Q&A With Cardinal Raymond Burke - Dallas Conference Full Talk

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we decided to do this format because we thought this this was a comprehensive conference and we had many great speakers great conferences but we know that there are many questions that may not have been answered so i i spoke with his eminence that instead of speaking one more talk on the family if we could do a question and answer forum it um to reach out actually was it was the idea of my wife who i do a program that occasionally airs on ewtn with his eminence and other people called catholic action insight and the format is in half an hour to have an authority on a subject usually it's been cardinals or bishops or archbishops but i did do one with with charles lemandry uh in the dvd is out in front there but it's to answer questions that the typical person in the pew doesn't know the answer to that's what the format is is is not the talk this is the cat we all know they have the catechism we have the teachings of the church we know that but as as all the speakers so aptly showed we don't see the practice of that and there are situations and those shows have been very very insightful and successful in in a half an hour answering them so today it's even better because we have one hour the final talk to wrap up this two th three days of insight from all angles from the clergy from the laity from experts even with a little humor thrown in sometimes we all appreciate that but we have a list of questions that you've been submitting and we went through some of them were duplicates so what we did is we condensed them down some people had the same thing which is obvious whether you're you know a young single person or you're a young married couple or you're a father or a mother of family so we've gone through and we have all the questions here i hope that the um the time is suffice for us to get through them all but i think it's something that reading through the questions here we see that a lot of us here are facing the same challenges what you think is on your mind and what you're going through other families are going through we hear that people come to us people say well this is going on my family one of one that's very difficult that i get questioned about and i know a lot of clergy do today um you know it's something that's tearing families apart is we have a relative i have recently a man told me his niece he said i've been putting this off but i know i'm gonna i have to face it and it's going to hit the fan and divide our family but his niece is quote marrying another woman he said we can't go he talked to the priest he said no you can't go to go to a same-sex wedding you commit a sin it's not like going even to a non-catholic or some other ceremonies you cannot go and this man is family because he said when i tell them that that's going to be the end of it because my my brother and his his wife you know they don't like it or you know but but that's the way it is and they don't want to reject them and so he said i can't go and i know that so this is something probably some of you have this here i know some priests that have this in their family can imagine the heartbreak for them so today we're ready we're going to ask these are questions that were submitted by all of you and we'll try to ask his eminence to give comprehensive answers that hopefully this can resolve some of the questions and dilemmas that we all have in our hearts and souls the first first question here someone asked is your eminence do you expect pope francis to ever answer the dubia is there a next step i think that for the amount of time that has passed since the dubai were presented and what you must keep in mind is that not only did we present the dubia once but we asked then more than once to have an audience with his holiness to discuss the dubia at which we never received a response so i don't believe it's reasonable to think that that he will respond to the dubia the dubia have to be answered because they are serious questions that touch at the very foundation of the church's faith and in particular with regard to the moral law and those of us who well they're just two of us left cardinal brand mueller and myself but we we keep trying to see what is the most effective way to correct the confusion in about these five fundamental questions in the postsynaptical apostolic exhortation amores litizia leticia and so i can promise you that something will happen it's just to try to figure out the correct way to approach it yes thank you eminence so the next question here is kind of a personal one did your eminence ever hear the confessions of your parents or siblings may have i i'm i'm sure that i want another occasion one of my siblings went to confession to me asked directly or but many times when i was hearing confessions in my home parish it was obviously in the confessional and it could well have been that someone from my family went to confession thank you so we have another question here is your eminence aside from the reading of scripture is there a particular theologian or spiritual writer who has influenced you more than others in terms of spiritual writers the i've been influenced for a very long time by saint dress of lazio the little flower especially by her autobiography and also by her last conversations and in particular then by the theological studies of her little way likewise i've been very influenced as a priest by the spiritual writings of blessed columbus army and an irish priest who became a monk of the belgian benedictine monastery at mouritsu and wrote some perennially powerful spiritual books for monks and priests and for the faithful in general and the spirituality is centered upon the indwelling of the holy spirit in the in the soul that gift of the holy spirit that comes from the purest heart of jesus and i found this to be particularly powerful sometimes there's a temptation in the spiritual life to to look for methods that are effective in addressing spiritual questions and there's nothing wrong with that one of the famous examples is the ignatian discernment but it's not sufficient because a spiritual life has to do with a personal relationship with our lord jesus christ the living relationship with him that is constituted by the by the sacraments in us and nourished and strengthened in us through the sacraments and so we any of these methods that are are used have to be always set within