QGIS Town hall Meetup with Tim

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there we go all righty i've got my camera on there no no i've been kicked out of my room so you can see all the analog books base there in the background yeah 100 what magazines are those on the shelves they're actually all old getaway magazines okay a couple of needle workbooks geology books for my sister yeah cool stuff nice all right so who's waiting in the wings are they did you already invite them in um so i just invited whoever wanted to be here let's go look in the telegram and see if anyone wants to join us there are a couple of viewers on the youtube channel hi viewers let me see hey anybody wants to join us in the live room we're just having an informal hangout so um [Music] i will join ourselves in the youtube chat if they want to join here you want to put it in the telegram group as well yeah i think i did um just now okay um here we go we'll see it right so who's in our in our channel um in the in the chat room i mean didn't see anywhere on right now i see john neary is saying hi from the uk hi john hi john what's up while we're waiting for someone to come strike up conversation with us and anybody who's watching you're welcome to just wander right in and join us in the chat room i thought i'd put up the change log and we could like gaze and awe with some of the beautiful new features and maybe i could play with him on the screen i'll share that screen [Music] hey vera um let's go to actually the official place to get the change log now because um intrepid qgis community member richard davenport just put the change log onto the main website so if we go to type change log here and see all the change logs somewhere down here and the long list is 322. cool and if we do this we can get rid of that nasty looking highlight so should we play um a random feature of fortune i'll scroll you start you shut stop and then we'll pick one you have to stop at some point just yeah don't read just shout stuff okay stop okay what have we got um oh export all keyboard shortcuts to xml or pdf so now i'm gonna go and see if you can find the feature and how it works so um just wanna go and make my um icons bigger here because hello to our canadian friends hi canada screen but yeah i could probably even knock it off so yeah shortcuts yeah she wanted to ask but maybe let's have a look at this new feature fire away your question and we'll do our best to answer it safe so now okay so how did i get here i went to settings keyboard shortcuts and i said save and i said save as pdf all right and then i'm just going to go and stick it somewhere oh we could have called it just cuts it's funny because we actually were having identification on the open day we were having a discussion the other day about oh wouldn't it be nice to have a um like a way to make the pdf because now i've had on its website before listen look at that beauty so now you get a nice pdf with all the shortcuts you can print up and stick next to your desk let's test one more thing let's go change the shortcut and see if it reflects the ones i'm going to change the layer manager the data source manager shortcut and seated printed in the pdf so hi flynn from ireland hi island and where is leia hi hi hi it's mccathian hi mccathian hello otherwise you can have some terrible echoes thanks if you just go in your browser and mute up the other channels so where was the layer list um um what am i looking for i've got the brain of a goldfish data source manager it's not even there it's a source manager okay so let's change this uh shortcut to ctrl shift alt l did i change it now and let's just do shh ctrl gonna find a shortcut key that's not already occupied okay so i think i've changed it to all tell it's actually quite funny because you can't really tell what you've changed it to let's try and export it again see see what that looks like hi ethan from new jersey nice to have you with us hi victoria hey is it vicky vicky from is it vicky so you just have to find a feature in the change log and then try it out and see if see what it does but um here we go there's the new pdf we made and then we can compare them side by side that's the old one is it vicky is that mr jeff mckenna it is with rocking some awesome fashionista give us a twirl there amazing i don't even have a jacket like that i'm feeling like um one step behind the trendsetters ah i need me one of those yeah yeah brand new this week oh wow yeah i have to go shopping i'm just coming here so i'll have to go shopping and get myself some winter gear i saw um it was phosphorougy uh finland phosphorus finland people wore it last week so i that's when i went and bought it look at the coffee mug fashion guys is amazing i need some of this merch we should yeah it had to ship from the uk though so where there's a will yep cool so so should we find another feature were we all impressed by that feature i think that was pretty cool jeff you can shout stop i'm going to scroll randomly up and down i'm watching i'm hoping you don't land up on the mesh just shout stop at any point stop okay i'm quickly trying to get off the mesh ones because i don't know how to do the mesh stuff data defined raster opacity so in case you didn't get what we're doing we're just like randomly looking at things on the change log for three point two two two uh three point two two and trying them out um [Music] well there's a bit of a weird um gift going on here but let's see the drill redraw layer only temporal mode okay new controller has been exposed which allows the opacity of raster to be data defined so we can take it