QBCore Jim Mechanic Script | Installation and Showcase | FiveM Mechanic Script | FiveM Script 2023

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Hello friends, and welcome back to another video In today's video we will install Jim Mechanic Script in our QBCore server This is a very popular script and you must have seen it in some roleplay because we get it at a very low cost with numerous features So, let's start with today's video First we need to purchase the script that can de done directly from their store and the cost is 15pounds that is Rs1500 and you can also donate extra if you want and as you purchase it you will get it in the key master account you just need to download this from here and we will continue further process I will extract this in my server so here is my server and in resources I will create a folder for jim since, I will use two gym scripts So, here gym and in this I will paste this now you have to open this and you will get a file install.md, open it as it contains all installation steps and if you encunter any problem you can take help from their discord server So, let'f go further, and first you have to extract then ensure this, I will directly ensure the folder So, I have to go to cfg and open then ensure jim like this, now all the scripts in the folder will start with the server I will close this next, we have to copy its inventory items and we will get it in the script and we will get many items in this So, I will open it and here you can see we get all these items and we have to copy go to QB and QB inventory, I am using QB inventory but you can use any inventory, so, in html > images and then paste for the next we have to register all these items in QBCore server, for that I will copy this just make sure all items are in else the script won't work well, then come QBCore and then shared and paste in items.lua At last I will come here, give some space and paste here so, you can see all the items are here and I will comment mechanic stuff starts here, so that I get to know that mechanic items start from here so, we have pasted the items and now comes the requirements, there are requirements such as QB menu, QB input and QB target we get this by default in QBCore server, next you shuld have jim payments so that you can collect payments directly you can use third eye on cash registers and directly get paymennts, so I will download jim payments from here as well this link was also given in the read me file and with this we need toregister another item in server so I will copy it again paste in items.lua next we will extract the downloaded script, copy and extract in jim folder and rename we get an image along with this and this item we will paste in inventory, so, in html > images and then paste So, here all this is done but you this to cnfigure this script also, since this is not only for mechanic but we get many options here all jim script are supported in this and it has many configurations such as APgovernment or you use renewed banking I have also uploaded the video for renewed banking, you will get in i button you can also make peds and many other features are there, ticket system to give incentives on sale So, we get all this and here you can see jobs, if you add new job then do it directly here here, mechanic job is added by default, so I can comment out the others or I can let it be so, this was the jim payment script, and until this, is done, you need to do other customisations also, if you install this So, we will go further and here comes NOS and Odometer option, so we get an SQL file for this in the script I have come in mechanic and here you can see an SQL file and I will open and execute this here we get extra columns using this we can directly install nitro in our vehicles and that will always be saved SO, I will execute this and then close this, further we have done this also and now we will make some changes in the script, so first remove QB mechanic job because all mechanic work will be done by this script So, in QB and qb mechanic here and I will delete this, next script is vehicle failure which handles vehicle failure other than this it has some more functions, so we have to do some more modifications in this but if you want you can remove it but remember we get some extra things that need to be kept carefully So, I come to qb and vehicle failure and we will go to client lua and search this function here you will get and replace it Now this, as you have qb mechanic job then this will work else it won't work other than this, other functions are clean vehicle and engine back option and repair kit option in this qb vehicle failure this is by default in QBCore server, we can use repair kit here if you want to remove, then remove completely if I go to the server side then we get fix command that is admin only,and the vehicle gets repaired totally and we get items such as repair kit, cleaning kit so if you remove this then remove totally from your server So, all this is here and I will close it because you need to give time here next is polyzone, so, if you add a new location then you can create polyzone from here directly and here other commands are given related to polyzone but I will explain later as polyzone can be used in other scripts to define new areas further is nechboard, for example customer wants add on in his vehicle, he will give a list to mechanic and this item is that list So, for that we need to do some