QidiTech Stepped up BIG TIME - The NEWLY UPDATED X-Plus3

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[Music] oh no [Music] what's going on everybody Federer here from 3D print SOS welcome back to the channel and today we're talking about this washer dryer combo that I have here the chitty Tech X plus three and the reason why I have two of them here is because there's a little bit of an interesting story with the way that this machine was released I initially got this one down here a little bit earlier this year and I actually covered it quite a bit there should be a video popping up right over here the X plus three was a really exciting machine it's one it was one of the first machines that came out in this wave to go core XY really fast with Clipper pre-installed and I really enjoyed my time with it I tested it quite extensively put I think believe this machine has a little over 500 hours this has a little over 100 hours now um but I ended up running into a bunch of little issues here and there was kind of a pain to calibrate and then ended up stopping to use this machine while cheaty Tech figured out what was going on but essentially what happened was they figured figured out with the help of some YouTubers as well they figured out that there were some problems with the chassis itself and the way that the chamber heated it caused some Z issues with the machine and what they did was in a class act in my opinion they pulled the machine off from market and they were letting people get a full refund letting them keep the machine with no warranty but keep the machine with a full refund or get half of a refund and keeping the machine with a warranty which is just amazing that's almost unheard of with a 3D printing these days so definitely very very nice gesture by them and I can confirm these things by uh some of my Discord members patreon members and people in the comments of my YouTube videos so I was very very happy that they handled that portion very well then about three or so months later we got the new machine the updated X plus three and I can confidently say that this machine took a lot for me to get printing to the way that it does now a lot of calibration and new up updated parts from chitty Tech however all I've done with this one as you can see I didn't even take the stickers off I have unboxed it and it has been printing since I have I can confidently say that I haven't run into a single issue with this but that's not really the point there's plenty of videos just saying that hey they fixed this machine I want to go ahead and show you all of the changes that they managed to do in that time and yes obviously they should have done this from the beginning I understand but I kind of want to highlight how much did they manage the cram changes that they managed to cram they must have had I guess opportunities to think of this stuff through and maybe couldn't meet the demand of the launch schedule something along those lines I don't know what it is I'm not a part of the company but I thought they were cool and I want to show you some of the changes now if you do have one of these lower machines and you did happen to have a warranty I would say contact treatytech they're going to send you some parts to bring it up to speed now if you have it if you don't have warranty you can buy some of these parts directly from chitty Tech and they're actually really inexpensive there's two really main ones it is the brand new hotens and the Leveling Sensor with those two things and their latest configuration on for Clipper this machine runs perfectly fine the only thing to note is the main problem is with the chassis heating so if you need to print anything with all the doors open and the top open you are fine to go but if you wanted to print something that needs an enclosure or needs to be a little hotter you need to preheat this machine you need the chamber needs to get hot the Plastics need to settle and then you have zero issues like I said I've been printing endless spools on this thing already in fact the war on Trident that's behind me here all of the parts were printed on this machine for that one so quite a lot of a filament has gone through this thing and some rigorous testing so essentially new hotend with a new fan a new Leveling Sensor some configuration changes and this thing is good to go and this has just fixed everything so here's what I want to do in this video I want to take the camera handheld and I'm going to show you what's on the inside of the machine the hot end and then rotate the thing show you the back rotate the thing show you the bottom because I thought it was pretty impressive all the changes that they have made all right let's get to it alright so externally there hasn't been any changes nothing on the screen as well all of that is kept the same they are identical from the outside there's no actual way to know which one is which all of the changes come from here the the first thing you might notice is on the bottom here there is a brace and these bumps here because this bottom is metal instead of plastic that's the the easiest way to tell the second fastest way to tell is instead of carbon fiber rods we got these hollow steel rods but let's let's jump down on the bot bottom here there's a couple more changes that you don't notice right off the bat first of all the bed wires this bed wire has been moved to the center away from the heater the heater was originally nearly touching that wire and because of that they were limiting us to use the heater only up to about 45 or 50. Max although it can go 65 on this particular machine these little uh areas here make this a little bit more robust and then not only is this entire chassis all connected in metal they have this pretty thick metal bar that goes across the bottom and it says X plus three uh here and a nice little Fawn here and that makes this thing so so so much more robust and there's actually more bracing on the bottom these Hardware screws that you see actually go all the way through and you'll see at the bottom a little bit later because of that there's also a change here where that this motor is in a different location than the old one so if we take a peek down here you can tell no motor you can tell wire right here there's just a couple things down here and this entire base is plastic and soft