Q3 Mina Community Spotlight Event | Mina Protocol

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just as an introduction to your my name is richie munro i'm mina foundation's community manager and it's absolute pleasure to be here so thank you from the meena team for being here considering it will be late or early in your time zone but we do have a pretty packed hour and a half of heavy information for you so again it's exciting and we have quite a few things to go through so our spotlight will run for about an hour and a half our speakers for the event are evan shapiro as most you would know he's a ceo of the mina foundation and evan will present updates along with the mena foundation mission and vision and shortly after that we'll have bajan shirouki head of product at 0-1 labs and bajan will present product priorities and the updates associated and after bishan will have christine and she's the meaner foundation community lead and christine will present the community spotlight now all of these events are quite in-depth so yeah be prepared sit back soak it up and shortly after that we'll be having a 45 minute or so ama with the panelists as well so evan bishan and christine hello evan how are you hey good thanks can people see my screen cool awesome okay so hey everyone i'm glad to glad to be here to talk to you this morning about the project so i'm evan i am the ceo of amina foundation previously of co-founder of one labs um and yeah i'm excited to kick this thing off today so just to briefly go over agenda again uh we just had that awesome welcome uh i'll be talking a little bit about both the status of mina briefly as well as an update on the mina foundation mission and vision and then bejan i'll be talking about product priorities update you'll hear about um just in general community spotlight and community stuff and then there'll be an ama with me at the end so i guess just to to mention uh the mean that's been live and stable for six months uh this is awesome for us to see uh because it means all of our testing worked out um yeah i don't know it's cool it's cool to see that the network's been doing so well uh we've seen a lot of growth over this time we were 8 000 accounts unchained it was hard to get the exact number so we were going conservative with this so at least more than 88 are staking at times the number has been much higher but you know really awesome staking percentage um which is really cool we've had a lot of blocks produced we also have a lot of snarks produced it's kind of normal to operation of the protocol but just pretty cool to think about just how many zero knowledge proofs have been produced for like what was only recently a production technology it's called we have lots of members on discord and telegram and a lot of people building things and we'll be announcing new community programs today i'm very excited for these so please stick around and listen about these i think they'll be really cool um yes i'm also very excited today that we'll not we're announcing like both imminently on twitter if it hasn't happened already and on the next slide finally like what's up with the ethereum rfp with the ethereum foundation so that's exciting we also recently announced this partnership with polygon where i think we'll be able to like build a lot of really cool things together with all the great products building on their ecosystem as well as what we can do with snaps and zero knowledge proofs there's also been many new tools and resources created by ecosystem participants um if you haven't seen all these awesome you know tools this is a place to go you know about awesome tools i think to check those out uh yeah so you know so finally we've you know gone through the process we've selected uh a team mill to be building um [Music] the implementation of a verifier for mina that runs in evm so they'll be building this out over the next few months and this is a project that we're doing between meena foundation and ethereum foundation and and why this is really cool is it's something that will let an ethereum smart contract effectively be verifying and holding on to a full proof of mina's ledger state and this takes advantage of how small the mean of proof actually is that it's only this few kilobytes that it can be verified so quickly to verify it on another chain um directly which is uh something that will both let other applications on ethereum start using mina snaps as if they were kind of native which is which is cool because there's not this the the the usual kind of challenge you have with bridging isn't there because you're just fully verifying all of mina's consensus and all being a state on top of ethereum so it was really elegant unidirectional bridge from using munis snaps from ethereum and then on top of that there's some good routes potentially for building the other half as well using this so you have a really cool bridge that is very trustless and very secure between uh mina and ethereum as well which i i there's a lot of directions that are exciting one is using this to verify uh ethereum state for mia so you can get more trustless access to ethereum even if you um [Music] don't have the ability to run an ethereum full node as well as potentially doing something where this can help create bridges between different protocols by using these bi-directional trussless bridges i know the last two are a little vague but at least the unidirectional bridge is on its way and uh very excited to see that happen and to roll out over the next few months uh so cool so i wanted to briefly share so be generally talking much more about kind of the the product state and where we're going to go for the product and all that kind of thing but i wanted to share a little bit on mina foundation mission and vision uh last time we talked about this we had sent out this ecosystem survey and we had over 2 000 responses i want to say it's like 2300 and something which is awesome because like it wasn't like a super short survey it was like a lot of questions so thank you everyone that filled that out uh it was really actually really helpful to to see it and what we learned about are just basically some things about why the community cares why they're involved how they want to participate and munich community members care about transparency productivity and vision and they look to the meena foundation to uphold and reinforce these these values and pillars the majority want to learn more about mina's technology and are here because they're invested in mina's long-term future and a large segment is interested in growing a very safe and inclusive community and guiding and orienting new members and many people self-identified to be