q stock memories

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so clearly used to be a cuse truck driver so tell us what they would like to drive all right the train itself was edging Satan's oldie worldly shape we should called Hawks boxes because they used to literally global Hawks box when you're in the driving position and especially with the gallop more with the guard they were Hulk's boxes you read a barrier and usually look over the parent I saw a horse but to drive the things which was we top for me they were they were train which grew on you that they would do everything you asked asked of them if you want to stop in six months if you like they will stop on six like over that a clue in a winter time they were cold and drafty the heater was inadequate in the summer time it was the opposite way around there but they were baked houses you could grow plants in here quite easily and I thought okay let's just show you the to move the Chinese we have a push the handle down push the can you forward if you put it in to the other way you'd go backwards physically forward and then operate the consumer now the control rather be for that's quality open now but hoping back to the series you have to hold the handle down at all times if you let go of the handle or if you collapsed or you know that the paper with many go on but it applies to modern trains as well so if no new technology there there brake handle you had electro pneumatic brake followed by a Westinghouse break the Westinghouse break I used to like using a lot of people used to shy shy of them and although I have actually driven the train from one in the light at mr. de Richmond using the Western algebraic and the other place I didn't use it was going into Richmond station which is a dead end and then my nerves all bottled out but having said that it's a straightforward train so what's it what's your particular memory of them basically the in the bad weather a.m. were very good in overcoming snow and sleet and ice because what we used to do usually cut out the motor at the front so that now the train was being driven by the motors had talked to back of the Train and this was now dead unit and that used to crush any snow and ice and get you on to the next section where we got pick up the cart again before the back off came up geez it don't always work obviously this would about the weather winter but nine times out of ten it used to work is that the hold up in the top used to have pedals about metre long pieces of wood about four inches of gum from meters to four inches one end about down to two inches Inez were taken and used to slide them under the shoes if you needed to isolate the train and other needs the train here you got term just about the shoe section you love the ribbon views which we as the drivers had to change if they if they blue no interesting thing is in the drivers cat a hat the drivers cap was soft felt voltage toward material with a larger brim than any other member of staff or driver cap was different and the reason we Rex would bring obviously to keep the Sun area eyes but the softness of the Hat was deliberate so that when you have to change fuses you can put user hat to put hand burn the fuse and pull it out so you're getting a shock if you touch it that you shouldn't be touch it so what does that what was the worst thing about only only only the fact that they were draft boxes nothing really bad about them as such as I say they used to grow on you I will you walk down to the depot and you to you go to JEP oh the number of the vote you forgot to pick up your train qualm he didn't always know what 20 going to get he got down there and you say Oh some verbal vote he is Gustav lovely you know you should do that little k to the face and be a little small come on your face it was that sort of thing effect but the almond I've got nothing against it any other stop it's just that I've gotten the fiction but foolish one deal thanks very much a pleasure Richard you were driver of the queue stock and in fact he drove the last regular train on the East London line tell us tell us about that please yes well it's a long wobbly code it's about what 35 years ago now and yes I I did drive the last one on the East London line because I arranged actually with the Depot Foreman there was just the one left on the East London line this particular morning and it was going back to Ealing common Depot to be being replaced by a Co CP stock and I said to him could I have it on my working which finished in you cross depo at around 10 o'clock in the morning we came out at half past six and went back in at 10:00 and yes he agreed to have you for me to have it on my working and so I did drive the last one on the East London line which was the in fact the last one in regular service on the underground but Richards also got involved with the final tour of the Q stock in fact you organised the tour of the Q stock yeah it's a little about that um I felt that I didn't want them to I didn't want them to go off out of service with without some sort of ceremony you say and a friend of mine mr. Carlin Bob Carlin new was at that time he was a signalman at High Barnet we arranged between us to do a fair world tour of the Q stock the railway correspondence and travel Society also asked Gramm Bruce the the he was the chief man whatever his title was in those days and he agreed to for Bob and I to have the very last one so therefore the following Friday after I'd driven the last one on the East London line I had it out on the district line and I arranged a particular working to have it on it was set a hundred so that a most interesting working that cover most of the district line and also a working that didn't finish to like in the evening before so that youngsters and people that had come a long distance could do the whole journey you know to say they'd ridden the very last one in passenger service and it was several months prior to running this one on the district line that the the last one had really disappeared from the tracks of the district line so so why do you want to see them restored to running order I just like them really I there's so much different from any of the stock after the queue stop there are the clerestory roof being one of the main features although older browse stock including ordinary railways they they did have that feature but probably there was none ever made after the queue stop with this clerestory roof I think that's one of the things I like the best and there we are there's the brochure that Bob Cullen and myself produced which we included in the price the farewell tour we handed out to all the people that on the were honest for the ceremonial trip and we went all the way all over the underground including the met the met mine and we went down to Hounslow West which was the terminus then of the Piccadilly line there was no no he throwing those days this one here arranged dis actually to get the three types of queue stock in a line it was off pink and there were there were two in there and we had to change one over which was quite rare in those days because they were very reliable and I'll sit to thee then inspector down there could you put the one I've brought in or I'm bringing in could you put it on such a such a road and he agreed so I managed to get the lineup of the queue 38 queue 27 and the queue 23
Channel: keith spillett
Views: 26,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: q, stock
Id: Y2RBA1Y8ctw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 27 2007
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