QI - What's the IKEA Effect REACTION

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all right welcome back boying reviews Nick here chody there we restarted this because I still have something in my eye so just don't find me just ignore her good luck we are excited for another Qi reaction as Jody calls it interesting key no I don't you always call it that it's like your joke apparently thought so or it's a parent Nam Lee and we are excited to check out Miss Sarah milikin on this clip from Qi otherwise known as ke which one we checking out today what's the Ikea effect now it's interesting because we reacted to a wilty another British Show game show I guess you can call it about Ikea now we have Ikea again she's sitting in a brand new assembled IKEA chair for crying out loud and I mentioned on the last video that I don't hate Ikea but I don't think I get nearly as excited as everyone else when they go there because I'm the one that's the manual label that has to assemble all the stuff I'm the one has to wait over there for the bulk stuff from the warehouse while everyone else is getting like their little ices or their drinks or their smoothies or whatever nonsense they have at the cashier there when we got this chair that she's sitting on you can't even see it cuz it's so small it was in the warehouse in the bulk area why I have no idea anyways all I'll say is that Ikea I like the little things there I don't like the big furniture cuz I don't think it's made very well there you go I agree but it's it's not a horrible store by any stretch of the imagin experience absolutely so we're excited to check this one I don't even know what the Ikea effect is I don't know that phrase we're going to find out if you like our reaction anyway please don't forget to like subscribe and hit that notification Bell so you can be aware of our next uploaded videos there's a video being recommended called the history of the toast sandwich o is that just a sandwich with toast as a bread I enjoy that stuff maybe a toasted sandwich a panini I like toast who doesn't like toast here we toast tell me this which do you find most convincing the Ikea effect the rhyme as reason effect or the frequency illusion is the Ikea effect just arrows on the floor is that what that is just not being able to get out of anywhere ever yes exactly I know is that prison prison with te may be better understood by saying things like if you make crab apple jelly say or or or Jam in my case apricot jam I made last year and it's just the best apricot jam there ever was I know this it's a fact it's the best aot Jam anyone has ever tasted but I'm told that it's part of the Ikea effect in other words if you've made it yourself from your own ingredients you just think it's better than anything else that you could buy in a shop or anything else is that why people are really smug about their babies basically they are a n effect they what's the other two effect have any equivalent of that effect I'm Fierce fond of a decent bowel movement I like that I would often call my wife and children in and look what daddy made he thought I was reading that is preferable to if you're a fan of someone else's though isn't it I'm a huge fan of Alan Davis's bowel movement weird well let's move on to the second in our list let's do which is the rhyme as reason effect what do you think that can be about is that like um no pain no gain yes or treat them mean keep them Kean be another oh like there's loads of alcohol ones isn't there like if you drink wine you'll be fine and yeah beer you'll be queer only shot that did work didn't it yeah yeah it worked on me only sh get the to that's all the thing isn't there one with Grape and Grain yeah oh never the twin with no they do seem to work in in as much as if you suggest kind of rhyming piece of advice to someone and to another group of people you put the same sentiment that doesn't rhyme I completely understand what they're talking about because I think it's just more appealing to the ear when someone says something it R oh I that rhymes that's awesome I love that advice I think because it Rhymes you either remember it better or you like it more automatically so you actually pay attention to what it says as opposed to like this the great so and so said this this this this that's great thanks for sharing that with me when it Rhymes we're just like oh cool I love rhyming in class kids I be like wait what I was like it's just cuz it Rhymes I like it cuz it Rhymes leave me alone it's just it's appealing to the ears yeah to another group of people you put the same sentiment that doesn't rhyme they'll believe the rhyming one so for example they gave wealth makes Health to a group of people and almost all of them agreed with it they then said financial success improves medical outcomes and they didn't agree at all despite it meaning the same thing so it shows there is a strange quality that also it's easier to remember as well so you might to pass it on to somebody else AR that's right and it seems just to have some sort of Authority or impr premature an ordinary phrase doesn't it's also the Keats heuristic because it's beautiful