participating in many different ways or be interested in participating in many different ways so we want to make sure that routes for all those are available um as we kind of build out the whole thing together given that we thought about well what should the promise of nina foundation be what should what should we be how should we be trying to fit into this picture that we're seeing develop along the community and it really comes down to how we can be supporting and [Music] how we can be supporting all the other things that people have been bringing in the survey how can we what can we do as a foundation to help make all those easier for everyone to to do if they already want to do it so we came down to like these kind of four promises so for one allocate resources strategically and equitably strategically this looks like partnerships grant cohorts and project grants so being able to distribute these out in a way that is fair a way that corresponds to all of our shared goals we want to achieve with the protocol next is ensuring that network health and security so operationally this is about working with key partners to develop protect and reinforce the infrastructure and protocol the muna foundation itself is in sort of the support position where it can help all these different entities do these different roles but as we can we want to help ensure that this this comes to be the network continues to be healthy and secure we also have a promise to support participants so tactically this starts with creating an environment for members to collaborate and thrive in a safe and secure way we want to create an environment where people like feel free to express themselves and feel free to do good work and where there are kind of good guidelines and roadmaps that are concrete around what you can actually do to start participating so it's not just kind of like this this you know landscape of lack of clarity or what act would actually do there so this one as well and lastly is championing mina in the wire wider worlds so mina's you know a protocol that has all these different sets of potential in ways that we can uh have a lot of impact both with any crypto and uh we think one day without outside of crypto so what can the mena foundation do to help share all the great things people are doing in this space and champion you know outside of you know just keep expanding the pool of people that are interested and know about meena yes between all these four promises we really hope we can help support the community and you'll be seeing more very concrete things on these soon including later in this this talk about things that we're going to start doing to actually start making these happen and i maybe you got kind of the idea of this already but the mission is basically we're going to serve and empower the expanding ecosystem of meena participants it's a kind of meta role where we're just trying to help everyone else do their best part and if you have ideas on things we could be additionally doing or should be starting to think about doing in the future let us know because we want to just basically help serve and empower the ecosystem and there are some values we identified that we want to make sure to hold to so this is like basically what you can count on the meena foundation values of the first level too so for one is service we want to focus on understanding what the community needs and serve as an underlying support system rather than kind of the central star we want them to be other others uh openness we welcome diverse and divergent perspectives and communicate transparently and proactively um this both refers to like we want to make sure that we are like adapting to hold the space for the global community that we think is there and we want to kind of be an open open book that reflects back onto the community everything they might need to know to be really effective at what they're doing relatability we seek to be accessible and approachable in how we serve and speak so members feel like they belong we don't we want to make sure that the information we're doing isn't like obscure and hard to understand we want to make sure we're putting things together in a way that is really comprehensible and really easy to grasp and lastly accountability we report on decisions goals and progress and create feedback cycles for the community to inform and speak for us i think in particular it's it's going to be important that both as a foundation as a community we think about the evidence behind our actions and evaluate our effectiveness and how well we're holding all these things regularly and it's definitely up to the foundation as well to be accountable for producing reports on that and being really transparent and open about how you know certain things went and some things are going to go really well and some things will take iteration so the only way we discover that is through these feedback cycles so making sure we're making room for that as well uh and that's it so i hope that was a good preview of both some things of the project and some things of the mission and vision uh here are all the standard links i'll take it back to ritchie now thanks everyone oh and i'll see you for the ama uh you know you know in the end thank you evan that was awesome very in-depth uh so now we're gonna hand you over to bajan and bishan are you there all right sounds good thank you very much so now maurice i'm gonna start my presentation now okay great so very excited to be here um i'm head of product at 01 labs and we're one of the contributors to mina ecosystem we've been working really hard during the last uh the rest of the basically few months in this year in the past few months this year to have a really clear idea of what our product priorities are and the reason we think this is very important for us to do is it's always there are so many things that we can do and it's very important for us to know what are the things that we're not going to do so what we did was we spent some time with some of the community members some of our advisors some of the experts in the space and even ecosystem contributors to get an understanding of their perspectives on what the highest priority items for demena protocol should be in the next few months and we came up with the list and we spent a lot of time to kind of discuss what should be prioritized over others and this is kind of the final list of high priority items that you guys are seeing as you'll notice there are um a few themes that kind of emerge and i'll go over those themes in the next slide briefly but at a high level it's really about a couple of things one on bringing snaps to mainnet that's one of the highest priority