the context of a deeper spirituality which one finds for example in the little flower or in uh blessed columbus army marmian so we have another question your eminence um could you please tell us about your mother did she get to see you ordained a priest and did she get to see you elevated to be a bishop well my mother was born and raised in in an american baptist home her parents were american baptists i did not know my mother's father he died when i was an infant i did know her mother who was a very good christian lady and of that era when there was in many respects even though we were divided from one another in the sense that one would never have thought of stepping foot in a protestant church there was a certain communion of belief especially with regard to moral questions and my mother was raised in a very christian way by her mother and then she hired to teach in the one room schoolhouse that was on the property of my grandparents my father's parents those days in wisconsin at least there were a lot of these one-room schoolhouses my mother had gone to what they called the normal school after high school and was a teacher so she taught in that little school and sometimes as happens in wisconsin the weather would be so terrible that she couldn't get back to the city this would have been six miles outside of out of the town of richland center and so the um she'd my parents my grandparents would have her stay overnight and that's how she met my father she then observing the faith of my grandparents and my father she when they decided to get married she took instructions from a wonderful priest by the bernard mckevitt who was pastor of the parish at their admission center the assumption of the blessed virgin mary parish and she used to recount even in her later years how wonderful those instructions were and she came to understand that the catholic faith was the the true church catholic church was the true church and so she embraced the catholic faith and in fact as children we were very surprised to learn that our mother had not always been catholic because she was very very strict about us learning our faith and also practicing it thanks be to god she was indeed present from our nation to the priesthood in on june 29 1975 in this saint peter's square in rome my father had died years previously he was diagnosed in 1955 with a brain tumor and died in july of 1956 but my mother lived then another uh 40 years as a widow and she did come to that that ordination and then likewise she was blessed to come to my ordination consecration as a bishop on january 6th of 1995 and it was a wonderful time my sister mary accompanied her she was getting up in the years and she did have some heart problems but she was able to come and it was a very uh very wonderful time and i say that she died then in 1996 and well one never wants to part with his mother i often thought that god was good to her because the first year of a bishop and is a kind of a honeymoon and people are excited a new bishop and so forth but after the first year you have to begin to make some difficult decisions and they oftentimes displease people and was she died in on february 29th of 1996 and it was not too long after that that the attacks from the media and so forth began to to come she never had to to know about that except from a perspective where she'd be able to understand it and accept it much more readily but it would have been a suffering for her certainly as a mother to but anyway i have to say in the older i get the more strongly i realize how blessed i was in both of my parents but in my mother with my mother in a particular way who was so strong when my father had died i was eight years old and i had a brother was ten my sister was 12 and my brother was 14 and then two older siblings one was a senior in high school and one had already graduated was working she was very strong and she dedicated herself completely uh to the family and what a wonderful gift it was and above all we we learned that the faith came first and and and then our family and we also learned at home a very important virtue which i think needs to be recovered very much today and that is patriotism in your eminence i think it was a very special rare blessing for your mother because it doesn't happen very often but his eminence when he was named bishop he was appointed to his home diocese where he was a priest and where he grew up the diocese of lacrosse so his mother had her son bishop the bishop of her diocese that's very rare and i think was a blessing that was a providence too because she she the physicians convinced her to have a heart surgery in january of that year which is the famous thing that the the surgery was a success but she was terribly ill from the from the side side effects of it and so she was about six weeks in the hospital and then died and anyway it was a blessing that i was bishop because i could in going around the diocese i could always come to the hospital and spend time with her so here we have a question from a mother she says your eminence my husband and i have several children we as many other catholic parents were open for our boys to perhaps follow a vocation to the priesthood however in light of the current priests scandal we are afraid are torn between having them go to the seminary and risk perhaps corruption or dissuading them from that which is weighing on us what counsel would you have for parents faced with this dilemma well if if your son is hearing the call to the priesthood there's only one thing you can do and that is to assist him to respond to the call certainly not push it or not make him feel that pressure from you but at the same time that the son should see that you have a deep faith in god then if god is calling him to the priesthood that he must respond with all his heart what one has to keep in mind in all of this is yes austin said it this morning and others have made allusion too these acts were committed by corrupt men fundamentally and i don't think this is said nearly enough what we're dealing with here is sin sinful desires disordered desires and it isn't clericalism or any of these other strange ideas that are going around to try to divert people's attention from the reality of sin that can satan of course detest young men who want to give their lives to him completely as priests and so he's going to be busy in the seminary but i can tell you this that i went through the seminary when i started out in the