Why Did God Create The Tree of Good and Evil if He Knew Adam and Eve Would Eat From it?

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if we're going to eat of the tree of good and evil why did he create tree why did God create the tree that she said if he knew they were going to eat of it why did he create it that's a really good question if he knew they would eat why why did he create it that is a really good question well Sophie I'll give you the short answer and then we'll do a long one the short and let's all come on let's all look everybody have Genesis 2:17 there let's get there because actually this is in the visitor line this morning someone came through the line and and I was meeting them and I said where do you normally go to church and he said we moved here and they said the type of church they're from and and this is a very big doctrinal issue but I'll read at 2:17 says but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat for in the day that you eat it you shall surely die and so why would God if he knew they would leave it why did he create it Sophie you're gone where did you go there you are right there there are three answers to your questions and here they are basically the first is the infra lapse Aryan view the second is the Supra lapse Aryan view and the third is the Doug sub where are you where I heard you up we're stuck oh right there sub laps arianism sub lap Cerie and ism and this is lab sarin ISM there too basically the Bible doesn't say no it doesn't that's why there are three views the Bible does not say what it says is that God knows all things Deuteronomy 29:29 says the secret things belong to God the Scriptures also say that God's decrees cannot be broken so these three views of of the fall is did God as they were falling as they were going through the fall was he navigating and and and guiding the process or above the I mean like before there was even a fall and after the fall it's kind of like did God know it was going to happen before it even happened and already had the plan you know in eternity past did he after it happened or did he while it was happening now that's not really how it goes but that's how I like to summarize them but basically this this is the answer and this came with I don't know if I ever fully where did she go the newlywed oh there you are Mia the the idea of evil and lighted allow evil it's very connected to that and basically it's this I will give the simple God was showing see already already Satan had fallen you all know that Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 says that already Satan had fallen into sin and the same reason that God allowed Eve to partake of the tree is connected with with Mina's question about why did God even allow evil and I gave that answer briefly and I will give it briefly again because just the fact that we have laps Arianism and volumes written on something that the Bible never addresses understand that it doesn't address all things it only tells us the things that God wants us to know but I will just take what we know Satan felt so number one Satan fell then Satan comes down and begins tempting there we go it doesn't like I don't know there we go then the tempting of Eve started so chronologically Satan fell first wide see the real answer to to Sofia's question is why did God even allow Satan to fall why does God even allow evil why because of God's omniscience his wisdom actually theologically with omniscience is a nice word but actually the biblical word is wisdom that God doesn't discover anything he never learns anything he has no additional knowledge so does God know who's going to be saved he knew that before anything was created because before there was time in eternity eternity past even though there isn't no past there isn't past present future in eternity but he has always known everything I think that's the first thing you have to come to either you have a if you know anything in theological circles the the whole Greg Boyd God doesn't know the future view which is very weak and dangerous and unbiblical or you have to come to the point that God knew all this was going to happen and he before it ever happened determined the outcome but why and here's why I think and I mean Who am I to say I mean Calvin rode his Institute's when he was like 20-some years old or so I mean loser I mean the Reformers have true Agustin probably one of the biggest minds ever to be on this planet since Christ mine and Paul's mine they could not figure this out and so as st. Augustine said Agustin he said that that these these truths are like this they're like an ocean and the ocean has this little shallow part where the waters warm and kids sit and splash on the ground they're splashing little children can sit there and enjoy it but you keep going out in it you'll drowned like an elephant can drown so I'll give the short of it God is perfect and self existent and so because God is perfect in self existent only God is self existent and is perfectly good all those attributes you know his goodness his his sufficiency that that he doesn't need anything to keep himself going his power and all that all of us are out here somewhere and here's Satan right there there's Lucifer and God kept him perfect nothing is perfect on its own nothing nothing is self-existent ly good and able to perpetually continue in perfection I mean there's lots of big words for that Satan Satan was out here perfectly doing what God said but that's because God was keeping him what does it say in Jude the last two verses of Jude now unto Him who is able to keep you from falling the the the preservation power the power God has to keep us is is all that keeps us alive that's what Colossians 1 says that through Christ all things consist he's holding everything together and so what did he do God just briefly just said I'm going to demonstrate what happens when I don't hold on and he just for a moment like that and it says evil was found in Satan that's what he said I mean look at Ezekiel 14 I mean I can Armina Isaiah 14 I can talk all night but we have to keep with the scriptures because I want you to see how I think but Isaiah 14 and it says Isaiah 14 starting in verse 12 how are you fallen from heaven o Lucifer son of the morning I'm in Isaiah 14:12 how you are cut down the ground you who week in the nation's for you have said in your heart this is what's so interesting actually it appears biblically if you merge you know here's the throne of God right here it's on this high mountain it's a throne I'm not an artist my father was an artist but there's a throne and you know God is you know light streaming from him and it appears that Lucifer was the covering cherub that he had his his wings like this you kind of see it in Egyptian you know they just found Nefertiti's tomb you know King Tut's mom and her tomb was always there they just didn't notice it it was behind the wall and they're all excited about it but part of the the decor of that room are these winged seraphs like creatures and always the Pharaoh has those when you're sitting on his throne those winged cherubs are over him almost like a parasol and they're like a reflective you know when photographers have the flash they have that parabolic you know kind of um other thing that's kind of what Lucifer was reflecting you know God's glory was up and it was reflecting back so that's how Ezekiel says that Lucifer was up here as the covering cherub and so that's really anything that that he was able to do that and so God while he was holding him tight Lucifer reflected back the glory and so what it appears is that God and again that's the emphasis of stuff I mean did he plan did he do it how did he do it Wendy do it but look what happens you have