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in this video i will show you how to save so much time when training neural nets they've even been under karpati approved so you want to become a neural net god yes then watch this video number one didn't overfit a single batch first all right so let's just say you're done setting up your network the training loop hyper parameters etc it's time to just start training right no don't do it it's very tempting but just don't trust me so let me show you what to do instead where you've set up your training loader you're going to want to take out a single batch right so how we can do that is we can do data comma target equals next of iter of the training loader right now we have a single batch and then where we have our our loop going through the training loader we'll just uncomment that all right we'll we will comment that and then we'll dedent everything here right and so what we're going to do is we're going to run this single batch for a number of epochs right now we're having number of ebooks equal three and so we can have a batch size of 64 but it might be better just to check can it overfit a single example right if it can do that then then perhaps we can try larger batch size but let's just do uh that and let's try and run this first so we ran for three bucks that's obviously not enough it's it's decreasing but it's not very uh very low so let's just change this to a thousand and rerun it all right so as we can see now the loss is very very low so it's overfitting a single example now let's increase this let's have a batch size of 64 and let's rerun it all right so it's becoming very close to zero meaning we can overfit the single batch right now we're confident that our neural network has the capability and there are no bugs this is a very quick sanity check to see if the network is actually working trust me this will save you so much time every time you implement in your network when you set up your training everything just overfit a single batch first just do it all right so we're going to remove this thing right here and now we can bring everything back as it was in the beginning like that all right number two forgot to set training or evaluation mode so the next thing is when you're actually checking the accuracy you want to toggle the evaluation mode of the network so if we're just doing check accuracy like this and we're not doing model.eval inside of this check accuracy function then we're going to get a lot worse performance so what we want to do well actually let's compare the two so let's do a model.eval and then we'll do check accuracy test loader and model and then we'll do model.train uh so we'll toggle it back and let's just run this and let's see what the difference is so i think now we're just training for uh yeah three epochs yeah so as you can see just by toggling the model.eval will get i mean uh greater than four percent improvement that's a lot okay so that's a big big difference now why is it so important to do model.eval well if we check in our model here our smaller network we're using dropout and when we're converting when we're toggling the evaluation mode of our network we're actually removing the dropout and we're doing the appropriate scaling that's needed for the weights etc so when we're actually evaluating our model we don't want to use dropout right or and for example we don't want to use batch norm either so or let's see we want to use the um the computed averages during training when we're doing evaluation for batch norm but anyways what's important to know is that when you're testing when you're checking on test data et cetera you want to always do model.eval before and then you need to toggle it back on do model.train so you can continue uh training so this is a quick one but it does a big big difference so always remember to do this number three forgot to zero grad this one is quite simple but it's also gonna do a big difference all right and it can be kind of hard to debug right this is a sneaky one that you might not notice so what we're going to do is let's just uh remove this optimize.zerograd and let's just run it and we'll see what kind of accuracy we'll get and remember now we're using the model.eval and the model.train as we should when we're testing our model not using optimize.zerograd after three bucks we get 64 accuracy or almost 65 all right so let's put this back we'll do optimize at zero grad and then we'll see what we get you see so that's about 30 difference in the test accuracy which is insanely um like that's that's so huge okay so if you forget this you're basically screwed don't forget to use this and uh why it's so important to use this is because you want the gradient step right the optimizer step to be done on the current batch if you're not doing optimizer zero grad you're using all of the accumulated gradients of all the previous batches so that's not what you want to do you wanted to zero grad there are no accumulated gradients you want to compute the loss for this current batch and then you want to do a step a gradient step for this current batch all right so zero grad backward and then step four using softmax with cross entropy loss so a very common mistake is doing something like self.softmax and then we'll do nn softmax and we'll specify the dimension in this case it's dimension one and then we'll use the softmax on the output right because you you always see that people use softmax on as their output layer right now the problem here is when you're using softmax as your output but you're using cross entropy loss and this is because cross entropy loss is essentially