QGIS CAD tools for editing

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[Music] I'm hydrogeologist my model alive is think out of the box my name Marcel my experience gram water and soil contaminations I'm the creator of jail RGV a channel of geographic information systems GIS geology hydrogeology and contamination the purpose the objective the goal the intention the target the desire share my experience unacknowledged to create point of discussion the jail LGB community promote the use of free and open source software a free digital society [Music] provide technical advice to environmental companies and opportunity for professional growth [Music] hello guys and welcome back to my channel today we are going to watch how to use the quantum GIS cut tools to create a gas station facility map using a Google Earth high-resolution satellite imagery in this occasion the map is going to be a gas station but you can use these tools to create any kind of map for example cadastral maps production plan map oil and gas facility map EDC I am going to be using the free software quantum GIS person 3.12 and Google Earth bro okay let's go to do it today we are going to be using the Google Earth high-resolution satellite imagery that we downloaded at the previous tutorial if you miss Darwin and you want to watch it just hit on the car at the top right corner of your screen over here to open the file just click here select raster option click here for Luke for your file and it was this image open and at close as you can see this image is already there reference and if we go to the properties the coordinate reference systems is wgs84 UTM zone 34 north and the system is projected because we want to have the measures in emitters okay this this image as you can see takes a little bit of trying to charge that is because is quite heavy please go to see the characteristics of this file go properties as you can see the size is four hundred twenty nine megabytes okay that's quite heavy and we decided to get this resolution to have a really good resolution for the Googler satellite imagery but now we are going to change the resolution because for the editing we don't need that high resolution then we are going to download the same image but with a different resolution okay to do that one are going to close this one this car and open again to see a step by step I recommend to watch the previous video ok I'm not going to explain anything now just I'm going to to get a low resolution satellite imagery let's go here google satellite and I want to lower the other image also here open heart closed this one some to the layer is this area then I'm going to change here the coordinate reference systems for this one apply okay going to take this one out I'm going to go to roster tools here over to roster Berkeley now let's go to fill all these parameters first destination for the image we are going to use the third option select the image because we want the same dimensions for the new image okay this one is like that like that in this one at the previous video we selected the resolution of 0.01 in this case is going to be 0.05 because we want less resolution and here the layer we are going to rent is google satellite here we are going to save the file with the same name but here we are going to put a number to save and run the process it's interesting to see how the dimensions of the image 2 is bigger than the image as you can see but we put the same extension right I try to figure out what's going on and I couldn't find any solution because I was taking even here when we put the coordinates here if we use this option and we select this area the same area as before we have the same result even the coordinates are good we have an image bigger our know what's going on to fix it but it's not a big deal for us we can use this image okay now let's go to see how much is the difference between these images as you can see here the preview seawalls 403 nine megabytes but for the second one even it's bigger it is just twenty seven megabytes okay and if we compare the quality of the image we are going to see that it's no big difference that is for the new one that's for the this one that is heavy you know the second one is more pixel but for editing it's not going to be a big deal right and that one you can move this one very fast and a lot very fast okay there is no problems for this one even we can keep both images and if we need more resolution we can change for this one but I don't think so now I'm going to tell you what elements we are going to editing for the map we are going to create and the ones are going to be the ones related only with the Petroleum facility in this case is going to be for example the overhead canopy this one here also we are going to eat all the manhole all these ones also we are going to be editing the filled pipes where the tanks are filled over here also all the pumping islands like this one this one and also the ones are under the overhead canopy also we are going to add it store this one here also we are going to delineate the underground storage tank area and also the trench drains over here also over here under the overhead canopy and we are going to edit also the perimeter of the gas station and the main road here now let's go to save the project safe and let's go to activate all the tools we are going to need then click right here and you can choose the tools you need in this case we are going to use the advanced digitalising tool over also we are going to need the shape digitalising to learn also it's not being told we are going to create different layers for the different elements for example one you could be for road another one could be for the tanks and then in that way we can make a specific additions for each part okay then to create a new layer just go here liar create a new layer new shapefile layer then fill name I create folder for all the shape files in my gas station folder this one and this one you need to be the gas station perimeter save the fire and cooling system is good the geometry type is going to be aligned the additional