and we've all seen that portion so that that's the changes that are easily visible down here then we look a little bit higher and it might get a little harder to see but there's also a fan now directly on the back here so that is another an additional chamber fan that goes just straight out back where the motherboard is and we'll see it once again when I open that back area but that is definitely a new thing there the old one does not have that chamber fan so as we keep going uh there's a couple more changes here uh even these uh lead screws are different they're the bearing the way that it's held there with a little grommet that is done in a different way the mounting for these rails completely is uh definitely different this whole area has been redone to make the bed uh area more robust which is very nice not that the other one was flimsy but it seems like they just made it more efficient and uh better and I'm guessing they had to change this to make room for some of the clearances so they took that opportunity to upgrade those parts and make that area better for us all all right then moving towards the top like I mentioned briefly they went ahead and changed these rods to be hollow steel I personally haven't had any issues with the carbon I'm gonna have a hard time showing you them because well I ended up putting this machine on top for this video but yeah there's no visible damage to those rods after you know a ton of printing obviously a whole bunch of hours on this one so nothing to really show there I'm not exactly sure why but I guess people were concerned about the longevity of the carbon rods so they ended up switching that over then when we come over to the haran the hotend is a little bit different um let me go ahead and pop this off there we go I accidentally dropped it so I won't be able to show you but the hotend itself uh here is sleeved on top and that's the the easiest way to know is there is a little sleeve that goes into the filament has a smoother surface going all the way down uh the other noticeable thing is well I guess you can't really visually see but this fan is a higher RPM hotend fan so it does actually uh the old one uh was a little bit slower and that ended up causing some heat creep and clogging so this fan fixes that as well the other thing that's noticeably different is we got the LEDs automatically turning off but this sensor right here the the Leveling Sensor was typically in the back on the bottom and I've gone through several revisions on the other machine and this little sidecar version that comes off the side instead of the back is so far the best one it is more accurate it is lighter it is just in a better location then on this side you might notice that well they removed the manual cutter I actually kind kind of missed that feature I was using it all the time instead of getting a hot you know molten filament to go through your gears or or if the printer was cold I would just push the cutter and then pull the filament through and I actually really like that feature so I kind of miss it on this one but I know on the internet people were complaining about it or saying it was useless so I guess if it was you know if enough people said that it was useless then it's gone but there you go the other part that would be kind of hard to illustrate is this back cover is a little bit different the old cover had this quick glance a little uh piece here that you could just pop off that made it easier to get into the back Electronics here to see if anything I guess was unplugged or anything like that maybe see the the LEDs I actually had run mine off so that just the back it gets a little bit more cooling this one is a solid piece I've had no issues with cooling whatsoever so no reason for that if you wanted to take this off there's just four screws that gets you to the back of that PCB so nothing crazy that there another thing that's up here is these screws that you see sticking out that is actually how you go ahead and tension the belts on this machine I haven't done it on it yet but it is as easy as undoing this and using this for tension we see it here too the other machine had them as well but they were sent in a separate little package and here they're integrated into the machine so nice and easy there and here's another view of that chamber fan that we didn't have before so just better wire management stronger chassis a lot of different improvements here grommets where they need to be more metal where there needs to be just a bunch of different improvements here all right let me go ahead and rotate this upper machine actually I'll rotate both of the machines so that you see the difference in them we'll open up the back and let me show you what's different back there all right so here is the back of the machine and there is actually quite a bit of differences just alone in this cover if we come down here you can see I don't even have mine because it's over here it actually lives under there and I don't use it because well you can see that the only air that it can get is through these tiny holes and the only fan that's on here is this fan in the corner it actually draws air from well nowhere but it does blow air onto your motherboard and this is how I keep my machine it's always in the very back I personally don't mind it obviously don't do that if you're uncomfortable with your electronics being exposed like this but that's how I always ran it because it just seemed like this would get a lot more air this way and just be slightly better but coming back up here you could tell they added much more holes for air as well as a dedicated fan that's getting air directly from the outside here so let me take off the last screw that's holding this in place and show you what's underneath all right and here it is with the cover off and as you can tell not much really has changed outside of the cover which was kind of the important part however it's important to say that the fan that's on the inside here is actually blowing air in to this chamber so it actually creates some moving air and all of these holes become significantly more functional as well as this fan pretty much constantly blowing out I do wish there were a couple more uh of these fan ports on this motherboard that way you can have fans that aren't just on all the time such as this case fan because