from [Music] something like an expression let's add arrested to our later and see how to find the rest too quickly what's happening in canada uh uh my news is i have a new puppy oh that's exciting hey can i show her please yeah yes please if you'd come here 20 years ago we might even be naming the release after your puppy but an interesting name she's named from venka phosphor g he coined phosphor g and vanka also named her shylu meet shai it's like it's an indian name shy basically shy hi shy beautiful golden retriever or a buddha cuddy golden retriever uh nice he's 11 weeks old so nice hi sweetie hi doing the floor shots to show the puppy poop on the floor everywhere yes that's great that's right hi puppy oh i'm furiously trying to find one of my things oh man so um is she going to become the um the mascot yes well she knows open source all right here we go here comes layer um let's do let's do this one here we go so now yeah i think so does mckenzie so basically we've got this new little box here and we can do something like this um user this is like if you want to have a private dresser you can say um if username [Music] equals i don't know what my username is quickly let's see tim saturn and you get to see it otherwise you don't get to see it 100 otherwise 50 oh you get to see it in half did i make a mistake somewhere that's good okay so now i can see it and it's going okay i can't really change my username i'll change the expression button see oh look at that made it half as transparent as it was before oh cool back to the wheel of fortune that was fantastic vicky you're next to shot stop stop add increment of field with modular operation well this algorithm allows the user to add a column with an integer that will be incremented from start to the limit ah the possibility of grouping grouping to resume at this value of start following the group so i think that lets us do something like create a new layer um news let's make a new let's make a shape file just as a little shout out to the last people in the world still using shapefiles going old school we were just talking about all the analog information behind me so let's do it first shape file in the world okay you should make a movie for that yeah and in honor of nile dawson i won't make the crs crs-4326 so now we should be able to go here and try this fancy new fancy new modular thing how do we do it all number um a new option called is included is this for uh some specific provider uh that's for processing uh okay so i'm doing a gram we will still do that and then maybe we've got to add some more simplicia goodies in here that's good and i'll simply sugar these quickly so so you've got to kind of process something somehow and then let's take the boundaries here like this that's not boundaries uh you know what i've got some kind of weird thing going on here with this yeah there's sort of an interesting flashing going on i don't know if it's my side or your side it's me my kde um i'm test driving kde for a week and i noticed that it gives that weird flashing as like a side benefit when you see when you share your screen and so it's it's me not you i think i don't know how to fix it yet anybody know kde you can give me some advice no as long as it's not triggering anyone's epilepsy so we're good i'm trying to find something let's put some dams on there so um is this like new new the um changelog has been put out i think i saw the message put out today yeah it was put out today so we when we do the change like we build it like charles is the changelog hero he curates it and makes sure that it's all ready for the release and then we put out a call asking people to help contribute to the change log and then when the release comes in richard it's got some scripts that go and harvest the change log and put it into the qgis dot org website um that's how it happens how the magic happens it'll help elves behind the scenes doing all the hard work basically i don't know if charles considers himself a little helper elf or a big helper health and helper idea of qgis elves let's try some african countries sorry not cathy no i don't know i think i have some style rules fixed in your distinction data that's preventing me from showing that so oh my goodness whoa oh it's because i'm in saint lucia's coordinate reference system let's not do that we should have a separate is that yeah she she doesn't like that projection good call good call okay so we're going to make a new processing [Music] what do we have to do um add incremental field this used to add a column with an integer okay so we should be able to just say modular something or in the water incrementing field and then we can choose the layer we can say the field name we're going to say we want them to count from 1 to 100 and then we're just going to run it and then we can symbolize our new layer by that auto incrementing field i guess one of the funny things is that when you doing the change log like what i'm doing now is like if when like because i used to do the changelog before charles took over that you often have to spend a lot of time hunting around trying to figure out how on earth to try out the feature so that you can write about it and tell the world about this new feature because it's not always obvious where to even go and find a thing um so there i've classified our map based on on our new modulo operator which is pretty cool nice feature when would that be useful um [Music] i don't know let's ask the audience let's think about it um i guess any time like you're trying to like have like things grouped or sequenced or maybe you have even just a layer with no ids