dimensions none it's okay here the coordinates is going to be this coordinate system the wgs84 UTM zone 34 north okay this one I'm really worried about this one because we are not going to use a tool to move it and okay and the layer is already created for this language we are going to use a couple of different kind of lines to start the addition click right on the layer and click on this personal here this one here is the same one then we are going to be using this line and also this curved line we can combine both of them to start is good to start with the core one to start over here to use this tool it's not really intuitive is just practice okay it's just making points and trying to make the curve as you can see here on the satellite imagery and it's important when it's a straight line line now you can choose this one when something is not the end line now you can use Google Earth to have a better day they're about the gas station that's what I'm going to do now okay just go to Google Earth I have my gas station here and you have to press this option here then take this icon and drop here at the gas station for the blue line is where you have pictures to see and use these arrows to move and from here you can see the very matter of the gas station and that's what I want to see fall looks like [Music] now I want to see if this area is also part of the gas station here and as you can see it looks like it's part of the gas station you can see the fence here [Music] okay I'm going to add it now I'm going to select again this one option this option here to make the course another straight line [Music] when it is done just click right put ie the number for example 1 and ok and addition is completed that's the perimeter of the gas station [Music] to finish the lesion there are couple of options just press here or also click right here and press the pencil again unsafe okay now we are going to save the project again now we are going to play the main phone all these squares here to do that one again go to Prague like your new shapefile this was meant to be main hall save in this case filling calling is the same but geometry type is going to be our poly on the coordinate systems as we said before is this one okay and we are not worried about this section here because we are going to use the attribute table okay the liner is here then if we want to add it we can click here or also click right click here okay in this case let's go to press this bottom here and we want to create a squares because as you can see this is our squares okay here there are different options the one we are going to use is the third one this time from second and third point let go here salad 1 then if you want to have a better resolution you can change the image of the one for this one by the eyes you can see it doesn't change too much yes Sally two points here this one click right to finish to the number there another one okay that is a regulated then we can go here double click to properties Senate here we can take this one so transparent the line is good black flying okay and now we are going to copy and page for the different ones to do Darwin just select the future in this case this one we can go here copy and then paste or even with your keyboard you can press control C and control V that is what what I going to do control C control beef and then press here this option to move futures we here and now you can move and click here to place okay now it's way to be the same for this one control C control V copy paste here to here okay the same for the next one [Music] okay now the lesion is finish we can press here to then select the future are now click the pencil to finish the lesion unsafe now we have all the main faults [Music] now we with the same method we are going to do the overhead canopy [Music] okay now we can go here properties change this one we want transparent and then I was going to be the same apply on ok to finish the dish and just press this button here safe if you are new in this channel and you like this kind of content consider subscribing don't forget to Like share this channel with your friends if you have comments please leave them below I love to hear from you and if you have any suggestion for the uncommon videos I love to hear those too now we are going to edit the field vibes is this area over here to have a battery there we can check on the Google Earth image here as you can see there are 4 different field types is one per tank but if we go to check the tanks here there is like just three tanks but I believe this one is one time is when it's another tank and this one it's the third one but that one could be divided into ok that it makes four tanks in total right then also if we check the dispensers for that gas you are going to see that there is there are four different products ok as you can see here knowing this one but if you move to the next one you are going to see that there are four different roads and I want match with the field pipes and also with the tanks okay was good to do that one for this one was going to create a new layer say file and we took all this one fill pipes save tiny this one is the same for this one's going to be a polygon this one is going to be this cordilla reference systems for this one it's not important now okay aren't let's go to the it was good to use the square here again in this case I'm going to make a bigger square here something like that okay and now I'm going to divide this one in four okay but I'm going to take the image and I'm going to change this one for properties make this one transparent okay and now I'm going to use this square for reference to to make the other squares okay yes here this option activate this one [Music] Guzman could be a 1 over here okay then this one's going to be over here [Music] to [Music] when this one three over here okay and now I'm going to fix the dimension for the squares that was going to be the last one okay four and now we can press here to edit the scores after me this one's smaller this the next one I'm going to possibly faster okay guys okay that's