minor seminary in 1962 there was a great stability it was a great discipline and i certainly never detected anything of improper nature in any of our priest professors that we had and and there was a very strong discipline in the seminary itself which would have discouraged any kind of of weakness towards a homosexual orientation when i went to catholic university in 1968 and then in the last six years of my seminary performation everything was in turmoil after the council but there were always good young men who were studying and even though there might have been strange ideas going around in the seminary there were always good young men who would encourage other good young men to follow faithfully uh the vocation to uh to deepen their spiritual life certainly to strengthen their moral life in accord with with what the priesthood demands and so i and that's true even today and my travels around i'm i'm happy to say i think that in the united states there's been a great improvement in the seminaries and i i think there are a number of very good seminaries now you may always have one or another person in the seminary who shouldn't be there god willing the faculty discovers this and and sends the person away but this doesn't characterize the seminary life today and you see these young seminarians who are here with us this weekend and i meet so many fine young seminarians and they this is what the lord does by his grace he inspires a pure and generous love in these young men and so they we we have simply to be spiritually alert and if there's someone who is having moral ten immoral tendencies and and there's not those are not being addressed uh that doesn't mean that the that your son is going to be corrupted we just keep our eyes open and avoid any contact with people who are are not right in their response to god's grace and as i say in traveling around i'm always approached by seminarians and and they will tell me about difficulties in their seminary but it just amazes me because these are young people i grew up in a relatively stable christian atmosphere catholic atmosphere and society these are young men who have grown up in a very troubled society but i think come from good homes they've known good priests and i see in them the same desire and the same commitment that that i had as a as a young seminarian and i have great confidence in them and so don't be afraid just your son enters the seminary keeping good communication with him and and visit the seminary yourself and that's one thing i always encouraged as archbishop we were so blessed in st louis we had our own seminary that encouraged parents to visit the seminary and to experience the life of the seminary and and they would see even as archbishop tried to go to the seminary every week simply so i could have my hand on the pulse of the life of the seminary but don't be afraid we i what amazes me uh human logic would say with all these scandals that no good young man anymore would want to go to the seminary and my experience both in the cross and in st louis was that the candidates were especially in st louis were numerous and they were the finest young men that you'd you'd want to find and you remember something you've reiterated many times to me with others recently is that these situations have existed in the church before it wasn't this isn't like only now in the 21st century we're having this and that the church has you mentioned norms and rules and canon law to take care of it but in recent decades a big problem what we saw that brought this here was no enforcement we have the laws but if you don't enforce them and i think that fits very well that this has always gone on but we need to get back and that's why we need the enforcement we need to have investigations and you know conclusions yes there are processes to deal with all of these matters they've been developed over the centuries of the church's discipline but is typical of the kind of arrogance of a of a revolutionary spirit people pretend like we're the first ones to have confronted these situations and so they come up with all the so-called original foolproof plans and programs to to deal with corruption and sinfulness that has always existed to a certain degree in the church and for which the church has developed very clear processes to deal with them but in recent decades and i saw it myself as a as a canonist complete disinterest in in how the church had historically dealt with these situations and this kind of arrogant uh idea that that we know best and and it's you see the disaster that it's brought upon us the only thing that can help the situation is the truth and to get to the truth of of the matter and and to purify situations and acquired with that truth and that's the best for everybody here we have a question from a medical student i am i am going to medical school and eventually i will see patients what does a catholic physician do when a patient goes into cardiac arrest and requires resuscitation but this patient has signed a do not resuscitate order it seems to me that the do not resuscitate order as as a certain compelling force to it that is that if the person is clearly there's no hope for the improvement of the health of the person that that to do the resuscitation would be actually wrong in other words to try to to prevent clearly a situation which god is calling a soul home to himself i remember a case when i was a parish priest there was a very elderly woman in the parish who lived with her maiden daughter and i knew them very well they used to invite me for time from time to time for me also just a lovely elderly lady but she was extremely frail well up into her years she'd had a lot of heart difficulties and at one point she was in the hospital for several days and and she wasn't doing well but the doctor eventually sent her home and as a few days after she was home she had an incident and um uh her daughter called 911 as you would do and they they they did this resuscitation which was quite a obviously kind of a violent thing especially as frail she was and what it did she she died within a few days but it was it was a useless effort they had to do it i'm not criticizing them they were called but you know they broke ribs and things and it was just clearly that that her the lord was calling her home but if the medical doctor knows that in fact there's every reason to believe that if he resuscitates the person uh that the person is there's good reason to