two things it's first softmax and then it's negative log likelihood and then you don't want to do softmax as your output because it's already including the cross entropy loss so you would essentially then be doing softmax on softmax which and that might be a problem because you you might get vanishing gradients problem uh because uh because of this so you don't want to use two softmax if you're using carcentropy loss and uh we can see let's see how big of a difference this gets and i'm gonna just gonna pay something here all right so don't bother about this right here but this is essentially just so that we get uh deterministic behavior i'm gonna go into this in a separate video actually so don't bother about this this is just so we can compare using softmax and not using softmax so i'm going to run this and we'll see what we get so using softmax and then another softmax i guess we get about nine we get 92.78 and uh i mean that's pretty good so this is it doesn't do that let's see how much it actually impacts but it's not going to be like the uh like the zero grad uh that was like 30 so let's rerun it now and let's see what we get so the difference is about 1.2 percent that's pretty good right and it's also going to be faster training not using the softmax so this is a quick one that's going to you know give you a better some better performance number five using bias when using batch norm so let's say we have some convolutional neural network a very basic one we just have a comp layer we have a max pool another complaint and then the linear layer to the number of classes at the end and let's say we want to add a batch norm so we're going to do self batch norm 1 and then dot batch norm to d and we're going to use it after con 1 so com1 has a out channels of 8 so we're just going to set 8 right there and then we're gonna do uh self dot bn1 after the com1 and uh let's run that and actually to get a good comparison let's also set the uh the seeds for deterministic behavior so we can actually see if there's a difference but yeah so let's run this all right so we get 98.25 and the the thing is here that when we're using a batch norm after a comp layer or or a linear layer anything like that we and we have a bias term that's actually a an unnecessary parameter it's not going to cause any anything that's horribly wrong but it's just it's unnecessary so we can set bias equals to false here and that should be uh equivalent uh and let's let's see if it is so it's 98.25 so let's run this all right it actually it was slightly worse for some reason but 98.22 this should be equivalent so so this example might not show that but anyways when you're using batch norm after a complainer or anything with a bias term you can actually set the bias term equal to false you don't need it because that's included in the batch norm number six using view as permute so the next thing is the difference between view and permute so what we're gonna do is we're just gonna create some tensor uh towards the tensor and we're just gonna do i don't know one two three and uh four five six so we're doing a two by three tensor and uh oh and then we're just gonna do print um x and then we're just gonna i don't know let's say you wanted to actually permit you want to do transpose so you want it to be um you know you want to have the first column as one two three and the second is four five six you might think that vue does this so you could for example do x dot view and then you're gonna set the shapes you're gonna do three and two and you're thinking that this is actually a pre like a transpose or a permutation yeah so you're actually permuting the the dimensions but you're not so this is not the same as doing x dot permute and then one and zero and so this is transpose right transpose is a special case of permute but anyways if we run this we get so we get one two three four five six that's the just a tensor and then we get one two three four five six that's not the same as one two three and then four five six right that's this is permute this is pretty making the uh taking transpose and this right here is uh using view so what view does is it's just gonna do whatever is most i guess convenient you could say it's just gonna take one two that's the first two elements and then three four and five six right it's just gonna take the the elements and then just make them into that shape in the way that's most convenient um yeah that was kind of a bad explanation but hopefully you get what this does um and i've made another video where i explain these two in more detail but anyways when you're using view as a way of like a permuting the axis or dimensions then remember that that might be a flawed way of doing it and you might actually want to use permute number seven using bad data augmentation all right so this mistake is one that i've made multiple times and hopefully i can save you the trouble of doing the same so you know you're you're doing some network and you're training on the mnist data set because you're just trying to learn and then you're googling and you see that people are using uh cool data augmentation and you know that improves the performance so we're gonna do the same we're gonna do my transforms we can do uh transforms dot compose and we're just gonna i don't know use uh transforms dot random vertical flip and we're just gonna set the probability to 1.0 we're always going to vertically flip you wouldn't want to do this right you would set to set this to a 0.5 or something but then we're going to do transforms that random horizontal flip and we're just going to set the probability 1.0 as well this is just because