or something you want to generate ids for them you could just have no you could have it not wrapping around so when i ran the algorithm i made it wrap around right but setting this value to 100 but if i put it to 500 then it would just not direct because it's not as many as 500 countries in the world so you could just generate an id column for your layer quickly well done and thank you to let me try his name luigi letty thank you so much all right who's who's next to call out uh marcatheon europe stop new gps tools gps payable device configuration widget to global settings okay that should be easy to find okay so gps tools is one of the earliest features in qgis by um i think lars luthmann he was a swedish guy he was an into orienteering and he wrote all this cool stuff to and let you like take your gps tracks off your garmin gps and bring them into qgis and now i think with this feature it's development yeah niall did that so he's given it some love and brought it into the um the main settings for pugets over here um let's see if we can find it i see it in the youtube comments killian is saying this is exactly uh what i needed a few weeks back well hopefully next time you need it to know where to find it right so i guess it's good that what now has done is basically surfacing this feature which was hidden way down in the in the depths of you just option somewhere and now it's like much easier to find and you can basically um configure your you need to use this tool called gps babel the babel is like named after babel fish you know even if you've read the uh uh um hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy right um with a um where they had the babel fish you stick it in your ear and it will translate any language to any language for you so that was the idea for the gps babel was going to translate uh whatever gps format into whatever other one you want to so here it says like take it from the garmin format into gpx format example so cool that's a nice feature to have i know my cathy and since you called stop and you're also a gps usually probably going to go and run off and use that this weekend as well well actually it was one of the first things that caught my attention when i was looking at the log this morning uh-huh have you tried the stations there hey or what have you got say that again you have total station gps or something actually we do have some total stations and we do have some trimble gps receivers allowed to check with our surveying staff to um verify when i got back to office did you know that you can also connect up your gps to like key just on the tablet or on your laptop while you're running around the field and yes but they are not tested and and that this thing is different this is for like just offloading the the tracks or waypoints of your gps cool okay we'll look forward next open day more casing come join us and give us a some uh report back of how fun it was with your gps and keep us in your in your hands while you were out in the field if you ever get out in the field i'm not sure how much time you get to spend outside okay i'm rolling the wheel of fortune again and uh who's next i guess it's back to you amy who's that person with the with the g there's two g's now and uh let's go with giuseppe giuseppe giuseppe maybe you want to give us a shout when we that's good that's good okay you can help me with the pronunciation i'm guessing yes virtual restless support in the rest of the calculator oh yay okay this is another good one that's a good one here so okay so first what is a virtual wrestler is winning at qgis roulette let's make a virtual raster quickly i'm going to zoom in somewhere already let me see if i've got the our favorite workflow for making virtual resters is to use the um srtm [Music] downloaded by our friend horse duster from switzerland it's one of my like news every day kind of um tools and hugest um get rid of that african map um so with the gps downloader let's just get let's drop in some base map here um should we put an esri map on no just kidding i won't do that now let's put up the speed map yeah okay and uh let's go to since uh giuseppe is from guessing you're in italy somewhere in giuseppe is it is that a fake yes yes that's correct and where abouts are one of the big islands ah let's go for this one or this one it's uh it's a sisley actually the south yes okay and we're just gonna we're east west south and north uh um i'm north yeah that's fine okay so let's go and grab some srtm from here uh canvas extent put them in um i very organize downloads folder and call it just what's your name right recipe and okay download oh it's only two images that's perfect isn't that fantastic now you've got yourself two sotm layers and then we can turn those into a virtual rester uh there we go both vrt and then we provided those two images um i'm going to give it we can just just run it i think like that okay so we've now got this vrt and the whole point of the change is that before you couldn't do rest the calculator um calculations on the vrt now you see our virtual rester is there so we could say i don't know what's something intelligent to do with it oh we can actually show the other nice new feature as well because we've got if clause as well which we never had before so now i can say if see if virtual rester is greater than 100 oh how what's the highest point where you live specifically in the surroundings yeah i wouldn't know okay wrong one two okay but i'm gonna take 300 then then we're gonna set it to zero uh i think we have to say let me just check the syntax uh i think we did it like comma zero i better go