believe we'll continue to live and then i i think there's a higher law that the doctor has to follow and if he can't follow that law then then he he has to renounce his practice because a patient can't order a doctor to do something that is against the care of human life and the promotion of human life this is a difficulty with some of these living wills and so forth where people want to end their own lives at a certain point and if a physician can't be put in that position and i think it's very beautiful your eminence that as we're here with the daughter of saint john here and talking about saint john that saint john was a physician and something that we in the saint john of physicians guild talk about and the retreat is about and keep is kind of our motto is that saint jianna always said in in her writings she said we physicians have a priestly vocation she called it a priestly vocation she said because as a priest touches our lord in the blessed sacrament we physicians touch our lord and our patients the old the young the mothers so that's something i think it goes very much with that how the discernment that it's a vocation and she called it a priestly vocation i think another thing too and austin roose referred to it in his talk this morning but there are human rights that are prior to any rights that are conceded by the state because they come from god himself the the right to life being one of them and so the the state can't make rights for instance the right of choice or the right to die these kind of rights that are in conflict with those fundamental rights which come from the hand of god so the next question your eminence is what would your eminence consider was your most joyful moment serving christ and his church as a priest i would i'd have to say that that it's the daily offering of the holy mass i understood from the the day i was ordained that this was the most important work which i had to do and that was to offer mass every day even on days when there were no faithful present but to offer the holy sacrifice of the mass for the salvation of the world and that remains my my deepest joy from that come all kind of other joys the other sacraments i took it was a great joy for me to teach children the faith for a while i was for three years i was teaching in a secondary school teaching the catholic faith those were also very joyous moments of course assisting families assisting those who are dying but at the heart it all comes back to that union with christ and this eucharistic sacrifice that is the the great joy of the priest the venerable fulton sheen who has many wonderful writings another author i could very much commend you but here's a beautiful book called the priest is not his own and in that book he emphasizes very profoundly the identity of the priest and the holy eucharist he has i think 17 or 19 reasons why the priest should every day make a holy hour before the blessed sacrament in order to retain his strong identity beautiful yes so here's a question a little more personal you reminisce how well do you cardinals know each other and are there cardinals you pal around with some of us know each other quite well also personally and there are cardinals so i'm very pleased to to call my friends and when they come to rome they generally come to see me and we have a meal together if possible i'm it's always very heartening for me and i've also enjoyed a a very good friendship with cardinal brandmiller who's several years my senior but uh just a wonderful uh churchman and um there are others too others i know more distantly by what they say and do and that there's quite a body of cardinals that i don't know at all and i think i've said this recently in an interview which i gave when i was visiting in australia during it in new zealand and australia during the first part this of october this is for me is a very critical situation and that i think a number of cardinals do not know the other cardinals and i include myself in that number and how is it then that in a conclave these cardinals will be able to vote for one of the cardinals to be pope if they really don't know who these men are i think there are some very good initiatives afoot to try to present an objective picture of the various cardinals that would be helpful to to the other cardinals at the time of of a conclave sure because the cardinals are appointed from all parts of the world yes pope francis has appointed 59 electing cardinals and a great number of them i wouldn't know at all so the next question here could your evidence please tell us about the synod on youth particularly the final document what concerns if any should we have about it well first of all i didn't take part in the synod on the youth i have some knowledge of it from those who were participants uh also from some young people who who came to me expressing their their deep concerns i think that the the senate process has become very manipulated i certainly experienced it in the senate and the family to a degree that was alarming to me but now that kind of process has been institutionalized in a way by a new apostolic constitution on the synod of bishops but i just give you one example which i think is is very telling and that is that the final document was available to the bishops practically exclusively in italian and a number of those who participated in the synod of bishops don't know italian and italian is not one yes it's used a great deal in the church in rome in particular but if cardinals and bishops did not spend a significant time in rome they simply don't know the language or even if they do may not have used it for a long time and then i'm told that for certain paragraphs they were reading these out to the cardinals at the moment that they were voting on them and that it was a very unedifying process for so so such an important document and it's made more concerning because in the past the synod gave a document to the pope that the pope was to take and evaluate and to use in writing a apostolic exhortation we've seen some wonderful documents in that regard for instance familiaris consortio after a synod on the family in the 1980s written by pope saint john paul ii but now with pope francis the proposal is that this document that comes out from the synod itself will be the final document i personally don't think that that's acceptable and especially not in the way that it was carried out particular concerns that i have are one about this whole question