items that we all acknowledge as very very important tasks for us to really bring the potential of me not to reality and in order for that to happen uh in a useful way we need to make sure that we're kind of thinking about the developer experience and providing the developers the tools that they need to democratize access to privacy so um we're working a lot of work we're doing a lot of work there as well to enable um the developer community to build on snaps applications on top of mina using our programming language snarky js we also acknowledge that in a long run in order for us to continue moving faster and faster we need to have a really really strong kind of infrastructure um from a um testing perspective in order so that we're actually able to um deploy things faster and kind of move quickly so that's kind of what the integration test item reflect reflects here and we also want to enable um the community to be able to run on their own networks and we think this is very crucial to the health of the network and in order for that to happen there's some work that we need to do on our side that we're currently working on but this is another thing that we think is like of high priority for us and web snaps is another high priority and basically what web snaps represents is like connecting um the web 2 or like the real world data that exists today in a private way and enabling snaps to bring the proof of those data into the blockchain using https in a trustless manner and that's another key area of focus for us we think that that's really what is going to kind of deliver that promise of bringing privacy on to blockchain bridging to ethereum is also another area that i think evan provided more info on it's another key area for us that we want to make sure we're able to contribute to and this would mean some things from one lap's perspective like being available for the other team that's actually doing the bridge to ethereum um providing them with any answer that they might have about the implementation of mina that we've had and really enabling them to move as quickly as they can note stability is another area that we understand is very important there are a few projects that are ongoing right now from a short-term perspective and long-term perspective in short term we really want to kind of address some of the crashes that the community has been seeing with their nodes making the graphql more stable enable it to respond faster in the long run we also need to do some work that really allows um for things like um the data sizes that are being transferred between the nodes to be smaller using projects like bitswap that we're actively working on implementing on mina and finally non-consensus notes we want to help our one of the ecosystem partner one of the ecosystem contributors chain save to work as fast as they can with with bringing the non-consensus nodes to mainnet and in order for them to do their work there's some things that we need to also help them with such as providing them with more information on how the nodes are currently implemented that's another area that we understand are key priorities from o1 labs perspective but chainsave is also really the one that's doing a great work on implementing this and they're giving this high priority so this is really like kind of a high level like our um areas of priority um that we're tracking against right now on the product side for the whole mina ecosystem and it kind of breaks into like these kind of three themes of like snaps that bring um the usability aspect of uh mina to the real world note stability um that allows the nodes block producers snarkers to smoothly run their node operation and contribute to the amino ecosystem and non-consensus nodes which would basically allow more devices um and a broader audience to actually um see the the promise of blockchain and being able to trustlessly um interact with a decentralized protocol so these are our key three areas of focus and um what i think bring all of it together is really snaps and in order for us to um deliver that like that real value to the community we have to um bring snaps to mainnet and that's coming very soon this is i'm very excited to say that our test net with snaps is going to be during the next quarter we've already identified a bunch of use cases that we think are interesting for o1 labs or other contributors to the ecosystem to build we've built one hello world example where you can actually create a proof of your on trading history without ever revealing um the actual details of the trade and you're able to kind of verify trustlessly that this was my trading history and this can be used for all kinds of interesting use cases like maybe bragging rights on crypto twitter or um gaining access to a particular private telegram channel um so this is one of the hello case hello world use cases that we're going to um publish for the community to be able to kind of interact with it and see how it works um our snukijs programming language will be available in q4 for the developer community to also interact play with and start building cool applications um so this is mostly like around kind of bringing snaps to reality and um in order for us to do that we also need to make sure that we're kind of staying focused on the developer community we understand the importance of having a good developer experience that would enable these cool applications to be built on top of mina at a high level we're thinking that um given that mina has these unique privacy characteristics it can be used as a really really good access to private data um among other layer one chains as well so the trustless bridges would be optional like so for example example that evan mentioned are the um the grand project with ethereum foundation there's also the bridge with on the polygon network that's coming in these these will all enable the developer community to actually take advantage of the privacy characteristics of mina in these other layer 1 protocols and during the q4 we'll have some hackathons that enable that would enable um the developer community to interact with um snarky js a lot more and even start building on applications um and the last part um for snaps to really deliver that value um we need to enable web snaps and basically what web snaps does is um using protocols like tls notary will connect um the um wept web 2 data to web 3 using https in a trustless way and fortunately we're working on some new technologies around improving the speed of proving time for the generation of the snap such as like 15 wire plunk that would actually enable these proof generations to be uh practically usable as you might know um zk snarks have been going