modifications in our inventory script, for that we will come qbinventory> html> js here in QB> qbinventory> html> js> app.js, again open it and search harness so that you get the idea where to paste it, now I have to paste this block below carefully, the syntax should not break here you can see a round bracket close and semicolon, so, next I will press enter and paste so you see this bracket is closing here and open and then close here, so, here no syntax break is there and now we have to do this much and save it and now we will do the other changes these are the core events and we have to change this inside qbcore client function lua, so we will go to it So, QB> qbcore script> client> fuctions.lua, opent his file and search fuction get vehicle properties and you can see this is a long function and there is another function set vehicle properties so, we have to update this as well, select both till end and it should not affect other functions because here are functions also and they continue after this so they should not get affected so, here select and replace with this function, I will copy Ctrl+V and it is replaced So, I will scroll up and check, so, here is set vehicle properties and if above is get vehicle properties simply save and close, next we will see what we have to do further so, here is the end and here starts Changelog, so here you can see the updates and here the installation is complete but customisations is left, for that come to jim > jim mechanic and then open config file here you can see many configurations and you will have to check them all because you have see the setup according to your server SO, here I will go one by one, and I will true this debug mode, keep this only in your testing server not in main server next is image we don't have to do anything, but if you use jim shop then true this, I had made a video of this,get the link in i button so, there you can see how you can install it next comes you want to show the distance in miles or kilometres, so, in India km/hr is used so, I will true this one next is the notificatio script you use, so here is Qb and we don't use qs inventory so false further is a check Is vehicle owned, so here modifications can be done only in owned vehicle but let it be false next is requires job and this is true and here the jb used will be mechanic job and it exists by default in QBCore server and you can change the salaries for that, go to QBCore > jobs.lua and you change from there, but I won't do that here further we can keep blips, cosmetic job if you want then you can set from here or the person who has item can directly add it in vehicle further if you want to show stash to mechanic you can do that, then free repair and there are many changes if you want but I can't explain all but I will tell the main things, and futher there is crafting you can craft the items and here is phone preview, there is a preview command and if any person goes to mechanic and types /preview then menu opens and he can see the customisations available and how they will be added on the vehicle and at the end if he steps out of the vehicle, then he wants a mail of upgrade or he should get an item so, here an item option is better as he can give the same item to mechanic for upgrades so, here I will do this false, and preview job if you want to keep preview option for mechanic only, let it be false and other than this, if you want to keep preview option at a location only, so this will be true further we can use waxfeature, with wax you will have to get your vehicle washed after sometime because with wax the vehicle will not get dirty, so true this if you want next is manual repairs, if there is no mechanic in city then player can repair themselves so, here you can set repair cost for example, if you want to keep by default cost then you can keep 5000 and here you can true it and next repair based is there that you want to upgrade or change, that repair option is also here so, that you can do here and the percent if your vehicle is of two lakhs then 5% is required for repair so, further is repairengine case if normal player can repair engine or extra item you can do all that from here and next is duty check if you true duty check if there is no mechanic in city then player can repair by giving extra cost but if there is a mechanic in city online and on duty then player cannot repair and for that just true this and he will get the message, next is animations and all, so you can do this as well next is nos, so we can enable it from here and set refill charges and levels also and the speed too here is discord integration also, if you want to send embed previews through discord server then you can do from here other than this, here are the items for repair example iron, plastic, you can add from here next comes, duct tape, using this you can quickly fix the vehicle but it will be until some percentage that, means here as you true 450 number is given and this defines that it can repair 450% health only but here you can set the percent added every time you use duct tape to the vehicle health for example, if here is 10 then it will increase 10% until it goes to 45 minutes further are the items to be removed and here are many details if you want to do it and I will suggest you to go through the script because many things are given, and this was the config other than this, we get a read me file, where everything is given, the functions of various things