check the change look for the correct syntax okay so it's if then option one and then option two but i don't know how to provide a value from another data set i'm just going to presume that we can just pass the reference to the layer in this option like that um it doesn't like that okay so we're gonna mask basically gonna say we're gonna give everything that's below um i know it's not that wasn't the problem this was the problem set everything above to zero and everything below 300 to the original value and then we give it a new output layer it'll be nice if we could output like a temporary file we didn't have to go choose something on our disk um all right let's see what happens oh whoa oh that looks very nice doesn't it like some kind of art creation with my neon maps i like that so um that was two two nice features both the if clause which before you could do with some like um sneaky things but it wasn't very intuitive how to do the if and then also um we ran that on the virtual restaurant rating out of 10 for that feature i think 10 out of 10 for me yep 100 for me and yeah that's that's awesome and i think that uh francesco is also the person we have to thank for the if clause in the roster calculator so let's have a look yes uh yeah yeah yeah it was both from him yes great great features in the italian group i already offered to buy him a few beers or or several coffees or whatever for this very very nice addition good work on this part yeah it's so nice so nice um i'm looking forward to using that because i think it's something that will be very useful for me absolutely okay should we go back to the wheel of fortune i'm just happy is gabor who's gonna have to shout stop that's all i needed yeah thanks stop oh okay we're gonna take the upper one geometry snapper algorithm optimization the geometry snapper is now blazingly fast after benefiting from another round of optimization work small snapping distance values hanging queues forever is now a thing of the past thanks to swiss tiers columbia and to matt bellerin whose name i always butcher i'm sorry matthieu so how can we test that should we try to do some challenging okay let's polygonize our raster here and then see if we can snap along the edges of its i'm going to take the right one here that one there so let me just check again so as a geometry snapper okay i guess that means just like why do you why are you just digitizing right that was my interpretation because there's also the um yeah the snapping distance yeah that's for sure just in the digitizing node i should have done another classification to get rid of and just basically make a one or zero layer so that um because it's now busy trying to build uh contours or whatever polygons for all these indeterminate values here it's okay you're just going to do this blazingly fast just like the snapper there we go we have faith come on come on come on have you um okay this one isn't yeah there you go but uh uh my favorite little bug and cue just it sometimes shows like different values in the two progress bars here 92 93 it's a little um shout out to microsoft and their completely indecipherable uh progress bar values 100 i think you just is just having my problem that when they speak their speech sometimes take a while to catch up with their brain so that's what's happening with those progress bars well the nicest progress product has ever been done has been done by esri among the the other nice stuff that they have done they actually have a progress bar that sometimes goes all the work we backwards did for you yeah yeah yeah the most frustrating and infuriating thing is that's just giving people false hope that's mean okay so now we've got this we're going to snap to this layer right so let's make a new scratch layer use scratch layer polygon of course and we're going to put it in uh let's do multi yeah let's polygon definitely not that let's put it in there as well okay and then let's try our snapping toolbar out uh snapping on advanced configuration let's go here so um let's let's just snap to all layers like that 12 pixels where's the streaming mode going all right you're ready let's see how blazingly fast goes oopsie i missed that one it does seem fast i don't know and this is probably quite a big complex polygon i'm testing on it because it's got lots of little lots of little features in it it really is pretty responsive isn't it look how nicely it goes around the edges for me as well let's see oh dear minus one point for me for making yourself interesting we can fix this there we go it's fixed oh that's fantastic that's pretty impressive it's really great for the user experience because it can be a bit frustrating you click and then wait click and then wait and then i can feel myself aging [Laughter] absolutely seamless fantastic that was cool yeah absolutely good picture shout out to swiss periods columbia and matthew awesome job who's next on the wheel uh that's michelle i don't see anyone else in here i can't see who's all in our chat let me look uh no we've gone through everyone so let's start with jeff again stop oh okay legend juice please oh this is a great feature as well yeah i'm glad you chose this one icon for legend so what this does is that i think you need to read the description what it does is um normally when you uh add a wms layer to the project because does it get uh get legend graphic request right yeah it's that in the legend which can be great but it can also be a pain in the ass because you've got all this long complicated legend that you didn't want in your in your legend so now you can write your own legend uh or create your own