already created now what I'm going to do is select the big one this one and now I'm going to remove that one okay just click this option here to remove select and that's it now we can save finished edition and save now we have the female pipes now I am going to create a store but as is the same as this is course I'm going to pass the video faster okay okay the store is already created as you can see now we are going to create the pump Island as you can see that is one here there is one small here and there is four under here okay I'm going to show you with this one as you can see here there isn't a small one here there is one and here there is four more one two three three and four okay as you can see there are run over here on it straight ahead here but one interesting thing that I saw is that they changed the dispensers because as you can see here if you check from here it's a different picture I'm going to show you if you go here and you check the dispensers these ones aren't new ones and you can see just one two and three okay and that one's work okay well we are going to consider the old gas station gas to simplify the the Iceland because that ones are more complex okay and I'm going to do just the other ones for the position as you can see this one's these three make a line more or less and for the other ones just taking some points of reference to locate the Highlands under the overhead canopy say the gas station as you can see we have the main holes over here and Islands are little bit in that direction you see more or less how funny they're worth they have to be located [Music] okay the same here over here and there is another reference also related with trains drains here okay let's go to use all these references to locate the islands under the overhead canopy first we are going to create a neon light here this one is going to be and it's going to be a polygon coordinate systems this one okay okay oh please we are going to change this one to transparent and apply and we are going to start that edition and we are going to use also RS square then we are going to make an square here from here to here to here something like that okay and now we are going to modify this square okay - mm go to this option here click mark on the island here click and now you can change these parameters but this one here we go we can make something like that okay that one is going to be our island let's see a hole looks like and then we can save as we said before this kind of shape is for the all islands if you see now the new ones the shape it's a little bit different right I'm going to show you with Google Earth as you can see the new ones are making a different kind of shape we are going to live the shape for the old islands but I'm going to show you how to do that kind of shape okay to do that one you can use this tool here press first-edition then use this tool here and you can make here one square something like this one you can use the reference also something like this one it's approximately something like that okay close and as you can see sorry I want to take this one they shape change okay then you can do the same here for this one okay you have to start in an opposite direction control said then you have to start from outside to inside to make the cut okay so the way this one and then you have this kind of shape okay let's go to remove it because we are going to leave that kind of shape let's go to finish also division and now it's time to move all the all the dispensers let's go to do that one first let's go to save the project and now let's go to move it as I said before yes open the Edition select the future to move copy and paste press this option here click on the future unless good movie okay and also we are going to create a small square here for the small dispenser over here mm yes like this auction and make here a small dispenser something like that okay and that's it finished this liar fourth edition safe and that's the dispensers for the gas station now I'm going to create the rest of the perimeter of the gas station and also the main route over here but to do that one I'm going to pass the video faster the geometry is going to be also aligned less like this one even for the the rest of the perimeter of the gas stations can I use the same liar this one and for the road I can create annuli but I'm going to passivity faster [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I created the rest of the perimeter of the gas station and also the main route now what I'm going to create is the trench drains I'm going to show you what is that it's better here is this kind of system there is a run of the pump Islands if there is any spill here can be collected with this drain trained okay we have these ones here where the pumps are and also we have here at the entrance of the gas station over here and going to approach over here as you can see and also we have at the exit of the gas station to show you is this system here and also you need to show your hole it looks like inside the gas station to have a better rate there okay this one is the one inside the gas station as you can see it makes a perimeter for all the pump Islands from here to all this one [Music] all this lying here to here and also at the other side of the gas station as you can see over here make the curve you can see right there okay now we are going to do this one and that one is going to be a polygon geometry and also I'm going to pass the video faster to do that one [Music] the trench drains are really finished I'm going to change the symbology just put this one transparent and now what I'm going to do it's create the lips for the contour separator and the place where we can take the sample right because the the trench drains has the potential to transfer water with hydrocarbons from the pipe Islands right if there is a spill over here and then this this strains are connected with a treatment water system I'm going to show you what kind of system is is this one for example as you can see in this case there is a deposit where it's a applicant er where the sediments can