so, you can things manually one by one, it depens on you and it is available on jim git hub and you can use directly from there this was all here and this is well integrated with gabs mlos but if you don't have it then you have to make changes manually for that go to client > locations.lua and below you get change option for all cordinates here I have done everything from my end, let's now go to the server and experience this script So, here I am in my server and first I have come to import garage and if I show the map, there are blips where mechanic script work and mechanic can do the work So, here in import garage I will set the job of mechanic /setjob 1 mechanic and check once so, I have got mechanic job and next for on duty we have to come to laptop and toggle duty so, here by default it was on duty so I am off duty and again if I do it then I am on duty and next is cash register and with this you can charge your customer if he is in a radius then you can do with third eye and you send the invoice so that he can pay and we will come outside and here is some stash where mechanic can store items after crafting next here we can purchase tools, and mechanic tools the price is zero by default but you can set the price and there are performance tools for vehicle upgrades and cosmetics that we get at last, so you can purchase from here and add to the vehicle next you get crafting table, so here you craft then in place of items, so we will test this as well so, here I will spawn a vehicle and I will break it and I have damaged the vehicle and in right is a box as I have debug mode on and here is a green colour polyzone box because debug is on but you have to keep it off in your server from the config file and to check use command /checkdamage, so I will come out and go to front and check and here is the damage so it tells engine health is 63% and body health is 83% and to repair I need three iron and two plastic and to repair we need another item that you can purchase from here and I will show this and duct tape and tyres also you can purchase, so here I will spawn the items also so, first iron and plastic so now comes repairing and you need to have items mechanic tools, and just press 4 and it will repair and the items will get removed from the inventory, so here engine is repaired and then body and the body is also repaired, we also get tool box with this you can remove performance parts but you need to have tool box as an item next I will show vehicle upgrades so, first the customer will use command /preview and then from here he can select the upgrades example yellow and black plates but he cannot move the vehicle and he will get a mechanic sheet in inventory and mechanic can see changes to be made in vehicle so, here I need a plate and I will get from here and here is customise plate you can add performance items also example level one two or three, we get here in a renamed way so, here will add supercharger because I have to add nos as well, I will add it in my inventory so, I will add plate first, I need yellow and black and it will add the plate and I will press 4 and turbo is also installed now I need nos cylinder that also I can get from here, and here in performance you can see nos button, you have to purchase this once and then customer can refill it I will refill nos as well press 4 and press e once and nos is installed now to use this press pageup and there are three levels and then press shift the three levels you can select by pageup and pagedown so, I am outside and to use press Alt and in right there is a bottle and if you pageup then yellow and white and red so these are three I will show base level first and it works like this and right side is cool down that you can set from config by default, this is 7 seconds cool down and at extreme level it works like this and I have keep it pressed so, it will burst and this was the nos next is that you need to refill nos cylinder I had burst it but if you use normally you will get an empty nos bottle so, I will spawn it, and to refill it I have to go to doc site because nos refill system is set here by default you can give it to all mechanics but you have to add coordinates in location file and from here you can refill and like this I have refilled nos bottle and I can use again so this was the jim mechanic script. I have shown limited functions only but we get more features and I will suggest you to check it out and read the documentation as everything is given, you will not get any doubt and if there is any then you can ask in their discord and at the end this is a paid script that comes for 15 pounds that is 1500rs including paypal tax so this was the video tell your views in comments and if tell me if you have suggestions
Channel: Yuvraj Verma
Views: 28,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: QBCore Framework, Free Script, FiveM Tutorial, FiveM Script, FiveM Resource, QBCore Resource, FiveM Development, FiveM Modding, FiveM Roleplay, FiveM Server, FiveM Scripting Tutorial, FiveM Script Installation, Yuvraj Verma, QBCore, FiveM, QBCore Jim Mechanic Script, Jim Mechanic Script, FiveM Mechanic Script, Jim Mechanic FiveM, FiveM Mechanic, QBCore Jim Mechanic Script | Installation and Showcase, Jim Mechanic, Mechanic Script
Id: JKn1QQmnf68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 49sec (1729 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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