of the moral law there was a very popular kind of rhetoric coming out from the office of the senate of bishops that young people today no longer find the church's language with regard to the moral law uh understandable or convincing that they require a new language a new understanding and this is of great concern because the what i find in young people is they want to know the truth they don't want this kind of watered-down approach you heard it yesterday in john henry weston's presentation in that video clip of the various young people i also had the pleasure to meet the second thing is that completely outside of the of the teaching or the discussions excuse me in the synod is this claim that the synod was about synodality this is a kind of a buzzword i haven't found in any uh document a thorough definition of it and it's uh it's a term the term synod has various meanings in the history of the church's discipline but the way that it's being used now is this kind of confused approach where everybody's point of view seems to be of the same wait and we that simply sharing views will be the answer to uh how we ought to live our lives well that's not correct our lord himself said i am the way the truth and the life it's our lord as he teaches us in the church who shows us the way and so this and this confused approach called synodality has to be addressed and and that the synod is being used now to say that the bishops of the world want synodality to be the distinctive characteristic of the life of the church in our time first of all i don't think it's true but secondly if it weren't true it would be a sign that we're approaching more and more a situation of becoming just one more christian denomination that the catholic church no longer is standing for the apostolic tradition one church throughout the whole world in christ and so i think that was also something that we could appreciate very much from austin roose's presentation and i didn't get to hear all of carl keating's yesterday but i think also from his presentation we have to understand this i'm in just i find it interesting that a number of devout protestants have expressed to me their profound concern that the catholic church has lost its way and there was one famous statement made after the first week of the synod on the family when the new york times carried this headline the catholic revolution in the catholic church a lutheran pastor who said with great concern to a catholic priest we gave up these teachings a long time ago but we always counted upon the catholic church to uphold them and you might find that strange but many people even though they're not part of the catholic church they have a profound respect for the church and their fidelity to the apostolic tradition and we we know our lord will never permit that the church abandoned that apostolic tradition but i believe that there's a very strong movement of apostasy in our time and we need to confront it it is a great time it isn't the time i would have necessarily chosen to live but it's it's the one our lord has given us and we ought to be proud to to fight uh for the truth our lord never gives us a cross too big that we can't bear sometimes when you face that cross you it's still the cross still the cross so your eminence um here's a question a little more personal when your eminence has a chance to relax assuming you ever do how do you like to enjoy your leisure time i i enjoy good music i enjoy listening to i have some wonderful recordings of gregorian chant and polyphony but also i there are some composers that i'm very fond of mozart and other classical composers and so i like to listen to music i also enjoy reading very much and then another thing that i enjoy is walking i don't do that enough anymore but it i really enjoy just going out and taking long walks and i find that very refreshing for me and also to clear my mind we have a question here from a young couple what is your best advice for a young married couple newlyweds who are setting out to form a family in this culture in which we live well the first advice is to is to center your marriage upon the holy eucharist and regular confession to keep very close to the the consent which you've exchanged namely and which with which you receive the grace of faithful indissoluble and procreative love and so to draw closer and closer to yourself and to yourselves and how does that happen except in christ and then will find a great desire for children and i would encourage you to be very generous with god in in welcoming children into your family even if it means some hardship for you less physical comforts for you in order to sacrifice for the children you'll find your great blessing in being a procreator with god of new human life and then educating those children in the faith and then in that regard to be very attentive to the whole question of education the family and education as far as i'm concerned are going to be the principal agents of a new evangelization of our time in our time and so make whatever sacrifices you have to make in order that your children be raised good catholics that what you teach them at home they will also find taught in the schools that into which you send them there's a wonderful edition of the new edition of the baltimore catechism that's been published i think it might be through the seton homes school study program but it's a it's a wonderful addition in which there are these commentaries on the various uh questions and answers and i would encourage you very much to have a copy of that in your home together with the catechism of the catholic church and to to read frequently about the truths of the faith and to impart them to your children your eminence we have time for just a couple left here and as people see as yesterday during the confession when if i'm moving some it's because his eminence in his very complete answers is answering some of the other questions that that were asked there but here's one that i think is on the minds of many here the question is your imminence is there anything being done in the vatican to respond to archbishop vigono's allegations and if not how can we as lay catholics express to the holy father that this is an important issue for us i i'm not part of the of those whom the vote with whom the pope takes counsel and so forth but from everything i can tell there's no intention to to take any action and and that's can't be right one had the impression that when