this is a somewhat loud fan you could put a noctua on here and have this be silent which I would suggest if you're into that kind of thing but just so you know this fan is definitely always on with the motherboard and on the previous one there was a fix where because you're running Clipper you could just move it to this port right here change a simple configuration and Clipper and be good to go but because of this one this one I believe is on off hopefully I'm wrong about that and someone can figure that out there's also a pwm area over here but I believe those are 5 volt so you'd have to have a 5 volt fan instead of a 24 volt so there are still ways around this most likely but in its configuration this fan is always on there's a couple other little changes like for example they're clearly using a different USB cable than they were before but that's not really a major change it's the same board just different fan configurations uh that make make this area a little bit better all right let's go ahead and flip both of these to the bottom so I can show you what's going on down there all right and here is the bottom of the machine and as you can tell everything is braced we got metal bracing on metal bracing on metal so the bottom is now metal all of this has metal standoffs across everywhere and everything on here is kind of tied together you can tell that the mean well power supplies have been placed slightly differently here's the old machine there is a brace down here but this is really thin metal I can kind of flex it very easily and it all goes into a plastic every wearing the whole bottom of the chassis here is plastic you can see the meanwhile power supplies are down there not that that part matters but I guess they did it to make it just as strong as possible and let me tell you it definitely works all the way down to the feet uh just being in plastic whereas there they are in metal as well as them including these so yeah lots of changes I think the wiring is really neat down here by the way there is a live stream that I did when I unboxed it I took all this off it took a closer look the wiring is very well done there's just a lot going on in this machine as you can see there's quite the list all right let me flip this back around and I'll see you on the other side hey guys all right now that we're back down I actually had a couple more notes that are worth mentioning like for example there's more space for files now in the Clipper config I don't know whether it has to do with the virtual SD card or the actual uh USB stick that they gave us uh now but there's more space for us to host files you know in our front end there and you don't get the low memory uh warning all of the time so that's really nice that'll also help just host as many configuration files or whatever you might want to do in there if you want to do anything in there you're now able to a little bit better uh the other things are they better calibrated the machine out of the box uh I definitely haven't done a single thing here and this prints on par with the old one and the old one I went through literally every single possible configuration and calibration that I could to get it printing on point and this does it right out of the box so they definitely improved that there's no more language or graphical issues on this screen and the start screen the old one especially the very first time it came out I had a bunch of different glitches and some of the text went off screen and some of it was still in Chinese some of it was in English they fixed all those little issues or at least the majority of them on this one so that's really nice the screen LED uh the screen and LEDs are off after a certain amount of idle like for example right now if I touch the screen there we go the lights went on and the screen went on I really wish the fan was silent I think that's the only con that I have found so far outside of you know the the this film spool being on the back and the sensor being back there but you know that's that's nitpicking at this point yeah so that's a really nice feature so when this thing idles it turns off those things just to save a little bit of light leak into your room if you like it dark the USB stick manufacturer has changed I know that's not really important but it went from being like a kind of like a bulky big plastic USB stick to a nice compact metal one like I said that not a big deal but worthy it did change they did improve it there's no more Z level switch on the bottom of the machine the bed used the home actually on the bottom on the old one here it's completely gone it just uses the sensor to home on the hot on there and it is good to go none of that extra wiring or hardware needed there's only one clamp holding down the PTFE tube on the Chain now before it was held on in multiple places I think two or three and that could cause some binding in the filament so they just made it one it's a lot more loose it's a little more free and trouble free with any kind of binding whatsoever in that PTFE tube and the only other thing I briefly touched on is the rubber feet I don't know where I put them but they're very similar to these rubber feet right here and they help lift the machine up a little bit and get a little bit more air to the fans on the bottom of the dual power supplies that are on this thing I'm choosing not to use them right now just to see if it plays any kind of role there is still space underneath so there is air going in especially on the sides more so than the front and the back there but if you need a little bit more dampening or something along those lines you have the feet that come with it now all right as you can see there's quite a lot of changes now I want to go over some of the prints that I've done on this thing kind of show those off so let's head back up to the desk I want to show you those and do our little conclusion see up there [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] first up is pla pla is very easy on this machine you just have to make sure that you don't put the top on or the door in this thing just kills it because of the way that it levels the bed I've always managed to use pretty much the majority of the build plate as you guys saw in the video and I printed a ton of these parts for this wall as well as many others that I didn't take any video