image and associate it to that layer so um share a pic of your puppy there quickly jeff hold it up on this hold him up to the camera and i'll take a snapshot while you're finding the puppy i'll find the wms layer okay she's going to be world famous now world famous we need to get her a cue just buff or something yes exactly yeah i think i'm going to go and fire up my embroidery machine downstairs all right we'll find a way to get it to canada yes somehow let's get all that stuff there um this is quite fun i hope you guys are having fun i mean at least one of us is having fun with me but well i think i picked the right one yeah because uh map server we can do something like this to set a specific key image yeah interesting okay so there's a fantastically beautiful wms layer that i just happened to have lying around and in case you're wondering why i'm getting all these great things i'm actually using the cutest knight like the qgis master and with self build it shows a lot more errors than you get in the in the desktop build so okay so now we can go to our layer so we've got this ugly looking thing that's definitely not as light right id right there so we go there and we go um legend do we go legend yeah there we go and we've got the placeholder image puppy puppy puppy puppy [Laughter] i didn't realize what you were doing sorry that's funny it's brilliant i'd call that a legend but why does it show both legends i thought it was gonna just show the placeholder one um yeah okay i'm confused showing that one as well because i thought it was just going to show the other one right yeah but still there's no there's no disputing it's better with the puppy than without it definitely definitely what's the score there to pause up for i have to take a screen capture here hold on oh great thank you vera in the comments says [Laughter] all right back to the wheel of fortune who's next on the uh on the block stop okay enable another multiple metadata urls qgis server historically only supports the provision of a single metadata url but now will allow multiple metadata endpoints to be specified in the service definition okay so are we going to demonstrate that quickly i think we can try and rip something up so i actually have this portugal project i was just showing you let's see if we can do quickly a get capabilities request on it so one of the nice features of queues is you press f12 and you get this beautiful debugging oh yes it's it's a lifesaver it is so nice it is so nice yeah and then if we look in here we can see the capabilities request that it made and you can right click on here and say open the url and it will open it in your browser i'm not showing uh oh it's decided to open my text editor even better he wants to look at a get capabilities document in their browser and you can look at it in your text editor all right and then so then we can go back so i just need to figure out what what i was hosting here because this is hosted by myself um this is coming from [Music] i was saying my osm project okay so we gotta we gotta we gotta dip into the old kit creator here and fire up another instance of cutest and go to the source project yes that was me typing one two three four five six in case you were curious it's actually not the password for that one yeah me i got good security practices there okay so we're gonna go and wait now i can type one two three four five six well not so we're going to pull up that project there's going to be a small bit of date time while i find it so break into song if you like [Music] portugal there we go i think it's that one there don't cry for my vacuum cleaner um that's not the one but okay let's try that with this one so i'm going to go here and then we have to go to layer properties right layer properties and where are we on the key just server but yeah let's go ahead and see let's take the roads something that we'll oh let's do the whole portugal here um is it in it's over there right and now we can go to the metadata url which i have not added any shame on me http i'm pretty sure that it's going to take you to an informative page about how wonderful cue this is type fgdc in the format what is the format can be plain text okay and so what's changed is before it only set that once now we can set that twice just to be nice to esri i'm gonna let's give them an https one because i'm sure they'd never deploy a url without an s in the end of the uh qgis dot org slash box gis rocks how wonderful they are okay so i set that and then i can um save that that's my equal opportunity htmls here now i'm going to connect to my server and publish my project world did you know that publishing qgis projects it's just as easy as editing a map file in map server is it i mean let's see let's see so i'm watching there's my projects folder on my server and here's my projects folder on my desktop i'm going to drag and drop that in there copy please copy it yeah and inside once i've done that i can go to i hope i saved my project now did i save my project that's going to be embarrassing if i didn't just open vegan and see if i saved it i had to type all those israeli love letters all over again portugal all switched on than i thought it was okay so that's saved and that's published and then we're going to go to the browser and we're going to connect to our newly made wms service i was going to pull a tim line on you and say anytime you add anything of value say save it uh so new connection okay and then we're gonna go if you're following along you can even try this you probably break my little fertile underpowered development box in the corner but what the hell let's