the cardinal dinardo and archbishop gomez and visited with his holiness about asking an intervention on the part of the holy see to investigate the very serious accusations made by archbishop carlo maria vegano that they were told that they were to deal with it themselves but that's that's not correct in the catholic church the pope appoints bishops and the pope is responsible for the discipline of bishops and the only you don't have to be an astrophysicist to figure this out the only way to deal with this is to to institute the appropriate canonical investigations to get at the truth regarding each of the accusations which archbishop bigenos made he obviously in conscience felt that he had to make this very courageous declaration for the sake of the good of the church to purify it of an element a very terrible element of corruption and therefore we need to take to heart uh what what he said and and get to the bottom of it and what can you do as lay faithful keep insisting some europeans have said to me please tell the faithful in the united states to to keep the heat up they use the for the term to keep the heat up in the sense insist because in europe what happened was there was an initial report about these accusations and now basically no one seems to care anymore but here in our country we love the catholic faith we love our holy mother the church and when we see her being lacerated in this way by terrible scandals we have to insist that those who are in authority take the proper action to to address this and i think nothing short of that will will put people's mind at ease for people to say that just make come up with your own solution that that's i've received a lot of people saying here that what kind of a solution that is that's not a solution to a solution no and once again going back to something we said earlier this is not a new situation in the church in the sense that the church has experienced scandals in the past this one is it is really horrible in the sense that one thinks of someone who was a priest as a bishop as a cardinal who was abusing so terribly his office this is a horrible scandal but the church has dealt with this in the past and and she has procedures to deal with it that we need to take in the roman pontifical before the reforms there is a whole series of rights for what is called in latin the degradation of a cleric who who gravely sins against his office and there's a right for an archbishop a bishop priest all levels of clerics and and they're very very impressive rights why do you think they were in the roman pontifical because there were clerics who gave way to to satan and betrayed their office by by grave moral failings and so we need to to address the situation in the same way today yerman says we have time for maybe one maybe two more questions but this but this one here i think is um very very interesting and also on the minds of many person writes here given the second round of sexual abuse in the church it seems that bringing back pope leo the 13th request of saying the prayer to saint michael the archangel is a good idea however my priest says that vatican ii took this practice away because this practice quote took away from the eucharist in the mass saying the prayer before or after mass seems that would that this this would be a good a good thing to do what would your response be to this issue i'm all in favor of restoring the leonine prayers and i don't see how in any way they detract from the mass in fact when when we've participated in the holy mass and and communicated with the great holiness to which we are called because of our communion with christ because of our union with him and in his eucharistic sacrifice it's very natural for us to make these prayers at the end of the mass for the church who is in grave difficulty saying leo a pope leo excuse me the 13th he had this vision of the tremendous evils assailing the church and that's when he wrote the ask for the prayer to say michael the archangel and wrote these prayers and i think we ought to have the humility today to restore them surely all the grace to overcome the evils comes from the holy eucharist we need to call upon the help especially of saint michael the archangel when we see that the devil is unleashed he's really on a rampage and we need to call upon the help of the michael the archangel and and pray also through the intercession of our blessed mother uh for the protection and and the well-being of the church well in your minds the prayer as as initiated by pope leo the 13th first of all it was revealed to him in a revelation so and he asked because he saw the vision of the devil and he said this is what should be prayed it was prayed at the end of mass so i don't it wasn't part of the mass but i think it's kind of like with the fathom apparitions our lady came and appeared and 100 years later the fat of apparitions are not talked about in many churches most people don't know she said pray the rosary most how many people in today's world no so these traditions that were were needed back then when the times weren't as bad i mean who could have imagined where we are today but yet to not pray the prayer i think it's really shows the work of the devil to maneuver to get these prayers these devotions not prayed at a time when we now need to pray them and it's it's inspiring to see that in the united states a number of bishops have called that they are they are going to start in all the parishes after sunday masses are all masses that they're going to reinstate that and i think that's a blessing for our country i agree with your mens that's all the time that we have today i thank you very much it was very insightful as i think all of you will agree with me it's nice to hear solid answers straightforward answers that's that's something that i always admired in cardinal burke is you you ask a question you get a straight answer he doesn't he doesn't say what is it that you want to hear or what it what is it that's politically correct but he speaks the truth of the church of our lord jesus christ
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Views: 3,877
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Keywords: raymond burke, catholicism, catholic, catholicaction, q&A, question and answer, questionandanswer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 50sec (3230 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 11 2019
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