through a lot of evolution over the last few years and um the proving time is getting faster and faster every year and 15-wire planck is one of those projects that we're working on right now that will be available with the launch of snaps that would significantly improve the speed of proving time generation and it basically makes the use of snarks practical for the average users that's it for my presentation thank you very much passing it back to you richie thank you bijan absolutely great presentation very in-depth the crowd's loving it okay so we're going to hand over now to christine and she's going to go through the mina foundation community spotlight so please christine if you're ready yes thank you richie let me share my screen as well um right do you see my screen yep okay cool thank you um well again thank you everyone for joining my name is christine yip and i lead the community efforts at mina foundation and today i'll share with you the community spotlight we have a lot of exciting things that we want to share with you today the first one is the vision for meena's community and um there are things that we have in mind how we can um build towards that vision including new community engagement programs a new leaderboard program and also new community grants um so let's start so we're mina foundation a non-profit organization serving mina protocol the world's latest blockchain and our vision is to build a future powered by participants the mission of mina foundation is to serve and empower expanding ecosystem of mina participants and we envision a future with a decentralized community structure so we want to break down the boundaries between the foundation and the community and this is actually also what our members want um like evan explained um a few months ago we sent out a survey and we had more than 2 000 um response responses and there were some very interesting learnings so these are some takeaways the memories vision of minas community is for it to be transparent productive collaborative respectful and guided by efficient and you want to be part of it by fulfilling these roles which are guiding and orienting new members spreading the word and grow the community so that it's diverse and inclusive you want to be part of shaping the decision making process for the community and you want to define safe inclusive and values-aligned behaviors for the community and you want to achieve this by using your listening skills collaboration technical creative and visionary skills um and now it's time to put those skills and passion and vision in a community to start building the foundations of a future power participants and we have developed a few new programs to help and support this the first one that i'd like to mention is the mina academy and mena achievements programs so these are programs to support participants on their path and to help them succeed it will include different journeys that members can follow and different learning tracks including becoming for example becoming an expert in designing with mina organizing meetups becoming more well first in social running social media and more of these kind of learning journeys if you complete these journeys then you will be awarded with a badge and in order to make sure that these journeys are helpful for the community and will benefit you we want to invite you to develop these journeys and programs together with us so we will build a framework for minas ecosystem that fosters healthy collaboration and benefits the community and we know that there are so many skills in a community and we really want to um capitalize on that um the design and structure of minas academy and mina achievements will be informed by as many types of learnings cultures experiences and other backgrounds that we are aware of um and because mina's just well we're still a very young community and um yeah this is just the start of a new journey so if you want to be part of writing venus history if you want to learn and develop your skills then this is the opportunity for you to grow in mina's ecosystem if you're interested please sign up we'll share a link with you for the sign up form and these processes to develop the mean academy and achievement will start in a few weeks in mid-october um the next one is the community's park program this program will feature a leaderboard members can earn leaderboard points by helping each other to thrive it can include educating members about mina um um onboarding them uh building tools for them or supporting others to build tools um anything that's helping meena's members to thrive because if members if mean mina's members thrive then mina's ecosystem will also thrive just for clarity i do want to mention that leaderboard points are designed solely to track contributions to mina's ecosystem and are non-transferable points have no cash or monetary value and are not redeemable for any cryptocurrency or digital assets we may amend or eliminate leaderboard points at any time so if you're interested in a bit of fun and if you want to join a friendly competition and engage with other community members who are passionate about mina then please sign up for our newsletter and we'll let you know when the community spar program will launch and the last thing that i wanted to share with you are new community grants um so these are grants for members who made a high impact in the last period as evan showed previously we've seen some amazing growth in minas community and this wouldn't have been possible without these members we'll share a list of all the members with you who are eligible to be on-boarded for a grant i'd also like to walk you through them during this presentation um so as you know one of our promises is to ensure network health and security and these members their contributions have enhanced this i would love to mention olton who built this amazing node operated dashboard he also developed really good documentation and tutorials um state tap who built this blog explorer and david and beacon chain who built also contributed node operated dashboards graphql api nodes and other tools our second promise was to champion mina in a wider world and we're really really impressed with how these members are helping in that um pete from mina crypto i'm not sure if um everyone have seen me of crypto.com if not please go visit and take a look there's a wealth of information there um there's a community directory there's a tools directory um there there's a lot of good stuff um we're also really excited about what moody's team has built um he they have different telegram groups they have regular voice chess pod snark twitter websites and i would also like to mention captain hook aki