for and that thing just the quality of it has been really really great one of my favorite ones are these little Allen key tools that turn your standard Allen Keys into essentially drivers and you can still use them as a t-handle a very easy print works very well and you can also mount it onto this honeycomb wall lots of lots of customizations available for these things like for example this Mount right here was made by Surge and was sent to me to hold my beloved Screwdriver from Hodo so there you know if I need something like this on one of my live streams I can just easily hop over here grab whatever I need and jump back in for me this works perfectly fine in pla if you wanted to mount something like this in the garage or something along those lines you probably want something like petg at least or ABS or ASA but pla was perfect for this and I printed a ton of it uh one of the other things I printed was TPU first try zero issues uh worked great out of the box I don't have it on hand I gave it to a friend they were mounts that go inside of a clamp and they're meant to hold fragile tubing that can get scratched that need to be held in tight so TPU was actually perfect for that and you know the printer did really well next up is petg and abs so let's jump over there all right so next up is petg and abs so all these arms and the yellow parts are all printed in a matte black petg uh the yellow is obviously yellow ptg and then the bottom uh mounting bracket that's held onto the table uh including the screw uh and nut area down there all of that is printed in Black ABS once again the machine just absolutely goes through all of this with ease I didn't run into a single issue uh and that's kind of been the theme for this machine and that's why I decided to make this video in the way that I did but this arm is another really cool design just like that honeycomb wall that still uses the honeycomb pattern so you could Mount things onto this if you really wanted to but one of the things I went for with this system was I ended up not using teeth on the bottom so that I can rotate them out like this and this is meant to hold my computer my laptop sitting up I usually have the laptop right over there for live streams and I broke my uh a printed Mount that I've been using for years so I wanted something a little bit more robust and this thing has so much versatility I can remove an arm I can add more arms I can adjust them very easily these are meant to be adjusted on the fly so you could easily just Mount this however you want and then when you have a more permanent solution they even give you an allen key that you could use to tighten things up as you go so very cool once again printing a lot of useful things on that machine and using it all over the place and it has been absolutely great all right let's move on all right so what's the conclusion well I really wanted to make this video just to highlight the fact that Not only was chitty Tech's service amazing throughout this entire thing and just the stories that I heard from you know my subscribers and my channel members uh but also just the fact that it's really cool to see a comeback like that uh you know creality as an example is k1 over here also had a rocky start and they also corrected their problems but I feel like this one was significantly more dramatic uh significant changes were had to the machine and it's just a very interesting thing that happened that I'm unaware of uh you know in my personal experience with 3D printing and I thought that this type of thing should be highlighted and I really liked the way that chitty tick handled themselves throughout this thing and now the printer is really really good I think that you know there's a lot of machines coming out in this category in the price range and it's going to be harder and harder to kind of differentiate themselves uh people seem to be picking a brand that kind of like really going in on it and closing themselves off on other brands uh which is understandable you know people get excited about this tech and and stuff like that but if you can fit this machine into your work area and into your workflow I don't think you're going to be disappointed the only thing that really sets some of the other machines apart I guess is the K1 maybe feels a little bit more expensive and obviously significantly more compact than this the bamboo lab machines although I don't have any of those in hand they have the capability of the AMS system uh you know and the fact that their software works really well uh with their own machines the quality of those machines is really good but multi-materials really it's major you know differentiator there amongst these machines so if you don't need multi-material you can fit this machine into your workflow I don't think you can go wrong this thing has done everything that I've thrown at it with flying colors so I'm obviously extremely happy with it and I I just wanted to share that with you all so if you have any specific questions about this machine or want me to compare it to something else like for example the K1 Max might be slightly better in a comparison than just the original K1 just because of its size or at least the print size for that matter but let me know down in the in the comments below what you guys are interested in learning more about this machine I've covered it pretty extensively at this point and I'm just like I said just happy to keep pointing things out all right looking forward to hearing from everybody that's all from me and as always I'll see y'all in the comments later [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: 3DPrintSOS
Views: 5,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #3DPrinting, #AdditiveManufacturing, #RapidPrototyping, #FDMprinting, #SLAprinting, #SLSprinting, #PowderBedFusion, #DLPprinting, #FilamentPrinting, #ResinPrinting, #CADdesign, #CAM, #Prototyping, #Engineering, #Manufacturing, #ProductDesign, #DIY, #Maker, #STEM, #Education, #Innovation, #Industry40, #ArtificialIntelligence, #Automation, #Robotics, #Technology, #Future, #Creativity, #Entrepreneurship, #3DPrintSOS, #3dprinter, #3dprinted, #3D Printer, #unboxing, #Tech Review, #techreview, #CoreXY, #Fast Print, #Fast Printing
Id: Z372LnUbCoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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