill there to go fast i just something in me just holds it back so um got to get that aggression in me but massive thank you to everyone who made this season happen um obviously koala racing unit is a unit shirt you can't see the logo um unit maxis motorcycles are us um everyone who helps us out fernication had his table out all weekend bluefin led um i don't want to go through the list and then miss a bunch but um yeah massive thanks to everyone who helps us out obviously my people backyard designs just the whole crew johnny for helping out mikaela dad all season long it was um it was awesome there may still be nationals and this might be a bit bit too early but yeah i think i'm going to pretty well from now get into more of a pre-season program start trying to get stronger and increase the cardi increase the cardio i don't really feel like i need time off i just want to try to structure it and start getting fitter and better now rather than wait you know um wait give myself a break and get even less fit because i know i'm not quite where i need to be right now and i've already taken a little bit of time off just with the coaching and stuff so um yeah don't talk and bore you guys too much more but we'll uh yeah got some changes in the works i've got some deals and stuff trying to sort out for next year but we're um yeah all wrapped up for this one and again thanks for watching appreciate all the support it's unreal can't wait to get into it [Music] you
Channel: Joel Evans
Views: 4,997
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Privateer to Pro, Privateer 2 Pro, P2P, Joel Evans, Joel Evans Privateer to Pro
Id: H7haotTBlD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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