it must be true beauty is truth and truth beauty is the idea you may remember OJ Simpson's defense lawyer Johnny Cochran remember oh the it doesn't fit if the glove doesn't fit you must that's it yeah that seems be one of the things that got specific as well you can't use that not going to come up a lot that it worked on the day though you've got to be in it to win it to win it yes points me and prizes no I'm not very good at this an apple a day of course doct for away red light in the sky shepherd's pie that's not night Shepherd's Delight I get it the frequency illusion does that mean anything to you no is that the re should when I use the word heuristic it may be okay I'm sorry I just got to guess on this one cuz it's fun is it like when you buy a new car right and like oh that's our car and then like 8 miles oh that's our car okay because you're familiar with it you feel like you see it all the time now mhm I or maybe something that you see all the time you remember more or that's think more of it I don't know let's see no reason why it should when I use the word heuristic it may be that you didn't know the word but it's quite likely that in a couple of days you might see it in a magazine or hear someone else using it on the radio or television you go that's weird I only just heard that word for the first time two days ago and now it keeps cropping up everywhere you never had that experience I was talk to someone about this it was rich I just had this experience this week and I can't remember what it was yeah but it was that exact it that's it we reacted yesterday a student had dissected an owl pellet and it was a vow and I had never heard of that before and then we react to the show oh my gosh yeah and I had no idea what that was so it was pretty crazy good memory keeps cropping up everywhere you never had that experience I was talking to someone about this it was Richard Osman cuz he was complaining about people saying there's always tennis questions on pointless oh yes and the moment you think that there's tennis questions on pointless if you see one you think well that completely reinforces everything that's right all these things are are called a sort of cognitive bias they push you into a way of thinking some different ways of so you can tell the most appalling lie if it Rhymes or It's featured on Qi the one guy I don't know his name I'm sorry I'm sure the comment section has told us before I don't know his name the guy was always on Stephen Fry's right he did not seem interested at all on that top say anything no nothing he was like is this one done yet yes I got some shopping to do after this seriously I thought that was so interesting though because I totally agree with all three of those if you make something like it means more it definitely means more and you're typically proud of it even if it's crap you're like but look what I did see that's one that I don't agree with because that's just not how I am and maybe it's just like low self-confidence I don't know I'm just like no you know even need to look at it I made it it's garbage let's not worry about it um I mean accomplishments yes you're proud of and you're excited but it's like when the kid makes the astray right in second grade and Mom and Dad don't smoke they're so proud of it I and I get that as a parent you're going to play that game no the kids so proud of it I get it but the parents play that game and then the kid sees it three years later like why' you keep this piece of crap I mean I don't know essentially it's called the Ikea effect because I'm going to be really annoying here and really really you know I can't nitpick here but you didn't provide those materials you bought those you followed instructions yes you put it together but for me I'm more proud of when someone else puts it together for me we just had a table delivered they assembled the entire thing I didn't have to worry about I was way more proud of that than why am I doing this garbage screws not going in it breaks oh that was my fault I don't know that's just me but I understand the idea I just I think there's a lot of delusion to that like you bake cookies for the first time or a pie or whatever for the first time when you're like guys isn't this so good I baked isn't it great and then people are like yeah it's fantastic we love it please make it again I guess you're right I guess I'm the opposite cuz if I make something then I question is it okay does it taste fine does it look okay is this okay you're right okay so fine so I'm the rhyming and I am the uh frequency you're right okay what else what else did you guys can someone record that please like The Book of Life or something can we record that she said I was right we're going to end the video right there thank you much for watching don't forget to like And subscribe I was right and until next time every time I say you're right so I'd like to know how many times there's probably quite a few goodbye
Channel: Boring Reviews
Views: 14,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pny7p_yQ9ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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