and tala who've helped with making mina more accessible in different languages as well and the last promise that i'd like to mention here is our promise to support participants on their paths and these memories that you see here they've built amazing tools um that help support other participants it includes validated dashboard scripts for people who are running notes really handy rewards calculators or epoch time calculators and other tools that really help the delegation program from the foundation um and wallets and tools directories um yeah i would like to take this chance to congratulate everyone who i mentioned here today and thank you all so much for all your contributions to the community the foundation is also looking to improve um the review process for contributions um and we we would like to involve the community members in developing this together if you're interested it's part of the mina achievements program so feel free to sign up and we'd love to work with you all right um then i would like to end my presentation with one of the favorite my favorite faces that i heard from a fellow community builder that really stuck up stood out for me which is a rising type lives all boats you are part of mina and um if you and your fellow members succeed then mina will succeed and the mina foundation will be here to help and support you and we'll do our best to set you up for success so if you have any suggestions questions feedback please reach out to us on one of these official channels um we'd love to hear from you all right that's all from my side thank you all so much that was fantastic christine excellent so now we're going to look at doing the ama and we have a list of questions in there which is still growing which is great so i'm going to start from the top and the first question is when is the mena ecosystem expected um the first mina ecosystem yes correct i i think what they're trying to ask is when when is there going to be more projects within the ecosystem i could take a shot like kind of a first answer to this but curious if christine regen things as well for it i think we're in some sense we're already seeing this uh for a technical and node operator in general mina community i think that the the kind of next step is is for mina to start having a developer community and users of the developers applications so i think it will start really with snaps and the ability to build applications on top of mina using using snaps and zero knowledge proofs and stuff thank you evan next question when will the cleanup of staking reward distribution bugs so i think this is referring to uh that the blocker word is fixed right now so it's dependent on hard forks uh i think that it depends uh when the hard work takes place and i think there's like yeah i guess it'd be helpful to understand exactly what this user is hoping for also because in some sense like the we're still kind of in line with the initial kind of projection for inflation it's it's just going to be about keep doing hard forks to continue to hold to that schedule um or hold whatever schedule you'll want to do so it's it's less around cleaning up bugs and we're just like hard forks to stick with the schedule or eventually a hard fork that includes some dynamic uh block reward that adjusts without a hardboard thank you evan next question will https snaps be available to developers this year i can i can answer that question yeah so um snaps will be available to the developers this year um we will have the test net in q4 right now we're aiming for the month of november and with that there will be snarky js also that will that could be used by the developers um the https part of it or the like web snaps part will become available afterwards so first we'll do the kind of snarky gis with snaps and then the https part or the web snaps will be available after that um it would be probably i would say a few months or a few weeks after on the launch of snaps thank you bajan excellent okay next question is i'm interested to bridge mina with other blockchain projects how can we negotiate this i think reach out to me on either telegram or twitter we're always interested in seeing if we can support other bridges to other protocols so you know that's cool and so let's talk there thank you is there any possibility or plan that smart contracts come to mean a protocol especially with the solidity language so um i so smart contracts will be available on mina but um i also want to mention that um mina is very different than other blockchains like ethereums in a sense that um the computation on mina happens off chain and you submit the proof on chain um so programming languages like solidity um are built for the use case of like really doing computations on chain whereas in a world of mina you can actually do all that like locally in your machine and then just like submit a proof onto the chain and then use that for verification so um i think when we think about it in that context the the use cases will be very different things would could be very a lot more efficient because the competition can happen locally but there will be smart contract capabilities onto the chain but um not necessarily with solidity um it's going to really be catered towards the specific characteristics of the amino ecosystem excellent again thank you bajan now we've got a couple of questions here in one how does o1 labs and mean a foundation c mean is blockchain real world adoption and what markets are we targeting and why do you think they'll perform better yeah i'm happy to also give that a try and then evan feel free to chime in and share your thoughts on this as well um from an adoption perspective our initial target focus are the developer community um especially in the crypto space uh we think that the crypto natives really understand the um the value of decentralization the value of privacy and concepts like zk snarks are fairly new and there is a bit of a learning curve that we're going to try to kind of flatten that as much as possible with um providing the right basically workshops and hackathons and hopefully contributing to the mina academy as well but our initial target basically audience would be the developers in the crypto community we think that there are some very very meaningful use cases in the d5 ecosystem some of you might be aware of the proof of concept that we did with teller finance that would basically enable a user um in the d5 ecosystem to actually verify that their credit score is above a certain number like 700 on credit karma and then use that to get a uncollateralized loan um from teller finance so those are like kind of some examples of like use cases that we're very excited about thank