see what happens right and that's just to create a wms url for that oh no fail okay what did i do wrong i probably spelt the name wrong up there literally just a typing mistake or something that was jesus christ earlier i think i actually did everything right now okay quick live debugging session on my server here light debugging if giza server is actually running there it is running um [Music] why did maybe it didn't like the ah maybe it didn't like the new uh capabilities request because i haven't deployed the latest qgis server on the server side and i'm guessing etienne's nice new tool needs me to deploy the latest cutest server so i guess i won't be demonstrating the server side of that today um so i think i might have just broken it by playing a non-compliant we could have a look and see if we get some useful error message well atm's presenting next month at cuges open day so i might um ask him nicely about my eyelashes and then you can show us some of that let's try one more time to get a great features and see if it gives us some kind of error message oh okay i've got bad bad layers and geometry uh that's bad so another valid layer portugal mask okay i've got some some dodgy things going in my project but i don't think it was actually the the problem at 10. well let's move swiftly on from that debacle and try the next feature but that's cool thank you etienne three mile is intrepid puget developer and world traveler and i don't know who el ramirez but thank you let me try with the french accent elf not bad not bad not bad oh they're like teddy bears and polar bears so they're good guys must be some kind of like environmental interesting organization in france i guess maybe they're out in the uh i don't know where they are i'm going to say the caribbean but you don't get many icebergs and polar bears in the caribbean so not usually if you do then you know the global warming problem's been fixed all right okay i'm gonna move swiftly on to that one i've got time for one last one then i've got to run off all right and it's vicky up do your thing vicky stop load projects from gpkg using drag and drop oh yeah this is a nice one so before if you loaded if you drag and drop a geo package into qgis it'll only show you the layers um but and now you can actually pick the project as well i think so let's go test it out i haven't tried it that's interesting that's pretty cool so let's go find a project with a geo package in its [Music] view those projects we've got my famous um uh dashboard project where is it like this one here there's the project inside i think it's got a project file inside my project um woohoo okay so there we go so i've dragged and dropped it into qgis and now it shows me the layers um and it shows me the project so i can just actually open the project straight from there that's pretty darn cool that is very nice useful that is very useful um my dashboard has gone a bit haywire maybe i need to give it some like control tab love here there we go it's still going a bit haywire oh maybe i'll get rid of all my warnings cool that's very nice great feature and who contributed that that's a good one mile dawson thank you nile dawson again i think you've got time for one more because it was so quick and easy to dinner yeah just one um and i think it's giuseppe's turn giuseppe do you think stop oh no you landed me on the mesh one i'm gonna because i haven't tried all we need to get um this stuff is awesome stuff let's let's give them a shout out anyway so a mesh means that you can create like a surface of an area like the old tint and uh we used to use tin and what is the other one um who's the old arkansas uses in the room here but um but uh so basically you can it's it's sparse so you only have like it only consumes a lot of data where there's a lot of variability in the terrain for example but i think with meshes you can also have multiple dimensions and you can store information on the edges on the faces and the vertices so they're very very rich way to present cuda's data but before i think before version 3 8 320 so from 318 i don't think there were any editing tools for mesh and then they created all these nice tools which i've never had a chance to go test where you can actually go and um like create the mesh yourself like move things around you can see the new vertices whatever but we'll we'll have a separate deep dive into that because i i need to get set up and figure out how to even start showing that so for the last five minutes we'll do over but let's give a shout out to lucha vincent cleric he's been on our cue just open days before and uh to hydrotech for sponsoring that feature i mean that the mesh stuff and the you know it's like really an under um sold part of puget so so powerful what they've been building and um really worth digging into some time if you're doing anything with hydrology data or anything like that okay so let's try one more that we can actually try to see um ethan in the comments of um the youtube stream asks can you show the vertex convert to curve is that a new a new tool okay so we're gonna give ethan a special key jumping yeah uh um to curve tool okay so this feature has ability to convert vertices to or from curve vertices um with the c and o keys okay so we're going to go and make a curve geometry let's give it a go so let's get rid of that again [Music] let's get our open street map background going again just so that we land up somewhere on earth um huge is mars the next let's go to i never go to i don't know anywhere here so let's go somewhere here i don't know where here is but let's go in there but okay and then