Python - How to install KERAS library in Anaconda ?

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hi and welcome I hope you are good this video is about how to install the garage library on anaconda in Windows 10 so I have written down some of the steps which I'll use to first create an environment and then install chaos so the first step in installing chaos would be now this is optional but I do advise you to do so the first step is to create a new quanta environment where we will install our modules to build our models so the first step in step one is to open and Abunda prompt and if you don't if your login doesn't have sufficient privileges then I'd advise you to open to run it as administrator I'll just show you so let's open an account up search for anaconda prompt right click on it run as administrator okay so now it has opened now we'll what we need to do is to create an environment now I am calling this I am naming this environment as deep learning and you can call it anything maybe DL or aureus or anything better call it with uh some some call it with some unique name so I am just copying it okay I'm just pasting so this is Conda create - - name deep deep learning now this installation might take some time okay so I let it complete I just pause the video for a moment okay not required so it's asking package plan environment location okay proceed yes or no so I click on why enter okay so this has created a new environment now the second step is to activate the environment which we have created as activate deep learning okay now you can see we are in this environment now now coming on to the main thing installing Kira's so I'll be using this command Conda installed - see anaconda Kira's enter now this might take a little bit of time whenever I say takes we will take a little bit of time it starts immediately anyways so the following now I'll just go up so the it says the following packages will be downloaded so basically Kaos will be two point two point four let's see it and numpy okay and I'm PI then tensorflow will be one point 1 1 4 . oh ok so the following packages will be installed so they will download it and then install those packages so let's click on why so after this is complete I have already I have also written some test script to see whether the installation is fine and I am able to run Kiera's or not now at this time it will definitely take some time so because it will download all the packages libraries so I'll just pause the video for a moment till this completes [Music] okay as you can see that it's the download is almost complete downloading and extracting is almost complete now it will it is saying preparing transaction done verifying transaction done so in order to install the packages so verifying transaction done executing transaction I'm sorry if there is some background background noise so there the distillation is complete now now I will run send some test scripts to layer to check if it's working fine or not okay so we just ran and completed this this command that corn is tall - see anaconda Kara's now before running the test script a few more specs I said that I will be running their test a script but before running the test script we just need to run few more commands now this is very very important I have mentioned it here I read through what I have written now since this is a new environment you need to do few installations again otherwise while importing Kara's it will give the following error the error will be module not found error no module named Kara's so once you are done with installed running this command the two other important commands that we need to run is Conda install Jupiter because when we create a new environment Jupiter in spider are not installed by default so let's run this come I have already done run this on it again now this is very because this is anybody if you work on Jupiter notebook we need to run corner install Jupiter and Phi spydra-chron I start the spider again now as I have already said that I have run it so it says all requested package is already installed so if you are doing it for the first time it will ask you to click on Y Y or n so click on Y and complete the installation the second command would be quando install spider again I will give this and get the same output ok so since I have already installed it that's why it's giving these messages now matplotlib and pandas will also not be there so we need to install mad rod tip for visualization and pandas I am doing this because if you are doing it for the first time you can follow along okay this is already installed again kondeh install pandas if in your coding you are now you don't need mat plot hip or vendors then you don't need to do you don't need to install pandas or my problem but it's advisable because anyways you will use it sooner or later okay so now is the actual installation for Karis complete I'll again say that after completing Conda install - Seco anaconda Kira's pleased install corn install Jupiter and Conda install spider otherwise you will not be able to import my plot lip properly if you are creating a new environment okay so now let's let's go on to test our caracaras library so I have just put time so that we know how much time it takes so using tensorflow backend the moment of truth it's we are able to load the Kira's library properly now we will be loading few other modules from the chaos library it is data sets models layers utans I'll not go in detail in in each of them it's this is just a test script script I want to see whether the Kira's is working properly or not okay this rain properly Matt dot heaven damn fine okay basically I am testing M list handwritten data set into digit recognization problem so I just took this code and I am running it so this will output the digits okay now let's set the seed chain tests print okay now this we'll flatten the images this will normalize is the the vector now one hot encoding using Kira's to categorical module method this ran properly now we are just creating a baseline model using sequential dents and then we are compiling it and then returning in the model so this is just defined we'll run the model here and we'll fit it this will give some warning now the box will the I have mentioned ten epochs so the whole thing will run ten times and it will show us the accuracy and the validation accuracy the validation loss and validation accuracy so this validation accuracy will keep on keep on increasing it should increase so as we can see 0.95 from 0.95 22.97 so i'd not pause the video this time i'll let it complete okay so it reached the requisite is point nine eight he's two point nine eight two six again decrease little bit so we are on the eighth epoch so point nine eight - seven now running the ninth epoch increase little bit 0.98 three zero and on the last four point nine eight - seven so this ran the you know the model properly now we'll just brain plot some graphs for test and validation accuracy okay so this is how the plot is getting the graph is getting plotted so basically this was just a test script to show to check if the Kira's level is working properly or not so I'll just summarize again regarding the installation of Kira's the first thing is we need to create a new Conda environment we can do this using Condor create - happening and here comes the the environment name I have chosen deep learning you can create anything you can create the environment by any name of your choice so once you are you have created the environment you need to activate deep learning although these all these things you need to do in and I got a problem and try to run it with as administrator I was this is done you need to install now you need to run this command to install Kira's Conda install - C anaconda Kira's so after this you need to install Jupiter and spider in the new environment so hopefully you'll be able to install and run Kira's properly so that's all for today's video and thanks hopefully it was useful take care
Channel: Xperimental Learning
Views: 41,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to install KERAS in Anaconda Python in Windows 10, keras, anaconda, anaconda python, tensorflow, How to install and use KERAS library in Anaconda Python ?
Id: MIkZ6cDE53w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 31 2019
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