you bishan another question is what news is formatic and meaner i i think for the latest i actually did a live stream with cindy from the uh polygon team and there we just talked a lot there about uh just like some exciting possibilities for projects that you know snaps could add a lot of value to some existing nft and d5 applications so i encourage you to check that out uh yeah i think i think that's like the latest thing out on it thank you evan what will be the first adapt to be built on mina and will it be lending or nft we're happy to answer that as well so we we're building a couple hello world use cases and we're also working with a couple [Music] other organizations that we haven't publicly announced yet to see if there are interesting opportunities for us to launch some dapps on some snaps on mina at this time i would suggest that uh we all wait and see what comes up um i don't want to make any any announcements or any anything if you say anything official here but um we do have some interesting use cases that we're very excited about um from an overall opportunity perspective or like overall target audience perspective um i think defy is the area that we're going to see a lot of activities on in the next few months to come is there a similar hello world use case for nfts you can definitely build that um so yeah that would be very interesting and people are more than welcome to build some of these use cases during the hackathon and workshops and hopefully we can't wait honestly to share the uh stock js with you all so you guys can start building but yeah these are some things that you can do we have another good um snarky js question here bajan is there a hope for a javascript hobbyist like me to learn snarky js at one of these workshops or resist for higher skill level yeah for sure um you can definitely do that and the the good thing about snarky js is like it's really kind of leveraging a lot of the existing infrastructure that's out there with javascript um with like familiar ide testing environments so yeah that's definitely something that you can do and please sign up to demena's newsletter so that when the workshops and the hackathons dates are finalized we can actually the mina foundation can inform you and you can join those sessions thank you snarky js isn't really popular popular among developers do you have an exit door for them and thank you for your amazing work yeah so i mean i think um maybe if i if i wanted to kind of [Music] guess um where this comes from maybe like the last experience that people have had with um programming language related to what we're doing was snarky which is uh really built based on old camel like we haven't released snarky gis yet so um we've kind of had like a couple of workshops in like very very kind of limited closed environments and um i think once you guys see the final version maybe that that might have a different opinion but to be honest we haven't released it yet so i'm not sure exactly um you know what uh what we mean by snarky js hasn't been popular yet thank you bijan on your wish list what projects do you hope to see using the new bridge early on and be the role model for others good question i think it'd be cool if some of the like i think like if i think about the wishlist version of this uh top define nft projects leveraging snaps to start bringing in some real world data onto their applications would be like definitely a dream for it i think there is some utility there too so like i think it could make sense to happen as well thank you evan is there any plans or a timeline to increase the tps of mina so i would say that um one of the kind of advantages that mino protocol has is that the ptps as we've said before it's not a kind of a design problem and it's more of an engineering challenge that we need we need to solve and it's it's a lot easier and we have a kind of a good road map for that um right now we're really focused on driving usage and like kind of bringing that like meaningful use cases of the unique capabilities of mino and then scaling me now protocol around on those meaningful use cases because those use cases will tell us what specific needs the community will have and there is definitely a plan for increasing the tps we think it's much simpler than other projects where the size of the blockchain continues to increase as more transactions happen and we first want to basically bring the meaningful use cases of mina through the vehicle of snaps to the developer community kind of enable people to build some meaningful tools for the end users and then start like scaling with the adoption among the developer community thank you bijan again if we have a stoppage in the blockchain like what happened with solana recently how will maina solve this so um we we do a lot of you know testing and try to make sure that the network is stable and [Music] if you've noticed in in the second item in our kind of list of priorities is actually like integration tests um so we try to kind of create a good balance between speed and security and stability and hopefully that reduces the likelihood but if that does happen um that we've seen other networks sometimes go through it as well um there are kind of like you know plans in place for us to deal with that and usually depending on what the issue is like you might be having like kind of a network reset or um you have to basically maybe do an immediate heart for um we do have these plans as like kind of a way of dealing with um those urgent scenarios and we've done some planning for it but um hopefully all the integration tests that we do all the tests that we run kind of allow us to have like a good balance between like speed and security and hopefully reduce that likelihood uh to a very very low probability maybe to add to what bjan said uh we're also looking to improving these processes and publishing it with the community so everyone knows what to expect and what needs to be done when such a situation does occur hopefully that will help thank you vision and christine is there any token burn planned [Music] so no no there's not uh i i think that there's a lot of really productive ways we can think about using the the tokens that are available that will help build out the potential of of the project and all the different awesome technical directions that are possible uh like i hope like from this this talk today you get like you can see a lot of the different directions we can possibly go with mina and zero knowledge proofs uh and the tokens will use to make that all happen so yeah thank you evan when will the new tracking feature be affected i'm not clear what the tracking feature is referring to maybe somebody else does