Python 3's __init__(), self, Class and Instance Objects Explained Concisely
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Channel: Live Python
Views: 73,173
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Keywords: python self init, python self explained, python init explained, Python OOP tutorial, python 3 OOP tutorial, python self, self in python, python tutorial, python 3 tutorial, python 3, python, python classes, classes in python, __init__ python, python class, python classes and objects, class in python, classes python, class python, python objects, python classes and objects tutorial, init method in python
Id: AsafkCAJpJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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Even though I already know Python I watched the whole thing, I didn't know that you could do this:
You learn a new thing every day
This is amazing - so well explained man. Especially adding the passing the instance object in so that it essentially replaces self.
I think I finally get it!
Nice and clear explanation. The next video could explain inheritance,
.Thanks OP, subbing to your channel. Still don't understand classes completley. But learntlittle more. My learning curve has stopped with functions.
well done
Nice explanation and video.
Quick question, I'm hearing the author say "dunder init" for the init method.
Am I losing my hearing?
Novice user here, thank you for the video.
I apologize for the somewhat elementary question, as I'm a new user struggling to conceptualize __init__(self) and it's utility.
The closest I can come understand the above is by analogy - Anaconda's v-env functionality. Within this I'm able to switch between envs and their associated kernels.
Would classes be like mini 'envs/kernels' within a single script?
Thanks again for the video.
i hate this part of python so much