said in your heart verse 13 I will ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will also sit on the mountain on the Mount of the congregation on the farthest side of the north I will ascend above the heights of the clouds and then look at verse 14 this for me in all my readings of Scripture is one of the greatest evidences of inspiration look what it says in verse 14 I will be what does your Bible say I will be what like like you notice what he doesn't say he doesn't say greater that shows this is a true account because if we were writing it all of the rebels say I'm going to be I'm going to a greater Empire I'm going to beat you Lucifer knew there's nothing greater than God God is greater than the sum of everything he has created and even that is incomprehensible to us but God is greater because he did not exhaust any power to create everything he is so limitless so so omnipotent we call it so God let him for a moment without God holding him see what happened and he says I am I decide that III and and that's why something very interesting here his name before the fall was Lucifer when he fell he began sin and what caused him to fall is pride and in the English language we have a beautiful correspondence there that the center of Lucifer in the center of Pride and the center of sin is always I and you notice that five times he says I I will ascend I will exalt I will also sit I will ascend and I will be like the most most high and you'll be brought down to the pit to the lowest parts of the pit now go over to Ezekiel so it goes isaiah jeremiah lamentations ezekiel and look at 28 because he fills in some more of the wonders of what satan had and again it's in verse 12 and by the way this is an example of what we see with Peter and Jesus you remember in chapter 16 of Matthew that Peters talking and what did Jesus say to Peter get thee behind me ya see Jesus was talking to Peter but he was looking beyond him and he could see who was really the instigator of the words you know that Peter was saying and and there was a king of tyre you know that's a historic personage the Phoenicians and and they were on an island off of the coast of modern-day Lebanon and they were Mariners excelsis and they were fabulously wealthy and very proud and very and and and who do you think was prompting them to all that the one who loves pride see that's why I said this morning we have to be very careful in modern contemporary worship because there is so much personality that's injected by the musicians and a lot of that is prompted by right here and by the way it's not just in contemporary worship it's in Christianity there's so many personality driven ministries where the people it's hard to decide whether they're following the Lord or that person and and really it shouldn't be hard it should be biblically when the Lord works like Philip with easy-open eunuch when he led him to the Lord he left and the guy kept following the Lord he went on his way rejoicing nowadays we have this this connection to people that is so strong that if a pastor does something wrong it just destroys the whole congregation because they are following him instead of him saying be followers together me like I am of what Christ see so the the king of Tyre was actually following Lucifer but look what it says verse 12 you were the seal of perfection that's not the king of Tyre now the the prophet is looking beyond the king of tyre a historic person each who - the one behind him that was motivating him which is Satan you were full of wisdom and perfect in beauty you were in eden the king of tyre was not in eden the garden of god and every precious stone was recovering the sardius Atoka has a diamond the barrel the Onyx a jasper sapphire turquoise emerald with gold right in the middle verse 13 the workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created now that's a there's a very hebrew language and it is very possible this implies in some forms that satan was also the worship leader of heaven in that interesting and isn't interesting how pervasively people are connected to music have you ever thought of that I travel a world to bend about 70 or 80 countries you can hear American music on every country every continent and and everybody is is connected through through music but let's not get off-topic look at verse 14 you were the anointed cherub see he was the the covering it did the variants of this word also anointed mashiac you know that anointed or the cover ring the reef of the parabolic the reflective which I prefer the the the covering cherub because it says the anointed cherub who covers I will establish you you were on the holy mountain of God walk back and forth in the midst of fiery stones remember I've told you that remember the issue of fire that comes out of that's what Daniel 7 says this river of fire God's throne is on fire and it appears all the stones that surround the throne of God are on fire you were perfect in your ways from the day you were created by the way what day was that well it was after the first day of creation yet remember it says that that as God was laying the foundations of the earth the sons the stars the mourning the angels were singing but they were created - and so it's very possible they were part of that creation so Lucifer we don't know how old he is but it's very possible he was created in all the other angels as a part of creation week but it says until iniquity was found in you and in see he was he was perfectly kept but then and you say where do you get this God temporarily doing that well cuz he does it he did it with Hezekiah remember them he he let go of Hezekiah to see what was in his heart and what Hezekiah do he showed all of his treasures God had blessed him with to the Babylonians who came and sacked the city and took it all and he was proud you see God God restrains so much in our lives and and he allowed what was in Lucifer to come out and what what comes when God when God is not holding us what comes out evil is found in us till evil was found in you and then verse 16 by the abundance of your trading you became filled with violence you sinned that that's allusion back to tyre that's what they were into the Phoenicians were traitors therefore I cast you as profane thing out of the mountain of God verse 16 and I destroyed you O covering cherub from the midst of the fiery stones your heart was lifted up because of your beauty you corrupted your wisdom and on and on that cast you down and so back to Sophie's question less I'd be labor it too long if God knew they would eat why did he create it because he had a plan of redemption and it wasn't his second plan it was his original plan because God does not change and he does not discover he does not add he doesn't make mid-flight adjustments see we have a great God and that you're even sitting here this many minutes listening to this is an evidence even of the presence of God within us even interested because we love the truth it says in 2nd Thessalonians that lost people never receive the love of the truth now what I'm glad Sophie didn't ask me is everything else to do with this so that's all I'm going to say about this sophie is that enough for you thanks then it's so sweet because I could bore you for a long time ok
Channel: DTBM OnlineVideoTraining
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Keywords: john barnett, dtbm, create, tree of good and evil, adam and eve, soverignty, bible, questions, answers, gensis, adam, eve, snake, devil, evil, sin, garden, eden, beginning, truth, lies, apple, death, life, good, god
Id: 5T6qKHDMxjw
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Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2015
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