i think we'll skip that question for now is there anything the community does to help with the testing of snaps yeah for sure i think um one so we we kind of went back and forth on this a little bit but i think that as soon as our the protocol work that we're doing right now to bring up the network that has snaps enabled is ready we're going to reach out to the community and start doing basically some testing so before we actually do the test net um there will be a kind of a private qa net network similar to how we approached it in the past where um we would like quickly try to like release a network get some quick feedback um iterate like really really rapidly based on their feedback and kind of launch the next network like in a day or two um so we'll do a little bit of that um at some point i think right now like it's most likely gonna be kind of like later uh maybe in uh like mid next month or like maybe starting like third week of next month that we're gonna start doing that i don't want to commit to a date yet but that's kind of like where we're planning right now um and then after that it's like when we actually do the test net um that's when we need that kind of the broader community to come in and like really try to help us like test the network and like test the edge cases with like large volume of transactions thank you so we've got a slightly longer question here hi guys first of all congratulations you guys are doing an amazing job enjoying the session a little bit late so sorry if you've replied to this question which he hasn't i've heard during the session that there will be a hackathon in quarter four is this in this year or 2022 if this is the case does that mean we will see snaps during this quarter yeah so it's it's for quarter four of this year so uh thank you for asking that and clarifying yeah it's for q4 of this year and will we see snaps on on like later this year um yes so it'll be available on testnet um on the date um i don't want to make a promise yet but it would be basically after the test net and if things go well on the test net um yeah so that's it be pretty much like a little bit after that sorry about that is there any updates about the delegation program um not sure what updates you're expecting however we're redelegating to a new um set of participants i think this epoch and um yeah we'll definitely continue to improve the program um we also internally have a new person who will help with this program so hopefully we can share more updates on this a bit later if you would like to be updated i think probably the delegation program channel on discord would be the best place to keep an eye on when will you connect to the ledger wallet so today um you can connect to the ledger wallet um without using the ledger live um that in order for our basically meno tokens to be stored on a ledger using like ledger live um we're working with um the ledger uh the company um to enable that and uh they're they're working through it i think it takes a bit of a time um to enable that and as soon as it's available then um they'd be able to do people would be able to directly use ledger live to do that but today you can actually use cli on directly yourself without using ledger live to store your tokens on the ledger excellent virgin we actually get that a lot in the telegram channel actually thank you is there any plans for dex creation based on mean and blockchain good question so for the first version of mina that we're launching um we will have uh basically this the concept of tokens in the protocol but just because we wanted to speed up the launch of mina and we wanted to prioritize shipping as soon as possible we're not having like product support around tokens yet so for example our archive nodes will not really have like the context of like tokens yet um but the the capability will be there um at the protocol level and um a few months after that as we enable um the basically the kind of interface to the protocol um with with regards to tokens then um things such as decks and like you know other um applications relevant to like you know token swaps or things like that can be built on on mina yes what is the most exciting potential you see between web 2 and web three interaction with mina i can i can have a first answer at this and then others on hell yeah i'm curious if you if you would you're excited about i think one in particular for me is i think zero knowledge proofs have a lot of potential to improve the way we interact with web two to just increase the trust that we can have with different websites and to reduce the amount of private data we have to leak to use some of these services uh so i'm excited about this kind of connection between webtoon web 3 allowing new applications to be built or extensions to existing applications to be built that kind of avoid a lot of these problems of up to around data privacy and around trusted websites perfect now this is probably a broad question for the three of you where do you see mean a protocol in five years i i'll give a first step in the skin uh so i think like in my like kind of optimal like wishlist version like you know has instant finality it's like super fast and it's really plugged into the internet in a way that lets the thing i was just previously talking about really happen and in particular i i think like kind of like something as like a programmer i thought of initially when doing this project was like what if there's like a library that i could uh a javascript library that i could include in my webpage and it gave me access to all the trust and privacy primitives offered by a blockchain as part of my application using the ability to fully verify mina inside of the webpage itself and being able to build new applications on top of that that really take advantage of the technology to allow much more user-friendly things to get built um so i mean i'm still excited for that so i think that would be awesome it does sound awesome actually are you planning to make a meaner power credit card service that people can use to prove their cards belong to them without having to share the private credit card info to websites that's a good question i do we don't have that plan at this time but you know why not you should give it a try as a person who is interested in learning snarky js where are all the resources you'll be providing documentation etc for learning it good question we're actually currently um revamping the dops dock section of the website and we plan to release the new docs section um for mina uh before this start of the test net for snap so stay tuned it's coming and uh jason who is one of the product leads at o1 labs is actually leading that project