i guess we're in russia but i'm not sure which part of russia i'm in so um all right so we're going to make a new scratch layer um temporary scratch layer and we're going to make a curved layer here so let's do curve compound curve like that we're gonna put it two three eight five seven [Music] let's add one column to it okay and then we can start digitizing our um curve uh we do want to add the extra digitizing that one there so here we want to go and make a curve like this dunk dunk right so now what what i believe we can do now i just need to check is it in the um is it the vertex editor was it while you doing let's see just save that one there and go with our vertex editor here let's say that's supposed to be o p and c key um to or from curve vertices let's look in the picture here so they select the one okay so if we go and select this this one here i think i have to just click it sorry okay that one there i can't replicate it maybe there's a let me just check there was a tool active here to me it doesn't look like they digitize them as curves it looks like they just digitized some of the squiggly line while my south africanness is coming out sorry um they just digitized the um the squiggly line and then they converted that sort of triangular shape to the curve using it okay so you want to try the other direction let's play this here yeah let's see that's what it looked like seeing any change let's make some let's make a new feature quickly um let me just do it as a normal line not a curved line like that let's see oh come on uh what am i doing there we go let's get that off there you go you're is that squiggly or uh what in your nomination i guess you're in squirrely mode i think squiggly that's pretty squiggly all right and then let's try to edit that i guess i need to highlight that nothing ah there we go i did it squiggle squiggle for the win squiggle for the win okay you're kind of low-key making a dinosaur with very strange you can turn teeth back to uh so i pressed o to get those and then i don't know how to get it back to the d squiggle or oh you just toggle o so pressing o both times so what does the c do uh i don't know what the c key does that's fantastic the digitizing tools and qgis are just getting more and more awesome with every release i think we're seeing the marketing as an odd program as well as a gis program because you can do some pretty as you know amy since you've yeah nice um art scene before includes that's all i have time for but don't let me stop the party you can guys can take over i've got to run off and um but it was great to hang out with you all and i hope everybody watching had fun uh there's lots more nice features in the changelog so if you're interested in seeing what came out in 3.22 do head over to qgis.org and just search for change log and look for version 322 and i don't know how many there were maybe 50 60 new features i don't know i didn't actually count it um but just heaps of wonderful new features and also we should give a shout out to all the bug fixes that happened from uh evan uh alessandro nile i think as well as another peter patrick sandro santilli sorry luke for spoiling your name denny julian just look at all those black pixels nail and a lot of those were just like fixing broken stuff you know stuff that didn't work quite right and some of that was funded by your and then donated dollars so thank you everybody who donated to the project because um it all equals better quality product at the end of the day for everybody else don't know if anyone else wants to show any of the tools um i know i haven't really looked at it yet so um i will have a look but we have been going for an hour which is the usual length of a session so if someone wants to continue and show a tool that would be cool if someone has any questions in the chat we can do our best to answer um but if not then i think i will um call us a day as you can see it's dark outside for me and i'm keen to go have some dinner so any questions or um comments i know if you're you did want us to have a look at the um uh erosion to create a roster detail um i don't think any of us are really an expert in that so do just follow up on the um telegram channel even send an email on the um qgis mailing list because you may just sort of connect with someone who is actually quite rehearsed or knows how to do specifically that that you're looking for so i think that might be a decent option for now um if not i will follow up with some of the cutest gurus that i do know who are far better at cue just than me and they may be able to help you out um anyone else got any more comments alrighty are we happy to then call it there sure sounds good awesome all right so thanks everyone for joining the open day i know that this last session was a bit sort of unexpected but it was great to have just a really nice community vibe get together have a look so definitely have a look at um the changelog at the new tools that you can use you know every time cue just comes out there's always some awesome new thing that you can look at and play around with and it expands the functionality um so yeah and thank you to everyone who joined us in the jitsi room um and yeah thanks my cathy um who's still here thanks giuseppe thanks vicky and thanks jeff and that's us signing off cheers everyone thank you bye bye alrighty stream ended cool
Channel: QGIS
Views: 473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: L8smplTq2ks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 10sec (3850 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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