Python Vs MicroPython - Compare & Access

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hey gang teammate from car electronics and today was springing into the capabilities and differences between the programming languages of Python and microbio programming is something that every mud and makers should have some grasp of figuring out exactly what program is best for your particular purpose can be half of the battle I've had a chat previously about programming but as an overview programming is simply the process of creating instructions for a computing device to comprehend and execute these instructions are referred to as a software program once the software program is run the computing device will perform the specified task the programming language is a set of commands directives and other syntaxes which gives you a vocabulary to create these software programs now Python and micro Python our powerhouse programming languages each language can support your programming needs to almost the limits of your imagination both languages are transportable open source growing in popularity comparatively easy to learn and free they also have similar syntax keywords and operators so how exactly do they differ from each other the biggest factor is that Python because of its intensive processing demands requires a full-sized computer laptop or cloud server to run effectively in comparison the hardware requirements of micro Python are orders of magnitude lower this means micro Python can operate effectively on microcontrollers and micro processors to clarify a microcontroller is a compact integrated circuit designed to govern a specific operation inside an embedded system to the table I brought an Arduino Uno r3 which is a perfect example of this a micro processor on the other hand is an integrated circuit that contains all the functions of a central processing unit of a computer which includes an operating system demonstrate this I brought to the table a Raspberry Pi 4 model B 8 gigabytes which is a perfect example of a micro processor both these devices can easily fit in the palm of your hands and encourage and makers rainbows of creativity now with most recent modern technology this concept of micro Python for credit card sized computers whereas Python for large computational devices this concept has just not become so cut-and-dry some micro processors have become so powerful they can functionally run Python the newest Raspberry Pi 4 model be 8 gigabytes is a perfect example of this so what does it take to make a streamlined slimmed-down Python start by ripping out heaps of libraries leaving only a subset of library modules a module is a Python object with an arbitrarily named attribute which you can bind in reference simply a module is a file consisting of Python code a library is a collection of a whole bunch of these modules furthermore of the few libraries left remove unnecessary functions and classes that come with Python a function is a block of code which only runs when it's cold classes are essentially a template to determine variables and functions of objects objects are simply collections of data some features that will not cater well to constrain systems are also removed and some freedoms with syntax are eliminated this is a simplification of what Damien George an Australian program and physicist did in 2014 turning Python into what we see today as micro Python these changes mean micro Python is an extremely compact programming language takes up less than a megabyte of storage space and under load utilizes only around 16 kilobytes of RAM if you're interested in each and every detail at a high level come take a look at the write-up on this topic where I go very deep into this jumping into the computer you can see I'm on the core electronic website here's a particular writer and if you jump on deep dive on differences between Python and micro Python it will talk about the real nitty gritty details between Python a micro Python both Python and micro Python programming languages are free to download and use jumping over here you can see where you can download Python and jumping over here you can see where you can download micro Python they also open source so it gives individuals the freedom to modify contribute and propose improvements there are also online browser based emulators for both Python and micro pythons so you don't even need to download anything to experience these languages also if you're interested in micro boards that will run micro Python brilliantly come back to that web page that I showed you before and under micro path and compatible boards you'll see a whole bunch of micro boards that will run Python I hope this has been helpful and inspired future programming endeavors in your life until next time stay cozy [Music]
Channel: Core Electronics
Views: 17,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: python and micropython, what is micropython, compatible boards with micropython and python, microPythonOverview, What is the difference between Python and MicroPython?, when to use mircopython, Python, microPython, microcontroller, microprocessor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 2sec (302 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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