be placed over here and then this water pass over here and here there is a filter that avoids to pass the the hydrocarbons from this area to this area then the water pass over here then pass this kind of valve that also avoid the pass of hydrocarbons and then move from here to the a small deposit where you can take a sample then from that small deposit the water moves to the sewer system right but as you don't want to throw water with hydrocarbons to the sewer system we have this kind of treatment system connected to the trench drains and at the gas station I was trying to identify that one what I saw is these lips here has the potential to be a decanter and separator of hydrocarbons but I'm not sure 100% where is the treatment system also I saw these two lips here and one small here and I believe I'm going to use these ones as the counter and separator and this one for the place you can take the sample before to throw the water to the sewer system okay but as I said I'm no hundred percent sure okay the gas station is quite big there are different lips and could be any of these ones right but for this example I'm going to use these ones for the water treatment for the trains drains okay please go to edit this was then xx this once is yes three squares and you know how to do it already then I'm going to pass the video faster [Music] the water treatment system is already created as you can see here a couple of lips and these want to tell the samples that one I suppose is going to be the taken the contour and this one is going to be the separator and this one is going to be the place where you can take the samples to verify the or water treatment system works properly then the next step is going to make the area where the tanks are okay we don't have any reference on the map to identify this area but I'm going to mark us as this one okay that's the next step and I'm going to possibly faster okay the the tank area is created safe and I'm going to change the symbology property is going to make this one transparent apply and I'm going to make a line here with with dogs to indicate that it's something that it's not real is is imaginary right then I'm going to edit this one area with with this tool here going to remove this area from here to hear something like that and also I'm going to change this one a little bit here to here [Music] something like that okay that was good and now I'm going to change the symbology robbery is going to use this one solid line something make this one apply or even a different one [Music] this one something like that is good and now also I'm going to it's on elements and I'm going to improve the symbology to have a better better throw but in general that's the aspect you want for a gas station but now for example we can make some elements to make this one more clear for example with a matey's our rows these ones here lines of the road also some elements that are going to identify the gas station better right but it depends how much time you want to spend and as I said now I'm going to mark all the areas we edit because the ones are the the ones related with petroleum activity at the gas station okay let's get to the Darwin first let's go to remove this one okay then the elements with potential risk of contamination are going to be the field pipes the water treatment system for the trains the tank area and pump Islands this one this one here this two and these ones are also the true inch drain okay all these elements are the ones with potential of contamination in a gas station also of course the pipes that connect the fill pipes with the tanks all these pipes here from here to here to here and to here and also the connections between the tanks and on the islands right here to here you see right and for for this small for this small dispenser here that we can so here I believe is this one here I believe this one has a different tank maybe these these dispensaries for for small more motorcycles that it needs a different kind of gasoline with a different kind of components and here there is a couple of lips this one and also so one more here and this one's right maybe one of these was is a small tank for for this dispenser I'm not sure hundred percent back could be possible but I'm not going to edit this okay now I'm going to edit the Sun elements at the gas station to have a better draw but I'm going to pass the video faster in this case I'm going to use this tool to make the arrows I'm going to show you how to do it it's pretty simple just follow the lines and it's a big easy to introduce no really complicated that's it okay now I'm going to create the other one [Music] you [Music] to edit this line I'm going to show you how to do it because it's now easy properties then go here sell the line I select overlay this one with - but now you have to click here now now double click here and then you can change here in this space for example for 3 okay fly and you can see fall looks good he's worked out even even we can make I mean she was a baby she was no BOTS [Music] [Music] this is is the final addition for the gas station we are going to live like that and we are going to be working with this gas station later in our different projects doing different things but that one is going to be in a different video thank you very much for watching this video and see you on the next one [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Geo RGB
Views: 4,350
Rating: 4.9436622 out of 5
Keywords: QGIS CAD tools, Advanced digitizing QGIS, Digitizing shapefile QGIS, advanced editing QGIS, QGIS CAD, GIS CAD tools, shape digitizing, advanced digitizing, mapping CAD, QGIS blueprint, Digitizing QGIS, digitizing GIS, gas station contamination, groundwater impact, facility digitizing, GEO RGB, gas station map, digitize QGIS, digitize GIS, shapefile QGIS, Digitizing map data, Digitizing tutorial, How to digitize a map in QGIS software, Klas Karlsson
Id: LaVaGGcgO0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 38sec (2738 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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