right now with also our devrel person regina so they'll be also reaching out to some of the community members to get their feedback we're actually on that process right now of like collecting some feedback and iterating based on the community's perspectives but the plan is to release this before on the next testnet so that the community can actually engage with the snaps and snarky js thank you bijan are you in discussion with any oracles to bridge data at this time so um we've had some discussions but right now um we're kind of focused on what we want to do as kind of the immediate milestone which would be like launching snaps on mainnet and ralph has a question for us is there an updated roadmap to share within the community that's a good question so we're actually planning to i think the meena foundation is publishing a blog post very soon um that's going to talk more about the product priorities and also product roadmap so um that information will hopefully shed some like more light about like what we think are like the key areas of forecast um for the next uh you know few months and like maybe a couple of years okay as soon as christine there's anything additional that you wanted to add in terms of timelines or um people should just like stay tuned yes stay tuned it's we'll share something really soon with execution op chain does the snark proof also prove ensuring authenticity of the off chain code follow up this implies an official repository somewhere to authenticate against where would that be is file yeah where would that be would you like me to read that again yeah sure i'm trying to think like evan if you wanted to give this a try or you want me to answer it yeah i think it's a good question uh like i think that yeah so i i think that so basically once you have the verification code on chain uh if you have the code off chain you can check that that matches up and stuff i'm pretty sure so i think that it would there probably wouldn't be any sort of official repository it would be up to the developer to post their code somewhere accessible um so that people like can find it i i really like the idea of having that live on file corner ipfs though for the ability to like avoid censorship um if it was on github or something that would be something like plausible uh so and i also like the idea eventually of like there being some functionality for me to have on chain storage which would come down the line later uh but yeah it's a really good question and uh i don't think there'd be an official one but definitely something that we would probably think about for guidance for developers for what to do with it so it's a good one the rust implementation being developed has to be considered as a refactoring of the current ocam software or is it going to cover certain use cases but the current blockchain is going to continue working based on old camel as such so from from what i know chainsafe is actually focusing on like the unique use case of like non-consensus notes so it will not it will not it's not necessarily like kind of um just like you know doing again like what we're currently doing on the ocamo side with with creating the node uh on node client this would be mostly for the non-consensus node so and the ocamo part will still continue working and we'll continue our upgrading it is the token on the mean of blockchain an isolated feature or a smart contract so it's an isolated feature um it's it's kind of natively built in so it's very um [Music] uh so these are basically the api can be very elegant to interact with it is the token no that one's there we go can we expect more blockchains to use maina in the future i think so um i think similar to like the ethereum and polygon stuff we're doing uh there's zero knowledge proofs have a lot to offer so plugging them into more chains is something that'll be interesting to a lot of chains that i think that will be a thing okay so we've got three questions left in the qa is it possible for new people to participate in the future test net and will everyone be able to participate or a selective number of people so um i think yes it'd be possible for new people to to participate um in the future test net um in terms of like will it be that everybody who wants to participate or will it be limited number of people i think we'll have a better idea like once we start thinking about like the specific objectives of the test net right now we're kind of working through that process and we haven't finalized it yet but my guess is that it's going to be like some sort of a limit but it's still going to basically be a like large number like i think last time we did our adversarial testing it was like over a thousand people that could attend and my guess is that this time is going to be kind of the same large number of people but there will be some sort of a cap at least that would be our suggestion thank you bajan three nodes limit per block producer to avoid overloading the network is that still the case yeah right now that's still the case yeah okay and last question can you see a standalone amina kyc verification system created within mina i think yes like i think the particularly cool product here is is a kyc where you i can prove that i've been kyc but i don't actually have to uh reveal that information on chain so i can prove some facts about my identity or my information while still retaining privacy over my actual identity so i think like yes and this is a particularly cool use case that we want to do okay well for evan christine and thank you very much for your time today um it's been a successful ama what i believe and just as we want to wrap up is there anything else that you would like to add before we sign off well thank you so much i really want to thank the community for helping us out we're very excited about the promise of snaps and what what they can do to give access to privacy to a larger basically broader community and a larger coming population around the world so stay tuned please sign up to the newsletter just so that you're informed when the next test net or hackathon is happening and we look forward to building some cool stuff together thanks everyone and if you uh if you're interested in any of those community programs please check them out uh i think they'll be interesting as well yeah thanks everyone so much for making time to join today we're really excited for the next chapters on mina's journey
Channel: Mina Protocol
Views: 7,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blockchain
Id: jrw1hCozRqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 43sec (4123 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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