it's for this example but anyways then we're just going to do transforms.2 tensor right and you might even use more uh but i'm just using this because this is going to showcase my point in that when you're using multiple uh when you're using these data augmentations this is not doing anything good to your data set right the data the augmentation you're using must be you must consider what the data set is i'm going to show you an example if we do this we're going to get something that looks like this right this is now vertically flipped and horizontally flipped and when you see this i have no clue what digit this is right this is completely changed the digit so when you're using when you're doing the data augmentation you need to make sure that you're not actually modifying the target output because if for example if you have a nine and you're vertically flipping that that would act that would change the target output for that digit so in the end our network will just be horrible if this is what we're training it on so uh yeah be careful with this uh you want data augmentation is good but not all data augmentation is good you need to make sure that what it the data augmentation is doing is actually what you want it to do number eight not shuffling the data so another common mistake that can screw up your training is you're not shuffling the data so um i mean well it's i guess it's nuanced so in most cases you want to shuffle your data for example if you're using the mnist data set and we don't want you know the in i mean 10 batches of only ones and then 10 batches of only twos etc right we want the batch to be mixed of all the digits so what we can do is we can do shuffle yeah for our so this is wrong we're not going to do it on the data set this should be on the on the loader so here we're going to do shuffle equals true um and also on the test we're going to shuffle equals true but also this is one thing that can be as i said it's nuanced if you're using time series data or anything like that where the order is actually important then you don't want to shuffle it right so be careful with this as well but in most cases you would want to shuffle it so keep that in mind number nine not normalizing the data all right so for this next thing i've copied in the uh the seed so that we get deterministic behavior again and we're not going gonna do soft max so remove this and then so the thing is here um is that people forget to normalize the data so when you're doing uh perhaps you're ignoring this part right so this is the amnes data set where we only have one channel that's why it's only one value here but anyways you you want the data to become centered with mean zero and standard deviation one so for that you would need to figure out first so first of all two tensor divides everything by 255. so everything is between zero and one and then you after two tens you want to normalize and for that you would need to first go through the data set and then check what is the mean of the data set right now what is the standard deviation of the data set right now and then you would do this right you would do transform that normalize and then mean equal to that value you checked standard deviation equal to that value that you that you got when you check the data set um and uh you would have to do this for each channel if it's rgb so for the mnist data set you just need one value and so let me just run this and we're just going to run it for one epoch so that we can see what the difference is so without the normalization you get 92.24 right that's pretty good if we rerun this now using the normalization we now get 93.04 so yeah that's 0.6 percent no more right yeah oh 0.8 that's that's a decent improvement just by doing this line right here uh so keep that in mind this is something that you want to do it's it's less important when you're using batch norm but still it's it's important so remember to normalize your data number 10 not clipping gradients when using rnns gru's or lstms so when you're using rnns gru's or lstms and now we have a fully connected right here but pretend this is in lstm then you would want to do gradient clipping so you're going to get i mean if you don't do gradient clipping you might get exploding gradient problems and you would notice that so you would see that there's an error but this might be hard to debug and might you know take you some time to figure out so what you want to do is uh you want to go down to your training loop and and uh after doing the last dot backward right when you've computed the gradients you want to do torch.nn.utils.clip grad norm there are a couple of different ways of clipping the gradients this is a one way that's convenient i guess so you would do model.parameters and you would set some max norm here max norm and we'll set it equal to one so uh it's just one one line but it can make a big difference and uh save you some time so uh that was ten uh common mistakes uh let me know in the comments which one you which one did i miss right there are many more mistakes so if you think that that's one that's important uh write it in the comments and uh i might do an updated version this in the future where i include some more so uh yeah thank you so much for watching the video and i hope to see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Aladdin Persson
Views: 18,897
Rating: 4.9709544 out of 5
Keywords: pytorch common mistakes, pytorch mistakes, pytorch debugging, pytorch zero_grad, pytorch overfit batch, pytorch model eval/train
Id: O2wJ3tkc-TU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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